The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2065 Strange Old Man

Chapter 2065 Strange Old Man
Masi breathed a sigh of relief again, and muttered: "You said that you are such an old person, why do you keep making fun of me. Don't talk about the Union Building, it was Via who forced me. Now You come to force me again to do business with the federation, and I will always lose money."

"Haha, who told you that you are a world-class tycoon in the construction industry, entertainment industry, real estate industry, oil industry, and you have made a lot of money by being a member of the Federation, so be content! Doing business with the Federation, You are fishing for big fish with a long line, and you are so good at calculating, I still don’t understand?” Daisy raised her voice and said loudly, “By the way, why did those people want to capture them alive? Maybe they should be kept in the zoo for viewing. No way?" Daisy asked again, once these monsters were to be captured alive, the workload would increase exponentially, after all, it was much easier to directly kill them with weapons than to capture them alive.

Monterey slapped his head and said: "I forgot to tell you something, Starley and Princess Jona have gone to the Magic Flame Sea to find a kind of magical medicinal mud, which is said to heal these victims. , Let’s keep their lives, it is said that there are not many of these monsters.”

"However, if these monsters continue to kill people again, wouldn't we have saved them and killed others?" Daisy said.

"No, these monsters are just huge in size and average in aggressiveness. As long as people are told not to mess with them, they generally won't take the initiative to attack." Bell walked in and said at some point.

"Our basic work must be completed before Starley, Jona and the others come back, so time is running out, so let's split up." Monterey instructed.

A few people talked about some details, and then dispersed, and only Monterey was left in the conference hall.

"I don't know how Li Xiaogang and Sida Li are doing." Monterey murmured, his brows frowning again.

The vast sea always has a tolerant mind. In the endless blue sea, there is always something making waves, and there is rarely a calm time.But as far as the area of ​​Demon Flame Sea is concerned, it is more like a pool of stagnant water than the sea.The sea water here is bluer and darker than ordinary sea water. From time to time, wisps of steaming blue smoke appear from the turbulent sea. There are no crops or plants around the sea, although there are only a few monsters around. Birds pass by occasionally, but people who are in it always feel a little weird.

And Li Xiaogang, now suspended above the sea, looked at all this treacherous thing coldly.For Li Xiaogang, the Magic Flame Sea is very easy to find, because from the sky, this blue area is very eye-catching, but he was dumbfounded when it fell down. It turned out that the boundless sea is too vast, and it is hard to find. A place to stay.This gave Li Xiaogang a headache.Of course, he didn't want to enjoy the scenery here. His purpose was to find people. One was to find Starley, Princess Qiao Na, and Li Wenqing.But there is only the endless Dead Sea in front of you, not to mention people, not even a ghost.The sun came out, and the light reflected from the sea directly hit Li Xiaogang's eyes, making his eyes sour and bluer, but it was quieter here.

Just when Li Xiaogang was at his wit's end, he suddenly discovered a strange phenomenon from his slightly squinted eyes—a cylinder-shaped thing suddenly appeared on the sea surface.Li Xiaogang didn't feel strange about the appearance of this cylindrical object. Starley had told him in advance that his laboratory was built on the seabed. As long as his laboratory detected the appearance of Li Xiaogang, he would activate the A cylinder-shaped device, and this cylinder device is the switch device that reaches the passageway of the submarine laboratory. Of course, for this, Li Xiaogang also recited a large series of passwords and the like.

But what makes Li Xiaogang strange is, since Starley and the others have encountered a strange attack, is it possible that everything is a trap now?However, Li Xiaogang has already made up his mind, whether it is a trap or not, this is the only clue, and it seems that he must go.

Thinking of this, Li Xiaogang flew down, and at the same time, with a burst of purple energy, he struck the cylindrical object hard.The moment Ziqi touched the cylinder, there was a bang, and the cylinder split into two, and then sank into the bottom of the sea again and disappeared. Just when Li Xiaogang was wondering, with a dull "crash" sound, the cylinder disappeared again. A huge white sailboat ten meters square emerged from the bottom of the sea.Li Xiaogang didn't even think about it, so he flew onto the mast of the sailboat, and then started to observe carefully.The sailboat itself is not too big, the hull is all white, the lines are tough, and it looks very exquisitely made. Even Li Xiaogang, who has a lot of experience in the world, can't help but marvel at the exquisite design of Starley. No one would have thought that it was a sailboat Even though he knew in advance that the boat could lead to the underground laboratory, Li Xiaogang's expression of surprise was beyond words.

Just when Li Xiaogang was about to enter the entrance, the entrance door suddenly opened automatically, and an old man slowly walked out from inside.This old man is white-haired and bearded, with a baby-red complexion and a smile on his face. He is not an ordinary person at first glance.Li Xiaogang was secretly surprised, this is obviously a passage leading to the underground laboratory, how could an old man appear, could this be the "heterogeneous" they talked about.According to Li Xiaogang's imagination, this "heterogeneity" must at least be a tree spirit or a water monster. How could an old man appear?

