Chapter 2074
Just when he finished saying this, Huang Zeyou coughed and suddenly opened his eyes. When he saw Xiao Ke for the first time, he suddenly yelled "Ah" in horror!It's no wonder that Princess Qiaona is an alien with sharp ears and white skin. Huang Zeyou was inevitably shocked when he saw her for the first time.

Hu Rong dragged Xiao Ke aside, lay on Huang Zeyou's face, shook his face with her hand, and kept saying, "Huang Zeyou, do you still remember who I am? Huang Zeyou, talk!"

Because of lying down for too long, Huang Zeyou's face was a little swollen, and he opened his eyes forcefully, as if he had recognized it, and said with difficulty and intermittently: "You, you are Hu...Hu Rong, right? , Hu Rong!"

Hu Rong was so excited that tears almost came out. She wiped her tears and choked up and said, "You bastard, if you really can't survive, how can I explain to Qin Qin!"

Princess Qiao Na saw that Hu Rong, who was stronger, shed tears for others, and then took another look at this affectionate and sexual woman.

"Where am I? Am I dead?" Huang Zeyou said with difficulty, struggling to sit up.

His last memory was still in the abandoned building of the Star Federation, fighting to the death with some monster, and now he suddenly appeared in the "Genesis", which really made him a little confused. He looked around again and found that Next to him lay the unconscious Sun Gan, who exclaimed again: "What happened to the others? Are they all dead?"

"You, are you the only one who died? You are the only one who curses me to death every day." Sun Gan also spoke suddenly, although his voice was too sour to speak, but he did not change his nature of being poor-mouthed.

"Ah! That's great, Sun Gan has come back to life too! I love your elder brother Starley so much! You have developed such a good life-saving medicine!" Song Shuang said happily when he saw that two people had survived in a row. Watching Princess Jona jump up and down again.

Princess Jona curled her lips and said, "Then you should marry my brother, but my brother is still single!"

"That can't be done. If I find an alien to be my husband, won't I have a different life in the future?" Song Shuang didn't think so, "chichi" laughed.

"You silly woman, you have really followed her way. You are eating from the bowl and looking at the pot. Be careful, I will tell my husband to divorce you!" Hu Rong's spicy mouth is not forgiving.

"Can you pay more attention to the patients? You still have the energy to joke around! Shen Qihong, Hu Dinghai, and Liu Xuehai are still lying there unconscious!" Chang Xuefei shook her head, really can't do anything with these crazy women .

"Oh, by the way, I was so happy that I almost forgot! There are still three people who are not out of danger!" Hu Rong restrained her smile.

"Don't worry, the three of them are older, so they might wake up later!" Song Shuang said nonsensically, saying that if Shen Qihong and the others could hear it, they would really be revived alive.

At this moment, Shen Qihong suddenly coughed violently, and he began to shake violently.

"Did I hit it?" Seeing Shen Qihong's "cooperative" actions, Song Shuang thought that Shen Qihong had really heard her joke.

"Don't talk, this person must be quite poisoned. This is Ketoxin fighting against the toxins in his body. Whether he can pass this level depends on this last fight!" Xiao Ke said solemnly.

Everyone's complexions became gloomy again. Not only Shen Qihong, but also Hu Dinghai and Liu Xuehai had severe coughs to varying degrees. It seemed that whether they could pass this test really depended on their own willpower.

At this time, Sun Gan and Huang Zeyou had completely regained consciousness, they were sober, and they had been helped aside by everyone. It was because they were weak, and they wanted them to go to the nursing room to recuperate, but the two of them couldn't let go. Others wanted to stay here, so everyone had no choice but to follow their wishes.

"What should we do? Are we just waiting here and can't help?" Sun Gan asked Xiao Ke seeing that the bodies of the three of them were shaking more and more violently, and he could no longer hold his breath.

"Sun Gan, you haven't fully recovered yourself. I think you should shut up obediently. We managed to save you. If anything goes wrong again, I will throw you out!" Hu Rong said unceremoniously Sun dared to say.Sun Gan was aware of Hu Rong's temper, and he was absolutely doing what he said, so he obediently shut his mouth and stopped talking.

"If I'm not mistaken, they must have been poisoned later, and the poisonous gas became heavier as time went on, so the two little brothers who woke up first regained consciousness faster!" Xiao Ke said, which is also a kindness to everyone. explained.

"That's right, Sun Gan and I were the first to fall, and the degree of poisoning may have been milder." Huang Zeyou said thoughtfully, with a look of terror on his face, as if he had returned to that terrible scene.

Xiao Ke lowered his head subconsciously, but Song Shuang and Princess Qiao Na glared at him fiercely, wondering if Huang Zeyou and Sun Gan knew that the person who saved them was the one who harmed them in the first place, they might want to arrest them Go crazy!

