The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2073 Unexpected Helpers

Chapter 2073 Unexpected Helpers

"Will you dilute the medicine in a high-pressure environment and inject it into the patient?" Princess Jona asked again.

"This is the simplest thing. As long as you are engaged in scientific research, these are basic skills. As long as you have equipment and medicine, it is not a problem!" Xiao Ke quickly replied.This is too simple for him.

"I know it's easy for you, but my patients are all frozen people on the verge of death! You have to think carefully!" Hu Rong added, she understood that Princess Qiaona wanted to use Xiao Ke to heal Shen Qihong and the others as soon as possible. In case of long nights and dreams.

"This... I haven't tried it, and I can't guarantee it." Xiao Ke said hesitantly, wondering what kind of medicine these people were selling in the gourd.

"I don't care if you tried it or not. In short, if these people are dead, you must be dead. Only when these people are alive will you have a chance to live, understand?" Hu Rong said fiercely.

"I..." Xiao Ke was still hesitating.

"Asshole! You don't think in circles. Let me tell you, if you don't do it, you will be dead. If you do it, you still have a 50.00% chance of living. Isn't the account clear? Why hesitate?" Song Shuang couldn't bear it. Xiao Ke's mother-in-law scolded.

The chance of success is still very high, as long as the blood vessels and metabolic systems of these frozen people are not damaged, the injection will not be affected!Xiao Ke thought to himself.

Thinking of this, he felt that he had another bargaining chip in his hand, so he said: "I know that I will be defeated if I fall into your hands, but since you promised to give me half the chance of living, I might as well make it clear. If I save your people, you must let me go!"

"You really got your nose on your face! Just give you a little sun, and you will be brilliant, I think you'd better save people first!" Hu Rong said angrily.

"Miss Hu, it's really tiring for you to take care of me these days, but I guess you are also a businessman. Let's explain the conditions clearly, so that I can go all out. If I am under too much pressure, There is no guarantee that I will perform normally!" Xiao Ke showed his true color as a rascal.

"Hmph, I don't want to talk to you. It's important to save people now. As long as people are saved, I'll give you a life!" Hu Rong said, scolding Xiao Ke for being shameless in her heart. Bear with it.

"Miss Hu is really happy, it's not too late, then I'll go save people with you now!" Xiao Ke slapped his chest and vowed.

"Jonna, take a few people to the plane to get the medicine. I'll take this Xiao Ke to the freezer to see how Shen Qihong and the others are doing, and then you can find me in the laboratory!" Hu Rong said.

"Then how many of us?" Gao Yuanyuan asked.

"Sister, just stay here. The air in the laboratory is not suitable for pregnant women. Then Linger and Song Shuang will stay here, and everyone else will go to the laboratory with me to help!" Hu Rong quickly made arrangements.

By the time everyone gathered in the lab, it was already two hours later.

Xiao Ke followed Hu Rong into the freezing room, and made a judgment in a short while. Shen Qihong and the others must be injected with Ketoxin within five hours, otherwise they are likely to mutate into another kind of creature. Individuals are out of control.Xiao Ke did a comprehensive physical examination for Shen Qihong, Hu Dinghai, Sun Gan, Huang Zeyou, and Liu Xuehai respectively. Fortunately, the vital signs were very obvious. After completing this work, Xiao Ke had a bottom line.Therefore, as soon as Princess Qiaona brought the toxin over, and because the "Genesis" itself also had this condition, Xiao Ke started to dilute the medicine.

Everything was completed very smoothly, no wonder, for a "bad talent" like Xiao Ke, this program is simply familiar. At that time, designing the "Sleeping Beauty" virus, this kind of thing was repeated many times, so, no After a while, the medicine dilution work was completed.Now, the last item left, which is the most anticipated item, is to inject patients.

Therefore, Xiao Ke put Ketoxin into a special syringe. This syringe is also a vacuum device, and it is a supporting device for Starley's research on Ketoxin. In my own pocket, I still want to keep it for future research and use.

"Now, you turn off the freezing device and observe their questions at the same time. Once it reaches the normal temperature level of a human, tell me immediately." Xiao Ke ordered, with no other expressions on his stern face.Of course, he is also looking forward to whether this gram of toxin can eliminate the virus he created.

Song Shuang has been in charge of the freezer's care for the past few days, so he is very familiar with the operation functions of the freezer. Hearing Xiao Ke's ignorance, he quickly executed the operation.As the temperature of the freezer slowly cools down, the indicator light starts to change from red to green, indicating that the freezer is beginning to tend to normal room temperature.

Xiao Ke looked at his watch, half an hour had passed since the indicator light turned green.

