The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2099 Blood Evil Art

Chapter 2099 Blood Evil Art
The big stinging bee beast was shocked when he learned the identity of the mysterious beast. Of course, he knew everything, and wished he had two mouths to defend himself. Although he spoke incoherently, everyone still understood the real situation.

It turned out that at some age, the Moro tribe where the stinger bee belonged to accidentally obtained a secret cultivation technique called "Blood Evil Kung Fu". To advance to an advanced level, the stronger the foundation at the beginning, the faster the ascension speed. The disadvantage is that it will consume lifespan, and the cost is too high. You must use the living blood of living things every once in a while, and you have to drink it alive. It is really against the law, so The patriarchs of the Moro tribe in the past did not dare to practice.In the generation of the stinging bee beast, due to the disputes among the three clans, the Moro clan gradually became weaker, so he had an evil heart and wanted to take a shortcut, so he practiced this kind of exercise. As expected, it was very powerful and depressing. Yes, maybe he was too eager for quick success, eating too much invigorating blood all at once, so every once in a while, he would clean up and clean up the undigested blood stasis in his body.

"How could there be such an evil and unusual cultivation method as "Blood Evil Art" in Yi Tianyu? This place has always been dominated by herds of beasts, all of them are talented, and no strangers have ever invaded..." Xuan Beast muttered something, I feel incredible.

"How could there be no strangers intruding? Didn't the Zizhen Beast sneak in?" Li Xiaogang said.

"Yes! It must be him! When I met him back then, he was eager for quick success and quick profit. He tried every means to inquire about the shortcuts to practice. When he came to the fairy world, he must have found this kind of exercise and left it here unintentionally or on purpose. , Let Yi Tianyu's group of beasts kill each other, so that he can reap the benefits of the fisherman." The mysterious beast calculated step by step, and came to such a terrible conclusion.

"The most terrifying situation is that if he really planned to make Yi Tianyu's beasts kill each other, then he must have plans to come back, and he must know the secret of the node." Li Xiaogang said with a gloomy face.

At the same time, the one who held the same idea as Li Xiaogang and coveted this space node was indeed Zizhen Beast, and just as Li Xiaogang guessed, it was indeed he who intentionally left the secret book of "Blood Evil Kungfu" in Yi Tianyu.Later, after following Nuwa back to the fairy world, he spent a lot of effort to know the secret of Yi Tianyu and the node of the fairy world, but unfortunately, his cultivation skills are not solid, he is just a crooked miscellaneous family, with meager strength, and no Unable to open this space node.

According to his best idea, the mysterious beasts are tightly sealed, the herds of beasts have no leader, and the internal friction is severe, so he just took the opportunity to find the Lingshan, occupying this Lingshan, he can enjoy all the treasures.Therefore, in order to gather the strength of the rest of the cultivators and open up space nodes, he set his sights on the No. [-] sect of cultivators in the immortal world—Miaoxinmen.While Nuwa was traveling abroad, he managed to make friends with Master Yagu who was the elder of the Miaoxinmen. Later, Master Yagu was injured in a duel with Master Yunju, so he resorted to tricks and led him to practice this "blood evil skill", which is In order to make Master Yagu stronger and stronger, it is better to put in more effort when breaking through the space nodes.As for the disadvantages of this blood evil skill, he didn't mention a word to Master Yagu at all.

Even if the power of the group of beasts still exists, but after all, the most powerful mysterious beast is not there, and with the help of all the immortals, Zizhen Beast can sit back and relax and reap the benefits.After the space node was opened, it was only open for one day, and he even wanted to take the treasure and leave, and lock those fairy families in Yi Tianyu forever.In this way, the more he thought about it, the more beautiful it became, and he even fantasized that the baby was already in his hands.

Master Yagu, who was kept in the dark, has always regarded the Zizhen Beast as a guest of honor. Now he is more and more dependent on the energy brought by the blood evil art. The way he practiced before was thrown to Java, so , and rely more and more on Zizhen Beast, always hoping that he can teach him more exercises.

Today's Miaoxinmen is extremely chilling.The inner disciples led by the deputy sect masters were waiting in full force, all over the main roads of Jihong Mountain, as if some big event was about to happen.In the same solemn meeting hall, Master Yagu still sat in a high position, Zizhen Beast was on the left, and the seat where Feng Laoxian was originally on the right was empty.Sitting in two neat rows under the stage are still the deputy sect masters from all walks of life.

"Everyone is here today because there is a great event to announce! Our Lingshan project is about to start!" Master Yagu waved his hand and said grandly.His complexion was more rosy than before, with blood red, but his eyeballs became grayer and whiter, and the surroundings of his eyes were also filled with slightly swaying black air, but he couldn't hide his excitement at all.Under his instigation, the deputy sect masters below also became excited, as if before their eyes was the spiritual mountain full of treasures.

Master Yagu gestured again, apparently to calm the rest of the people down, he still has more to say.

