The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2107 The Wolf's Ambition

Chapter 2107 The Wolf's Ambition
"You want to pour dirty water on my master? I don't think there's any way, master. I might as well slap him unconscious with a palm, and see how arrogant he is!" , he just made his debut not long ago, but he doesn't care about his seniority in the fairy world.

Master Yunju shook his head and said, "Today is the day when Nuwa's No. 60 descendant returns. I don't want to start killing people today."

The old people in Zhongshan were stunned for a moment, and then they burst out laughing. They laughed and said, "What? You are a descendant of sixty generations. I think you want to coerce the emperor to make the princes. In order to become the master of this sect, this kind of bad idea I can also figure it out, this Yagu Sect Master has already told us, you don't want to lie to us."

"Duan'er, let's go!" Master Yunju ignored the noise of the elders and walked in.

Immortal Niu Ding and the others followed with his disciples.Master Yunju stopped again, turned around and said: "Realist Yagu is dead, your vengeance is over, why did you follow to the Miaoxin Gate? Could it be that your intention is to find fault?"

"As the saying goes, it's easy to invite God and it's hard to send God away. We took our disciples all the way to this place. Could it be that we can't get a sip of water, so let us run back?" Master Niu Ding laughed wickedly.

It turned out that these people came to reason with Master Yagu. According to their strength, they were not sure that they could beat Miaoxinmen, but now they suddenly found that Master Yagu had died. Suddenly, he wanted to take advantage of the trend and occupy the Miaoxin Gate.

"It's really not old-fashioned, I don't want to start killing today." Master Yunju coughed a few times.

"Then you can continue to go back to your Lanruo Mountain for retirement." Baifo Daoist also took a step forward, holding the weapon tightly in his hand.

Unexpectedly, at this very moment of sword tension, Master Yunju and his apprentice Luo Duan disappeared out of thin air.

"Damn it, they were so distracted, we didn't notice!" Master Niu Ding roared furiously, and suddenly realized.

"Although I came here distracted, I think the improvement of Master Yunju may be coming to an end!" Master Hong Zhong lowered his head and thought for a while, then said.

"It's better for them to leave, and it's better to just leave a bad old man!" Baifo Daoist laughed evilly, and gave Zhongshan old people a malicious look.At this time, the old people in Zhongshan were forced to step back step by step, their faces were uglier than dirt.

"Bold! How dare you act wildly in front of Miaoxin's gate and bully none of us?" At this time, a person behind roared angrily.

Everyone turned around and saw that it turned out that Feng Laoxian arrived in time with a mighty group of outer sect disciples, and only then did the siege of the old people of the mountain be relieved.

As the number one sect in the fairy world, Miaoxinmen has always been a place that cultivators yearn for. Especially since the real Yagu came to power, in order to expand his power, he has lowered the recruitment conditions and recruited talents. Therefore, the number of disciples has also increased dramatically, compared to before. It is many times more.

Now hearing that there are difficulties in the sect, and under the exaggerated words of Feng Laoxian, the outer sect disciples rushed back one after another. More people wanted to test their skills and take the opportunity to show their power. , Therefore, everyone seems to be eyeing, especially seeing the wolf ambition of Niu Dingren and his group, they can't wait to rush up immediately.

At this time, the inner disciples of the Miaoxinmen who were stationed on the mountain also rushed over to inquire, so the initiative was quickly transferred to the Miaoxinmen. Soon, the encirclement became smaller and smaller, and Master Niu Ding The group has been surrounded by the disciples of Miao Xin Sect.

Seeing that the encirclement was getting smaller and smaller, Master Niu Ding said in a hurry, "Old Immortal Feng, fighting like this will not do you any good!"

"Hmph, I don't know if it's good for us, but it's not good for you anyway." Feng Laoxian said.He has murderous intentions, and he is not willing to let go of this opportunity.

Daoist Hong Zhong rolled his eyes, but said loudly: "I heard that the head of your sect has died. Are you going to kill him when he passes away?" The disciple usually eats and is lazy, so he is working so hard today, he must have a plan. He hopes to take this opportunity to show his power, and it is best to get a good position, or transfer to the inner disciple.

But once they know that they are leaderless now, such desperate efforts will be futile, and all these disciples will be wiped out.

Of course, Old Immortal Feng knew the real purpose of Master Hong Zhong, and he cried out in his heart that it was not good, as expected, these disciples were slow to move after hearing what Master Hong Zhong said, and turned their gazes to Old Fairy Feng, their eyes were full of doubts.

"Old Immortal Feng, I think we should all take a step back today. In this world, we are evenly matched. Rush is not good for you or me." Master Niu Ding knew that the situation had turned, and hurriedly followed suit.

