The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2091 9 Ancestors

Chapter 2091 Nine Ancestors
"You, aren't you the Jiukun Beast? Why did you come here? You were playing with me!" Li Xiaogang said in amazement. Judging from the back, this is the appearance of the Jiukun Beast in human form.

"You know me?" Unexpectedly, he was even more surprised than Li Xiaogang.Still, he didn't turn around.

"Of course, I saved you back then, and we went back to your hometown to get the token. Could it be that you lost your memory when you returned to your ancestor's place?" Li Xiaogang was really confused.

"Then you're mistaken. I've been here for thousands of years." The Nine Kun beast said with a smile, then turned around.Only then did Li Xiaogang realize that although it was tall, it was not as straight as before, and its voice was even older and hoarse.Is it the ancestor who was enshrined?Li Xiaogang thought to himself.Did this kind of apparition of ghosts and ghosts come true in him?
"Are you the ancestor of Jiukun Beast?" Li Xiaogang frowned and asked tentatively.I was afraid that I would accidentally make a joke.

Sure enough, the Jiukun Beast nodded, completely fulfilling Li Xiaogang's conjecture.

"Couldn't you guys come up with a name? This Jiukun beast is called around, it's easy to confuse!" Li Xiaogang said pretending to be dissatisfied.This Jiukun beast ancestor has always been very friendly, so Li Xiaogang's hostility has been dispelled a lot.

"Oh, of course we have a name, but it's the special language of the Nine Kun beasts, you may not be able to learn it, but you can call me Nine Patriarchs instead, so you won't be confused with my grandchildren." Jiukun Beast Ancestor continued to laugh.

However, the simplified version of the name "Nine Ancestors" made Li Xiaogang feel a little funny. It reminded him of his elementary school days. Li Xiaogang didn't let his desertion go so far, the current task is to find out how much this Nine Patriarch can help him.After thinking about it, he said directly: "You can also call Jiuzu, but you have to tell me how to return to the fairy world first?"

Unexpectedly, Nine Patriarchs looked embarrassed, and said coyly, "Actually, I'm not very sure that I can really send you back to the fairy world."

Li Xiaogang got angry when he heard it, and cursed: "You old guy, I respect you for the sake of how many years old you are, and after a long time, you actually lied to me!" After finishing speaking, he was about to leave.

Unexpectedly, the Ninth Patriarch appeared in front of Li Xiaogang like lightning, blocked him, and begged: "Seeing that our family is facing annihilation, only you can help me! That's why I made this bad plan. Please God, help me!" Li Xiaogang looked at the old eyes of the Jiukun Beast ancestor, with a sad light in the muddy eyes, matched with the wrinkles on his face, he was very down and out.

"You can't destroy the clan, don't care about my business, I'm burning my ass now, how can I have the leisure to help you restore your great cause?" Li Xiaogang's anger is still there.

"I see that you are wearing my Nine-Kun Beast card, isn't it here to help us?" Nine Patriarchs were confused.

"Your grandson gave it to me, saying to prevent being attacked by the gods, I don't know what's tricky!" Li Xiaogang said impatiently.

"So it's like this..." Jiuzu said to himself.

"Okay, now that the misunderstanding is clear, I can go!" Li Xiaogang said, making up his mind to leave. If the Jiukun Beast knew that he had trespassed in the forbidden area and scolded their ancestors, maybe he would still do it. Make a bigger misunderstanding.

"Then can you do me another favor?" Jiu Zu begged again.

"Is it because you haven't talked to anyone for a long time, so you always have nothing to say, so hurry up, I really have to leave after I finish the last question." Li Xiaogang said impatiently.

"Can you tell me, have you met a Zizhen Beast in the fairy world?" Jiuzu asked.

"Do you think I came from the fairy world? I don't know anything about the fairy world." Li Xiaogang honestly replied that the Nine Patriarchs actually knew about the fairy world, which surprised Li Xiaogang and aroused Li Xiaogang's attention. Given his age, he may know what happened before Yi Tianyu was unsealed.

"You didn't come from the fairy world, then you ascended from the lower realm. Alas, I was confused for a long time. The fairy world has sealed us up for so many years, so they probably won't be kind enough to let us go." Nine Patriarchs suddenly said sadly.

"That's right! After all, I ascended from the lower realms, bumped into you Yi Tianyu by mistake, became friends with your grandson, the current leader of the Nine Kun Beasts, and now I only want to go to the fairyland!" Li Xiaogang said.

"Then you found the way back to the fairyland?" Jiu Patriarch asked.

"It is said that the mysterious beast can be found with a token. The mysterious beast is the only one who almost returned to the fairy world. Maybe there will be some clues to find him." Li Xiaogang replied, the reason for telling the truth is to verify Jiukun. Whether what the beast said is true, the second is to inquire about the details of this mysterious beast.

"You want to find a mysterious beast? It's too late!" Jiu Patriarch lamented.His tone was full of unspeakable sadness.

"How do you say that?" Li Xiaogang asked in amazement.Once this clue is broken, the last ray of hope is gone.

