The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2080 Wife's Dispute

Chapter 2080 Wife's Dispute

"Don't be wishful thinking, this organization is underground and must be kept absolutely secret." Huang Zeyou reminded in a low voice, breaking Sun Gan's lucid dream.Sun Gan gave him a white look.

"I understand. Let us leave the rest to ourselves. Sida Li, you go back first, and come back at this time tomorrow." Li Xiaogang said, without making any more requests.Starley nodded and left.There must be something that Wensi needs help with, and he doesn't want to stay too long.

"Brother Xiaogang, we have helped them so much, and they treat us like this? They are serious, as if Bao Qingtian." Sun Gan curled his lips. It was difficult for him to say because of the fact that Sida Li was at the scene just now. Too much, and now finally a chance to vent.

"It can't be said like this. Scientific research is the dead point of a country. Would you show it to others? It's not easy for Sida Li and the others to help to this extent!" Shen Qihong said.

"Old Shen is right. I took a quick look at it just now. This document is written in great detail and is highly operable. With our IQ, we can at least grasp it to a minimum. There must be no problem with the explanation." Liu Xuehai added.

"By the way, there is still a memory stick here." Huang Zeyou flipped out a black finger-sized object.

"Well, it must be an operation demonstration. Don't waste any more time. Let's figure out how to build this space docking station as soon as possible after we go back." Shen Qihong said excitedly.

In this way, on the second day, Starley came on time and brought a set of communication equipment.After several people asked some specific questions about the establishment of the space docking station, Li Xiaogang has already begun to think about returning to Earth.

"You mean, as long as we establish the cosmic docking station and use this device to establish a call with you, then you can send a scientific research team over?" Shen Qihong pointed to the set of call equipment.This device is composed of a high-definition display and a telephone

"Yes, there are high-end intelligent configurations in the display and terminal, which can receive network signals from billions of light-years away, and this device can only be connected with a single line. Once you turn it on, our correspondents can receive it! Here The operating instructions are also very detailed, you have to designate a special correspondent to be in charge of contacting us." Stalley explained patiently.

Shen Qihong nodded.

"Now that you all understand, it's time for us to go back." Li Xiaogang said.Now there are less than ten days before he returns to the Immortal Realm, so he can't do it without speeding up. Afterwards, he has to rush back to the clock tower of the planet Najib, and find the way back to the Immortal Realm from there. However, this is a secret operation, and Li Xiaogang doesn't want to let Anyone know.

"Brother Xiaogang, Uncle Monterey asked me to tell you that he is planning to hold a farewell dinner before you leave, and I specially invite you to attend." Starley said hastily.After spending so many days with each other, he had already regarded Li Xiaogang as a friend who shared life and death, and a confidant who talked about everything. Although he knew that they would definitely leave, but at this moment, he was still full of reluctance.

"This..." Li Xiaogang was a little embarrassed.He turned to look at the rest of the people.But they obviously look forward to it. This is a high-level state banquet for Najib, the number one planet in the universe. It is a top-notch dinner. It must be a lie to say that they are not looking forward to it.

Li Xiaogang thought about it, although he didn't care, wives should like this kind of occasion the most, so he might as well relax.

"Okay! Let's set the dinner tonight, and we will leave early tomorrow morning!" Li Xiaogang decided.

"Great, I'm going to prepare right now, and see you at Lake Dream Palace. I have updated the GPS positioning system map of "Genesis", and you can just drive there when the time comes." Starley added.

"Driving the "Genesis" there? It will be here in the blink of an eye! This speed can be calculated in light years!" Sun Gan's eyes almost popped out.

"You may not understand that the Reikemeng Palace is not on the planet Najib." Si Dali made a fool of himself, paused for a while, and then continued: "The location of the Reikemeng Palace is the Reikemeng planet, and it is also our planet. Sub-planet, where we have built many entertainment cities, and the ambient air has a very high oxygen content, which is especially suitable for vacation and recuperation."

"You have specially opened up a planet to play?" Even Shen Qihong was shocked at this moment.

"This planet is abandoned, but the sea is very large, so we used it to open up a large beach, casino, and high-end clubs, hotels, banquet halls, and airports. Just do it!" The cunning Starley drew out everyone's desires, thinking of countless beauties wearing bikinis shuttling around him, Sun Gan wished he could fly over immediately.However, Sun Gan and Huang Zeyou were still in charge of driving the "Genesis", so Starley explained the navigation route to them carefully and left in a hurry.

