Chapter 2066
But how could Li Xiaogang be someone who is waiting for nothing, because he had expected that Feng Laoxian would jump over the wall in a hurry, so he had already decided to fight hard, and Feng Laoxian was also enraged to the extreme. Facing the battle, I saw that the silver sword transformed by Li Xiaogang's internal force just blocked the light curtain in front of Feng Laoxian. I was at a disadvantage, and Li Xiaogang had been standing still, saving his strength, and he had lost unintentionally.However, the two forces were unstoppable like a flood meeting a ferocious beast. The moment they collided, there was silence in the world dotted with black clouds, white mist, fresh blood, and various lights.The sun seems to be shining through the layers of fog.Old Immortal Feng was already swaying down from the sky like a leaf.

"You can't die, it's no fun if you die." Li Xiaogang snorted coldly, thinking that Feng Laoxian's old life is still useful, and he can't just let him die so easily.Suddenly, a white light burst out from the top of Li Xiaogang's head. This white light turned into a cloud and firmly intercepted Feng Laoxian. Otherwise, Feng Laoxian must have fallen from such a high altitude. It will be smashed into thousands of pieces.

Feng Laoxian was cut by this huge force, although he saved his life, but under the huge impact, he spurted out a big mouthful of blood, needless to say, his vitality was seriously injured, there is no one who has lived for thousands of years, it is There is no way to recover.The gust of wind stopped quietly, and the clouds could no longer block the sunshine that was pouring down one after another, so they had to disperse quietly.The chaotic world also began to quiet down.Li Xiaogang flew to the cloud that carried Old Fairy Feng, looked at him coldly, and asked: "Are you dead or not? Say something."

Old Immortal Feng gave a miserable laugh, struggled to sit up, and said, "You obviously spared my life on purpose, so why bother to ask?"

"It seems that although you are a domineering old man, you are also a sensible person. However, I have no grievances or enmity with you, but you find trouble with me and my friends. If I don't teach you a lesson, wouldn't I, Li Xiaogang, be an idiot? Already?" Li Xiaogang said.

"I didn't expect there to be someone with your supernatural power in the world, but I think you have a rough vitality, you take the world from the world, and your techniques are simple, not like someone from the fairy school. What is your origin?" Feng Laoxian said, trembling Standing up majestically.It was beyond his expectation to meet such a strong opponent in the next world.

"You old man is really interesting. You are obviously defeated, but you still ask me about my origin? I would like to ask, where did you come from!" Li Xiaogang said with narrowed eyes.A strong wind gradually rose on the surface of the magic flame sea, and it was getting stronger and stronger.

"Haha, I, Old Immortal Feng, is a well-known figure, but you ordinary people don't know it. The reason why I lost to you today is because I underestimated the enemy. I want to kill or kill as you please, don't talk so much nonsense " Feng Laoxian said with a "hum".No wonder, as the closed disciple of the master of the Miaoxin Sect, the number one sect in the fairy world, in the fairy world, he wants to win the wind and the rain. How can he see Li Xiaogang in his eyes?But what he said was true. He lost the battle today, and he definitely suffered from underestimating the enemy.

Li Xiaogang rubbed his chin, cast a sideways glance at Old Immortal Feng, and thought, it seems that this person is not a good person, he cannot be taken by force, it seems that he can only be outwitted!

"Well, we don't know each other. You answer my two questions, and I answer your two questions, how about it? This way we don't owe each other!" Li Xiaogang said suddenly.

Old Immortal Feng hesitated for a moment, thinking, since the defeat was at the hands of this boy, with this boy acting as a hindrance, it seems that the medicine mud will not be available at once, if he goes back in such a way, he will definitely be scolded to death by his master , If you find out the origin of the kid, you will be more confident next time.Thinking of this, he said, "Okay, I promise you."

"After all, you lost, so I'll ask first?" Li Xiaogang said mischievously.

"Okay! Ask each person one by one." Feng Laoxian said in a low voice.

"What do you want the medicinal paste for?" Li Xiaogang began to ask.

"Hey, how do you know that I'm here to get the medicinal mud?" Feng Laoxian asked strangely.

"Haha, you haven't answered my question yet, you have already asked the first question first, so you only have one chance!" Li Xiaogang clapped his hands and laughed loudly.

Feng Laoxian was so angry that his face turned red, and he couldn't refute Li Xiaogang's words, so he could only say: "Okay, let it be, then you tell me, and I will tell you."

"My friend came to Magic Flame Sea for only one purpose, and that was for this seabed medicine mud. You said they took your things, but what is this medicine mud? Actually, I just guessed it casually, no I got it right! Tell me, why on earth did you take this medicinal paste?" Li Xiaogang said with a smile.