"There used to be a spiritual mountain here, which was a forbidden place for Nuwa's descendants to practice. The duty of our group of beasts is to guard the spiritual mountain. The Zizhen beast I just mentioned is the brother of the mysterious beast, but this guy is different from the mysterious beast. The treasures in Lingshan were so whimsical that they attacked Nuwa's descendants, but the mysterious beast disagreed and locked him up." The Ninth Ancestor sighed, as if he had returned to the ancient times, paused for a while, and then Continued: "Later, Zizhen Beast stole the beast card of Xuan Beast, and in the name of Xuan Beast, finally broke into Lingshan, but was discovered by Nu Wa who was practicing. Zi Zhen Beast was very vigilant, and rushed to see Nu Wa Before that, he escaped and left behind the beast faction of the mysterious beast, so Nuwa's descendants thought it was the mysterious beast playing tricks, and in a rage, they beat the mysterious beast into eternal doom, and since then sank Lingshan into the sea. Yi Tianyu was also sealed, and from now on we beasts can no longer set foot in the fairyland. The hateful Zizhen Beast has been at large, hiding in the fairyland, living a life of leisure!"

"Since the mysterious beast was destroyed forever, why did it try to escape later?" Li Xiaogang asked puzzled.

"Isn't that Zizhen Beast acting as a mischief? He has been unable to let go of the treasures of Lingshan, and has been trying to get Nuwa's successor to reopen Yi Tianyu so that he can take the opportunity to enter. Therefore, he has been spreading rumors in the fairy world, saying that the mysterious beast has disappeared. Escape from the confinement." Nine Patriarchs gritted their teeth.

Later, the rumors spread more and more fiercely, reaching the ears of Nuwa's descendant, so Nuwa's descendant wanted to visit Yi Tianyu for himself.As expected, Zizhen Beast followed in, found the mysterious beast before Nuwa's descendants, cried bitterly and said that he had made a mistake, and now the group of beasts has no owner, and they are making trouble in the fairy world, begging the mysterious beast to go out, so as to calm the chaos of the beasts, so Use strong force to help Xuan Beast break the lock.

Because Xuan Beast had been imprisoned for too long, and because he longed for freedom too much, he fell for him. Unexpectedly, he was caught by Nuwa's successor who just arrived.Nuwa's descendant did not kill, so she had to lock up the mysterious beast again, and vowed that she would never set foot in Yi Tianyu again, and Yi Tianyu could only seal it up forever.

After so many betrayals, misunderstandings and blows, Xuan Beast was disheartened and vowed that he would never leave the customs again, and he would not believe anyone's words, trying to use his own actions to resolve the nuwa's successor's treatment of him. misunderstanding.

"So, the mysterious beast is actually a loyal one, but was framed?" Li Xiaogang suddenly realized.

"It's all that Zizhen Beast! He is cruel, cunning, and ambitious. If it weren't for Nianzhen being the younger brother of the Xuan Beast, he would have been wiped out long ago. He not only destroyed the Xuan Beast, but also destroyed our home. Let us The entire beast can't stand up!" Nine Patriarch's eyes were shining, and when he mentioned Zizhen Beast, he felt unspeakable resentment in his heart.

"However, as far as I know, you later divided the world into three parts and were not united." Li Xiaogang said.He really did not open which pot he lifted, and sprinkled salt on Jiuzu's wound.However, Nine Patriarchs didn't mind, after all what Li Xiaogang said was the truth, so he sighed again and said: "You are right, the beasts have no master, everyone wants to fight for the overlord."

"I heard from your grandson that you were once the most powerful helper and assistant of the mysterious beast. Is it true?" Li Xiaogang asked, wanting to verify what Jiuzu said from the side.

Jiu Patriarch nodded and said: "Actually, I'm not really a helper. I just take care of his daily life and serve as a helper. I can be regarded as an old slave!"

"I want to meet him!" Li Xiaogang said suddenly.

"Believe me, it's useless for you to see him! His loyalty has brought him murderous intentions, but his belief in his relatives has brought about murderous disasters. His heart is dead, and he will never trust anyone again. I believe , in this world, unless Nuwa's successor comes here, no one can arouse the hope of his life." Nine Patriarchs said.

"Anyone can't do it, maybe I can do it!" Li Xiaogang said confidently.

Jiuzu's expression was full of disbelief, and he didn't know how to dissuade this stubborn person.

"Forget it, I think you are my grandson's best friend. Let me tell you bluntly, the mysterious beast has frozen all its thoughts. This is similar to slow suicide, unless you can wake him up, which is one of them." Jiuzu said sincerely, paused for a moment, and then continued: "Secondly, I don't know how much his memory has deteriorated. If he can't remember anyone, he may kill you! The third is, then The keepsake is very old, and there are only five possibilities for successfully contacting the mysterious beast."

Li Xiaogang pondered for a while, and resolutely said: "I have the confidence to overcome these points. As long as you can help me find the mysterious beast and help me get out of the fairy world, I promise to help you restore the order of Yi Tianyu. will perish."

Jiuzu was silent again, it could be seen that he did not believe that Li Xiaogang had such strength at all.

(End of this chapter)

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