At this moment, Li Xiaogang is surrounded by several wives, enjoying the blessing of being gentle and gentle.Gao Yuanyuan was half-nuggling in Li Xiaogang's arms, with a smile on his face and a feeling of happiness on his face.

"Husband, do you want a boy or a girl!" Gao Yuanyuan asked softly, she lost some of her usual sophistication, and the brilliance of motherhood made her look more plump and gentle.

"As long as it's born by you, I like it no matter if it's a boy or a girl!" Li Xiaogang said gently, and kissed Gao Yuanyuan hard on the face.

Two red clouds immediately flew onto Gao Yuanyuan's cheeks, and she said embarrassedly: "Honey, you are really, so many people..."

"Oh, sister Gao Yuanyuan, who has always been generous, is also embarrassed!" Hu Rong booed.The other women also laughed together, but Chang Xuefei didn't look very happy.

"Xuefei, what's wrong with you? Ever since I came back, I feel that you are not very happy. Could it be that they bullied you?" Li Xiaogang saw at a glance that Chang Xuefei, who was cheerful, was unusual.

"She! She also wants a child, but you don't give her a chance, husband." Song Shuang spoke quickly, and hit Chang Xuefei's heart.In fact, she was only half right.

Now the refugees have dispersed and returned to their hometowns, but little Musha gets along with her day and night, so now that he is gone, I feel unspeakable melancholy in my heart.

"I just want a child. Is it wrong to want a child? Don't you want someone to talk with you? Even just sit quietly with you?" Chang Xuefei suddenly said excitedly, and tears welled up .

Hu Rong wanted to say something, but she didn't know how to respond. Maybe Chang Xuefei said what everyone was thinking, but at this moment, no one spoke to her.Li Xiaogang also had mixed feelings in his heart.Only Gao Yuanyuan looked embarrassed.

"Sister Gao Yuanyuan is pregnant, we are so happy, but don't you also envy? I know we are not envious of who is more pampered, but envious of her having an extra partner in the future, at least not anymore Spend it in the dark." Chang Xuefei continued, her chest heaving violently.

Mikiko walked over and gently stroked her shoulder, her eyes were also red.

"You shouldn't talk to your husband in such a tone. He is not for himself. Do you know that he has a great responsibility? Can we share his pressure?" Song Shuang said suddenly.

"I'm a woman, I only have a warm little family in my eyes, I don't want anything else." Chang Xuefei wiped away her tears and turned around.

Li Xiaogang remained silent, his frown tightened even more.After a while, he strode out, leaving only a few stunned women in place.

"Xue Fei, I didn't mean you, my husband just came back, even if you are dissatisfied, you can bear it, can't you say it in a few days?" Hu Rong said dissatisfied.

"Sister Rong, don't blame Xuefei anymore. She didn't mean it. How dare you say you don't think so?" Mei Jizi said in blunt Chinese. Get to know her heart.

"Our husband is destined not to be a mortal. How can we expect him to give us the same life? When we are with him, there are many excitements and joys that ordinary people can't experience!" Hu Rong said emotionally.Recalling the little things after she met Li Xiaogang, she always felt that she did not live in vain.

"Oh, forget it, let's talk about it, now that my husband is angry, nothing will help." Song Shuang stomped his feet and said angrily.

"It's impossible for my husband to be angry, he's not such a stingy person!" Hu Rong pursed her lips and smiled, and gestured to the door with her eyes.Sure enough, I saw Li Xiaogang walking in slowly from the door.

Chang Xuefei turned around, her face no longer had the impulsiveness just now, she also felt that she was too self-willed and too much, and was about to apologize to Li Xiaogang, but unexpectedly, Li Xiaogang said: "I know I have been left out in the cold for a while. You guys, it's my fault! Here, I want to say sorry to you. But, Xue Fei, I can't give you the kind of life you want for the time being. Next, I have a big thing to do, and I may be away for a while .”

"Husband, we want to go with you." Hu Rong said emotionally, this was the first time he apologized since he knew Li Xiaogang.

"No, we're going back soon. You still have important things to do. It's been too long, and after I leave, I need you to look after the stalls left behind!" Li Xiaogang shook his head, This trip to the fairy world is really unpredictable, whether it is a blessing or a curse, even he himself can't tell.

"Where are you going alone, husband? Are you really planning to not take us with you?" Gao Yuanyuan became anxious. Ever since she became pregnant, Li Xiaogang was not around, and she was always in a state of anxiety.

(End of this chapter)

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