"Look, look, they're not moving! Is it something to do!" Sun Gan yelled unconsciously again.This time, Hu Rong didn't bother to teach Sun Gan a lesson, and rushed up to check if these people had stopped breathing, but things turned out to be the worst. Almost all three people had no vital signs, and the blood pressure measuring instrument also failed. A straight line appears.

"It seems that Ketoxin is equal to the original toxin in the body. We need to add another dose of Ketoxin!" Xiao Ke said decisively, then reached out and took three more Ketoxin, and injected them respectively.

The surroundings were extremely quiet, only Xiao Ke was concentrating on his actions, checking their breathing for a while, and the indicators on the measuring instrument for a while, while the rest had to stand aside and worry.

About half an hour later, the straight line of the blood pressure measuring instrument began to turn into a curved curve, and the bodies of the three people moved slightly, showing vital signs for the first time.

"That's it! They are out of danger! They will probably regain consciousness in a while!" Xiao Ke breathed a sigh of relief, and everyone also breathed a sigh of relief.

"After the three of them fought fiercely with the poisonous gas, the recovery process may be longer, so your future care may focus on the three of them." Xiao Ke warned again. "Don't worry, each of these three people is stronger than the other. As long as they can survive, I believe nothing can stop them." Hu Rong said, a sincere smile finally appeared on her nervous face.

When the first ray of sunlight came in through the window in the morning, Shen Qihong just opened his eyes.He had a dream, a very long dream, a very beautiful dream.

In the dream, he was like returning to his childhood, running wildly on the grass without any worries, his parents' loving cries sounded in his ears, and the smoke from cooking in the distance rose up. He even smelled the aroma of millet, mixed with The fragrance of rape blossoms is wonderful.

However, all of this seemed to be shattered by a demon, and the surroundings turned into chaotic blackness. The boundless blackness enveloped him, without the silhouette of his parents, without the green hills of his hometown, and without a neat village. I don't know who pushed him, his feet slipped, and he fell from a high cliff, falling, falling, at this moment, a strong light pierced his eyes, he struggled, and opened his eyes. When he glanced, he saw this ray of sunlight.

Everything returned to the reality. At this moment, there was a group of people standing beside his bed, except for Hu Rong and the others, as well as Liu Xuehai and Hu Dinghai who had escaped from death. Everyone looked at him expectantly.

"I, am I still alive?" Shen Qihong said the first sentence slowly, his voice was very weak, as if it came from the sky, light and floating.

"Old Shen, you are still alive, we are all alive!" Liu Xuehai's eyes were moist, and he grabbed Shen Qihong's hand.

"Where is Li Xiaogang? I want to tell him not to come in, there is poisonous gas..." Shen Qihong suddenly broke free from Liu Xuehai's hand, struggling to sit up.

"No need, old Shen, all this is over, we can go home when Xiaogang comes back!" Liu Xuehai hurriedly pressed Shen Qihong lightly again, let him lie down again, and said hastily.

"Yes, old Shen, we were all killed at the time, and we were all rescued later, and everything is safe now!" Hu Dinghai also came over, pointed to Sun Gan and Huang Zeyou, and said, "Look, Huang Zeyou Zeyou and Sun Gan are also fine, so don't worry!" Seeing that Shen Qihong was safe and sound, Huang Zeyou and Sun Gan's eyes were also wet.

"It's all over? What happened afterwards?" Shen Qihong asked, as if feeling tired again, he closed his eyes slightly.

"Don't think too much about it. When you recover slowly, I will tell you everything." Hu Rong walked over and said softly to Shen Qihong, he looked like this, and he still thought about Li Xiaogang's safety , is really touching.

Shen Qihong was the last one to wake up, and he was also the one who suffered the most from the poisonous gas at that time. It is also possible that his brain was spinning too fast at that time, causing the poisonous gas to directly enter the brainwaves. However, all of this can only be speculated.

Now that everyone has successfully escaped from danger, of course they have mixed feelings and sighed at each other.

"Hey, where's Xiao Ke?" Suddenly someone shouted.

"That's right! I was still here just now, why is it gone now! I'll go out and have a look." Princess Qiaona panicked, and she was about to rush out.

"You don't need to go out to see. There is invisible surveillance here. I'll find out after a search." Song Shuang said, as if he was already very familiar with the functions of the "Genesis".After all, the man went out and entered the monitoring room.After a while, Song Shuang came back with a solemn face and confirmed the bad news: Xiao Ke had escaped.

"If this bad guy falls into my hands again, he will definitely die a thousand times!" Princess Jona gritted her teeth.

(End of this chapter)

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