Old Immortal Feng's intestines are about to turn green. Before, he had been advocating to his disciples that Miaoxin Sect was in a critical period. If it passed, the Sect would give these people some benefits, but now they were all stabbed by Daoist Hong Zhong. However, he was not easy to get angry at the scene, so he had to suppress his anger and said: "Okay, but come again next time, I will not let you go." After finishing speaking, let the disciples make way , Master Niu Ding led all his disciples, and under the glare of Feng Laoxian, walked out complacently, and then disappeared from everyone's sight.

"The sect master passed away, they didn't tell us about such a big thing?" Elder brother Wan An whispered in it.Although the voice was not loud, it caused a commotion among the surrounding disciples.

Since Master Yagu took charge of the Miaoxin Sect, the demand for various scarce medicinal materials has also increased. On weekdays, the disciples of the outer sect have heavy tasks, and the benefits are taken away by the disciples in charge of the upper level, and there are not many who really go down.Eldest brother Wan An was also angry with Feng Laoxian too much. He always felt that he had suffered all kinds of hardships, but Feng Laoxian was alone, and his heart was already unbalanced, so he took advantage of the chaos to fan the flames.

Elder Zhongshan also jumped out at this time and said: "Don't get excited, everyone. We didn't deliberately hide the death of the sect master from everyone. It just happened suddenly, and we just learned about it. We don't have time to explain it to everyone."

Old Immortal Feng also found himself standing next to the old people of Zhongshan, and said loudly: ""

At this time, a fat disciple jumped out and shouted: "Old Immortal Feng, didn't you promise us that as long as we bring people over, you would give us the status of inner disciples?"

Old Immortal Feng wiped the sweat from his brow, and said, "Disciples, I didn't say that. What I meant was that only if you come to make meritorious service, will I be transferred to you as inner disciples." At that time, Old Immortal Feng was indeed Playing tricks, is this meritorious service, isn't it what their leadership says?

Now the situation has changed suddenly. When everyone knows that Miao Xin Sect has lost its backer, they are really angry. The grievances of years of oppression are about to explode.Moreover, even some inner disciples were bewitched to the point of wanting to move.

"Let's see it this way. I heard that Miaoxin Gate has a piece of Blessing Immortal Land. If you let us go in and visit it, it will be regarded as a reward for our disciples." Senior Brother Wan An suddenly stood up and said.

He can be regarded as the more promising one among these outer disciples, and he also fights fiercely with the inner disciples of the Miaoxin Sect. There are more people in the Miaoxin Sect on weekdays, especially those fairy maids who are often sent by him. Things confuse the mind, so I have some ambiguous relationship with him that I can't explain clearly.

These fairy maids get along with the gods day and night, where can't they hear a little bit of wind?Therefore, I also took out some gossip from the mouths of these maids, and only then did I know that there is a blessed place in Miaoxinmen. I heard that there is a clear spring in it, and after soaking in it, it can prolong life and live forever.

On weekdays, this fairyland is not open, it is only opened on the day of the Daqing, but it is only open to those deputy sect masters, I heard that even the deputy sect masters can only see it, only the sect master can enjoy this divine spring baptism.

Elder brother Wan An listened to the legends of the inner disciples so miraculously, he had long expected it for a long time, but he just thought about it in his heart. Hearing the Dharma does not blame the public, but there is a great opportunity in front of him.

Feng Laoxian stared, he didn't expect that at the critical moment, it turned out that the senior brother Wan'an, whom he had always trusted and respected, caused trouble, he was really trembling with anger, and scolded: "You are a foodie, where did you hear this rumor? Come here? Return to the Blessing Immortal Land, I, Feng Laoxian, have been here for so many years and don’t know, you know? Then you go find it?”

Obviously, this is an angry statement, but it is also the truth. Old Immortal Feng has just ascended to heaven with the real Yagu chicken and dog. How could he know these secrets, but the rest of them took it seriously and kept shouting: "Then let's find it, let's find it!" .”

However, the old people of Zhongshan were silent. Old Immortal Feng didn't know, but he knew that there was indeed such a blessed place in Miaoxinmen. In the final analysis, it was the place where Nuwa's descendants lived and bathed. It is called the holy land of Miaoxinmen.

When Master Yagu first came to power, in order to please everyone, he only took them to pay their respects once.But this right to enjoy has only been tried by Master Yagu himself. Although he has not personally experienced it, Master Yagu's skill is advancing rapidly, and it is impossible that it has nothing to do with this fairy land.

The fierce reaction of Feng Laoxian and the silence of the old people of Zhongshan aroused everyone's strong reaction, just in line with the old saying "there is no silver 300 taels here".Elder Brother Wan An is certainly not a fuel-efficient lamp, and his other brothers are not fuel-efficient lamps, and they even booed after him.

"Presumptuous!" All of a sudden, the old people from Zhongshan shouted violently.

In an instant, everyone suddenly fell silent, all eyes focused on him.

"You disciples, you don't know the heights of the heavens and the depths of the earth, but you covet the holy land. Are you afraid that Nuwa's descendants will bring disaster to the world? Let me tell you, whoever wants to go today must step on my mountains first!" the old people from the mountains said loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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