Chapter 2113
But Li Xiaogang looked puzzled: "The goddess told you about the mysterious beast? Why didn't I know, the memory stone didn't mention this!"

Miao Xin shook her head and said: "The memory stone is only a part, the rest is here!" She pointed to the golden crown on her finger and continued: "Under the holy spring, I found the golden crown left by my mother. , here are all her memories." It turns out that this is what she and Yunju said were "more important and more precious".

Hearing this news, Li Xiaogang was the happiest person. After all the hard work, he finally saw a glimmer of light. Since Miaoxin got all the memories of the Goddess, it also means that she has inherited all the mantle of the Goddess. There is one last step left in his purpose.

But right now, the secret of the catastrophe in the fairy world has been revealed. The magic stone is really a huge hidden danger. They must complete the energy exchange before the magic stone wakes up.If the magic stone wakes up, all previous efforts will really be in vain.

However, in the memory stone, it was mentioned that he should exchange energy with Miao Xin to the Ice Illusion Realm. Since Miao Xin had obtained all the memories of the Goddess, she must also know something about this Ice Ice Illusion Realm.

"Since you have all the memories of the Goddess, do you know where the Xuanbing Illusion is?" Li Xiaogang asked bluntly.

"Of course, the next step is to follow my mother's instructions and go there to complete the energy exchange with you." Miao Xin said calmly, seeming to have a clear plan.

"Illusion of Ice? What are you going to do there?" Suddenly, an old voice sounded behind them, and Li Xiaogang realized that there was an old man with white eyebrows sitting beside the boulder behind them.

"Needless to say, you must be the famous Elder Yunju." Li Xiaogang walked over and said hello.In the process of Miaoxin recovering the memory of the Goddess, the role of the real Yunju cannot be ignored.However, Li Xiaogang found that the real Yunju's eyes were half-opened and half-closed, his face was ashen, but he was not angry at all.

"What's wrong with him?" Li Xiaogang yelled inwardly, because only people who are about to die will have this face.

"Master, his old injury has not healed, and it has deteriorated." Miao Xin briefly replied, and then poured a burst of true energy into Master Yunju's body, although Master Yunju seemed to have healed his breath again.

But Miao Xin secretly felt that his body had already resisted the infuriating energy he had inputted. It seemed that he had lost all his functions, and even the function of connecting to absorbing infuriating energy from the outside world had also disappeared. He thought to himself, it seems that Master Yunju was really terminally ill, but on the surface he remained calm, for fear that Master Yunju would realize that his life was not long.

But in the past ten years, Master Yunju knew his illness well, his lifespan was exhausted, and he was hopeless.

"You must be Li Xiaogang. Miao Xin told me many times that you have a good chance to get the six fragments thrown by Nuwa's successor." Master Yunju said in a low voice, as if he was storing energy for the following words.

Li Xiaogang nodded and didn't speak. It seems that he wanted to leave all the time for Master Yunju. He already felt that Yunju would not live long. Just now he reacted so strongly to the Xuanbing Illusion, there must be something unsaid secret.

Sure enough, Master Yunju paused, but said something that surprised everyone: "Actually, Luo Duan is my grandson."

In fact, Miao Xin wasn't too surprised. The real Yunju's feelings for Luo Duan were definitely not between a master and a student. However, she guessed and guessed, but she didn't guess this kind of relationship.

Mentioning Luo Duan, Master Yunju's eyes lit up again. This secret has been held in his heart for many years, and today he can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

"Master, since Luo Duan is your grandson, why don't you recognize him? Besides, what about your son? Why have you never mentioned it?" Miao Xin asked again.It seems that it must not be as simple as it appears on the surface for Master Yunju to reveal this deeply hidden secret at this time.

"The only wrong thing in my life is that Luo Duan's father, Luo Wu, was left behind, and he also left me with a lifelong regret..." Master Yunju didn't directly answer Miaoxin's words, but he suddenly woke up, as if returning Many years ago, perhaps when he was about to die, he actually told everyone the secret in his heart without reservation.

It turned out that more than a hundred years ago, when the real Yunju was traveling around, he met a folk friend. Although his friend was just an ordinary person, he was very righteous, so the two became brothers.

Afterwards, Master Yunju also truthfully told him that he was a cultivator of the Miaoxin sect.This friend's heirs are not prosperous, and there is a young daughter named Xianmei under his knees, who is very lovely.Later, as time passed, Master Yunju's friend was getting old day by day, but he asked Master Yunju to adopt his daughter and bring his daughter into the world of cultivating immortals, hoping that she could also follow Master Yunju. Wish, and recognize Xianmei as a righteous daughter.

Unexpectedly, after Xianmei grows up, she is slim and graceful, and gets along with the real person Yunju day and night, and she secretly falls in love with the real person Yunju, and they fall in love for a long time, and the two finally break through the bottom line of morality.Later, Xianmei gave birth to Luo Wu.