Old Immortal Feng sighed and scolded himself for being stupid, but he had already agreed in advance and could not go back on his word, so he reluctantly replied, "My master is sick, I will take the medicinal mud to treat my master's illness!"

"Okay, then let me ask the second question, where did you hide my friend?" Li Xiaogang asked again, this was the question he was most concerned about.At this time, the wind on the sea was getting stronger and stronger, the dark clouds gathered and dispersed, and the sky gradually sank.

Old Immortal Feng also looked at the sky, smiled strangely, but didn't speak, just pointed down.Li Xiaogang understood, he meant that Li Wenqing and the others were really in the submarine laboratory under the ship.

"Now it's my turn to ask! Where did you get your strength?" Feng Laoxian asked again.

"Haha, that's an easy answer. My power is given to me by my mother!" Li Xiaogang replied seriously.

"Your mother? Who is your mother?" Feng Laoxian was confused and asked curiously.

"This is the third question!" Li Xiaogang reminded.

"This..." Feng Laoxian was speechless.

"Well, since we met once, I'll give you one for nothing." Li Xiaogang pretended to be helpless and said, "I was like this when my mother gave birth to me. Of course my skills are given by my mother! Use us Ordinary people say, it was born in the womb!"

"Bastard!" Feng Laoxian was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood, and cursed loudly.It's a pity that the blood was almost spat out just now, and his veins also burst out, and his face became an even uglier liver color.

Li Xiaogang looked up and laughed.Running around for days made him feel a bit boring and boring. Today, he just teased the old man, and he felt very good!But what puzzled him was that the sky was originally clear, but why did it get dark all of a sudden, and the sea was so calm that there was not even a wave, so where did the strong wind come from?Besides, the strong wind is getting stronger and stronger, and it can be called a hurricane.If it weren't for the strong determination, the usual somersault would have been blown out of the sky.

But Old Fairy Feng didn't show any strange expression, as if he was used to this kind of weather change, a strange cunning was added to his furious face.Suddenly, his expression became solemn, as if he was making a huge decision, and his pale face flickered in the hurricane.Of course Li Xiaogang also noticed Feng Laoxian's strange behavior, but just when he was puzzled, he saw Feng Laoxian jumped with all his strength, leaning over the clouds and rushing out from the clouds like an arrow that leaves the string.Li Xiaogang was about to stop him when a gust of wind blew by. Under the cover of the gloomy sky, the old fairy Feng disappeared quickly, as if he disappeared in a second.

"Hmph, God helped you this time, you won't be so lucky next time!" Li Xiaogang scolded.

However, it was strange to say that not long after Feng Laoxian fled, the bad weather gradually receded, the sun came out from the dark clouds, and the strong wind gradually stopped, but the sea was still calm.

However, what Li Xiaogang is most concerned about now is not the whereabouts of Feng Laoxian, but the life and death of Li Wenqing and Sida Li.

While thinking in his heart, he swiftly flew to the white sailboat leading to the underwater laboratory. There was nothing empty on the white boat, except for that door, which was the place where Old Fairy Feng came out. It is most likely to find Starley and the others through here.

Thinking of this, he walked to the door, pushed lightly, and the door opened very quickly.Roughly as imagined, what appeared in front of my eyes was a long ladder leading all the way to the bottomless underground.

Li Xiaogang activated Nuwa's divine power and looked down intently, but he didn't see how deep the ladder led.Taking a deep breath, a strong smell of the sea came to the nostrils. It seems that this place indeed leads directly to the bottom of the sea.

Fortunately, this passage is quite spacious. Half an hour later, Li Xiaogang finally reached the bottom of this ladder. At this time, he was in a "space" surrounded by transparent materials. In the film, Li Xiaogang could vaguely see some unknown creatures swimming around.

The reason why it is called space is because the place he is currently in is very wide, except for some large and small instruments and living utensils, there are almost no other superfluous things, so it looks even more empty.Strangely, here, he didn't see any figure.It seems that no one has appeared here.

Isn't this the underground laboratory of Starley, or that old fairy Feng lied to me?Li Xiaogang wondered.

However, he quickly denied his own thoughts. The scene here was the same as what Si Dali had described to him at the beginning, and Feng Laoxian was only acquainted with him for the first time, so there was no need to lie to himself.Aren't these people hiding in this laboratory?Or is there another mystery in this laboratory?
Li Xiaogang speculated on several possibilities, and then investigated again.Sure enough, he made another major discovery.

It turned out that Li Xiaogang found another secret door on the floor in a corner.

Opening the secret door, it turned out to be another ladder leading to the ground.With previous experience, Li Xiaogang's actions were more decisive than the first time.

(End of this chapter)

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