The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2060 Induction Disk

Chapter 2060 Induction Disk

"So, this cliff valley is the so-called catastrophe in the fairy world?" Mia asked.

"I asked my master the same at the beginning, but my master said that there is a certain number of catastrophes. This Yagu has acted against the heavens, and sooner or later he will be punished by the heavens. However, the catastrophe in the fairy world is also approaching and the situation is critical. That's why he asked me to come to Miaoxin Go back." Luo Duan replied.

"What catastrophe will the fairy world face?" Li Xiaogang asked with a frown.It seems that things in the fairy world are not as simple as imagined.

"This master didn't say much, he just asked me to take Miao Xin back." Luo Duan hesitated, it seemed that he really didn't know.

"But, why did you put me on the planet Najib? Why didn't my mother destroy that valley?" Mia asked.

"It's very simple. At that time, your mother was pregnant at the right time. In order to prevent Yagu from going crazy and hurt innocent people, and to keep Nuwa's only blood, she temporarily left Yagu's dog life. After giving birth to you, she died The fragrance has disappeared. My master was also afraid of Yagu cutting the grass and roots, so he put you on an alien planet, which made you fall to such a great extent. But now that you have found you, you can go back and kill that old bastard Yagu. Kill your breath!" Luo Duan said.

After hearing Luo Duan's narration, Mia felt a surge of yearning and admiration for her mother again, but when she thought that she was still powerless, she couldn't help sighing: "Oh, I, I don't know anything. No way, how to eradicate the traitors in the door!"

"You are a fairy body, and you have the fairy roots and blood of Nuwa since you were born. My master just asked me to take you back. I believe that after his advice, you must be able to make rapid progress and limitless." Luo Duan said affirmatively, as if I had expected Mia to say that.

"You want to take me to see the real Yunju? Brother Xiaogang, can you go too?" Mia asked, taking another look at Li Xiaogang.So far, the person she trusts the most is Li Xiaogang. If she is the only one to take her there, she will definitely have to hesitate. After all, there have been too many unexpected things in the past few days, and she still needs to think about it.

Luo Duan nodded, and said: "Since Uncle Li is destined to obtain the power of Nuwa Yuanshen, and he is also a disciple of half Nuwa, I believe the master knows, and he must really want to meet Uncle Li."

Unexpectedly, Li Xiaogang shook his head and said: "You take Miao Xin there first, I stay here, I still have some things to deal with."

When Mia heard this, she became anxious: "Brother Xiaogang, are you going to leave me there alone and ignore me?"

Li Xiaogang knows Mia's thoughts. She was lonely since she was a child, and her mother died because of her. Now there is only Li Xiaogang who is reliable. Of course, she is afraid of being left behind. To solve it, the planet Naji still needs him to save it. The surefire solution is to let Mia go back to the fairyland first and learn some self-protection skills, so that when I get to the fairyland, I won’t be blind. Everything has to be explored from the beginning. Besides, Now that Mia's life experience has been revealed in broad daylight, it is no longer safe for me or Mia to bring her by my side, so it is better to send her to the real person Yunju as soon as possible.

After making up his mind, Li Xiaogang said: "Many creatures on Najib's planet are waiting for me to save, so I want to stay, but I will definitely go to find you again."

Mia didn't know Li Xiaogang's thoughts in her heart, it was just a child's temper for a while, and she let it go after losing her temper. She also knew the burden on her shoulders, lowered her head and thought for a while, bit her lips, and said with determination: "Okay Well, just do as you said, but you must come to me, and you can't break your promise!"

"Don't worry, Mia, oh, no, I should call you Miao Xin, I have long regarded you as my sister who is connected by blood, you believe me, Li Xiaogang, and I will definitely go to you again in the future!" Li Xiaogang said affirmatively. Mia said.For him, although he is considered a great god-level task, he really did not expect to be able to embark on the immortal journey one day. He has no chance with the fairy world. As the saying goes, there are different paths for humans and immortals. This is a rare opportunity to enter the fairy world. How could he just give up and leave?Even if he wasn't for Miao Xin, he would follow Luo Duan to the fairy world.

When I was in a trance, Luo Duan said again: "I have been away for several days. If there is nothing else, I will take Miao Xin and leave first. Miao Xin, what do you think?"

Mia hadn't fully adapted to the transition from "Mia" to "Miaoxin", so she paused before reacting and said, "Okay. But, can I come back to this Najib planet?"