However, Master Yunju has always been entangled in the bottom line of morality, feeling that he is sorry for his deceased friend.But Xianmei thought that Master Yunju was evading responsibility and deliberately alienating herself, so she simply gave up on herself and gave up her practice. For a cultivator, decades pass by in a flash, but for ordinary people, it is one-third of the time.After returning from a cloud tour, the real Yunju found that Xianmei had died of illness in middle age.

Of course, after Xianmei died of illness, Master Yunju has been living in self-blame, and has to take on the responsibility of his father.He adopted his son Luo Wu in the name of master and apprentice.Fearing that Luo Wu would hate him, he had no choice but to hide his background from him.

In this way, Luo Wu became the most proud disciple of Master Yunju, and became a double cultivation partner with Yunxia, ​​a female disciple of Miaoxinmen.But the real person Yunju dotes on Luo Wu very much, and almost turns his guilt towards the virtuous girl into loving Luo Wu. Therefore, he also develops Luo Wu's noble and unrestrained character, and often borrows the help of the elder of the Miaoxin sect from the real person Yunju His identity, he did some things that violated the rules of the sect, but Master Yunju resolved them one by one for him.

Luo Wu is very playful and good at making friends. With his status as the eldest disciple of Miaoxin Sect, he has made acquaintances with people from all walks of life.Later, he did not know how to learn about a place called "Mysterious Ice Illusion". It is said that no human has ever set foot in this mysterious ice illusion or even a place of yin to yang to purity. However, he was still stuck in a bottleneck period. When he learned that there was still such a treasure land, he went to the Xuanbing Illusion to try to cultivate in a whimsical way, so he begged Master Yunju to help him find this Xuanbing Illusion.

Having said this, Yun Ju stopped, as if he had said too much, he looked a little tired.

"You helped him find this mysterious ice illusion later?" Li Xiaogang asked.

Master Yunju smiled bitterly and said, "This is what I regret the most. At that time, on the one hand, I couldn't bear Luo Wu's begging, but on the other hand, I couldn't find out what kind of mysterious ice illusion it was, and I couldn't meditate every day. In practice, the Goddess noticed my strangeness, so I had no choice but to tell her the whole story."

"So, my mother Nian has been with you for many years, and told you the route of the Xuanbing Illusion, and you told Luo Wu, right?" Miao Xin was silent for a while, and then suddenly answered for Master Yunju.She has inherited the memory of the goddess from her previous life, and of course she is well aware of these situations.

Immortal Yunju smiled wryly, nodded, and continued: "But the goddess also told me at the same time, that in this mysterious ice illusion and even a place of pure high pressure, if one does not reach the upper level of cultivation, one is likely to lose one's soul, and even I, Immortal Yunju, will not Must be able to bear it.

When I told Luo Wu about this, he actually thought I was deliberately fooling him, but he was so confident in his own practice that he ignored my dissuasion at all, and was so focused on trying it out that he would become a devil if he didn't succeed in benevolence.

Others thought he was beaten to death by Yagu during the battle between me and Yagu, but in fact... he secretly took his dual cultivation partner Yunxia to the Xuanbing Illusionland, alas, it’s all my fault that I trusted him too much , Let him develop a arrogant character. "

"Then what happened afterwards?" Bai Wa listened attentively.

Master Yunju let out a long sigh: "Where is the later? Since he went to this mysterious ice illusion, there has been no news for more than ten years. Only God knows whether he is dead or alive. Alas, I did it myself. This is God's will." , this is all retribution."

"I just feel sorry for the kid Luo Duan." When Luo Duan was mentioned, thinking of his funny face, Master Yunju felt lost again.

"Master, just wait, I'll call Luo Duan over." Miao Xin said hastily with a sore nose.

"No, I can't hold on for so long." Master Yunju let out a long breath, his face much calmer, as if saying this made him very relaxed.These secrets have been buried in his heart for so many years, and they have become entangled with demons. This is also the reason why he can't go any further in his practice.

Miao Xin looked at the pale face of Master Yunju, and knew that he could not hold on for long, so she bent down and said softly: "Master, my mother has always trusted you very much during her lifetime, and in her heart, you are the most loyal and capable Friends, I will take good care of Luo Duan for you! Don't worry."

Master Yunju smiled gratifiedly. "Don't tell Luo Duan these things, let him practice well and be a good man, that's enough." He only heard him talking like a dream, and slowly closed his eyes.

Li Xiaogang walked over, felt the pulse of Master Yunju, and said slowly: "He has passed away."

But Miao Xin looked up to the sky and sighed, and said sadly: "It turns out that Master lived such a hard life, and death may have set him free."

Bingling Snow Mountain, fluffy snowflakes are flying all over the sky.The melted snow water slowly flows down and accumulates along the ridge, forming a stiff ice blade like a snake.In the blink of an eye, a huge silver dragon roared down, circled a few times, and stopped on the top of the snow mountain.

The strange thing is that the top of this snow-capped mountain is neither as dangerous nor as steep as imagined. It is like an endless plain with no end in sight and no way to fly out.

A man and a woman stepped out from the silver dragon.

(End of this chapter)

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