Sure enough, Master Yagu cleared his throat again, and said loudly: "This time, we are heading towards Lingshan. Please save your energy and equipment. We will work together and strive for success in one fell swoop!"

The people below began to cheer again.

At this time, Zizhen Beast added: "I have been to Lingshan once, you may not know the situation well, Lingshan is in a place called Yi Tianyu."

His words really caused an uproar below.

"Yi Tianyu? Isn't it the Forest of Ten Thousand Beasts?" one of them said.

"That's right, that's a forbidden place in the fairy world, not everyone can go there!" an old voice echoed.

"Having said that, if you don't enter the tiger's den, you won't get tiger cubs. If Lingshan was in the fairy world, the treasures would have been snatched away. In Yi Tianyu, it just shows that it is a genuine undeveloped treasure mountain!" Another person said excitedly. .

However, from the tone of everyone's discussion, it can be heard that everyone's expectations are greater than their fears. After all, the law does not punish the public. of?
However, Zizhen Beast said: "Yi Tianyu is a forbidden area in the fairy world. Everyone knows that opening the forbidden area requires everyone to work together. If you want, you can go to find the treasure with us. If you don't want to, quit today. We It will never stop."

Hearing what Zizhen Beast said, the scene immediately fell silent.Now that the baby is within easy reach, no one wants to give up this rare opportunity.

"Since everyone has no objections, I think it's settled like this. We will set off tomorrow morning, and when the time comes, we will have the same blessings and share the hardships!" said the real Yagu.

"Okay!" The old people in the mountains also stood up excitedly at this time, and said: "This major event is the first major event since the establishment of our Miao Xin Sect, everyone must work together, maybe after this treasure hunt, It will definitely bring our Miaoxinmen's strength to a higher level!" The rest of the people saw that the respected old people of Zhongshan also said the same, and they also doubled their confidence, but no one noticed that the corner of Zizhen Beast's mouth flashed a trace Sly smile.

After everyone dispersed, Master Yagu said to Zizhen Beast again: "Thanks to your thoughtfulness, you even bought a few deputy sect masters and let them speak for us. This is the situation of unity today. But , that closed place, Yi Tianyu, can really be opened with people like us?"

Zi Zhen Beast said, "To be honest, Yi Tianyu and Immortal Realm only have a secret node. As long as there is enough external force to break through this node, everything will be fine. After so many days of cultivation, The strength has reached perfection, together with the immortals and me, we will definitely be able to break through that node. At that time, under my leadership, everyone will work together, and the spirit mountain will definitely be found."

"So, you are very familiar with Yi Tianyu!" Master Yagu asked.A trace of uneasiness flashed inadvertently in his eyes.

This unease fell into Zi Zhen Beast's eyes exactly, and he smiled "hehe" and said, "Don't you trust me, afraid that I will stab you in the back?"

"This statement is wrong. You are familiar with Yi Tianyu, so we can act better. I am too happy. How could I have such an idea?" Of course, Master Yagu immediately denied it, although he did have this doubt in his heart .

"You can rest assured about this point. I'm not stupid enough to fatten up my opponents. Besides, besides me, Zizhen Beast, your people are all over Yi Tianyu. Even if I have three heads and six arms, how can I defeat you all?" Like?" Zizhen Beast sneered.

Master Yagu simply pointed out: "Since that's the case, why do you spare no effort to help us? Don't you have any selfishness at all?"

Zizhen Beast had already expected that Master Yagu would ask such a question, so he prevaricated with the excuse he had thought up: "Selfishness, of course, I have also coveted the treasure on Lingshan for a long time, but I am small and weak, and I have been just wandering around. Besides, I am an orc after all, and many magic weapons and fairy grasses for cultivating immortals are suitable for you, but they are not suitable for me at all, but there is one treasure called the golden lotus mallet, I will take it away, and give you all the rest! Now It's you who contribute, and I will guide the way, this deal should be a good deal!"

Master Yagu smiled "haha", apparently completely dispelling his worries.

Putting down the burden of thinking, the real Yagu also let go of his speech.

"Brother Zizhen, Lingshan is so big, there should be a lot of treasures, and where are the treasures mainly concentrated, can you tell me a little about it first?" Master Yagu said greedily.

"Hey, you'll know when the time comes. I haven't been to Yi Tianyu for many years, how can I remember it so clearly." Zizhen Beast is very cunning, keeps its mouth tightly shut, and doesn't reveal anything.

This guy's mouth is too strict, probably because he is afraid that knowing too much will be bad for him.Master Yagu thought to himself, but there is no way, who let himself be controlled by others now?

Just when the two of them were a little cold, Feng Laoxian ran over anxiously. Although he stood still, he was out of breath, obviously after a long journey.

"Master, Master, this disciple has found the whereabouts of Master Yunju!" Feng Laoxian said out of breath as soon as he entered the door.

(End of this chapter)

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