Chapter 2106
This person is none other than Master Yunju and his lover Luo Duan.His appearance really surprised other people.Because no one realized when they showed up, it was so silent, it was really weird and scary, if there are still some disciples who don't know Master Yunju well, it is impossible for the three leading brothers not to know this Chi Zha The elder in front of the Miaoxin gate of the fairy world.

"Yun..." Immortal Baifo was about to call out, but Immortal Niu Ding stopped him with a wave of his hand, and said to the two brothers Baifo and Hong Zhong: "You wait here, I will come over to catch up with my old friend , If someone asks, just say that I have something to go back, and you can’t act rashly before I come back!” Then he turned to his disciples and said, “Have you all understood?” The disciples answered yes in unison.

Both Baifo and Hong Zhong are seniors in the Immortal Realm, so they didn't understand what Master Niu Ding ordered, and they clearly wanted to avoid suspicion.Before, Master Yagu declared in the Immortal Realm that once a sect is discovered that dares to have a relationship with Yunju, it is tantamount to a confrontation with Miaoxinmen.But the current Miaoxinmen is not for the benefit of the fairy world at all, but has become a private kingdom where the real Yagu can do whatever he wants. Now the various sects dare not speak out, and now they meet the real Yunju here by chance. He doesn't want to get involved with him, as long as they meet, they can't break away from the relationship.

Regarding the battle between Master Yunju and Master Yagu, Master Yagu won. After all, he occupied the Miaoxin Gate, while Master Yunju chose to live in seclusion with his wounds. Obviously, he lost a little. The forces in the fairy world, of course "The winner is the king, and the loser is the bandit". Only the winner is respected, but it comes from the heart. The real Yagu is driving the master to seize the throne during the journey of the goddess.

That's why Niu Dingren made up his mind to have a talk with Yunju. If Yunju appeared to win the position, he was even ready to help him entangle with other sects and drive away Yagu.Of course, at this moment, he didn't know that Master Yagu was really dead at this moment, and Miaoxinmen was just an empty shell.

"Brother, be careful, this real Yunju is also unfathomable." Baifo real person reminded in a low voice.

"It doesn't matter. I know the character of Master Yunju very well. He and Master Yagu are by no means the same breed." Master Niu Ding replied in a low voice, and then walked towards Master Yunju.

"Brother Niu Ding, isn't he afraid of being dragged down by the old man?" Master Yunju said this.

"I, Niu Ding, have never been timid in doing things. Since we haven't seen each other for a long time, why don't we have a chat in another place?" Niu Ding said with a smile.

Master Yunju shook his head, sighed and said: "In the final analysis, Brother Niu Ding is still afraid of being attached to a defeated general like me, but you are considerate, but I am here today , I'm not looking for you!"

Master Niu Ding's face turned red, knowing that he couldn't hide his thoughts from Master Yunju, he said awkwardly: "You still speak sharply and show no mercy, even though you didn't come to see me, meeting by chance is worse than meeting by chance. You and I are not welcome at the door of the heart, why don't we find a place to catch up on the old days?"

The implication is that the three of Niu Ding Zhenren have also made enemies with Miaoxinmen, and they want to talk to Yunju Zhenren about whether they can unite. But after all, they are still elders appointed by the goddess, this is a fact that no one can change, we can talk about the old days, but the matter of union is out of the question.”

"You! I rely on your status back then, but you don't know what is good or bad. Why?" This sentence annoyed Master Niu Ding. In front of everyone, Master Yunju made him hit the wall again and again , where is the face?

Reverend Yunju was about to answer something, when suddenly a heat wave surged from inside and outside his body, making him cough violently uncontrollably. Luo Duan was beside him, quickly stroked Reverend Yunju's back, and said to Reverend Niuding : "My master didn't come here today to quarrel, don't annoy his old man."

It was only then that Master Niu Ding realized that Master Yunju's face was flushed, which was not normal. Only then did he realize that Master Yunju might be seriously injured. After realizing this, Master Niu Ding stepped back again. It looks like it's hard to protect yourself, how can you unite with Daoist Dou Yagu?
Master Yunju coughed for a while, then swallowed the black pill Luo Duan handed him, closed his eyes and brewed for a while, and then he calmed down.

"Brother, you are already like this, why did you come here to make trouble again? I think you are no match for that Yagu based on your strength!" Master Niu Ding actually started to worry for him and wanted to persuade him to go back.

But he thought in his heart, looking at the weak appearance of Master Yunju, he couldn't even stand firm, and he couldn't even resist his own move. The purpose of coming here today is really puzzling, but he turned his eyes to Yunju again. Living next to Luo Duan, I saw that he was very young, with a stable appearance, but he could not see the depth of his cultivation. He might also be a strong young man with not weak cultivation. As the saying goes, Jiang is still old and spicy. He has won the true biography of Yunju, and his chances of winning are very low!
"It was beyond my expectation to meet Master Niu Ding and other brothers here today, so you wait here, and my disciples and I will go in first." Master Yunju finished speaking, supported by Luo Duan, It is necessary to step through the ancient and magnificent gate.

