The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2076 Mother and Daughter Recognize

Chapter 2076 Mother and Daughter Recognize
"Since this happened more than twenty years ago, why did she apply for early retirement a few years ago?" Princess Jona asked again with mixed feelings in her heart.

"Vensi almost watched you grow up, and then you gradually matured and became sensible. She wanted to recognize you, but she was afraid that you would blame her for not fulfilling her responsibilities for so many years. There was a lot of smog, Wensi suffered unprecedented exclusion, and due to conflicts in his heart, he applied for early retirement." Monterey replied.

Princess Qiao Na suddenly fell silent. She recalled that Wen Si did often look at herself, and there was always a pair of hesitant eyes hidden under her cold appearance. Those eyes were too complicated, maybe it was guilt.

"Wensi is mainly afraid of facing you. If you go to persuade her, I believe it will work." Monterey persuaded.

"But why didn't she tell me earlier, I always thought I was a child without a mother, so when I was young, I envied others who had parents. She was too selfish. 20 years, it was too cruel." After a long silence, Princess Qiaona Said with tears.

"Of course I know this is for you. If you feel embarrassed, I will try to save face, but you mother and daughter will recognize each other after all." Monterey said.

"I will go, for the planet Najib, for my father's career, I am willing to do anything." Princess Jona said firmly, thinking of her father's tragic death, she was full of courage again.

"Then I'll take you there, she's outside," Monterey said.

After greeting Hu Rong and the others, the two left the "Genesis". Princess Jona's mood was very complicated, because she knew that she was sitting in a black bat-shaped car not far away. The biological mother who has known each other for 20 years but has never known each other.

"It seems that the private lives of the Najib people are quite chaotic, and the drama is no more dramatic than Korean dramas!" Sun Gan said playfully.As soon as she finished speaking, Hu Rong slapped her face and scolded: "At such a touching moment, you are still talking sarcasticly over there, do you have any conscience?"

Sun Gan said aggrievedly: "Sister Hu, I'm still sick? Why are you so cruel?"

"Are you still sick? The real sick one is still lying there!" Hu Rong raised a green finger, pointing to Shen Qihong who was lying on the bed with a smile.

Sun Gan was so angry that he had no place to vent his anger, so he could only yell at Xiao Ke: "It's all about you, a big villain, who caused me to lie in vain for so long!" Xiao Ke didn't dare to reply, so he could only stare blankly.

While they were bickering, Princess Jona had already met her biological mother—Wen Si, a stunningly glamorous woman whose name did not match hers.However, as soon as her cold eyes met Princess Qiaona, they suddenly softened, mixed with a little satisfaction and joy, but just for a moment, the soft light disappeared, and was replaced by arrogance and indifference.

"Monterey, did Ketoxin bring you? As I said, I'm only in charge of technical guidance, and I don't do anything else!" Wen Si said simply when we met.

Monterey answered irrelevantly: "Dr. Wen, Jona already knows."

These words were like a bolt from the blue, and Wen Si's expression became stunned, and he turned his gaze to Qiao Na again. Princess Qiao Na's hesitant gaze was all too familiar, as if Wen Si often looked at her like this when he was young.

"Oh my God! You, you told her everything?" Wensi's seemingly indestructible body began to shake, as if she was starting to lose her footing.

"After all, she needs to know that she is your daughter!" Monterey said.

Wen Si suddenly turned his back, as if he didn't dare to accept this fact all at once.

"Dr. Wen, I should be the one who can't accept the reality. After all, you know that you still have a daughter. Whether you recognize her or not, you have been watching her grow up slowly. But I, like a fool, occasionally And secretly feeling sad for losing my mother so early, am I much more pitiful than you!" Jona said sharply, and her tone became agitated.

I thought I would behave calmly, but when the facts came before my eyes, an irresistible urge surged in my heart.

"I still have some things, let's talk about it first." Monterey found an excuse and left.As soon as Monterey left, the mother and daughter fell into silence again.

"I didn't expect that one day you would recognize me." First of all, it was Wen Si who broke the deadlock.

"You are wrong. I don't want to recognize you, but I want to ask you." Princess Jona said coldly.

"I know you hate me, but I'm doing it for your own good. Once I recognize you, you will bear the reputation of being an illegitimate daughter. I..." Wen Si suddenly turned around and said, with tears on his face.

"Don't say any more, I've grown up now, and I don't care anymore. Now I just want to help my father rebuild the Bixius Empire. This is my only wish." Princess Jona held back the waves in her heart and said coldly .