But Luo Duan grabbed her shoulders and said seriously: "Miao Xin, you must forget that you are Mia, forget that you have been to the planet Najib, and forget everything on the planet Najib, including the Monte who raised you. Li, including the people you know, moreover, you can’t come back to Planet Najib, once you mess up the rules, it’s likely to bring disaster to Planet Najib! In the future, you can only be Miaoxin, not Mia , you know, if those forces in the fairy world know that you have been wandering in the world for a while, what will be the consequences? They will question Nuwa and you, which will be very detrimental to you!"

Listening to Luo Duan's series of words, Mia seems to understand, but the fairy world must be the same as the world, there are rules and regulations, and she doesn't belong here, so why bother to force a relationship with the planet Najib?Thinking of this, Mia seemed to have grown up a lot, knew how to let go, knew how to give up, she said firmly: "Luo Duan, you are right, I will be Miao Xin in the future, and to be the original me is what I should do Yes, isn't it?"

Li Xiaogang also nodded appreciatively, and interjected: "Mia, you have infinite wisdom, and you will definitely achieve great success in the future! Believe me, when I see you again, you will definitely be different from the past."

Mia smiled, and jokingly said: "Brother Xiaogang, why are you calling me Mia again? I am Miaoxin, and I can't make any mistakes in the future!"

Li Xiaogang patted his head and said with a smile: "I'm so old-fashioned. I'm talking about you here, but I've made a mess of myself over there."

Luo Duan didn't speak, he just took out a disc from his arms, and saw that he was turning the pointer on the disc back and forth, as if he was looking for a position.Li Xiaogang had also been exposed to some knowledge about cultivating immortals before, and he guessed that Luo Duan was looking for the best position in the fairy world, but seeing that Luo Duan was so focused, it was inconvenient to disturb him, so he waited quietly with Mia.Sure enough, after fiddling with it for a while, Luo Duan suddenly said excitedly: "Miao Xin, come here quickly, we can go back in 5 minutes."

Then Li Xiaogang hurriedly asked, "How can I find you next time?"

Luo Duan brought Mia to his side, fixed his position, and hurriedly said to Li Xiaogang: "Look at me, I'm really rough. I almost forgot to tell you about such an important matter. We have to bring Mia with us when we come to the world from the fairy world. Go to the 'Induction Disk', the induction disk is the link between the human world and the fairy world, with the induction disk, as long as you consume a certain amount of energy, you can communicate with the space nodes in the fairy world, and then you can reach the fairy world smoothly."

"Could it be possible to go anytime and anywhere?" Li Xiaogang was puzzled, feeling that things were not that simple.

"Of course not. Time, space, and even energy use must be unified. On the planet Najib, this clock tower is the best entry point, which is my position. Also, in the early morning of the eighth day of every month, it is The best lift-off time. This induction plate can be used for the last time, and I will leave it to you. Remember, once you arrive in the fairyland, come to Lanruo Mountain to find us!” Luo Duan said loudly, and after finishing speaking, he threw the induction plate to Li Xiaogang.

At this time, a strong light flashed across the sky, covering Luo Duan and the two of them. This strong light flashed over and over again, and also emitted colorful rays of light. up.

After they left, Li Xiaogang picked up the sensor and put it on his body without thinking. It seems that it will be a month before he arrives at the Immortal Realm at the earliest, and it is useless to think about it now.At this time, he suddenly heard a "chug" sound above his head, and Li Xiaogang looked up. It turned out that Monterey and his subordinate Bell were coming to look for him in a fighter plane. Li Xiaogang waved his hand symbolically to show safety.Monterey then circled over and landed.

"Where's Mia?" Monterey glanced around as soon as he got off the plane.

"Don't look for it, Mia was taken away by a mysterious person." Li Xiaogang said.

Monterey let out an "oh", obviously expecting this result, but his expression was still full of disappointment, and he said, "The mysterious man..."

Before Monterey finished speaking, Li Xiaogang interrupted him, saying: "Don't mention this matter in the future, otherwise it will bring unwarranted disasters to Planet Najib. As for Mia, just pretend that she has never appeared here. If When someone asked, they said that she was taken away by her family, and we should try to play down everyone's memory of her, do you understand?"

Monterey had already been mentally prepared, and he didn't find it strange to hear Li Xiaogang say that, so he nodded and changed the subject, but said something that Li Xiaogang was very concerned about: "I received a call from Starley, they may have encountered Emergencies."

Li Xiaogang frowned: "What kind of emergency? Did you encounter any strange things?"

"Huh? How do you know?" Monterey had a strange look on his face, apparently Li Xiaogang had guessed right.

"I met a bald minister on Trina Island, and I learned from him that there might be a different kind in the Demon Flame Sea, but I didn't expect this kind to show up so quickly." Li Xiaogang replied succinctly.

Monterey nodded and said, "Saving people is like putting out a fire. I don't think it's too late. Let's go there!"

(End of this chapter)

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