The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2092 Spirit Power Orb

Chapter 2092 Spirit Power Orb

"As far as you are now, you are just a void spirit, and your grandson is weak, so you can only trust me now! You have no choice but to see the mysterious beast. I have no other extravagant wishes." Li Xiaogang said.In fact, he could have told about Miaoxin, but he always felt that when Miaoxin was not sure of recovering Nuwa's divine power, one less person who knew would be more protection for Miaoxin.Nine Patriarchs really wavered, Li Xiaogang was the only bargaining chip, the mysterious beast was almost dead, if he could reawaken his fighting spirit, maybe it would be a good thing.Finally, he finally made up his mind.

"Okay! Although this token can only be connected to the mysterious beast on the fifth floor, but with my efforts, there is a possibility of seven floors. You take this with you!" Jiuzu said, and took out a white jade bead.

"What is this?" Li Xiaogang asked while taking the bead.

"This is the condensation of my spiritual power for so many years. If you connect this bead to the token and then activate it, the effect may be better." Jiuzu said, Li Xiaogang's face darkened when he saw him, probably because the spirit bead left him Internal reasons.

"But, if you leave this spirit orb, isn't your practice for so many years in vain?" Although he wanted to achieve his goal very much, it can be seen that the Ninth Patriarch sacrificed like this, Li Xiaogang still couldn't bear it.

"It doesn't matter, no matter how powerful I am in cultivation, I'm still just a void spirit, and I'll never see the light of day. However, after you go out, don't look for me anymore. Without the spiritual power orb, my induction power will be reduced." Too bad, I may really not be able to sense the outside world, and I will not be able to protect my grandchildren, and I hope you will take care of me." Jiuzu said, his figure slowly blurred, Disappeared in the shadows.

Only then did Li Xiaogang understand that most of the reason why the Nine Patriarchs were able to manifest their spirits was due to the effect of this white spiritual power bead.It seems that it may be ten thousand years before I want to see him again.After putting away the Lingli Orb, it suddenly occurred to him that the Jiukun Beast might have finished the sacrifice, and if he found himself everywhere, the loss would not be worth the loss, so he took three steps at a time and left the ancestral hall.As soon as he went out, the door of the ancestral hall slammed shut. Li Xiaogang pushed him curiously, but he couldn't open it no matter how hard he pushed.At this time, hearing the anxious call of the Nine Kun Beast, Li Xiaogang responded casually, ignoring the door, and ran towards the call of the Nine Kun Beast.

When Jiukun Beast saw Li Xiaogang, it complained: "You have no clue, I searched for you for a long time, but I didn't see you fart, which made me worry for a long time!"

Li Xiaogang smiled "haha". Over the past few days, Jiukun Beast has learned its own tone of speaking, and it is still very funny to speak from the beast's mouth.

"Don't just smile, where did you go? If you rush to do something out of line, I'll make you look good." Seeing Li Xiaogang's malicious smile, Jiukun Beast pretended to threaten.

"I can tell you, but if I tell you, I'm afraid you won't believe me!" Li Xiaogang said pretending to be mysterious.

"You said, what's the matter with you, could it be that you have gone to heaven?" Jiu Kun Beast looked disapproving.

"That's not the case, I just met your ancestor!" Li Xiaogang said complacently.After all, he revealed the white jade bead.

As soon as Jiukun Beast heard it, it really wanted to strangle Li Xiaogang to death. This kind of joke was actually made on such a solemn occasion.However, before he had time to get mad, he concentrated on seeing the white jade bead, which was shining in Li Xiaogang's hands, filled with an unstoppable solemnity, as if he would be attracted by this white jade bead if he didn't pay attention.Jiukun Beast was stunned, not knowing why he felt this way.

"Grandson, I will entrust you with the mission of restoring the longevity clan. You must live up to my expectations." Suddenly, an old voice came to Jiukun Beast's ears.The Jiukun Beast was stunned, perhaps because of the intimidating power of its ancestors, the Jiukun Beast couldn't help but respectfully.It turned out that the careful Jiu Patriarch was afraid that Jiu Kun Beast would not believe that Li Xiaogang saw him, so he quietly left a word.Even Li Xiaogang was amazed that the Nine Patriarchs were so meticulous.

"So, you have indeed seen my ancestor, what's the matter with this bead?" Jiukun Beast took the bead carefully, and looked at it for a long time, except that it was still emitting a faint light, and it was still very heavy. , there is almost nothing special about it.

"Then can I still lie to you? Don't ask any more questions. This bead is to help us find the mysterious beast more confidently. You quickly take out the token and put the token and the bead together." Li Xiaogang followed the Nine Patriarch's instructions. Said, commanded.

Jiukun Beast quickly took out the jade tube token carefully, then looked at Li Xiaogang again and said, "And then?"

"Hold the bead in your left hand and the token in your right hand. If you concentrate, you should be able to find the location where the mysterious beast is sensed!" Li Xiaogang told Jiukun beast one by one according to Jiuzu's words.

