Chapter 2089

Zizhen Beast thought for a while, and then said: "I don't care about Yunju at the moment, as far as I know, you have practiced the magic power I gave you, and it has become stronger day by day, and has surpassed the level of 20 years ago. With my strength, Yunju has no chance of winning at all. In addition, we have already issued a wanted order in the entire fairy world, and no one dares to help him. He has no one now, and his strength has the upper hand. I see you Don't worry about him at all."

"Having said that, he has trained an apprentice, and he doesn't know what to do!" It seems that after the battle, Master Yagu was very afraid of Yunju, so he was worried again and again.

"Don't worry about a boy in his teens, even if he is a genius, his skills in less than 20 years are not as good as a finger of mine!" Zizhen Beast said disdainfully.Hearing what Zizhen Beast said, Master Yagu felt a little relieved.

Since meeting Zizhenshou by chance, he hasn't encountered anything that made Zizhenshou unsure.Back then, if Zizhen Beast hadn't appeared in time and blackmailed Immortal Yunju for him, he might have been executed on the spot.

Although Zizhen Beast has helped Master Yagu a lot, Master Yagu has always been very puzzled as to how Zizhen Beast escaped from Yi Tianyu and why Zizhen Beast suddenly appeared to save himself, whom he didn't know at the time. .

Although he had asked many times afterwards, Zizhen Beast didn't seem to want to mention it, or else he would use other reasons to prevaricate. After all, the other party saved his life, so it's not easy to force people to say it.However, as desperadoes, everyone understands the truth that the world will never lose its pie, so this is also a question that Master Yagu has never asked but wants to know very much.

Thinking of this, Master Yagu thought about insinuating, and tentatively said: "I am still very grateful to Brother Zi Zhen for resolutely saving him back then, but according to Brother Zi Zhen's plan, we will enter Yi Tianyu in a few days, but Regarding Yi Tianyu, can you tell me more, in case of any unexpected situation, I can also make more preparations!"

"You're right. I should tell you more about Yi Tianyu. You haven't been there after all." Unexpectedly, Zizhen Beast agreed quite simply.

"That's great! Brother Zizhen is so considerate and generous. I, Yagu, can have a friend like you. I'm really lucky in my life!" Master Yagu was overjoyed.

"Do you still remember that you were wounded and poisoned, how can I teach you how to detoxify?" Zi Zhen Beast asked.

"Of course I remember it clearly, and it's still fresh!" Of course Yagu remembers this period of history very clearly. It was a very dark and painful experience that he will never forget in his life. The mental torture that could be wiped out at any time, it was Zizhen Beast who told him an evil recipe, using the spirit of a living person to redeem his vitality. Although it was a heresy, he came back to life after all.

"The practice of teaching you how to detoxify is not from me, but from my brother." Zizhen Beast began to say.

"Your compatriot brother must also be an expert, where is he?" Master Yagu said in surprise.At the same time, Zi Zhenshou wanted to mention the relationship between his compatriot brother and Yi Tianyu.

Only Zizhen Beast continued to say: "My younger brother's name is Xuan Beast, and he is actually the leader who rules Yi Tianyu. Of course, he has great ambitions, trying to lead the beasts to rule the entire fairy world bloody, but he was later killed by Nu Wa. Later generations discovered that not only was it permanently suppressed in Yi Tianyu, but the entire Yi Tianyu was permanently sealed by immortal art."

"Then how did you get out?" Master Yagu asked again.That's the question he's always wanted to know.

"Hey, who said I went in?" Unexpectedly, Zizhen Beast smiled sinisterly.

"What? Have you never been to Yi Tianyu?" Master Yagu was horrified. If this is the case, then he is really leading Miaoxinmen on an adventure.

"Of course I have been there. It's just that I escaped secretly long before the mysterious beast and Nuwa's descendants fell out, and spread the news in the fairy world that I was also sealed off by Yi Tianyu." Zi Zhenshou said.

"That's why everyone agrees that you escaped from Yi Tianyu. In fact, you have never been imprisoned!" Master Yagu suddenly realized that not only the other deputy sect masters, but also himself was kept in the dark.Now that the matter has been clarified, Master Yagu wanted to ask for clarification, so he continued to ask: "Since you have left Yi Tianyu later, how do you know about Lingshan? Also, if Yi Tianyu can really solve the problem? Feng, why did you wait until now?"

"The matter of Lingshan is absolutely true. The reason why the descendants of Nuwa sealed Yi Tianyu forever was because they were afraid that the appearance of Lingshan would arouse the desire of immortal cultivators and lead to chaos in the fairy world. Yi Tianyu can indeed be unsealed, but still It will take a while, and I will wait for the opportunity." Zizhen Beast replied.

"It turns out that Yi Tianyu is still under the complete seal." Master Yagu said thoughtfully.

