Chapter 2104
"I don't care whether you live or die." Bai Wa sneered, then turned to the Xuan Beast and said, "Senior Xuan, this Zi Zhen Beast is a gift from me, let you handle it."

Xuan Beast nodded, walked up to Zi Zhen Beast, and asked: "Do you know that you have violated the taboo of the fairy world by bringing people without authorization and breaking into this forbidden area?"

But Zizhen Beast immediately put on a pitiful expression, and begged: "Brother, I was also coerced by others, so I had to bring them here! Otherwise, even if you give me 120 guts, I wouldn't dare to bring them here!" Trespass!"

This sentence is a lie. Before being captured by Bai Wa, Zizhen Beast still had a self-respecting face. Where is there any sign of being coerced?Of course, the mysterious beast would not be fooled again, and said with a cold snort: "Don't you want to lie to me a second time. Back then you followed the goddess to Yi Tianyu. If you didn't tell me, someone else would know? It's all because of your heart. Unruly, deliberately entangled so many shameless people to help you break in, and now the node is destroyed by you, can you bear this serious crime?"

Zizhen Beast knew that he couldn't hide it any longer, so he simply smashed the jar and played a rascal: "It doesn't matter to me, according to our strength, we are not as powerful as you, brother, how can we destroy this node?" Drop? Obviously, you are using too much force!"

"I'll tell you one last time, don't call me big brother!" Xuan Beast was enraged by Zi Zhen Beast's shameless behavior, and said furiously.

"Senior Xuan, don't talk nonsense with him, this person is of no use at all, so get rid of him quickly!" Li Xiaogang said from the side.

"Wait." The mysterious beast waved his hand to stop them.

"Senior Xuan, are you soft-hearted again?" Bai Wa reminded from the side.

Zizhen Beast's eyes rolled, thinking that Xuan Beast really still thought of brotherhood, and quickly took the opportunity to beg: "Brother, it was all my greedy thoughts back then, this time I will definitely change my past, and I will Plead with the goddess, tell her everything, and let her forgive you!"

"There is no chance, the goddess is gone." Unexpectedly, the mysterious beast regained its calm and said in a flat tone.

A hint of surprise flashed in the eyes of Zizhen Beast, but the surprise disappeared in a flash, and it was replaced by a sad look, only to hear him say pitifully and sadly: "The goddess is gone? How is it possible? What kind of accident happened? gone?"

"It's inconvenient for me to tell you this, but do you want to explain your purpose for coming to Yi Tianyu this time?" Xuan Beast bent down, looked into Zi Zhen Beast's eyes, and said.

It turned out that he left Zizhen Beast alive, not because of a momentary soft-heartedness. This Zizhen Beast is extremely cunning, and he can't get rid of him recklessly without knowing his real purpose.

Zizhen Beast had long thought that Xuan Beast would ask him such a question, so he hurriedly found out the reason he had prepared, and prevaricated, "I'm here to save you!"

"Save me?" the mysterious beast asked suspiciously.

"Yes, back then I was indeed damned. I coveted the treasure of Lingshan, so I cheated the Goddess' trust in you. Later, after I went out, I regretted it very much. I couldn't find the Goddess to explain, so I had to come up with this bad idea and find some people. , Break through Yi Tianyu's tight seal, and then rescue you!" Zi Zhen said sincerely.

"Hahahaha, what a helper, this lie is so touching and exciting!"

Unexpectedly, the mysterious beast looked up to the sky and laughed loudly, and then said: "Don't think that I am still the mysterious beast back then. I was deceived by you once, and I will be deceived a second time? Your tricks can't scare me at all. Back then you coveted the treasure of Lingshan, but it was discovered by the Goddess and me, and nothing happened at all. Now that you come here for the second time, you should come for this Lingshan!"

Zi Zhen Beast quickly denied it, and said: "No, no, the Lingshan Mountain has been sunk into Yi Tianhai, and I don't know where it went. How can I have any idea about it?"

A gleam of light flashed in the eyes of the mysterious beast, and asked: "In this case, why did you come to Yi Tianyu!"

Zi Zhen Beast was forced to hide it, so he could only tell the truth: "Oh, Lingshan was indeed sunk in Yi Tianhai, and I was there at that time, so I was so moved, I secretly made a mark on the place where Lingshan was sunk... "

The mysterious beast's face darkened, and he hurriedly asked: "Apart from you, who else knows about this?"

"No, there's no one left, I swear!" Zizhen Beast replied hastily.Now that all his plots have been exposed, it is impossible to plan for Lingshan again, just to save his life.

"Okay, I'm done asking, Bai Wa, I'll leave this person to you." Xuan Beast turned his back, looking very tired.

"Are you really going to give it to me? I have a medicine, and I just need a medicine primer, I think it's just right!" Bai Wa jumped up, clapped her hands and said.

When Zizhen Beast heard that Baiwa wanted to use him as a medicine primer, it was so frightened that it was frightened, and it knelt down and begged, "Grandpa Baby, please let me go, I am too poisonous to be a medicine primer at all, otherwise, you That medicine will be destroyed!"