"Let's go in, we can start to act." Xiao Ke finally said.

As soon as they entered, the smell of soda potion came over their nostrils. The faces of Hu Rong, Chang Xuefei and Song Shuang were indescribably solemn and nervous. Now Shen Qihong and other five people's lives were hanging by a thread. Success or failure depended on it.There were five people lying quietly in the freezing room, and everyone's heartbeat could only be heard in the silence.

"Xiao Ke, do we just need to inject all the medicine into their blood vessels? Do we need to make any preparations in advance?" Princess Jona asked.She has been with Sida Li since she was a child, and she has been exposed to it a lot, and she also understands some common sense of medical care.

"I still don't know that this anti-toxin was developed by Starley. Since he didn't explain it, I think it's better to adapt to the situation." Xiao Ke replied succinctly.He had already walked in front of several people and injected them one by one.

Time passed by, and the few people who could receive the injection did not respond at all.This can't help but make the nerves of the tense people even more tense.

"Don't be too nervous. I read the information about toxin suppression before. It takes a while for the drug to be absorbed and diffused. The more toxins in the body, the longer it takes. Don't worry. Although there is no other reaction, but At least for now, we can be sure that there is no rejection," said Princess Jona comfortingly.

In fact, she was extremely nervous. This was the first time Kedu was put into use, and she really didn't dare to think about it.

"I'm not worried about their drug reaction, I'm afraid of what will happen if they mutate before the toxin takes effect!" Song Shuang expressed her concerns.

"That's not true! The anti-toxin works very fast. As far as I know, the anti-toxin can also be used on mutants, so it should also apply to them. I think you should stop thinking about it." Princess Jona said .

"Look, look, Huang Zeyou's finger moved!" Hu Rong suddenly yelled.Pointing to one of them, he said in surprise.

As he said, Huang Zeyou's left hand moved a few times. Although it was only a slight movement, it was enough to surprise the few people present.

"This is a good sign, indicating that his brain has started to function! Ketoxin has already acted on his brain! This is very critical. As long as the brain is mobilized, as long as the muscles and body tissues are not damaged by trauma, his body will There should be corresponding reactions in other parts soon." Xiao Ke quickly made a judgment.

After a while, the other four also reacted to varying degrees.

"Qin Qin!" Huang Zeyou suddenly called out chaotically. Although it was very hoarse and strenuous, it was very clear.

"What is Qin Qin?" Princess Jona and Xiao Ke asked at the same time.

"Qin Qin is his wife." Hu Rong simply explained.

The two said "Oh" in unison.Suddenly, the complexions of several people began to turn pale, and bead-sized beads of sweat ooze from their foreheads.

"Oxygen! Bring the oxygen cylinder!" Xiao Ke suddenly shouted.

The few people who had been on standby had no time to think, and immediately ran out to bring some oxygen bags.

"We are all flexible packaging, no oxygen cylinders, only oxygen bags." Hu Rong quickly handed the oxygen bags to Xiao Ke, while explaining.

"It's all right." Xiao Ke responded, and quickly covered them with oxygen, and the faces of Shen Qihong and the five began to turn rosy.

"This is a response to hypoxia. They have stayed in the freezing room for a long time, and their respiratory system has been disordered. Once they enter normal temperature, the body's need for oxygen must be higher than that of ordinary people. Therefore, it is necessary to supplement sufficient oxygen at this time, otherwise it will be difficult. It will cause suffocation." Xiao Ke explained after finishing all this.

"Since they need oxygen, does it mean that all signs are no different from ordinary people, and they are out of danger!" Princess Jona asked.

"It can be said that, but we still need to observe. The time of coma was too long before, and there must be a recovery period, but the environment in this freezer is indeed not good. They need to regularly measure various indicators of the body, and absorb enough. Oxygen and special equipment to help activities, it would be great if there is a special nursing room." Xiao Ke looked up and looked around, and said.

"This kind of activity room is available on the "Genesis". Moreover, Shen Qihong set up this function himself at the time, saying it was to prevent heavy casualties, but he didn't expect him to use it first." Hu Rong shrugged, She wanted to laugh but felt that the occasion was not right, but she made up her mind that once Shen Qihong woke up, she would definitely blackmail him.

"It's good! Once they regain normal consciousness, they will be transferred to a specialized care unit." Xiao Ke said.

"How long will it take to regain normal consciousness?" After waiting for more than half an hour, Chang Xuefei couldn't hold her breath when she saw that these people were still "sleeping".

"Soon." Xiao Ke looked at his watch, then checked the barometer next to him, and judged in a deep voice.

(End of this chapter)

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