The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2081 Lake Dream Planet

Chapter 2081 Lake Dream Planet

"Immortal world." Li Xiaogang said with determination.In order not to worry them, Li Xiaogang decided to tell everyone the truth.So he told them all about Nuwa, Mia, Feng Laoxian and everything he knew about the fairy world.

"So that's the case! But why should we care about any disasters in the fairy world? Isn't it good for our family to be together?" Song Shuang asked.

"Because I exist as an envoy to protect Nuwa's descendants, the fairy world is at stake now, and it may affect the human world. I can't go home and sleep with my head covered." Li Xiaogang replied.In fact, there is another reason. At present, his skill has reached a bottleneck period. Only by breaking through this bottleneck period, he will have unlimited improvement and reach the real Dacheng stage. This temptation is too great.

"I agree with my husband. Since Nuwa gave you energy, you should have the beginning and the end. Moreover, with your current strength, the world is no longer a place to be tolerated. You should really go to the place that belongs to you. As for us, on Earth Come on, no one dares to provoke us yet, we will wait for you to come back." Gao Yuanyuan said while gently stroking her slightly protruding belly.

These women are really fickle animals. While they wish you could stick by their side every day, they also give you unlimited tolerance to realize your ambitions.

However, Li Xiaogang already has his own flesh and blood, and a sense of responsibility emerges spontaneously in his heart: "Although the calamity in the fairy world is difficult to predict, I believe that everything has a definite number. I just fulfill my obligations and do things in my own way. You can rest assured to wait for me." That’s right. You must take good care of Yuanyuan.”

"What you said is so desolate! No matter who we take out, who dares to bully us! Besides, there is still the group of people in Taklamakan. Besides, don't you think it will take more than ten days for you to leave? , simply enjoy these days, and stop talking about life and death!" Long Ling'er said quickly.

"Yeah, what Ling'er said is right, maybe in the past ten days, my husband will work hard and give me a child too?" Chang Xuefei also said.In fact, she has already made a detour in her heart. As Li Xiaogang's woman, how can she pursue simple happiness like ordinary people? In fact, she has been too bored recently. She has to take care of refugees and worry about her husband. So as soon as we met, I found a breakthrough and vented. Now after hearing Li Xiaogang's words, the sense of honor in my heart was stimulated again. Besides, there are so many reasonable sisters, Chang Xuefei was more pleased than lamented.

"That won't work. It's too unfair to give you alone for more than ten days! My Hu family needs someone to inherit, and I need children more than you!" Hu Rong came to make trouble again, and Chang Xuefei was really angry. itch.

"You guys are going too far. Why did you divide up your husband like this? What should we do? Sister Gao Yuanyuan is pregnant, so it's fine if you don't fight with us. After all, first come first, first come first, the younger ones are priority, we should be vegetarians!" Song Shuang put his hands on his hips, pretending to be angry.

"Haha, it seems that you guys don't pay much attention to me, why don't I do a split body technique and split myself into pieces." Li Xiaogang was amused by them.Especially thinking about the appearance of my future child, the warmth of home in my heart is stronger, and I really hope that time will freeze forever at this moment.

"You guys are not normal. If you want a child, you can just say it! The top priority is to prepare for the Reikemeng state banquet. We are the guests of honor, so we can't embarrass the earthlings and Brother Xiaogang." !” Gao Yuanyuan did not follow suit, but reminded.

"Gao Yuanyuan is still meticulous. After all, this state banquet is specially prepared for us. You can't just get used to it like you are at home." Li Xiaogang suddenly realized.

Planet Najib has returned to normal. The dinner party must not only see familiar people such as Monterey and Starley, but also dignitaries from some countries. In the matter of scientific research exchanges between the two planets, some details must be finalized.

Therefore, it is still necessary to find Li Wenqing, Shen Qihong and others to unify the caliber.

"Xiao Gang, don't underestimate me, Hu Rong. As the president of the group, I have never seen any scenes. These sisters have been entrusted to me, and I promise to give you some angels." Hu Rong patted her chest, confidently explain.

"Actually, we've been anticipating this day for a long time, waiting for Planet Najib to invite us! Everyone has brought a big wardrobe!" Song Shuang blinked playfully.

It seems that the banquet is really women's favorite stage. They always feel that everyone's eyes are on them. In fact, the men are the real protagonists, and they should ask their brothers to make a plan in advance.Li Xiaogang thought to himself.

In the vast starry sky, looking at a blue planet in the distance is still peaceful.Leikemeng, a planet whose 90.00% is made up of oceans, due to little development, the environment is clear and almost ethereal, and the space is like a shining diamond, shining brightly.