"Since your father is gone, let me take care of you. Give me a chance to fulfill my responsibility as a mother." Wen Si said sincerely, and slowly approached Princess Jona.

Don't you know that Princess Qiao Na is also constantly struggling in her heart. She lost her mother's love since she was a child and thought she was used to it long ago, but when her mother really appeared, she realized in her heart that she really needed someone to care about herself.But there seems to be a layer of film between me and this woman who is related by blood, and I don't know how to remove this film.

"I will accept you slowly, but you have to give me time." Princess Jona finally said that she wanted to hate, but she couldn't.

A bit of bitterness slowly overflowed on Wensi's face, and he said emotionally: "I know, I am not qualified to ask you, but you have to know, as a mother, but unable to recognize her child, what a thing it is." Painful thing, if I had to choose again, I would definitely choose to take you away! Later, I lived alone for many years, and there was not a day that I did not miss you, think of you when you were young, and imagined that one day you called my mother It would be great!" At this point, she choked up, and then sighed softly, as if unspeakable pain overflowed her heart, and she seemed to say the words buried in her heart in one breath, and Feel so relaxed.

Princess Qiaona couldn't bear it anymore, tears flowed down her stubborn face, "Mom, what a warm word, but at this moment, I couldn't say it out loud."

But Wensi smiled again with tears in her eyes, her sharp eyes were completely melted by tears, she gently wiped away Princess Jona's tears, and said softly: "Joanna, let's not talk about these unhappy things anymore. , tell mom quickly, what kind of difficulties do you encounter and need my help?"

Feeling the warmth of her mother's palm like a spring breeze, Qiao Na felt that her last line of defense had been defeated. She raised her teary face and called "Mom".

Wen Si's body visibly trembled a bit, and her feelings were irretrievable like sea water breaking a bank. She hugged Qiao Na, stroked her hair gently, and murmured: "My daughter, mom finally listened Arrived, finally heard..."

And Qiao Na just felt the warm embrace of her mother ecstatically, wantonly swaying the tears accumulated for many years, time seemed to freeze at this moment...

As a matter of course, Wen Si recognized her own daughter, and without the burden of thinking, of course, he followed Monterey's suggestion and served as the leader of the rescue scientific research team. He was mainly responsible for the widespread use of anti-toxin, and the plan was carried out step by step. up.

Similarly, Starley's side is also surprisingly smooth. There may be a foreshadowing in the early stage, and the extraction speed of Ketoxin has also been greatly improved. According to the estimates of Monterey and his wounded, the current production of Ketoxin has far reached the target. Moreover, according to Li Xiaogang's request, Sida Li extracted some more and decided to give it to him to bring back to Earth for use.At this time, several people were ready to go back, but they didn't take anything from the laboratory.

"Is this laboratory going to be idle here?" Li Xiaogang asked strangely.

"Idleness is only temporary. The anti-toxin here is a natural virus antibody, and the resources are inexhaustible. A resource station can be established here. How can it be said to be idle? I still want to use all kinds of anti-toxin Various forms are applied to all walks of life, maybe people's lives will be changed, and the possibility of being attacked by the virus will be less." Starley explained with a smile.It turned out that he actually wanted to expand this laboratory, extend it to the sea, expand the mining scale, and turn it into a one-stop integrated resource mining station.

"Of course this is a good thing, but why don't you pursue the matter of the monster?" Li Xiaogang reminded, in fact, he doesn't believe that there are any monsters, even if there are monsters, with the military strength of the planet Najib, what kind of monsters can hardly get them ?The only thing Li Xiaogang is afraid of is that Old Immortal Feng will come back and covet the toxin here. If he wants to monopolize the resources here, he secretly trips up and becomes murderous, it will be bad.

"What kind of monster do you still believe in? I observed it later, but I mistook this strange natural phenomenon for a monster!" Starley said mockingly.

"Si Dali, can you promise me something?" Li Xiaogang said suddenly.

"Brother Xiaogang, why are you acting like this? You have nothing to say. As long as I, Sida Li, can do it, I will definitely promise you." Sida Li became a little puzzled by Li Xiaogang's performance, and stopped action.

"After you go back this time, if you come back a year later, even if you want to develop, you have to wait until a year later." Li Xiaogang said.Since he wants to enter the fairyland and knows the name of Old Immortal Feng, even if he digs three feet, he will definitely be able to find him, and then he will stop the idea of ​​returning to the planet Najib to harm people, but he can't do all of this. To say it directly, so I had no choice but to make such a seemingly strange and unreasonable request.

(End of this chapter)

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