Just when Li Xiaogang was wondering secretly, the old man smiled slightly and said, "You are Li Xiaogang?" He smiled very kindly.

"Next is Li Xiaogang. I don't know who you are. Can you see some of my friends?" Li Xiaogang asked bluntly.

"You see, I have taken good care of them." The old man smiled "haha", a sharp gleam flashed in his eyes.

Li Xiaogang immediately understood seven or eight points in his heart. This old man doesn't look like a good thing, but his pulse is very strong, and his internal energy is even more unfathomable. If he fights with all his strength, he can at least draw a tie.But at the moment we don't know whether Li Wenqing and the others are dead or alive, so we have to deal with him first.

"I think seniors have extraordinary strength of character. If we juniors offend us, I hope you will forgive me. However, I don't know how seniors know my name, Li Xiaogang." Li Xiaogang clasped his fists first and said.

"I am good at everything, Feng Laoxian, but I can't tolerate others taking my things casually. Your friends took my things, of course I can't let them go easily. Don't worry, I will send you and your friends to die together !” The old man smiled ferociously, his kind eyebrows and kind eyes were swept away, showing a very rampant appearance.

It turned out that this was the old fairy Feng who had descended to the mortal world. It seemed that it was a coincidence that Sida Li and the others met the old fairy Feng when they were mining medicinal mud. No wonder they were imprisoned one by one.

Hearing what Feng Laoxian said, Li Xiaogang was overjoyed and felt that he had gained a lot. First, he learned that Sida Li and the others were still alive, and second, this Feng Laoxian seemed to be from the fairy world. I didn't expect to find the clue so quickly.

"It turns out that the senior is called Feng Laoxian. The junior dares to ask again, what did my friends take from you? If they took it for no reason, I will definitely let them return the original amount." Li Xiaogang said calmly.

"I think you are quite polite, much better than your friends, but I heard from them that you are so powerful that you can shake the world and make ghosts and gods cry. I was afraid of leaving a big hidden danger, so I waited for you here early! What can you do? Come out quickly, don't waste my old fairy's time!" Feng Laoxian said slowly, but he had already practiced his skills secretly.

This crazy old man has murderous intentions, how could Li Xiaogang not know?Therefore, he also mobilized his skills in secret long ago, waiting for the blow from Old Fairy Feng.In a confrontation between strong and strong, the first to lose is often the first to attack, so the two are secretly competing, and neither is willing to strike first.

Just when the two refused to give in to each other, Feng Laoxian was not in a hurry to wait, his figure was still there, he had turned into a swift shadow and flew towards Li Xiaogang, and turned into a sharp sword piercing into Li Xiaogang, but Li Xiaogang's figure was unexpectedly Faster than this old fairy Feng, he shifted shape and changed positions long before the old fairy Feng arrived, so the old fairy Feng pounced in the first round, and only pierced into the light and shadow of a human figure of Li Xiaogang.Old Fairy Feng was shocked, he didn't expect that there were people faster than him in this world, but he quickly stabilized his mind, moved his avatar and pointed out that a light curtain was formed rapidly, and this light curtain was overwhelming, and it was about to move towards Followed by Li Xiaogang.

In the dark sky, dark clouds lingered low and low. Feng Laoxian mobilized the wind and clouds, but Li Xiaogang did not move, but the battle became more and more intense. Colorful rays of light flew far and wide, and he saw only two figures in the hazy light and shadow. You come and go, no difference .

"I think you are an old man, I asked you to do some tricks, now it's my turn to do it." Li Xiaogang suddenly said loudly.Feng Laoxian was really not killed, he was pissed off first, and was about to follow Li Xiaogang's voice to hit him hard, but he saw a purple torrent rushing towards him like a rocket, aiming at the light curtain in front of him Straight up, there was a sound of crackling and cracking, and the light curtain collapsed instantly, like a torrent suddenly meeting a rock, and thousands of beautiful colorful jade spots fell down. In the sky, there was a faint light, which is really a spectacle.Old Immortal Feng was furious, blaming himself for being too impatient, allowing Li Xiaogang to take the initiative,
However, Li Xiaogang did not know when it turned into a silver sword. Ever since he came into contact with Miaoxin, he had inadvertently penetrated the ability of turning into a sword. He saw that the silver sword was shining brightly, and the phoenix was screaming in the sky. To stab Feng Laoxian.But Old Fairy Feng has rich experience in combat, seeing Li Xiaogang approaching menacingly, he snorted coldly, but he flew out of the sky, and was about to sweep down.

(End of this chapter)

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