Chapter 2108
At this time, a black light came out of its sheath like a sharp sword. In order to kill a chicken for the monkeys to see, the old men of Zhongshan made a move at Senior Brother Wan'an first. The color of greed for this world unexpectedly lost his life unknowingly.

The rest of the people scattered away with a sound of coaxing, and they dispersed like birds and beasts in a short while. In the blink of an eye, there were only old people in front of the gate and old fairy Feng looking at each other in dismay.

"Oh, it's good now, the disciples of the outer sect can't be relied on anymore, the Miao Xin sect is really nothing but an empty shell!" Feng Laoxian said with a sad face, holding his head and squatting down.

"Hmph, there are not many soldiers, but elites. Our inner disciples have always attached importance to cultivation, which is much better than those mobs." The elders of Zhongshan walked away with contempt on their faces.There was a strange smile on his face, but Senior Brother Wan An reminded him that the holy land now belonged to his old man Zhongshan.

Lanruo Mountain is majestic and tall, towering into the clouds, from a distance, it is surrounded by clouds and mist, and the fairy spirit is extraordinary.Different from the bustling weather of Jihong Mountain, Lanruo Mountain is more desolate and detached. Occasionally, there are some mountain people passing through it, but it is just a few people who are chopping firewood in the lush jungle near this mountain. Going deep, a few birds with unnamed names made strange calls, which further brought out the tranquility and mystery here.

If someone can trek thousands of miles and go deep into the mountains that stretch for thousands of miles, he will vaguely see that the deepest part of the mountain is the most foggy, which is more strange.At this time, a crisp female voice came out from the mist, giggling and saying: "You bad boy, you actually lied to me!"

"You are so unkind. I didn't lie to you. I just told you the truth. I wanted to make you laugh with good intentions, but you said I lied to you!" A young boy replied angrily, but his tone was Full of tenderness and sweetness.

"Hehe, so you and the master really played tricks on those people? It's very enjoyable!" The girl said in an incredible voice.

"Of course, now they must be dog-eat-dog!" The boy said in a tone full of affirmation.

"Ahem, ahem..." At this moment, an old man came out of the house suddenly.

"Master!" The boy and the girl shouted respectfully in unison.

"Miao Xin, how many times have I told you that something has happened to you, don't call me master anymore, it's very inappropriate!" But the old man said respectfully instead.It turned out that this girl was indeed the goddess Mia who was taken away by Luo Duan at the beginning, and the boy next to her was of course Luo Duan, not to mention the old man, but the real Yunju.

Before, he and Luo Duan released their avatars to the Miaoxin Gate, which took a lot of effort. In addition, the previous battle with the real Yagu was too much damage. I have never given myself time to really cultivate and heal my injuries. In addition, the old injuries have not healed, and the overdraft is too large, so it has become an incurable disease.In recent years, it has become more and more haggard, and it seems that the root cause of the disease has fallen.

"Master, although I am the Queen of the Goddess and the descendant of Nuwa, I cannot forget your kindness of reinvention. Without you, my wonderful mind would not be where I am today, and I might have been eliminated by the real Yagu long ago! And Brother Luo Duan, just like my own brother, I will never forget your kindness." Miao Xin said emotionally, although she has not been in Lan Ruoshan for a long time, but the real Yunju has always treated her like his own life, let her For the first time in my life, I felt the long-lost family affection.

A strange look appeared in the cloudy eyes of Master Yunju, as if he was pleased or pityed.But Luo Duan restrained his smile. It turned out that he had never been in contact with the outside world before, and at the age when he was just beginning to fall in love, he secretly fell in love with Miao Xin. Although he knew that Miao Xin was an unattainable goddess, he was always I hope that Miao Xin will be emotionally attracted to him, so, hearing Miao Xin say that she is her elder brother, she is of course disappointed.

Of course Miao Xin didn't notice this, but she took a step closer and said to Master Yunju: "Now, I have recovered the energy that Nuwa's successor should have, Master, why didn't you take me back to Miao Xin Gate last time? I also want to get rid of that traitor, Master Yagu, and avenge you!"

"Miao Xin! You can't do this." Master Yunju suddenly raised his voice and said forcefully.

Miao Xin and Luo Duan were stunned by Yun Ju's sudden and violent reaction.

Master Yunju also realized his gaffe, lowered his voice, and said softly: "Miaoxin, you are the Queen of the Goddess, and you have to save the world as your mission. How can you be restrained by worldly emotions and say something like revenge for me?" What about? Besides, you don’t need to seek revenge from Master Yagu anymore, he’s already dead.”

"Dead?" Miao Xin opened her eyes wide and asked sharply.One of the important purposes of her hard practice is to personally get rid of the traitor, Master Yagu, but he died so quietly, it is too unimaginable.