Bai Wa tilted her head and said, "I'm not afraid of highly poisonous ones. This medicine of mine is for detoxification. We must use poison to fight poison, and you are just right."

Zizhen Beast was trapped in the net, terrified, and looked extremely embarrassed. Seeing that Bai Wa's thinking logic was completely different from ordinary people, he turned his eyes to Xuan Beast again, and begged: "Brother, miss us! For the sake of living and dying together and guarding Yi Tianyu together, give me a good death!"

Who knows, the mysterious beast still turned his back to him, and said coldly: "You almost killed me, and you still have the face to say that we will live and die together. Bai Wa, hurry up if you want to do it!"

Bai Wa said "Okay", took out a big cloth bag from her waist, and said "Take it away", the Zizhen beast didn't bother to yell, it turned into a ray of purple light, and it all went into the big bag.Bai Wa carefully put away the cloth bag, and then bumped it a few times, it looked quite heavy.

But Li Xiaogang asked the mysterious beast suspiciously: "You just dealt with him like this? You haven't asked where the Lingshan is yet!"

But Bai Wa replied instead of Xuan Beast: "It's useless to ask or not. Nuwa has already calculated that sooner or later the magic stone will wake up. Even if we know where he is, it will be futile. Now, we can only do it well." Defense is the most important thing in front of us! Isn't it, Senior Xuan?"

Xuan Beast nodded and said: "Baiwa is right, this fierce battle is coming, if we really go to find that magic stone and stimulate it, maybe it will wake up early, now, the only thing we want All you have to do is get ready for the fight.”

At this time, a ray of dawn appeared in the sky, shining on the tree, and the sun rose.

"It's not good, it's not good! The big thing is not good!"

Early in the morning, a tragic and abnormal voice sounded in Jihong Mountain. Old Immortal Feng was meditating, and just entered the state, when he was disturbed by such a blunt voice, feeling very upset in his heart, he shouted: "Come on!"

A slender fairy maid came in and asked respectfully and softly, "Old fairy, what's your order?"

"What's going on outside the door? Go see who is making trouble?" Feng Laoxian said impatiently.This fairy maid was carefully selected by Yuniang the day before yesterday. She is called Fireworks. She is very well-behaved, she likes Yuniang very much, and she is also very motivated. she.

"Reporting to Old Immortal Feng, I heard that the old people from Zhongshan are back..." Firework bowed and replied respectfully.

"What?" Feng Laoxian hadn't finished listening to the fireworks, he jumped up as if his butt was on fire, and said to himself in a panic: "Didn't the old people of Zhongshan go to Yi Tianyu with the sect master a few days ago? Why are you alone Are you back? Could it be that something happened?"

Fireworks didn't know what Feng Laoxian was talking to himself, so he could only murmur, "I don't know."

"Hurry up and find Immortal Xiaguang to discuss matters!" After finishing speaking, before the fireworks could answer, Old Immortal Feng rushed out like a gust of wind.

Following the noise, Feng Laoxian quickly found Old Man Zhongshan, only to see him with a disheveled face, sitting on the ground, his whole body was dirty, mixed with blood and mud, as if he had traveled a long distance and was in a state of embarrassment.

"Old Man Zhongshan, what are you? Where is the sect master?" Feng Laoxian asked in surprise.He looked around again, but no one else followed.

"They are all dead, and I escaped alone!" Zhongshan old man was still in shock, as if he hadn't recovered from the panic, he said intermittently.

"What? You said the sect master is also dead?" Feng Laoxian said in shock.This is too impermanent, all of a sudden there will be no leader, and the world will be in chaos.

The old people of Zhongshan swallowed hard, calmed down, and then told what they had seen and heard.It turned out that there were only a few people who came out with him, but as expected, when passing through the three-dimensional space, they couldn't find their way at all and lost their minds.

The practice of the old man Zhongshan is considered the highest in the team. He already has an extra mind. Self-destruction in the three-dimensional space.

At this time, Immortal Xiaguang just heard the news and rushed over, obviously he was overwhelmed by the embarrassment of the old people of Zhongshan as soon as he arrived. After Feng Laoxian repeated, he finally understood the whole story.However, different from Feng Laoxian's astonishment, Xiaguang Xianren's expression was mainly indignation.

Seeing tears in her eyes, she said angrily: "Hmph, I have already warned Yagu not to believe in that Zizhen Beast. I think all of this is a conspiracy! It must be the conspiracy of the Zizhen Beast." ! We were all killed by him."

The old people in Zhongshan also seemed to have come to their senses, thumped the ground fiercely, and said angrily: "I think it looks like the ghost of the Zizhen beast. We all died, and he was the only one who was fine. Besides, he still Kicked the sect master to death with one kick!" If Master Yagu heard this sentence, he would really come back to life.

"What?" Feng Laoxian and Xiaguang Xianren asked in unison, and then looked at each other again.

(End of this chapter)

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