The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2061 Strict deployment

Chapter 2061 Strict deployment
Li Xiaogang chuckled secretly, knowing that what Monterey was really worried about was the collective fall of the elites of Planet Najib. He was afraid that there would be no successors after the recovery of Planet Najib!However, he didn't pierce Monterey's thoughts, instead he said: "I think you should stay here, there is still a lot of preparatory work to be done for the reconstruction of Najib's planet, not everything can be done at once, and Via's party members are still there. To get rid of it, his wife Daisy is not a fuel-efficient lamp in my opinion, you still have to keep a close eye on it. In short, the rear is not very smooth, and we can't go all out."

When Monterey heard Li Xiaogang's words, he really admired Li Xiaogang's words, and said with admiration: "Xiao Gang, you are really amazing. To be honest, I also thought of this, but..."

"But, you're afraid that I'm an earthling, and leave you alone and run away, right?" Li Xiaogang smiled "haha", and said what Monterey wanted to say next but didn't say it.

Monterey coughed in embarrassment, waved his hands, and said, "I won't talk about this, we already know what you are, and no matter what you ask for in the future, I will definitely do my best to help!"

"That is, I am on Earth, and you are on the planet Najib. There are many places where we will help each other in the future. I will not help you for no reason!" Li Xiaogang said bluntly, but he had already thought about it. The auspicious planet is now full of smog, but after all, it has not hurt its vitality. There are many cutting-edge science and medicine that the earth does not have. Is it just a matter of one sentence for individuals to come to study?

Monterey didn't expect that Li Xiaogang had already settled the accounts so clearly, and continued to greet him: "You are the messenger from the earth, and the people on the earth will be our relatives from now on, a family!"

Li Xiaogang smiled slightly, and said: "You are right, but it is too early to say anything, I still want to hurry to the Magic Flame Sea to save the elites of Planet Najib." But he was still more worried about Li Wenqing and the others.

Monterey didn't dare to delay, so he hurriedly let Li Xiaogang set off, and was going to send Li Xiaogang the fastest aircraft on the Najib planet.

Li Xiaogang quickly shook his head and said, "For so many years, I've been used to doing it myself, so I don't bother with your aircraft." After finishing speaking, a purple light flashed, and the person disappeared.

Monterey had already seen Li Xiaogang's extraordinary ability, but he was still amazed by Li Xiaogang's "speed running" stunt, Bell was completely dumbfounded, and asked stammeringly, "Is this a man or a god?"

Monterey said with a smile: "It's hard to say, Li Xiaogang is righteous, brave and resourceful, this is a human character, but he is very capable and omnipotent, he is like a god!" His face showed great reverence look.

"Then, who is the mysterious person he mentioned just now?" Bell asked again.

Monterey's expression changed, and he scolded: "What mysterious person? And everything we said just now, you are not allowed to mention it to anyone in the future!"

Monterey seldom behaved so abnormally. Bell knew that he had asked something that shouldn't be asked, and thought to himself that he was really talkative, so he immediately replied: "Understood, General."

Monterey nodded in satisfaction, looked into the distance, and frowned, knowing that his retirement plan seemed to be running aground. For the future of Planet Najib, he, the old general, still had to take the lead. There are still many, many things to do in the future.

"Bell obey!" Monterey suddenly ordered with his gaze back.

"Yes." Bell knelt on one knee and replied.

"Now take me to King Joey of Mecca, and at the same time, you quickly send a signal to summon all the soldiers to meet in Mecca, saying that I have important arrangements." Monterey said in a deep voice.

Bell nodded, knowing that Monterey had been sharpening for ten years, and it was time for the sword to be unsheathed.

Twenty or ten minutes later, the two arrived at the capital of Mecca by plane. Because they had been notified by Bell in advance, King Joey of Mecca led the crowd to wait outside for Monterey.

Seeing Monterey get off the plane, Joey hurriedly stepped forward to meet him.

"Joy, help me summon the leaders of the countries to come to you, I have something important to announce." Monterey immediately ordered when he saw Joey.

Following Monterey's instructions, Joey immediately answered "yes", and quickly asked the Minister of Internal Affairs to notify him quickly.If it weren't for a special period, Monterey, as the general of the Planetary Federation, would never pay attention to the small country of Mecca, let alone tell him what the little king should do. Monterey is really flattered and honored to do things.

"Uncle Monterey, if you have any orders, just tell me, and I will definitely do it with quality and quantity." Joey followed Monterey to the meeting room, saying as he walked.

