The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2093 Underwater Cave

Chapter 2093 Underwater Cave
Li Xiaogang shook his head helplessly. For this special terrain, seeing is believing. He will understand it naturally when he gets to the place, so he simply shut up and just wait.

Due to the sufficient energy replenishment of Jiukun Beast, the injury has also healed.After flying for another few hundred miles, they soon arrived at Mount Ji.Li Xiaogang looked down and found that Jishan was really only the size of a small hill, with lush plants like nanmu growing on it, but not a single grass grew on the shaded side.

At this time, the Jiukun Beast swooped down and stayed on the side of the shadow.Looking closer, Li Xiao just discovered that there is indeed something tricky on the dark side, there is actually a hollow tunnel from here, directly leading to the bottomless bottom.Occasionally, a few huge bird-shaped and cow-shaped monsters can be seen scurrying around, making a few piercing strange calls.

"The bottom is the top of the mountain." Jiukun Beast turned into a human again and pointed down.

"Obviously it is the bottom of the mountain, why is it called the top of the mountain? I really don't understand the logic of the mountain growing downward. Could it be that the mountain is like a tree, and will grow bigger and bigger?" Li Xiaogang wondered, and now he is standing Here, I still don't understand the logic.

"The shape of this mountain is big at the top and small at the bottom, and narrower as it goes down. It's like a mountain growing upside down. You can shout whatever you like, it doesn't matter!" Jiu Kun Beast looked a little irritable.

Ever since he was a child, he had grown up listening to the legends of mysterious beasts, and now that he was so close to him, he felt unspeakably nervous, as if he had offended his territory, how could he answer Li Xiaogang's hundred thousand questions? Why.Li Xiaogang is fearless, but he can't understand the nervousness of Jiu Kun Beast, so of course he talks non-stop without any scruples.

"Don't stand still, how do you get to the tenth floor of the cave?" Li Xiaogang said anxiously seeing the Jiukun Beast standing still, as if hesitating.

"Due to the long history, the rock wall of the mountain has been eroded, and there will be some large and small caves. Only the larger ones are called caves. We can only find the tenth floor of the caves by playing!" Jiu Kun Beast replied. .After surveying the terrain for a while, he seemed to have calmed down.

"It's not too late, let's fly down and have a look!" Li Xiaogang said that he was about to set off. Although this mountain is somewhat evil, the terrain is relatively simple, and all dangerous factors are clear at a glance, which is easier to grasp.But Jiukun Beast didn't move, so Li Xiaogang had to stop, and asked strangely: "You've been restless since you came here, what's going on?" It's better for you to go down by yourself, I only know the so-called ten-story cave based on the idea of ​​the mysterious beast, and it is the will of Nuwa's descendants to suppress the mysterious beast in the cave, so it is not easy for me to interfere."

"This bastard, he was scared on the spot and wanted to back down. He really missed such a brave appearance." Li Xiaogang cursed inwardly. He originally wanted to use the name of the Nine Patriarchs to overwhelm him, but after thinking about it, the situation here I don't know, it's not bad to simply leave Jiukun Beast on it to guard the door.

So, Li Xiaogang pretended to be indifferent and said: "You are right. Now that the Jiukun Beast is killed or escaped, as the successor, you really can't make any more troubles. In this way, you can stay on top. If there is any accident, it is good to have a care."

Hearing what Li Xiaogang said, the Jiukun Beast hurriedly nodded in case of amnesty, and said gratefully: "Brother, you are still thoughtful, and I will honestly guard the door on it. Besides, you have the beast card of my Longevity Clan, Xuan The beast will definitely not doubt your identity."

Li Xiaogang snorted inwardly, thinking that I didn't play your Nine Kun Beast card, otherwise there would be no chance of winning at all, but on the surface he still smiled and said yes.Leaving Jiukun Beast alone, he jumped down towards the hollow tunnel.

Jiukun Beast waited for Li Xiaogang to leave, and then he breathed a sigh of relief, but he still couldn't let go of his hanging heart. After all, he was the one who brought Li Xiaogang to this place. But I can only wait anxiously for the result.

Besides, Li Xiaogang, because he couldn't figure out the terrain, had to slow down his falling speed, while observing whether there were caves like the one described by the Nine Kun beasts on the rock walls on both sides, but the reality was not the layer-by-layer regularity that Li Xiaogang had imagined before. In fact, these caves are either too narrow and shallow, or are filled with feces and residual hair of some monsters, which are not suitable for climate, but there are no really decent caves.However, Li Xiaogang was not discouraged. Since he was imprisoned for the second time, he must be in a very secluded place, which is difficult for ordinary people to find at a glance, and it is impossible to be so close to the top of the mountain.

So Li Xiaogang held the mentality of giving it a try, and simply let himself go to the deepest level.As it went down, the light became darker and narrower, the noise became less and less, and a damp and rotten smell came over the face.

