The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2103 Meeting in a narrow road

Chapter 2103 Meeting in a narrow road

But before everyone was happy, the explosion hadn't ended yet, and it was still spreading. The real person Yagu was the closest, and the force brought by the explosion was thrown far away. Moreover, the real explosion also affected the rest of the people. The spread spread, and some people were blown away in an instant, and their life and death were unknown.

Zizhen Beast was taken aback, he hadn't had time to show his skills, he didn't expect Master Yagu to be so powerful!But he immediately denied himself, no matter how powerful Yagu is, it is impossible to cause such a big commotion, there must be something wrong.

Therefore, he had already retreated far away when the explosion occurred, so he did not suffer any injuries. The rest of the people were not so lucky, and more than half of them were killed or injured.Looking at Master Yagu again, his face was covered in blood, and he lost consciousness at all, most likely dead.At the same time, the seabed of Yi Tianhai, which is hundreds of miles away from this node, was also affected, and the object in the shape of a giant mountain that was temporarily abandoned on the seabed also moved, as if it had a feeling.

Zizhen Beast looked towards that node, and saw a few people standing there. These people also saw him at the first time, and they were equally surprised.

Of these few people, only one Zizhen Beast is familiar with.

"Mysterious Beast!" Zi Zhen Beast's pupils shrank, and he cried out inwardly.He might have thought of everything, but he didn't expect to see a mysterious beast at this time. How could this most unlikely person appear here?And, who are those people next to him?These are the things Zizhen Beast wants to know right away.

"Brother Zizhen, don't come here without any problems. I didn't expect that our brothers are so destined to meet so soon." Only Xuan Beast said.At the beginning, Zizhen Beast betrayed his faith, even if he turned into ashes, the mysterious beast would recognize him, so the moment Zizhen Beast showed his face, the Xuan Beast recognized him at a glance.

Xuan Beast's voice was not loud, but Zi Zhen Beast heard every word in his heart.It turned out that just when Zizhen Beast called everyone to do it, it was also when Li Xiaogang and the others aimed at the space node, the two giant forces gathered, and the node was not only opened, but also completely closed and completely destroyed. It may take a long time to recover, and now Yi Tianyu only has a layer of protection left in the three-dimensional space.Li Xiaogang and the others don't care about this, they are currently trying to solve the thorn in Zizhen Beast.

"Is this Zizhen Beast the Zizhen Beast you mentioned?" Bai Wa deliberately asked loudly.

"Of course it's my good brother." The mysterious beast sneered "haha", with a hint of killing intent in his eyes.

"Since it's your brother, leave it to me. I've pretended to be a grandson for so many years, and I haven't killed him before!" Bai Wa said.

"That can't be done, I have to settle my own affairs." Xuan Beast shook his head.

"Now that I realize it, I haven't given you a meeting gift yet!" Bai Wa disagreed.Bai Wa, who has always been jealous, has long hated Zizhen Beast to death, and now seeing a real person, of course she can't help it.

"Okay then, but you have to leave him a sigh of relief. I haven't seen him for so many years, and I still want to catch up with him!" Xuan Beast withdrew his hand and sighed pretendingly.

Zizhen Beast heard them talk about their life and death without any scruples, as if they had already made up their minds, especially the white baby, who seemed inconspicuous, but still spoke so loudly, and couldn't help saying angrily: "Hmph Hmph, you brat, you are still wearing crotch pants, what kind of monster is that, maybe grandpa will crush you to death, but you still come to the door on your own initiative?"

At this time, he felt something pulling him under his feet. He lowered his head and saw that it was the real Yagu who hadn't died yet. The son didn't recognize him, and was almost taken aback. Later, he recognized Master Yagu, and I hated him for ruining my good deed, so I kicked him away and cursed: "You old bastard!" , spoiled my good deed, get out of here!" The real Yagu was kicked so hard by him, and he tragically died!

Bai Wa was reprimanded by Zi Zhen Beast, but she was not angry, and laughed loudly: "What kind of thing am I? The beast flew.

Zizhen Beast sneered, and said: "What am I? It turns out that I'm just a mature little white fish. I'm going to roast you today." Shi suddenly came in front of Zizhen Beast, and as he said that, he slapped Zizhen Beast's face like a slap. Zi Zhen Beast quickly covered his face, becoming angry from embarrassment. what to say.

Zi Zhen Beast was shocked, it didn't expect Bai Wa's speed to be so fast, he had always used his sharp eyes and quick intuition to guide the world, but he didn't expect to be taken first by a small white fish, his teeth almost gnawed in anger.

The rest of the people saw that Master Yagu died in a blink of an eye, and the compatriots were also killed and injured. Seeing that Zizhen Beast was no match for others, they simply turned and ran away. However, how could they run past this three-dimensional space? Tianyu, who has not seen the face of Lingshan, is about to be trapped in the three-dimensional space.

How could Zizhen Beast care about their life and whereabouts, and yelled at Bai Wa, who was standing in the distance and returned to his original shape: "If you have the ability, don't come here, we will be more fair!"

