The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2088 Purple Zhen Beast

Chapter 2088 Purple Zhen Beast

"So, the purpose of my inviting everyone here today is to get rid of Master Yunju, find out that pretended Nuwa descendant, kill him quickly, once..." Master Yagu suddenly paused, and then continued: " Once I find out that someone is covering Reverend Yunju and helping him succeed, it will be like this tree!" After finishing speaking, Reverend Yagu stretched out a finger like a branch and pointed at the Shenlongmu above his head, a red light flashed, and the Shenlongmu It ignited spontaneously, instantly scorched like charcoal, and turned into a pile of dead wood, falling down one after another.

This Shenlongmu is a Shenmu handed down from the descendants of Nuwa from the previous generation, and it was destroyed in the blink of an eye in front of everyone.

"Master, don't worry, I've already made arrangements to search for the whereabouts of Master Yunju, but now we have the news that they are hiding in Lanruo Mountain!" Feng Laoxian saw the right time, and hurriedly came over to tell him that he was flattering It's not too much to be a slave.

"Then why don't you do it?" Master Yagu frowned and asked.

"Lan Ruo Mountain is shrouded in smog all year round. We sent people to go up the mountain, but either they went around and couldn't find the way, or they were trapped inside and disappeared. It's really evil!" Feng Laoxian said honestly. explain.

"Humph, this old man Yunju still likes to play tricks like this ecstasy array..." Master Yagu sneered disdainfully, then turned around and asked, "Are you sure he's in Lanruo Mountain?"

"This..." Old Immortal Feng hesitated for a moment, and then said firmly: "I'm sure, some ordinary farmers went there to chop firewood, and some people did say that they saw an old man, and the description was indeed very similar to that of Immortal Yunju, but, It seems that I heard that there is a child by his side."

"Child? Is it a boy or a girl?" Master Yagu asked with a frown.

"It's a boy, about ten years old!" Feng Laoxian quickly replied.

Immortal Yagu breathed a sigh of relief, and sneered again: "Then this boy must be the child of Luo Wu and Yunxia!"

"Luo Wu and Yunxia, ​​they are not disciples of Master Yunju, it is said that they have already..." Old Immortal Feng asked strangely.Although he used to be a mobile phone soldier, he lived in Miaoxinmen all year round and had many contacts with people from all walks of life, so the sources of gossip information were relatively wide.

"Yes, they did die in the battle between me and Immortal Yunju, but the bodies have never been found. They had just conceived a child at that time. If Yunju had a child with him, it must be Luo Wu's. son!"

"In that case, I think it's time for me to go to Lanruo Mountain to see my old friends." Master Yagu sneered.He clenched his fists tightly, and the murderous intent was already in his heart. It was time to avenge the rotten bones of more than ten years!
After a while, Master Yagu said again: "Since he rebelled in the name of Nuwa's descendants, he should have a teenage girl by his side. You should pay attention at that time. Once you find out, You can kill him first and then report to me!" After saying this, Master Yagu turned to the mysterious man beside him who had been neglected for a long time and said, "Brother Zizhen, do you have anything else to say?"

The mysterious visitor nodded, the only eye exposed to the outside was as quiet as a pool, but with a cloudy and ferocious afterglow, as if he had been prepared for a long time, he said: "It is my honor to come to Miaoxinmen today. We need everyone to help each other!"

Seeing that Master Yagu respected this mysterious person so much, everyone focused their attention on this person who was called "Zi Zhen".Hearing the real person Yagu asked him, this person replied: "The reason why I came to Miaoxin Gate today is on Brother Yagu's site, of course I have to listen to your arrangement!"

Master Yagu smiled "haha", but a rare smile appeared on his face, and said: "Brother Zizhen was joking, if you hadn't saved me secretly, I might have died in the hands of Master Yunju long ago. However, when you came to Miaoxinmen from Yi Tianyu, you retired for more than ten years, and this time you came out of the rivers and lakes, I heard that you want to tell us some fresh news!"

"No way! He came from Yi Tianyu, hasn't it been sealed for a long time? He has lost contact with the fairy world?"

"I heard that Yi Tianyu is rampant with monsters, what is the origin of Zi Zhen?"

"Yi Tianyu is a forbidden place in the Immortal Realm, don't you just come in and out casually, this Zi Zhen is probably a liar!"

This sentence caused waves of commotion below.Even Old Immortal Feng's eyes widened, with disbelief written all over his face.

But the mysterious man said calmly: "Brother Yagu, why bother to ask questions knowingly? I was lucky enough to escape from Yi Tianyu back then, thanks to your help. Although Yi Tianyu is known as the most dangerous area in the fairy world, no one knows that Yi Tianyu is actually But there is a spiritual mountain, this spiritual mountain is a treasure land that Nuwa herself has practiced, not to mention countless spiritual herbs and treasures, but it is full of spiritual energy, it is definitely a good place for cultivation, a year of internal cultivation is comparable to our ordinary cultivation for a hundred years , I took the risk to come forward to tell everyone the good news!"