"Wait!" Suddenly, a sharp and murky voice sounded, it was the old man of Zhongshan who had bathed and changed his clothes. At this time, he was radiant and confident, and he was in stark contrast to the panic-stricken desperado before. contrast.

"Who are you?" Luo Duan frowned and asked.Obviously upset by the interruption of this dark and thin old man who jumped out suddenly.

"Who are you, boy?" Zhongshan old man asked disdainfully, and then slowly fell his eyes on Yunju real person, but his face changed immediately, with fear in astonishment, trembling He shouted: "Yun, the real Yunju?"

However, at the same time, he found that Master Yunju was being supported by Luo Duan. He was obviously very weak, so he immediately changed his emphasis, raised his face, and said in a cold voice: "Reverend Niu Ding, how dare you entangle Master Yunju to come to do bad things?" ? Are you not afraid of being reprimanded by the masters of the Miaoxin Sect?"

"Zongshan, do you think it's your turn to be presumptuous after the old man in Yagu died?" Master Yunju said suddenly, but everyone was shocked.

"What?" Everyone yelled out loud. The real Yagu, who was famous in the fairy world, died like this. It was really explosive news.

"You, you are talking nonsense, you actually cursed our sect master!" The old man of Zhongshan was the one who was the most astonished. The death of Master Yagu was a fact he saw with his own eyes, but he was the only one who ran back from Yi Tianyu , apart from Zizhen Beast, it is impossible for anyone else to know.Therefore, he secretly guessed that Master Yunju was lying, so he was the first to deny it.

"If we say that the only thing I can be sure of in this world is whether Master Yagu is dead or alive. I even know whether he is dead or alive. Of course he wants to kill me deliberately." Master Yunju sneered.

The old people in Zhongshan were sweating profusely, falling drop by drop along the elaborately dressed brocade robes, thinking to themselves, looking at the appearance of Master Yunju, it seemed that they really knew the voice of Master Yagu's death, so they followed his words, tentatively He asked calmly: "It is true that the door master is not on the mountain, but you have no proof, so you can't talk nonsense!"

"Which one are you talking about? How dare you speak to my master in such a tone?" Luo Duan said angrily.This dark and thin old man looks really wretched except for the brighter skin on his body.Having grown up like this and speaking so arrogantly, the young and vigorous Luo Duan couldn't stand it anymore.

"Hmph, you bastard, I'm your old man Zhongshan, I think you're young, if you don't know me this time, I'll let you go, and I will meet you next time, hum!" said the old man Zhongshan angrily. .He didn't dare to get angry at Master Yunju, so he had to vent his anger on Luo Duan.

"Zongshan, as the saying goes, it's better to bully the old than the young, and it depends on the owner to beat a dog. You can't talk to my apprentice like this. Speaking of which, when will it be your turn to point fingers at this Miaoxinmen?" ?" Master Yunju said with a cold face.

The old people in Zhongshan were choked and couldn't speak, and looked at the rest of the bystanders, they all looked like they were watching the show, or they were snickering, angry from the heart, and they simply let go of their joy and talked He didn't have any scruples anymore, and started talking nonsense: "Let me explain it clearly, the master of the Yagu sect has indeed passed away, but before he passed away, he has already given me the right to be the supervisor of the Miaoxin sect. Isn't this reason not enough?" Is it enough?"

Unexpectedly, Master Yunju laughed out loud.This smile made the old people in Zhongshan feel even more panicked.

"The head of the Miaoxin Sect is either a gifted mission, or he is relying on a stubborn person like Master Yagu to go against the sky. You have no skills, and you are not the right one. Why are you standing here? The supervisor of Miaoxinmen." The words of Master Yunju made everyone laugh even more unscrupulously.

The faces of the old people in Zhongshan were as red as a pig's liver, and they didn't know what to say to refute, and they didn't have the courage to make a move, so they had to be deadlocked like this.

"So, if you're sensible, you'd better give way obediently and let us in, otherwise, I won't miss the old relationship!" Yun Ju said, and motioned Luo Duan to help him enter the door.

The old people in Zhongshan looked around, and the three brothers of Niu Ding's group were also eyeing them, and they wanted to follow Yunju's footsteps, so they snorted coldly: "I know what kind of noble person you are, now relying on What kind of skill is it for a group of outsiders to bully their own disciples?"

"What do you mean?" Master Yunju stopped in his tracks and frowned.

"Didn't you recruit these people? I don't believe it!" Zhongshan old man crossed his arms and asked back with sideways eyes.Or he wanted to start a war between Master Yunju and Master Niu Ding, so that he could benefit from it.

(End of this chapter)

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