"Hmph, who's playing tricks! Don't you want to know what I am? I'll come closer and show you. I slapped you to wake you up because of who made your old eyes dim!" Bai Wa laughed and said loudly, for fear that others might not hear her.Sure enough, Li Xiaogang and the mysterious beast laughed very well.

Zizhen Beast is really ready to hit the wall with anger, but now the situation is one against three, and the situation is critical, so he suppressed his dignity and looked for a chance to escape, so he said: "Since you want to compare with me, then Let's just say it's fair, neither of them is allowed to interfere!" As he spoke, he pointed to Xuan Beast and Li Xiaogang.

It is impossible for him to match the strength of the mysterious beast, and Li Xiaogang doesn't look like a good stubble either.Therefore, Zizhen Beast avoids the most important and takes the opportunity to challenge the most inconspicuous Baiwa.

Xuan Beast was about to say something, but Bai Wa stopped him and said, "Okay, I accept your challenge. Then stop talking nonsense, let's start?"

"Slow down!" Zi Zhen Beast was afraid that Bai Wa would make another move just now, so he hurriedly stopped him and said, "Since it is a decisive battle, let's make the conditions clear. If you are defeated by your hands, you must voluntarily admit defeat and let me deal with it. And let me live."

Bai Wa nodded, and said earnestly: "I will agree to any conditions, and if I don't win in three moves, I will lose, is that okay?"

"What an arrogant doll! You really know nothing about life and death, he must be a wild monster who has never seen the world in Yi Tianyu." Zi Zhenshou secretly laughed in his heart, but after experiencing Bai Wa's slap in the face just now, he also felt in his heart. More vigilant.

"Okay, I will do it according to the conditions you said." Zizhen Beast readily agreed. From what he thought, the current situation is obviously in his favor.

But Xuan Beast couldn't help cursing: "You spineless bastard, you've become like this, aren't you afraid to spread the word and make people laugh?"

But Zizhen Beast retorted: "We have red mouths and white teeth, and we made it very clear that one is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer, and it has nothing to do with you. Is it fair for you to fight three against one?"

Xuan Beast wished to go up and kill Zi Zhen Beast immediately, but Li Xiaogang stopped him again, and said: "I think Bai Wa has a playful heart, and has been depressed for so many years, let him play with Zi Zhen Beast, we are also happy Ha ha ha." Then, he whispered: "Don't worry, I believe that with Bai Wa's strength, it is more than enough to fight against this Zi Zhen beast."

Zizhen Beast has good ears and eyes, of course it heard Li Xiaogang's words, and seeing that he had a good chance of winning, it didn't want to humiliate itself, so it pretended not to hear Li Xiaogang's words, and said loudly to Bai Wa: "Boy, you can start now!"

"It's alright, the move just now counts, now it's your turn." Bai Wa said calmly, as if a duel was nothing more than a simple matter.

Zi Zhen Beast was delighted in his heart, he didn't move, but a big bell flew out from the sleeve robe, and it slammed down on Bai Wa's head.

This Fugang bell was a housekeeping treasure given to Zizhen Beast by his teacher when he was apprenticed to him. This time, he took it out to make a final decision and save his life as soon as possible.Sure enough, Bai Wa saw that the bell was getting bigger and bigger, it was extremely huge, and she had already covered her head, as if she was frightened, and in a panic, she was covered under it without fighting back.Even Zizhen Beast couldn't believe the speed of the process.

Zizhen Beast didn't care to think about why, so it quickly shouted "Shut up". In the blink of an eye, the protruding bell had returned to its own hand, and it turned into a finger laughing. Zhong held it tightly in his hand, and then said to him: "How about it, admit defeat?"

Who knew that there was a child on top of his head smiling and saying, "I'm on top? It's not over yet, what are you talking to yourself?"

Shocked by the Zizhen Beast, it looked up subconsciously, but saw no figure, but saw a large transparent white fish bubble directly above him, and when he raised his head, the fish bubble seemed to suddenly increase in weight. Head down, wrapping yourself tightly inside.Zizhen Beast was astonished, its first reaction was of course to struggle desperately, but the fish bubble turned into a big golden net, the more it struggled, the tighter it became, and finally it tied Zizhen Beast firmly inside, unable to move at all up.

Looking at the white baby, he was laughing loudly in front of the Zizhen beast.

Zizhen Beast knew that he underestimated the enemy, so he had no choice but to admit defeat.Bai Wa swaggered up to him and said, "How about it, admit defeat, counting the first slap, I won you with the second slap, and I didn't violate our agreement!"

Zizhen Beast was so ashamed that it wished to die, knowing that it had been cheated by an old man, it turned out that the white baby was a big kid, and he was not a fuel-efficient lamp, so he said weakly: "It's up to you if you want to kill or cut, I Zi If Zhen Beast is defeated by you, it is my bad luck!"

(End of this chapter)

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