The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2082 Banquet

Chapter 2082 Banquet
"So, you don't plan to participate anymore?" Li Wenqing finally heard the implication.

"I can't say yet. I still have something that may disappear for a while. Planet Najib is ready to assist us with all its strength. As long as the configuration of the docking station is done according to the regulations, everything should go smoothly. I believe the earth will definitely have It's an incredible change. But, tell Zhuxi not to be reluctant to spend money!" Li Xiaogang said.

One sentence made everyone laugh.At this time, a surging azure appeared in front of everyone, and a huge sword-shaped high-rise towered into the clouds, like a sharp dagger stuck in the boundless beach, very eye-catching.There is no doubt that this is Lake Dream Palace, the next stop that Li Xiaogang and the others are going to.

"Look, there is a huge white trestle below." Liu Xuehai shouted.This white trestle is like a huge sail, which is particularly eye-catching under the reflection of the surging sea.

At this time, another magnetic male voice came out from the loudspeaker: "Welcome VIP to Fox Bay, please park the aircraft at Fox Station according to the guidance." Then, a guide map appeared on the screen.

The flashing yellow is exactly where the "Genesis" is in the air.And as the altitude decreases, everyone has already seen from the positioning map that there are countless space battleships docked on the white trestle bridge, and the "Genesis" may not be very eye-catching among them.

"Wow, I really saw the world today, and I came to the banquet in a battleship. What kind of status should I be?" Sun Gan sighed.

"Boss, this is a space voyage. Do you think it's sailing from the Yangtze River to the Yellow River?" Huang Zeyou responded.

When everyone got off the spaceship, the first thing that caught our eyes was the long welcome teams and colorful welcome slogans. The leaders were Monterey, Vince, Mars, Starley, Leon Horton, and Princess Jona. familiar person.I saw them dressed up, surrounded by flowers and bustle, without the slightest gloomy expression on the Najib planet.

"Welcome! Welcome!" Seeing Li Xiaogang and the others, the group of beach girls in bikinis cheered in unison, very eye-catching.The eyes of these men who haven't been close to beautiful women for a long time are almost forgotten.

"Huang Zeyou, you have to hold on, you already have a wife. You can't compare yourself to a bachelor like me, but I can pay more attention in the name of looking for a wife." Sun Gan gently pulled Huang Zeyou , of course it made Huang Zeyou roll his eyes again.

Monterey has warmly greeted him, and several people shook hands politely.However, Li Xiaogang found that standing next to him was a tall, pleasant young woman with a fresh temperament.This woman has always maintained a professional smile, with a dreamy and soft expression, and her figure is simply superb, especially her slender, slender, white and slender legs, which are very seductive and unforgettable at a glance.

"Xiao Gang, your journey is going well! Let me introduce you grandly. This is the president of Lake Dream Planet Group. She is responsible for all the tourism and entertainment industries here. At the same time, she is also the director of Lake Dream Palace. Huadas." The first sentence Monterey uttered was to introduce this beauty?Obviously he takes her very seriously.

"We have heard the sweet voice of Miss Huadas on the road, but we didn't expect that she is as beautiful as her voice." Li Xiaogang praised bluntly.Li Wenqing laughed silently, he suddenly thought of his previous joke.

Huadas nodded slightly, and said politely: "I have heard that Mr. Li is a great person who saved the safety of the planet Najib. I didn't expect to be so gentlemanly. Seeing him today really opened my eyes. .” The voice was still as sweet as ever.

Li Xiaogang smiled "haha", he was here for a banquet today, he didn't want to be too formal, so he introduced his wife and friends to Huadas in turn.Gao Yuanyuan, Hu Rong, Song Shuang, Long Linger and others were of course all dressed up to attend. Unexpectedly, the weather here is so pleasant, and the mood is getting better, so they look more radiant, not only let the people present sigh again, Of course, I also envy Li Xiaogang for being so beautiful.

However, Princess Jona tightly pulled Leon Horton, who had straightened his eyes, and whispered "threat": "If you find so many wives like him in the future, I will make you look good!"

"You haven't decided to marry me yet! I don't have a single wife, so I don't have time to think about so many wives." Leon Holden expressed helplessness.

"Who said that? I'll give you a big surprise tonight, and you'll know when the time comes." Unexpectedly, after hearing what Leon Horton said, Princess Jona was not angry, but rather mysterious.

At this moment, the crowd gave way to a lane, and at this moment, a luxury black car about five meters long drove slowly, and then stopped in front of everyone.Several heavily armed bodyguards opened the door swiftly.