"To invite everyone to come here today is to let everyone express their opinions, whether you want to follow me to find Lingshan." Master Yagu then said to the mysterious person, apparently already knew the news.

After Master Yagu asked such a question, everyone was speechless again, and only then did they realize that today is the Hongmen Banquet.Most people only have two thoughts in their minds, one is to follow the search for Lingshan, and they can also share a share of the pie without offending Yagu, and the other is to quit and retreat to the second line. It's not that the road is difficult and dangerous, if you die on the road, the gain will outweigh the loss, if you choose the second one, you may offend Master Yagu, whether you can get out alive is still unknown.Therefore, for the sake of insurance, most people still hold the fluke in mind, and still want to follow Shunda for a walk, maybe they can really get lucky and make a lot of money?

"Haha, if you don't speak, does it mean that you all agree! If you agree, I will send your disciples, and we will go to Yi Tianyu in the near future! In Tianyu, death is greater than life, this must be made clear! But once you find Lingshan, this is the harvest... Hehe, I don’t need to say, you also know that the continuation may not necessarily be the next generation!” Master Yagu glanced majestically Circle, asked.

"But this Yi Tianyu has been sealed by the Immortal Realm for thousands of years, and it is difficult to study the specific era. There are too many dangers in it. If you don't have a little bit of confidence, it is too risky to break the precept!" Someone asked.He was an old man from the mountains again.

"That's why I asked Brother Zizhen to participate in the discussion!" Master Yagu said meaningfully, then turned to the mysterious man, and said softly: "Brother Zizhen, let them see your true face."

The mysterious man snorted, and suddenly lifted the veil on his head. A head of purple hair was scattered on his shoulders. Under the cover, he could clearly see a purple face, thick nostrils, and a slender beast under his low forehead. Eye.This is not a human appearance, it is a humanoid beast!This was obviously beyond everyone's expectations and caused an article of astonishment.

"I am the Zizhen Beast! I come from Yi Tianyu." The mysterious man smiled strangely.

"He is the Zizhen Beast? It turns out that the legend is true." Someone whispered.

"I think he is very similar to the description. It's not that the legend has been suppressed in Yi Tianyu for many years, how could he escape? Is Yi Tianyu's seal really completely broken?" Another person responded.

"There are many legends about Yi Tianyu. Who knows if it is true or not. This Yi Tianyu is indeed sealed and has always been the death spot of the fairy world. How could anyone escape?"

"Everyone, no matter how you guessed, I was indeed imprisoned in Yi Tianyu back then. However, I found a chance and escaped back to the Immortal Realm, so I was able to bring the news of Yi Tianyu to everyone." Purple Zhen Beast said.

"You go back first! I will call everyone over another day for further discussions." Master Yagu waved his hand and said.

After a while, only Daoist Yagu, Zizhen Beast, and Feng Laoxian were left in the hall.

"You go back too." Master Yagu said to Old Fairy Feng.

Old Immortal Feng was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect that Yagu asked you to leave by himself, so he didn't realize it all at once.

"Why don't you leave when I tell you to go?" Master Yagu rebuked, seeing that Old Fairy Feng didn't seem to hear him speak.

"Oh, I'll step back now, master, just call me if you have anything to do, I'll be there anytime." Feng Laoxian bowed very respectfully, then nodded at Zizhen Beast, and left.

After Feng Laoxian left, Zizhen Beast asked: "This old man is your apprentice, how could you accept such a poor aptitude disciple? Has your vision changed over the years?"

Reverend Yagu snorted, and replied: "Based on our friendship for so many years, you should know that I, Reverend Yagu, have always had a high vision, but after the battle with Reverend Yunju, I finally understood Instead of spending a lot of time cultivating a powerful apprentice, it is better to spend a little time cultivating a loyal apprentice, such a master is smarter."

"Haha, you're right, it seems that after the battle with Immortal Yunju, you understand a lot!" Zizhen Beast laughed.

"Hmph, Master Yunju has harmed me for so many years, I won't give up until I get rid of him!" Master Yagu smashed his fist on the armrest of the seat. Needless to say, the armrest was immediately destroyed and became It became a heap of ashes.

"This real Yunju is really meddling in his own business. Back then, he planned to give him a place to live in. I didn't expect him to be a deadhead. He insisted on protecting some descendant of Nuwa. Hmph, Nuwa has been dead for many years. , Still clinging to the successor of Nuwa, I think it is useless at all, what a waste of time, dead-brained!" Master Yagu scolded through gritted teeth.

"But is Nuwa's successor dead or alive?" Zizhen Beast asked.

"Death is impossible, but back then I learned that the descendants of Nuwa of the previous generation gave birth to a daughter in the lower realm. Later, I sent my apprentice to look for it, but there was no trace. After calculation, it has been almost 20 years. It is estimated that the old fox Yunju may have taken her back, so finding the old ghost Yunju is the key now!" said the real person Yagu.

(End of this chapter)

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