"You don't need to worry about this, I have a way to get in after all, but Yi Tianyu is so big, when the time comes, I will leave it to you, the Yagu Sect Master and the deputy Sect Masters!" Zizhen Beast smiled , the evil face became even more ferocious.

"Actually, to find such a good thing as Lingshan, you and I will join forces and take it directly! Why are you looking for so many useless guys? If they snatch all the supreme treasures, wouldn't we be empty of people and money?" The real Yagu said.

"Hey! Many people are powerful. I'm not stupid. Of course, no one knows better than me where the supreme treasure on Lingshan is. You must follow me when the time comes!" Zizhen Beast said, patting The shoulder of real Yagu.Master Yagu only felt a heat flow directly from his shoulders to all the meridians, and he felt much more comfortable in an instant. Since he practiced the mysterious exercise, coupled with the guidance of the Zizhen Beast, his internal strength has traveled thousands of miles in a day. speed is increasing.

"Your Blood Spirit Art has reached the fifth floor. If you come to Yi Tianyu and meet my brother, he will definitely help you reach the highest floor, the tenth floor. By then, none of the ten cloud dwellings will belong to you." It's an opponent, haha!" Zizhen Beast saw that the face of Master Yagu was red and white, and he could see that his skills had advanced further.

Immortal Yagu also laughed triumphantly, but when he was triumphant, he didn't notice a sly light flashing in the eyes of Zizhen Beast.

Here, under the leadership of the Nine Kun Beasts, Li Xiaogang arrived at the old lair of the Longevity Clan very smoothly. Fortunately, the defense there was really weak, and only a few low-level stinging bee beasts were guarded. I got the token.The token doesn't look special, but it's a jade tubular object with a narrow section and a thick end. Li Xiaogang made a calculation, fearing that the night would be long and dreamy, so he urged the Jiukun Beast to activate the token quickly.

"Not here!" Jiukun Beast shook its head again and again.

"Could it be possible to choose a good day and auspicious date for this token?" Li Xiaogang asked in wonder.It has been half a day since they got the token, and logically they have already left the dangerous area.

"It's not necessary for good days and auspicious days, but you have to go to the altar to open this token, otherwise the mysterious beast can't sense it at all." Jiukun Beast explained.

"Altar? Do you beasts still have faith?" Li Xiaogang asked with a smile.After these days, he also learned something about Yi Tianyu from Jiukun Beast. Yi Tianyu was originally a dead land, desolate and uninhabited. It was very prosperous under the leadership of the leader, and then slowly divided into three factions under the law of the jungle.Although they have their own abilities and are not inferior to humans in intelligence, they are still beasts in essence.

Jiukun Beast gave Li Xiaogang a blank look, and said, "Don't always think that you are superior to beasts because you are humans. We are all similar, but you are called humans and we are called beasts. Why do you always think we are treated differently?" After so many days of getting along, Li Xiaogang and Jiukun Beast get along day and night, and the relationship is no longer as stiff and stalemate as before, so they occasionally joke and talk about everything.However, regarding his own background, Li Xiaogang still kept silent, or made up a random excuse to prevaricate.

"That's right, you are calling beasts, I'll call you Professor from now on." Li Xiaogang joked.

"What the hell is a professor?" However, Li Xiaogang's joke didn't achieve the desired effect. The Jiukun Beast didn't understand Li Xiaogang's meaning at all.

However, Li Xiaogang also waved his hand, expressing that he was too lazy to explain, and the explanation was in vain, so he simply did not explain.Jiukun Beast is used to Li Xiaogang's speechless attitude, but since he already knew that Li Xiaogang came from an unknown lower realm, there must be some "uncommunicable" blank areas, so he simply didn't ask.

"By the way, what exactly is your altar?" Li Xiaogang asked again, continuing what he had just said.

"Hey, it's the place where we pay homage to our ancestors, that is, the leaders of the Yanshou tribe." Jiukun Beast replied, but it didn't stop at all. Li Xiaogang sat on his huge back with peace of mind. It was bumpy along the way, but it was comfortable.

"Okay! I'm asleep, call me when I get there." Li Xiaogang closed his eyes, as if resting his mind.Although Jiukun Beast vowed to take him to find the mysterious beast, and then think about how to return to the fairyland, but whether this mysterious beast is an enemy or a friend, Li Xiaogang secretly beat a small drum in his heart. Besides, if he really has a way to return to the fairyland Immortal world, why have you been imprisoned here for so many years?This series of questions piled up in Li Xiaogang's mind, and it almost turned into a dead lump, so far there is no light in sight.

So, while you are still relatively stable, hurry up and cultivate yourself. In this place where there is animalism and inhumanity, there may be a fierce battle waiting for you at some point.

(End of this chapter)

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