Immortal Yunju nodded, and continued: "At that time, Immortal Yagu and I were two elders appointed by the Goddess. We put two red marks on each other, once the other party dies, we can see that red heart mark turns black, so we can find someone to replace it as soon as possible.”

"So, if Master Yagu dies, the red heart mark on your body will turn black, right?" Miao Xin suddenly realized.

"Of course it is, but Master Yagu is very cunning and insidious. In order to avoid being entangled by me, he has always wanted to get rid of this mark. This time, I was afraid that he would be deceitful again, so I took Luo Duan to release our clones. Go to the Miaoxin Gate to test it out, and according to his disciples, there might be some kind of accident in this valley, it might really be that he committed too many crimes and died!" Master Yunju closed his eyes slightly, and said slowly.

"Oh, so that's the case. No wonder you didn't take me there because you were afraid that I would be plotted against by Master Yagu?" Miao Xin asked again.

"Of course it is." Luo Duan interjected, paused, then turned to Master Yunju and asked, "Master, in that case, why didn't we take the opportunity to occupy the Miaoxin Gate? I don't think that old man named Zhongshan is My opponent, I can completely settle him alone!"

Master Yunju smiled wryly and said, "I don't want to fall into the situation where I can kill each other. Besides, outsiders have already intervened, and the nature is no longer a simple dispute within the sect. And they are already rumoring that we are coercing the emperor to order the princes, If we really fight, wouldn’t spreading the rumors answer their rumors? It won’t do us any good. Therefore, it’s better for us to come back for the time being and make a long-term plan.”

Luo Duan secretly admired him, but Master Yunju was more thoughtful than himself.

"However, we still have to go to Miaoxin Gate, and this time, Miaoxin, you must go!" Master Yunju continued.

"Okay! That's exactly what I mean. However, master, your injury has been dragging on for too long and you haven't fully recovered. Since Yagu is dead now, you can take advantage of this time and let me and Luo Duan be lucky for you. Take a good recovery." Miao Xin's face was full of worry, and Luo Duan nodded vigorously.

Master Yunju smiled and said: "I am very happy that you can think this way, but I am exhausted, no matter what I do, it will be futile. It is better not to waste your vitality. You have more important things to do !"

Luo Duan and Miao Xin looked at each other, but they didn't know what the real Yun Ju meant.

"Realist Yagu is dead, Miaoxinmen has become a piece of fat, and will be plundered by all the sects in the fairy world. Moreover, there must be some disdainful people in the gate who want to cover the sky with one hand, so there may be another disturbance in the gate , the current situation of Miaoxinmen is very worrying, we have to go back quickly to put down the chaos. Besides, there is one more thing that I must hurry up and take Miaoxin to complete..." At this point, Master Yunju suddenly stopped Living.

"Master, is the catastrophe that my mother said is about to come?" Miao Xin asked quickly.

However, Master Yunju shook his head again and denied, "I don't know about the catastrophe you mentioned. Before she left, the Goddess just asked me to do my best to help you succeed in the future, and told me her itinerary. I was able to find you. But as for your immortal robbery, I really don’t know anything about it.”

"Then master, what are you going to do with Miao Xin?" Luo Duan asked nervously.

"I want to take him to the holy spring to bathe." Master Yunju finally said.

"What? You want to take Miaoxin to take a bath?" Luo Duan showed an unbelievable expression on his face, but when he rolled his eyes, he couldn't help but start to imagine the scene of Miaoxin taking a bath in his head.

Seeing that Luo Duan's face was flushed, Miao Xin knew that he was thinking about something he shouldn't be thinking, so she punched him and said coquettishly, "What bath, the master said bath, bath, do you understand?"

Luo Duan quickly recalled the scene he was fascinated by, scratched his head embarrassingly, and said intermittently: "I, I am not, have I never seen the world? Okay, okay, just as you said, bathing is bathing, not bathing ! You don't like to take a bath, and I don't take a bath either!" His description became darker and darker, which made Miao Xin and Master Yunju laugh together.

After finishing the gossip, Master Yunju returned to the topic and told the whole story.

It turns out that the holy spring in Yunju’s mouth turned out to be the fairy land of blessings in the old people’s mouth. According to the original practice, Nuwa’s descendants must be born by the holy spring, and they must be bathed in the holy spring as soon as they are born. Washing away the seven emotions and six desires, at the same time, it also brings infinite divine power, and at the same time, it will be happier than other babies, and at the same time, the speed of cultivation is faster than ordinary people.

Of course, all the elders in the past knew about this, and they were also witnesses to the bathing of Nuwa's descendants.But something unexpected happened, Miaoxin was born in the lower realm, which was really beyond the norm, which added to the emotions of many people. In addition, although her aptitude is much higher than that of ordinary cultivators, if according to her due aptitude and cultivation Speed, but really lagging behind a lot.

Therefore, no matter from which point of view, she will go to this holy spring.

(End of this chapter)

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