"Let's discuss later." Monterey only said these four words in a low voice for a long time. It seemed that he was afraid of people talking too much and didn't want to say too much.

Joey obviously understood what Monterey meant, so he simply shut up and went to the meeting room. After the crowd retreated, Monterey finally spoke: "Now the planet Najib is in chaos, and there are still some mutants who are acting recklessly. , I want to unite the forces of all countries to rebuild the planet Najib."

At this moment, someone happened to rush in.When the two of them took a closer look, they found that it was a bold soldier.

"You bastard, who told you to come in without telling me, there are really no rules!" Joey yelled loudly.

"No, no, king, sir, something is wrong! A monster has broken in and is killing innocent people outside! Now, dozens of people have died now!" The soldier was panting, ignoring his excuses. Said.

"What, what?" When Joey heard that dozens of people died in an instant, he panicked and stuttered.

"What are you panicking about? There should be a surveillance system here. Hurry up and check out the live video, and at the same time, hurry up and mobilize the army!" Monterey said.

"Uh, yes, yes, go and tell Commander Lindsey of the army, and let him quickly mobilize the army and wait for dispatch." Joey ordered in a deep voice, thinking that with Monterey as a big backer, what kind of formation would be difficult? It was only then that I felt relieved.The soldiers went out after hearing the order, but Joey hurriedly led Monterey into the monitoring room.As soon as Monterey entered the monitoring room, he quickly turned on the dispatch video, which really stunned the on-site controllers.

"Uncle Monterey, why are you so proficient? You can do this too?" Joey asked with wide-eyed eyes. It seems that this Monterey is really not simple. It seems that he usually does it by himself, and these small things are all handled by himself. .In fact, Joey guessed wrong. Monterey, as a member of the joint committee, has already covered all parts of the world with monitoring facilities to keep abreast of the movements of various countries. The principle, of course, is that it is easy to grasp.However, time is urgent right now, and he has no time to talk nonsense with Joey. At this moment, he is staring at the screen, constantly changing directions in his hands, looking for that "monster".

"Strange, why not?" Joey couldn't help but asked strangely.

Monterey was also secretly surprised. It stands to reason that he had already conducted an all-round search of an area with a radius of [-] to [-] kilometers, and he should be able to find all suspicious objects.Suddenly, he slapped his head again and said to Joey, "Take me to your vault quickly."

"Jin, the treasury?" Joey was really dizzy, and the words "Jin Jin fleeing" suddenly appeared in his mind.

"Don't hesitate, take me there quickly." Monterey urged from the side.

Joey didn't bother to ask, and there was nothing left in his mind, thinking that since he was going to flee with money, the situation must be very dangerous, so he might as well follow Monterey's orders, maybe he could save his life.

Fortunately, the vault was not far away. After a while, Joey, Monterey, and a few special forces arrived at the key area of ​​the vault. It could be seen that the place was heavily guarded, and an awe-inspiring atmosphere emanated from the golden gate.Joey walked to the door of the vault and said softly, "I'm Joey, please open the door." But the door remained motionless.

A look of embarrassment immediately appeared on Joey's face, and he said, "I have a cold recently, and the access control system may not have recognized it all at once."

But just at this moment, the golden door opened wide with a "snap".

Joey really wanted to bump his head to death on it, but with Monterey present, he was not easy to get angry, so he yelled at some special forces: "Let you check carefully at ordinary times, if you don't come to check, if the door can't be opened today, I will Let's try some of you."

Several strong men of the special forces had no choice but to dare not speak out.

"Okay, stop talking, go in quickly, you guys are guarding here." Monterey said.

"I can't go in yet. There's still a password lock here, and I have to enter the password." Joey said cautiously, for fear that Monterey wouldn't be able to wait.

"Then hurry up!" Monterey was really annoyed with this immature fool.

Joey trembled and swished, and then walked to a cipher next to him. After losing for a long time, there was another door inside, and with a "boom", it was truly opened.A yellow light appeared from inside the door, and it seemed that the lighting system inside had also been activated.

"Remember that the committee gave each country a set of new research access control equipment? Didn't you promote it?" Monterey asked as he stepped into the vault.

"But the committee didn't provide it to us for free. Although your access control equipment is highly defensive and advanced, it's too expensive. A small country like ours can't afford it at all." Joey smiled wryly.

Monterey was speechless for a long time, and asked again: "Your treasury doesn't look small, which means you have a lot of reserves. Why can't you afford a set of access control equipment?"

(End of this chapter)

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