"It's getting closer. We can land in 10 minutes." Huang Zeyou said excitedly, staring at the screen.It seems that the "Genesis" is getting more and more proficient in driving, and it is an hour earlier than expected.

"This planet looks smaller than the earth." Shen Qihong said to the computer while typing on the keyboard. In a short period of time, he has clearly calculated the "three-dimensional" of the Leikemeng planet through the satellite.

"But it looks purer than the earth. The terrain is very simple, as if it has not undergone changes in the earth's crust. So far, only oceans and beaches have been seen, and there are few high-altitude mountains. The area covered by green plants is also relatively large! Tsk tsk, It's really a treasure." Liu Xuehai, holding a coffee pot at the side, praised.

"Having said that, due to the gravitational force, such a large sea area should be in danger of a tsunami anytime and anywhere, and it will be completely wiped out by then." Shen Qihong is not optimistic.According to his understanding, although the ocean is calm like a baby, it should be more terrifying than any kind of power when it gets angry.

"Not necessarily, this Leikemeng planet is not a very young planet. Since it has been safe and sound for so many years, there must be a way for it to survive. You have to admit that all phenomena in the universe must obey the so-called laws, maybe No law is the most regular law." Liu Xuehai disagrees, oceans, beaches, virgin forests, and all kinds of magnificent buildings, this is the fairy tale world in everyone's mind.

"Don't make detours. I don't want to be stunned by you before I reach your fairy tale world. I'm from Earth, not Spiderman." Shen Qihong obviously didn't want to continue arguing on this issue.

"Welcome to Lake Dream Planet. Huadas welcomes the distinguished guests on behalf of all Lake Dream people." Suddenly, a beautiful female voice came out from the speaker.It turns out that the radio wave of Reikemeng has been transmitted to the "Genesis".

"It seems that this Huadas must be the leader of Lake Dream, but why is it a woman?" Sun Gan asked strangely.

"It sounds like a woman, but it doesn't necessarily look like a woman. Don't draw conclusions too early." Li Wenqing joked.

"It seems that Director Li has even broadened his vision after this baptism. It seems that people should not be judged by appearances, and they should not draw conclusions too early." Shen Qihong said with a smile.Since Li Wenqing came out of the space agency, he has indeed become a lot more cheerful, and he is less bureaucratic. It seems that he has been assimilated by these people.

"That's right, Li Xiaogang still deserves the credit. His wives are better than each other, and I can learn from them casually." Li Wenqing laughed loudly.

"It's your fault. I just praised you for being a bureaucrat again. It's not that my wife is amazing, it's because you have a good ability to accept. I see that you don't have to go back to the space agency after you return to the earth. You can go directly to Taklamakan with me." Come on." Li Xiaogang was also amused by them.Who would have thought that this cheerful and lively little old man would be the director of the space agency with a serious face back then.

"That can't be done!" Li Wenqing waved her hands again and again, saying, "You already have Shen Qihong and Dr. Liu, if I turn against you again, I'm sure Xi Fei will go crazy. It's nothing to kill Li Wenqing, but if it causes tension in your relationship That would be worth the candle.”

"You think you can go back! I've thought about it a long time ago, and I will build a space docking station immediately. You are the most suitable stationmaster." Li Xiaogang said.In fact, he has already made up his mind on this idea. After all, as the director of the space agency, Li Wenqing is very familiar with the heads of state and has a certain ability to execute.Besides, the matter of the cosmic docking station is purely official. Li Xiaogang has already established a bridge for them, and he is unwilling to ask too much about the future.

"I'm going to be the station master? This doesn't match my profession at all!" Li Wenqing said in amazement.

"You are not a professional, who is a professional? You are engaged in spaceflight. Don't you have a clear understanding of the universe? Besides, since you are sent to the planet Najib for free inspection, do you think you can enjoy peace and happiness when you go back?" Li Xiaogang said. , He made up his mind to let Li Wenqing take over this class. It was a difficult question who he wanted to take over. It seems that Li Wenqing is really the best candidate.

"This..." Li Wenqing hesitated.

"It's better to be respectful than obedient!" Shen Qihong laughed.

"You have arranged me like this, do you still need to inform Master?" Li Wenqing asked cautiously.

"Of course! However, Master Xi must be delighted to know that I have given up the position of station master to his subordinates! The cosmic docking station is a fat job that all countries want to control. Whoever holds the initiative will have access to advanced technology. The initiative to integrate, this principle is better than you and I understand!" Li Xiaogang said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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