According to Li Xiaogang's instructions, Jiukun Beast held a bead in its left hand and a jade tube token in its right. It sat cross-legged, closed its eyes, and began to fall into a state of tranquility.Li Xiaogang was on the side, watching every move of the Nine Kun Beast, for fear that something might happen to him.After a while, Jiukun Beast's expression began to relax completely, which was a signal of complete silence, so Li Xiaogang paid more attention to the disturbances around him.The jade tube began to emit a green light, which continued to his blood along the meridians of the Jiukun Beast, and began to establish a connection, and the same was true for the Lingli Orb. It emits a jumping white light, which directly immerses in the brain of the Jiukun Beast.Fortunately, the whole process was very short. After a while, Jiu Kun Beast opened its eyes, but looked very tired.

"How is it? Did you see where he is?" Li Xiaogang asked eagerly.

"Wait a minute, it's done! I see it." Jiu Kun Beast replied, but it didn't show any surprise.

"Did something accident happen?" Li Xiaogang asked, the look of Jiukun Beast told him that the situation was not as smooth as it seemed, as if some accident happened, Li Xiaogang couldn't help but feel a little nervous!
Sure enough, Jiukun Beast said dejectedly: "The Xuan Beast is probably dead, lying there motionless, completely unconscious."

Only then did Li Xiaogang breathe a sigh of relief, remembering that the Nine Patriarchs had told him that the mysterious beast had frozen his mind, perhaps because he had been lethargic for too long, so the signs of life were not obvious, but according to the Nine Patriarch's speculation, the profound beast would not be here. Ten thousand years to die.Li Xiaogang told Jiu Kun Beast all this in detail.

After hearing this, Jiukun Beast was in a much better mood, and seemed to have regained his confidence, and said: "So I thought Xuan Beast was a big villain, and I was worried that Xuan Beast would be hostile to you and me. From this point of view, he He was framed by someone, alas, it seems that he may become demented, and maybe his temper will be better."

"Okay, give me a heads up. If his memory deteriorates too badly and he forgets what he should remember, wouldn't it be a waste of time to fetch water from the bamboo basket?" Li Xiaogang retorted, how could this stupid beast lose its mind at a critical moment? Come on, but he can't be blamed for this, after all, he is eager to enter the fairyland, which is not what Jiu Kun Beast can understand.

"Oh, you're right! I just found out that he was trapped in the tenth floor of the cave under Mount Ji. It's not too late. You jump up quickly, and I'll do my best. Let's go!" Jiu Kun Beast said , Immediately re-transformed into a stinger.This time he did not refute Li Xiaogang's scolding, maybe Li Xiaogang really hit the point.At present, they can only pray for luck. If the mysterious beast is really lethargic, it is really a waste of time to help the mysterious beast find memories.

"Speaking of Jishan, have you heard the legend of Lingshan?" Li Xiaogang asked while quickly jumping behind the Jiukun Beast and finding a place with thick hair to hide.

"Lingshan? I've never heard of it." Maybe it's been too long, and the Jiukun Beast didn't even know about it.

"Do you know about Nuwa's descendants?" Li Xiaogang asked again.

"Nuwa's successor? What the hell is that? You're talking about things in the fairy world. It's too old, and these are very strange to us." Nine Kun Beast replied briefly, and flew up to the sky at a steady pace, heading for the distance Use your strength to fly.Maybe it was completely supplemented with energy, coupled with the possession of the Nine Patriarch's Lingli Orb, Jiukun Beast found that its skill seemed to be tightened again, and it couldn't help but secretly elated.

"What do you say about the cave on the tenth floor of Mount Ji, the long cave at the bottom of the mountain?" Li Xiaogang hid behind and asked in his spare time. He is usually used to fly people in the sky, but today he is very satisfied with the change of treatment.However, this Changyan Cave at the foot of the mountain is really strange. It was said that Monkey King was crushed on Wuzhi Mountain and San Shengmu was crushed on Huashan Mountain. It was only one floor, so it was terrible. How could this mysterious beast He De be crushed to the tenth floor below the mountain?Li Xiaogang speculated very gossip.

"You don't know this. Other mountains rise up, but Jishan grows down. From the outside, it is just a small hill, but underneath it is a huge mountain. Because it is very hidden, many unknown people Rare beasts like to build nests and holes in it. Later, after the Yanshou, Qiha, and Moro clans divided Yi Tianyu, they saw that the scale of these beasts was getting bigger and bigger, and they would attack the clansmen at night, so they united Cleared once, and since then, these herds have become fewer and fewer, almost on the verge of extinction.

However, since that clearing operation, I also know the topography of Jishan. " Jiukun Beast replied.

"Then we have arrived at Mount Ji, aren't we going to dig a hole down?" Li Xiaogang asked puzzled.

"That's not necessary. There is a suspended space on Jishan Mountain, which can reach the bottom of the mountain, and we can fly straight down." Jiukun Beast added, talking about a very abstract concept.

(End of this chapter)

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