Suddenly, with a sound of "Ding Dong", Li Xiaogang suddenly heard a sound of dripping water, which was so clear in this near-vacuum underground, and it reached Li Xiaogang's ears without any resistance.Tens of meters further down, I saw a full moon-shaped pond, lying safely underneath.It was motionless, and under the extremely weak light, there was a slight glint of water.

"There is a water source below, does that mean we have reached the bottom?" Li Xiaogang's heart sank. If he can't find any traces of the cave now, will he have to go back home.

Standing by the water, Li Xiaogang looked up with the help of the weak light, and suddenly a strange thought entered Li Xiaogang's mind, isn't the entire shape of Jishan a cone?If so, isn't the mountain itself the shape of a hole?What if Jiukun Beast got it wrong?

Ten-story cave, ten-story cave, Li Xiaogang repeated in his mouth, maybe a water-layer cave?Li Xiaogang was just guessing aimlessly like this, and he jumped into the pond without any hesitation.

After going down, there is really something special here, the water is surprisingly clear, and you can see far away at a glance.About ten meters down, Li Xiaogang smelled a dangerous breath, looked away, and found a huge body floating there in the distance, covered with layers of heavy chains, but it couldn't hide it at all. With the strong muscles of this beast, under the reflection of the water, the whole body of this beast is purple-blue. I don't know if it is its original color or the water plants all over its body. Matched with its long mane, it stretches its teeth and claws in the water. Floating around, it looks more like a terrifying water monster.Li Xiaogang is not afraid of being overjoyed, knowing that the eighth floor is a mysterious beast.

However, because he was far away, and the huge head of the beast was drooping lifelessly, his original face could not be seen at all.Although the shape of the mysterious beast is very terrifying at the moment, Li Xiaogang still decided to swim over to take a closer look at the true condition of the mysterious beast.He has always had a belief in his heart, no matter what, he must return to the fairyland, find Miaoxin, complete his mission, and then return to his homeland. The beast swam past.

As it got closer, the face of the mysterious beast became clearer and clearer. At first glance, it looked like a huge green bull, with its eyes closed unconsciously, growing on the top of its head, and only huge eyelids could be seen. But it has no horns, but it has two pairs of huge wings that are tucked behind its back.

What's even more amazing is that there is a long snake tail dragging behind him, which is thick and hard, like a giant python meandering on the ground.Seeing that he was not angry, Li Xiaogang simply circled around him a few times and took a closer look at the mysterious beast.Suddenly, Li Xiaogang noticed very carefully that the mysterious beast's tail moved slightly, and the person immediately jumped a few feet away, for fear that the mysterious beast would surprise him with a whip, which would be uncomfortable.

However, he hid far away and watched quietly for a while, but he didn't notice any action of the mysterious beast. Li Xiaogang secretly mocked himself for being careless, and was about to approach the mysterious beast, but he saw that the water waves around him, which were originally stagnant, began to shake violently. , the water patterns became clearer and clearer, and the fluctuations became more and more obvious. With the help of the fluctuating water patterns, a strong evil spirit was released. Looking at the mysterious beast again, at some point, his eyes opened wide, and through the trembling In the water layer, one can vaguely recognize the hostile green fluorescence in his eyes. Li Xiaogang was shocked, and quickly mobilized his true energy to take defensive measures. The shaking water marks also disappeared.

Li Xiaogang thought to himself, maybe out of instinct, the mysterious beast had a series of hostile reactions just now because of the appearance of foreign objects, but maybe because he froze his own thinking, his actions were not controlled by his mind, so the duration was relatively short.

Now, a new problem is posed in front of Li Xiaogang, how to awaken the desire of the mysterious beast?This is something I have never done before. If facing a human being, even a vegetative person, Li Xiaogang has a thousand ways to awaken his will, but facing a huge beast that can't tell whether it is an enemy or a friend, he himself Really at a loss.

Li Xiaogang suddenly had a bold idea, since he couldn't wake up the mysterious beast, but on the other hand, if he freed the mysterious beast, once he regained his freedom, maybe the mysterious beast would be forced to regain his mind?However, Li Xiaogang immediately denied his own idea. If he followed the Profound Beast's wishes and helped him, it would be fine. The current situation is that he clearly knew that the Profound Beast did not want to come out of the mountain again, so he forcibly unlocked it for him. If he is active instead of passive, it will be very difficult to gain his trust.After thinking for a long time, Li Xiaogang had no choice but to return to the ground and look for other clues with the Nine Kun beasts.

The mysterious beast is not willing to wake up now. If the mysterious beast can talk to him and tell him its purpose through other means, as long as the mysterious beast has the will, it will be twice the result with half the effort if it wants to wake him up.By the way, the jade tube token!You can try to use the jade tube token to stimulate the mind of the mysterious beast, and then cooperate with external forces, the chances of winning should be higher.

(End of this chapter)

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