Chapter 2075
It turned out that Xiao Ke had long thought of running away. With his experience, how could he put a few women in his eyes?

He expected that when these wounded recovered, all their focus would be transferred to the wounded, so he sneaked away while everyone was transporting Shen Qihong to the nursing room. When Shen Qihong woke up, Xiao Ke had already left the "Genesis" and was out of the surveillance range.

"Who is this escaped guy? Could it be our savior?" Sun Gan asked strangely.

"It's also the culprit who killed so many people back then." Hu Rong replied, secretly blaming herself for being too careless for letting such a big murderer go, in case he made another ticking time bomb , that would be a big trouble, she didn't dare to think about it anymore.

After staying on Planet Najib for so long, not only Hu Rong, but even Song Shuang and the others miss their hometown a little bit. After all, this place does not belong to them, nor does they belong here.

Thinking of this, she couldn't sit still, and regardless of the incomprehension on Huang Zeyou's face, she said affirmatively: "Let's make a decision like this. Let's go find him separately. Now that his identity is exposed, what if he does something else?" Crazy move, by then it will be too late."

"But we have no army, no manpower, and no equipment. Besides, Xiao Ke has been here for so long. I guess he is more familiar with the terrain here than we are? To find him, where should we start?" Song Shuanglie Come up with a lot of reasons.

"That's what you said. But no one can say for sure about luck. If you look for it, you may meet it. If you don't look for it, do you want to wait for him to come to your door automatically?" Hu Rong responded.

"Sister, look, Xiao Ke is back by himself!" Chang Xuefei pointed at the door and shouted with sharp eyes.Everyone followed her finger and saw that a disheveled-looking person appeared in front of the door, and it really was Xiao Ke himself.

Hu Rong had a small cherry mouth, her face was stunned, she didn't know what to say.Could it be that there is a god protecting him in the dark?Let yourself say what?She was surprised at first, and then became angry, shouting: "Where did you go, without our permission, who told you to leave without permission?"

"Miss Hu, this is my meeting gift for you." At this time, another person appeared from behind Xiao Ke, looking at everyone with a smile.

"Uncle Monterey!" When Princess Qiaona saw this man, she ran over like a deer and called out affectionately.The smiling old man was none other than Monterey.

Different from Monterey's happy mood, Xiao Ke was really depressed to the extreme. It seemed that he was really unlucky. He had tried his best to find a good time to escape, but he was bumped into by Monterey who was rushing to Juxing Lake. He really hit him dead I have my heart.

"General Monterey, your meeting gift is really generous. I have heard Princess Qiaona say that you are majestic and mighty. When I saw you today, you are even more powerful than what you said!" Hu Rong's mouth seemed to be wiped. Like honey, he said sweetly, and let Monterey take advantage of him severely.

"Oh, Mrs. Li, don't dare to take it. Your husband Li Xiao was a hero just now, and I'm just a blind cat who met a dead mouse! This Xiao Ke has done a lot of evil, and he has been burdened with so many murders. Get him back!" Monterey responded with a smile.

Hu Rong smiled and looked behind Monterey again, and seeing that there was no one else, she asked in surprise, "General, did you come here alone?"

"Mrs. Lee looking outside?" Monterey said with a smile.

Hu Rong walked outside hesitantly, and hurriedly glanced outside through the window. What's worse, there was a green area standing side by side, and there were military tanks, cannons, fighter jets, etc., not a large group of people. What is it?
However, the strange thing is that these people are all wearing gas masks, which makes them look more imposing!She tried her best to suppress the shock in her heart, and then looked back at the people around her. Except for Princess Qiaona, the expressions on their faces were more and more surprised.Only Shen Qihong was lying on the bed, not knowing anything, so he looked at all this with a confused face.

Although Li Xiaogang's military base in Taklamakan was also very large at that time, it was private work after all, and he had to take care of Zhu Xi's feelings, so he didn't show it so blatantly. Now Monterey has almost mobilized the military power of the entire planet. The scene is of course more deterrent.

"Uncle, you have brought so many troops with you this time, have they all completed the mission?" Princess Jona asked suddenly.

"We have restored almost all the city's buildings from south to north, and the mutant monsters have all gathered. I communicated with Starley through wireless and learned that you have returned with some gram toxins. I guess your first One stop might be here, so I came straight to you," Monterey said.

"So, have my father's palace and mansion been restored?" Princess Jona asked eagerly.