"Let's go, the dinner party is about to start, and Huadas will take you there! I have other things to do with the others, so I won't accompany you for the time being, see you at the dinner party!" Monterey said.Then, Li Xiaogang and others got into the car with Huadas.Monterey actually arranged Huadas next to Li Xiaogang very considerately.

"President Huadas grew up here since she was a child. She will be the narrator for you this time. I believe it must be more different." Monterey explained again.Huadas also nodded.

"That's really flattering." Li Xiaogang said with a smile, and smiled gratefully at Huadas.This woman has always maintained a polite and reserved appearance, so that people can't see the waves in her heart.

After more than ten minutes, I finally arrived at the long and narrow building that looked like a sharp sword in the sky——the Reikemeng Palace.Different from what you see from the sky, the exterior of Leikemeng Palace is actually made of silver-white material, which looks sparkling, solemn yet stylish, dignified yet outstanding.

"This is made of submarine gold. It will not deteriorate within 1000 years, and it will always remain as bright as new. Of course, the thermal performance is particularly good, and it will also make the room cooler in summer, so we rarely use electrical equipment, which will damage the air quality. It will also be smaller." Huadas first introduced after getting out of the car.At this time, several handsome doormen had already lined up to welcome Li Xiaogang and the others with first-class courtesy.

"What is the material of seabed gold?" Shen Qihong asked casually as he was the closest.

"Seabed gold is a rare metal deposited on the bottom of the sea. It is a trace metal that will be formed after hundreds of millions of years. The amount may be even rarer than the gold on your earth. However, our planet Leikemeng is based on the ocean. Mainly, the building materials are of course locally sourced." Huadas explained to Shen Qihong, showing a sweet smile and white teeth, which made Shen Qihong's heart beat several yards faster.

Under the guidance of the hostesses, they soon arrived at the lobby.Surprisingly, the lobby is not as magnificent as the exterior, but it is still spacious, tall and imposing. The ancient paintings posted in several places seem to be old, and it feels a little more ancient and elegant, as if you are in Europe. Medieval palace in general.Dreamlike.

"Can I take pictures here?" Sun Gan asked very hopelessly.

"Of course, not only that, you can also take a photo with any of our hostesses." Huadas said generously.

"President Huadas, you are not only beautiful, but also so considerate!" Sun Gan gave Huadas a thumbs up.He unceremoniously pulled the same tall and attractive little beauty beside him, picked up the camera, and started to shoot again and again.Li Xiaogang really had no choice but to smile awkwardly.

"The dinner will start at six o'clock in the evening. Before that, you can rest in your room and experience the VIP enjoyment of Lake Dream Palace." Huadas said as he walked, and made a beautiful red-haired beauty in the distance. gesture.Different from other hostesses, this beauty is wearing a light blue formal attire. Compared with her fiery red hair, she is very fashionable and dynamic, and has a clear professional temperament. She should be a senior management figure.

"This is Chini, my senior assistant. She will be your VIP service specialist together with their team." Huadas briefly introduced, then turned to Li Xiaogang, and said softly: "Mr. You and your wives have prepared platinum-level lover series suites, I hope you will like them." After that, he smiled mysteriously, which is rare.It made Li Xiaogang a little embarrassed for the first time in his life.

The next day was already the day for the "Genesis" to return.But everyone was still immersed in the sleepless night of Lake Dream yesterday. Although they didn't sleep all night, everyone was in high spirits, and no one wanted to sleep.

"Sun Gan, where did you go yesterday? I thought you were gone forever, but I can't find you anywhere! There is no guest room either!" Huang Zeyou asked Sun Gan beside him while skillfully operating the driver.

"Haha, I went to the beach, it's so lively there! And..." Sun Gan stopped talking suddenly.

"Don't think I don't know. Seeing your flawless face and rapid heartbeat, you must have had an affair." Huang Zeyou laughed out loud.

"Hmph, so what if you have it! It's not the first time for me, Sun Gan!" Sun Gan argued.

"I think you have 300 taels of silver here! But don't worry, I will keep it a secret for you." Huang Zeyou said pretending to be serious.

Different from Huang Zeyou and Sun Gan's teasing, Song Shuang has a look of envy at this moment, folded his arms and said with envy: "I never thought that men chased women in the past, but today I see women chasing men, but it's women chasing men." Man, it's so shocking. I never thought that Princess Jona, who is usually so proud, would dare to propose to Leon Horton in public! And Leon Horton actually kissed Jona passionately in turn, oops , That scene was really... I didn't expect Leon Holden to be so introverted, and dare to kiss him so passionately in the public... Oops... Oops..." Song Shuang seemed to be deeply involved, as if she was Princess Qiaona.

(End of this chapter)

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