The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2067 Meeting at the Seabed

Chapter 2067 Meeting at the Seabed
After arriving at the bottom, Li Xiaogang found that this place, like the upper floor, is also a "space" surrounded by transparent materials.

But here is more like a laboratory, various testing instruments are "ticking", the utensils are full, and several computers are running non-stop.A "white coat" was sitting in front of one of the computers intently, and there were several people around him, as if they were discussing something.Li Xiaogang was overjoyed. That white coat was obviously Starley, and those who surrounded him were Princess Qiaona, Li Wenqing and Leon Horton.Li Xiaogang's hanging heart finally fell down, and he walked towards them with big strides.

Hearing the movement behind them, several people also turned around at the same time, and shouted in unison: "Xiao Gang!"

"Brother Xiaogang, you're here! Did you come with Uncle Monterey? Hey, where are they?" Princess Qiaona asked quickly.

"Don't look, Monterey is cleaning up the mess of Planet Najib, but seeing that you are all well, I am relieved." Li Xiaogang laughed.

"We've always been fine! Where did you say that?" Who knows, Li Wenqing was at a loss, and looking at the rest of the people, they all looked strange.

"Didn't you encounter any other species? Didn't you ask me to come and save you?" Li Xiaogang asked.

Several people shook their heads at the same time, apparently not knowing what Li Xiaogang was talking about.

Now it was Li Xiaogang's turn to be confused.However, after a while, Li Xiaogang suddenly understood that Feng Laoxian must have tried to erase the memories of these people. Only in this way can no trace be left and it will not violate the way of heaven.But this is also good, and saves Li Xiaogang from explaining to them for a long time.

"Xiao Gang, what's going on?" Li Wenqing saw that Li Xiaogang was wrong, and finally couldn't help asking.

"Hey, Monterey told me that I received a notice from you, saying that you were being stalked by a different kind, and that's why I hurried over here. From this point of view, everything is just a misunderstanding, everything is a misunderstanding." Li Xiaogang said truthfully .

"That's right. When I checked the information records, I also found that we did contact Uncle Monterey a few days ago. It seems that it was an operational error, which caused a misunderstanding." Starley also said, and then asked : "Xiao Gang, is the journey going well?"

"It's going well, it's going well, how about you? Where's the progress!" Li Xiaogang replied.While thinking to himself that the memories of these people have been completely wiped out, they didn't mention anything about his fight with Feng Laoxian.

But after Elder Feng ran away in despair, he didn't go far.Since he has been to this magic flame sea many times, he has a very good understanding of the natural climate of this generation.

Because there are a lot of trace elements and minerals deposited on the bottom of the Demon Flame Sea, and because the north is surrounded by mountains and the ground is low-lying, the density of seawater is particularly high.However, the wind in the south is strong, and when it reaches the Demon Flame Sea, it is blocked by the Ula Mountains, so a strong hurricane forms on the surface of the Demon Flame Sea every day.But even though it came fiercely, it went quickly.

Li Xiaogang came to the Demon Flame Sea for the first time, of course he was not aware of this, and of course Feng Laoxian knew all of this well, so he played a trick of hiding and seeking with the help of the momentum of the wind and sand.

Originally, he wanted to find a place to recover his vitality and then come to Li Xiaogang to settle accounts, but when he thought that the time limit set by his master was approaching, it delayed the important event of Master Yagu. However, when he went down, Sida Li and the others had already extracted some The essence of the medicinal mud, originally he wanted to let the people like Si Dali take some more away, which was the main reason why he left Si Dali and others alive at that time.But now Li Xiaogang, an uninvited guest, appeared again, which was really unexpected. It seemed that it was better for him to go back to the fairy world first, so as not to delay the master's important event.

Not only that, for the resurrection of the real Yagu, Feng Laoxian also did a major event a few days ago, which was to collect the souls of thousands of people on Trina Island. Now, the souls of more than a thousand people are all in In the pouch on Feng Laoxian's body.

This is also the reason why he and Li Xiaogang were a little timid in the fight. Once Li Xiaogang discovered the existence of these primordial spirits, there might be extra problems. If something goes wrong, it is really hopeless.Thinking of this, Old Immortal Feng no longer hesitated, thinking that it would not be too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years, so it is better to finish the important affairs of the master first.And tomorrow is the deadline, and time is running out, so it's better to hurry.

After all, Feng Laoxian took out a square wooden utensil. This square utensil is also a kind of sensor similar to Feisheng Xianjie, but it is an enhanced version of the prototype sensor used by Luo Duan. The beauty of the square sensor is that it does not matter the occasion. And the location, you can fly to the fairyland at any time. Compared with the circular sensor, it has advantages in space and time. The disadvantage is that it needs qualification certification, that is, you must go to a specialized agency in the fairyland to obtain the certification. After connecting with your own sensor can be used.