"Although the Bixius Empire was the most damaged, it is after all the material center and cultural sanctuary of the planet Najib, and the structure of the Dieng Palace itself is solid, and it is not damaged too much, so it is almost the same as before. You can move Go back!" Monterey said with emotion.

"I can finally go home." Princess Qiaona murmured, there are her first childhood memories, and every bit of her and her deceased parents. It is not a simple residence, but a witness of home, and, There are a large number of ancient cultural heritages in the Bixiusi Palace, which has witnessed the long history and prosperous culture of the Bixiusi Empire, and it is also the spiritual temple of the people of the Bixiusi Empire.

"It's a pity that the palace has been empty, it's just an empty building." Monterey said, because of his relationship with Dion, he often visits the mansion, and the unprecedented prosperity and simplicity there still remain. In his memory, let him sigh.

"Could it be that the people in the palace were all attacked by the poisonous gas, and no one was spared?" Princess Jona asked, although she already had the answer in her heart, she still wanted to confirm it again.

"The Bixiusi palace is too close to the source of the poisonous gas. However, since your father passed away, only some loyal old servants have remained. They have been in a severe coma or even lost their vital signs long ago, and they didn't even have time to mutate. We They have been concentrated and prepared for unified treatment, and they are still expected to be reborn." Monterey comforted.

"Speaking of treatment, it seems that I need Uncle Monterey to help me find someone." Princess Qiaona remembered the Vance that Starley said.

"You're talking about Wensi, right? She's already on the way. Starley has already mentioned it to me during the call. I've integrated scientific research teams from various countries into scientific research teams, and they're already on standby!" Monterey paused for a while. , and asked again: "Have those friends of Li Xiaogang recovered? What is the effect of suppressing toxins?"

"Very good! At present, they have all regained consciousness, but it's not clear how long it will take to fully return to normal, it varies from person to person." Princess Jona said.

"This news is great, let's leave the rest to the research team." Monterey said happily, the effect of overcoming toxins was really faster than he imagined.

"Hehe, I think so too. Speaking of Wensi, since she and Starley were engaged in research on toxin suppression at the time and are very familiar with this area, I think it would be best for her to be in charge!" Princess Jona suggested.

But Monterey hesitated and said, "This...I'm afraid she won't agree!"

"I know that Wen Si didn't like the behavior of Ben Bensa and Via, so she left, but now it's for the safety of people on the planet Najib. As a veteran of the scientific research community, she probably won't just stand by." Qiao Princess Na repeated what Staley had said.

"That being said, there is still an unspeakable secret about her leaving that year." Monterey broke another news.

"It's hard to say? I only heard that she has a withdrawn personality and is difficult to get along with. Who else would dare to make things difficult for him!" Princess Qiao Na was puzzled.

"Oh, I really don't know whether I should tell you this. I promised Dion not to tell the third person!" Monterey seemed very embarrassed.

"Is it related to my father?" Princess Jona's curiosity was completely hooked.

Monterey was silent for a while, his face was cloudy and uncertain, and he seemed to be very contradictory. After a while, he seemed to have made up his mind, and said to Princess Qiaona: "Well, I can't hide it anyway. Now only you can persuade Wensi."

"Me? I don't have any friendship with Aunt Wensi. Do you really think she will sell me?" Princess Jona was completely confused.

"You are her daughter." Monterey let out a long breath, and finally made up his mind to tell the secret that had been dusty for many years.

"What, what? I'm her daughter?!" Princess Qiaona didn't believe it, her eyes widened, and she said word by word.

"It started more than 20 years ago, when your father and Vance fell in love at first sight, and Dion was completely impressed by Vance's talent and beauty. Logically speaking, according to your father's thinking, such a rare talented woman is He wanted to marry her back, but Wen Si was born free and didn't want to be a high-ranking princess. However, the two of them insisted on their own ideas, and on the other hand, they continued their relationship until your birth." Monterey said.

"And then?" Seeing that Monterey stopped talking, Princess Qiaona continued to ask. Now that she suddenly had an extra mother, she didn't know whether it was joy or sorrow, and she couldn't imagine their reunion.

"Then, Vance wanted to take you away and live a life that belonged to you. However, as the main force of the scientific research team, Vance was indispensable just after developing a new product, and Dion's career was at its peak again. But he has no children, and you are his daughter, he didn't want you to be looked down upon as an illegitimate daughter, so in the end, Wen Si compromised and left you in your father's care."

(End of this chapter)

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