The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2098 Looking for the Stinger Bee

Chapter 2098 Looking for the Stinger Bee

"You must hope that I can't die anymore! However, your wish has not been fulfilled, and I am still alive and well!" Jiu Kun Beast sneered, and flew over again.

This kick just hit the black-haired strong man's joints, and he was so painful that cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and he kept shouting: "Patriarch, spare your life, spare your life, it was not my idea to kill your clansman back then. It's the idea of ​​the big stinging bee!" Jiukun beast is known as the largest clan in Yi Tianyu, and one can imagine the aura it had back then, although it was wiped out overnight, its power still exists.

Jiukun Beast wanted to vent something, but Li Xiaogang stopped him and said, "I think you should stop talking nonsense with him, and hurry up and ask about something!"

Jiukun Beast had no choice but to put aside personal grievances first, grabbed the black-haired burly man and asked, "Where is the big stinger bee?"

The Jiukun Beast is extremely powerful, and the strong black-haired man was almost out of breath after being strangled by his neck, so he could only say intermittently: "The Big Stinger Bee is the best. I have been practicing recently. Need, need, quiet, quiet, I, I don't know where he went." Nine Kun Beast let go again, and the black-haired burly man was thrown to the ground, and of course there was another scream.Jiukun Beast stomped its big foot on the black-haired strong man's chest again, and said viciously, "I'll give you another chance. If you say anything, you will live. If you don't say anything, I will crush your internal organs and give you all your intestines." Step on it!" After speaking, he began to use force.

The black-haired burly man was really complaining. When he encountered such a cruel horn as the Jiukun Beast, he had no choice but to move: "Oh, he is in Wanguo Temple."

"En? When I came here, I passed Wanguo Temple, why didn't I see the big stinging bee?" Jiukun stared, obviously not believing it.It turned out that the forest where he and Li Xiaogang had a feast was the location of Wanguo Temple.

"I really didn't lie to you, patriarch. He may have been insensitive during his retreat, and that's why he didn't notice you." The black-haired burly man quickly explained that he was very afraid that the Jiukun beast would trample him to death in a fit of anger.Jiukun Beast thought to himself, maybe when passing there, neither he nor Li Xiaogang had done any work, maybe it was because they avoided meeting the Sting Bee Beast face to face.Thinking of this, Jiukun Beast smiled grimly and kicked hard, and the black-haired burly man vomited blood and died.

"You're really ruthless, didn't you say you'd let him go?" Bai Wa curled her lips, feeling that the scene was too bloody.

"Hmph, I personally let him go, but I am avenging my dead clansman!" Jiu Kun Beast quibbled.

"Okay, then go to Wanguo Temple." Li Xiaogang said, ignoring the dispute between the two.

Since the distance is not far, and Xuan Beast and Li Xiaogang have strong feet, they soon arrived at Wanguo Temple.The Wanguo Temple was also built by the Yanshou, Moro and Qiha tribes back then. It was to celebrate the festive moment when the Yi Tianyu fairy tree came to fruition. It was completely idle, so the big stinger chose this place for retreat.

Not enough, because the mysterious beast and Li Xiaogang released their divine breath early, which of course aroused the vigilance of the stinging bee. As expected, after a while, a yellow body flashed quickly, and a thin and thin old man appeared in front of several people .

"Jiu Kun Beast, after that fierce battle, you didn't die. No wonder you couldn't find it after digging three feet. It seems that you went to find a rescuer!" The thin old man sneered.

"Big stinger, no matter what happens to me, I am getting stronger and stronger, but your body is growing thinner and thinner, is it because you have soaked too much blood and killed too many people, don't worry! " Jiukun Beast said back.

"You! What else do you know?" Jiukun Beast's words really hit the nail on the head, causing the Stinger Bee to jump up.

"With your attitude, you still want to dominate Yi Tianyu. I think you'd better guard your one-acre three-point land and take care of yourselves." Nine Kun Beast continued to irritate him.

Unexpectedly, the big stinging beeman laughed wildly "haha", and said: "You still love nonsense so much, you all let your horses come here!"

Just when he finished speaking, a white figure rushed towards him at a speed that could not be detected by the eyes, and then a white light exploded on the top of the stinger, and the stinger went straight The coma has passed, and it is estimated that before he lost consciousness, he hadn't discovered how he was recruited.

"Xuan, Senior Xuan, you've done it yourself!" Jiu Kun Beast said in amazement, this was the first time he had seen Xuan Beast make a move, and it was so superb that he couldn't see what kind of trick it was using, Jiu Kun Beast even forgot Excited, really overwhelmed, not to mention the Nine Kun beasts, even Bai Wa was an eye-opener.

Here, only Li Xiaogang remained calm. In fact, right after the mysterious beast made a move, Li Xiaogang was also planning to make a move, but he felt the murderous aura from the mysterious beast in advance, so he had to let the mysterious beast seize the opportunity.