It's no wonder that Luo Duan and his master have lived in the mountains for a long time, so they can't go to any specialized agency for qualification certification. It's no wonder that they still use old circular sensors.

Feng Laoxian activated the sensor, and sure enough, he returned to the fairyland in a short time.However, as soon as he arrived at his territory in Jihong Mountain, Yuniang had already been waiting there anxiously for him.Because he had agreed with Yuniang in advance that he would come back in the near future, and he had asked her to send the main force to guard the mourning hall of Master Yagu Zhenren Yuanshen, so seeing Yuniang's anxious face, he felt ominous in his heart.

"Old Immortal Feng, you're back! You said you'll be back in the near future, why didn't you come back until today!" When Yuniang saw Old Immortal Feng, it was as if she had seen a life-saving straw.

"What's going on? You're so flustered!" Feng Laoxian asked with a frown.Not to mention that his primordial spirit had just been destroyed, he was in a very bad mood. At this moment, he didn't want to hear any bad news anymore.

"That's right, that's right..." Different from the impatience just now, when she heard Feng Laoxian's question, Yu Niang stuttered and didn't know what to say.

"If you have something to say quickly, what are you hesitating for?" Feng Laoxian said impatiently.I thought this bitch was really annoying.

"That's right! Do you still remember a young man named Wang Sanlang? He, he actually broke into the temple you asked me to guard... Then, for some reason, he disappeared inside. It’s gone! And, there’s a horrible black smoke coming out of it, we followed your orders and didn’t dare to go in and look…” Yu Niang said in a low voice.

Although Yuniang talked endlessly, it was enough to make Feng Laoxian jump up.Sure enough, Old Fairy Feng's expression also changed, and he said furiously, "What are you talking about! How dare you let someone in!"

"No, I didn't let him in, I asked him to take care of him, he, he actually guarded himself..." Yu Niang tremblingly said.

"Hmph, nonsense! Didn't I let that kid and Wan An become outer disciples? Why did he come here to visit the temple!" Feng Laoxian asked angrily.

"Hey, it's hard to say! Since Furong's death, there have been many rumors from the servants, saying that we kill people here casually, so many ordinary people are unwilling to send their daughters here, and some people even escaped. Therefore, our manpower It's not enough, and I'm afraid that there will be some mistakes in the temple, like Senior Brother Wan An asked a few people to come over to help, but Wang Sanlang asked to be transferred over, something went wrong." Yu Niang intermittently explain.It turned out that Wang Sanlang peeped at the strange scene in the temple at that time, and out of curiosity of young people, he took the opportunity to take a look. Who knew that by mistake, he offended the soul of the famous master of the Miaoxin Gate, Master Yagu.

"Oh, you are really bastards!" Feng Laoxian raised his palm, wishing to kill Yu Niang in one chapter, but he put down his raised hand again. The most important thing to do is to kill people without the slightest effect. Maybe it will backfire. It's still useful for mother to stay, so let's go and see the master's condition now.

Yuniang saw that Feng Laoxian's face was cloudy and sometimes sunny, of course she was panicked, but seeing Feng Laoxian slowly put down her hand, she knew that her life was temporarily saved, so she quickly knelt down and kept going. The son begged for mercy: "Thank you, Old Immortal Feng, for not killing me. My Yuniang is so heartbroken that I will do my best to serve the Elder Immortal!"

"Hmph, what are you talking about now? Take me to the temple to have a look! And, call me everyone who was present that day, and don't let anyone stay!" Feng Laoxian flicked his sleeves, coldly road.

Of course, Yu Niang kowtowed and answered yes.

"By the way, who else knows this news?" Feng Laoxian asked again.

"Because there wasn't much commotion at the time, I immediately locked up everyone at the scene and asked everyone involved to keep it secret, including Senior Brother Wan'an himself, who didn't know!" Yu Niang hurriedly replied , stood up by the way.

Feng Laoxian nodded, obviously satisfied with Yuniang's approach.

"How do those deputy sect masters react these days?" Feng Laoxian seemed to ask casually.

"At that time they asked when the sect master would come, and I followed what Feng Laoxian told you before, the sect master is already on the way, so they didn't seem to have too many questions." Yu Niang replied tentatively, I'm afraid that if I don't answer a question well, I will die.

"Hurry up and do what I arranged!" Feng Laoxian ordered.

After Yuniang stepped back, Old Fairy Feng strode towards the temple.

"You bastard, why did you come back now!" A gloomy middle-aged man's voice came from inside the cauldron.

Old Immortal Feng hurriedly made a bow, and hurriedly replied: "Master, don't blame me, I met a strong man on the road, but hey, I found this magic medicine that replaces Dragon King Grass!" The extract of Yanhai sea medicine mud was thrown into the cauldron.

(End of this chapter)

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