"This kind of blackmailer, why bother talking nonsense to him, maybe I hit too hard, and he passed out, you wake him up quickly, and then ask this guy carefully!" Xuan Beast said bluntly.

"Hmph, senior, leave this to me. I can't kill someone, but if I wake someone up, I have countless ways!" Bai Wa stepped forward.Back then when she was with Goddess, he learned a lot, and he was already an expert in the medical field.

I saw Bai Wa ran over to play with the Beeper for a while, and then took out a series of strange things and stuffed them into his mouth, only to hear a "Puchi", I saw the beeper's mouth bursting. A puff of black smoke came out, and he groaned in pain. Immediately afterwards, he rolled his eyes, and there was a rumbling sound in his stomach. At this moment, a stench mixed with bloody smell spread out. Pulled out a whole bunch of disgusting stuff.

Bai Wa yelled "No", and poked around for a long time, and then took out a red pill from her pocket, and was about to stuff it into the mouth of the stinging beeper again.

"Baby, you don't want to kill him, do you! If you do this, don't you mean to toss us to death first? What did this big stinging bee eat recently, and why is it so smelly?" Jiu Kun beast shouted from the side, quickly covering Hold your nose.

He didn't want the stinging bee to die like this, it would be too cheap for him.Seeing Li Xiaogang and Xuan Beast, they also frowned and covered their noses.

Bai Wa smiled awkwardly, and said: "It was all a misunderstanding just now. I haven't treated the disease for a long time, and I gave him the medicine for digestion and blood stasis by mistake. This stinger may be in retreat, and its immune system is weak, so the reaction It's stronger...Give him a life-saving help right now!" Baiwa said for a long time, and the eyeballs of the stinging bee had all turned white. The pill was stuffed into the mouth of the stinging hornet.

Jiukun Beast smiled "hehe" and said, "No matter what method you use, just let him speak."

It seemed that the red pill was indeed a life-saving medicine. It had just swallowed it, and the moaning of the stinging bee had gradually weakened, and it opened its eyes wide after a while.

As soon as he regained consciousness, he immediately felt that there was something strange about his lower body. When he saw that he understood, his face immediately sank, and he said angrily, "What did you do to me? You, you are so despicable!"

Jiukun Beast smiled and said, "It's because you have a bad stomach. I think it's because you drank too much animal blood, so you can't digest it!"

"Jiu Kun Beast, I knew it was you who made it up. If you want to kill it, you have to cut it neatly. Don't do some dirty things like this!" The Big Sting Bee Beast said angrily, such a shame and humiliation, as the patriarch, he Of course it's unbearable, and I can't wait to "shit" immediately.

"You can die quickly if you want, we have a few questions that we need your cooperation to answer." Xuan Beast said suddenly.

The big stinging bee beast turned its face, and he recognized that it was the mysterious beast that destroyed him invisible. He knew that if the mysterious beast wanted to kill him, it would only take a few seconds, so he felt a little more fearful in his heart. But in my heart, I became more and more resentful. Knowing that I had no way out today, I became fearless and said rascally, "I'm going to die anyway, why should I listen to you?"

The mysterious beast smiled bitterly, and said: "Your result is death, but the process can be longer." After that, the corner of his eyes moved, only to hear another scream from the stinging bee beast, and subconsciously covered his eyes. It turned out that The mysterious beast actually pierced a strand of hair directly through the eyes of the stinging bee. Although there was no blood, the pain was already unbearable for ordinary people.

"Which kind of god are you? Why are you so powerful?" the big stinger beast lay on the ground, moaning and asking in a sad voice.This is the second time he didn't see the mysterious beast make a move, but suffered for no apparent reason, and seeing the mysterious beast's extraordinary bearing and fluttering white clothes, of course he was classified as a god.

"Senior Xuan, it's better not to talk nonsense with him, let's get straight to the point, time is running out." Li Xiaogang reminded from the side.Here, only Li Xiaogang is not from Yi Tianyu, of course he is most anxious to leave quickly.

"Senior Xuan, Xuan? Your surname is Xuan?" The Great Stinger Bee listened clearly.

"Do you want to come to visit relatives? Could it be that your surname is Xuan?" Jiu Kun Beast sneered.

"Could it be that you are a senior mysterious beast?" The big stinging bee beast didn't pay attention to the sarcasm of the Jiukun beast, but asked tentatively.

"It's right here!" Xuan Beast said coldly.

"Senior Xuan, please be honored by your disciple!" The big stinging bee beast immediately wanted to struggle when he heard the mysterious beast's confession, but Bai Wa's "promoting blood and removing blood stasis"

The effect of the medicine was too powerful, so as soon as the big stinger was struggling, his stomach was rumbling again, he stopped moving immediately, for fear of pulling out another pile, so he just lay down and said: "Senior Xuan, I listen Grandpa once mentioned that you are the real leader of Yi Tianyu, I saw you today, I have offended you, I ask you to forgive me!"

The mysterious beast was unmoved, and only asked: "If you really call me senior, tell me what is the origin of your evil skills?"

(End of this chapter)

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