The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2114 Top of Snow Mountain

Chapter 2114 Top of Snow Mountain
The woman's almond eyes and cherry lips, her plump and soft figure are faintly visible under the plain powder coat, and the pink peach cheeks are even more stunning under the reflection of the snow.Looking at the boundless snow-capped mountains from a distance, the beautiful woman admired sincerely: "I said this is a place of high cold, without a trace of vitality. From today's perspective, there is also a thrilling beauty hidden in the chill."

The man who was leaning on her side also sighed and said: "Yes, I saw a vast expanse of whiteness along the way, and thought it was all the same boring, but I didn't expect to feel such a great vitality in it when I lived in it. .”

"It's no wonder that in the past powerful people would come to this kind of high and cold place to practice! We have really reached the pole of the world!" The beautiful eyes of the girl in pink moved, making her look even brighter and more attractive.

"Brother Xuan Beast, you are bumpy and tired all the way, you should also find a place to rest. I will naturally call you when I need it."

It turned out that this man was Li Xiaogang, and the mysterious ice environment was hidden deep on the top of the snow mountain. This snow mountain is not only bitterly cold, but also extremely high altitude, which is not a place that ordinary people can come to.But the mysterious beast is an ancient god and is good at flying, so he volunteered to transform into a bird, and came with Li Xiaogang and Miao Xin.And Baiwa is arranged to stay at the Miaoxin Gate, and together with Luo Duan handles the funeral of Yun Ju, while reorganizing the Miaoxin Gate.

Miao Xin originally wanted to stay and do these things in person, but when she thought of the magic stone lying on the bottom of Yitian, he didn't know when he would become demonic, and when he woke up, he would harm the world. The day after the real person passed away, she and Li Xiaogang came to find Xuanbing Illusion.

Li Xiaogang was also awed by the scenery of the snow-capped mountains. Even the North and South Poles couldn't keep up with the vastness of the snow-capped mountains. What's more, the snow-covered land is so seamless that no impurities can be seen, like a piece of rough jade waiting to be carved. Dazzling white light, if you haven't cultivated with great concentration, maybe you will be blinded by this snow-colored white light when you come here for the first time.

"Miao Xin, how has your practice been these past few days?" Li Xiaogang turned his face away, although the snow scene was beautiful, no one knew if there was any danger hidden in it.

"Well, after being baptized by the holy spring, I have almost obtained all the true teachings of my mother, and now I am also adapting to these sudden energies. I used to blame the master for always handing me some difficult and obscure practice formulas, but Now I found out that it all came in handy." Miao Xin said playfully.

Li Xiaogang saw that her eyes moved slightly, she was extremely beautiful, but she was also dignified and pure, which made it hard for people to have evil thoughts. It's also really touching.

Seeing Li Xiaogang frowning in thought, Miao Xin thought that he was intimidated by the spectacle in front of him, so she pretended to be excited and said: "I know, I really wronged you by asking you to come here with me to take risks.

But since we came here together, we must not disappoint the expectations of my mother and Patriarch Nuwa. When the energy exchange is completed and the magic stone is repulsed, I will let you go home as soon as possible. "

Li Xiaogang looked into her sincere eyes. Although he was wrongly guessed, his spirit was lifted, and he also said sincerely: "This is what I should do. The reason why I, Li Xiaogang, can experience things that ordinary people can't experience is that Do what ordinary people have never done. So, from now on, we are grasshoppers tied to a rope, so don’t keep telling me to go back to my hometown!”

Miaoxin knew that Li Xiaogang was upright, and it would be bad for her to say more, a cold wind blew in her face, she looked around the white surroundings, and got down to business: "According to my mother's memory, the two of us need to be here first. If you find the hanging cave in the Wanli Snow Mountain, you can be lucky with each other for three days, but we are already at the top of the snow mountain, and if you look around, there is white snow within the ten thousand li, so where is the hanging cave?"

"Yeah, it's so vast here that it doesn't even look like a mountain. Is there any cave? Does the goddess mean something else? Didn't she tell us how to find this hanging cave in her memory?" , So I searched for her memory to find clues.

Miao Xin shook her head and said, "All of this was arranged by Patriarch Nuwa. Maybe my mother has never been here, so her memory is also incomplete, but I think, maybe, there is no cave here."

"Yes, since there are no mountains, there can be no caves. Maybe this hanging cave is just the name of a place." Li Xiaogang also suddenly realized.

"Hanging hole, hanging hole..." Li Xiaogang frowned lightly, repeating in his mouth, hoping to find some mystery from it.

"But why is it called Xuandong? I should have asked Rong Xianwu..." Miao Xin also thought about it.

"The so-called hanging means falling in the air." Li Xiaogang said suddenly.

"Can this hanging hole still move?" Miao Xin wondered.

"That's right, it's possible. Let's look around, maybe there will be some clues." Li Xiaogang said.

"Well, let's go now" Miao Xin said with a smile.

The two checked for a long time, and went back and forth to the top of the snow mountain several times, but there was no result. Li Xiaogang and Miao Xin sat down cross-legged, thinking about what to do next.

A burst of fragrance of barbecue came into the nose.

Both Li Xiaogang and Miao Xin are people who don't eat fireworks in the world, but with their cultivation base, they can instantly capture any smell within a thousand miles, let alone such a strong smell of barbecue. It's not easy to start a fire, let alone a fire to barbecue?
With joy on her face, Miao Xin said to Li Xiaogang: "That's it, it seems that there are still some experts here! Let's go and have a look!"

Li Xiaogang didn't move, he stopped Miaoxin.

"I don't know if this person is an enemy or a friend, or even a human..." Li Xiaogang pondered.

"Since eating things from the human world, it must be a mortal." Miao Xin's thinking is simple, and it makes sense.

"But how can mortals appear here? Even grass can't survive here." Li Xiaogang said.

Miao Xin was a little scared by what he said, she frowned slightly, grabbed Li Xiaogang's arm and said tremblingly: "Could it be a monster that looks like a human but not human?"

"No matter what, we have to find out, otherwise we will never find a breakthrough." Li Xiaogang said firmly.

"I think this smell seems to come from underground." Miao Xin thought deeply.

"Yes! Besides, there are no living things in sight." Li Xiaogang wrinkled his nose.

The smell of barbecue was getting stronger and stronger, and along with the smell, a man could be heard laughing and cursing, but the two of them still got nothing.

"It seems that if there is no action, it will be impossible." With a thought of Li Xiaogang, a ball of purple light leaped up with his true energy and moved quickly. The brilliance was scattered, and the snow was also full of charming colors among the colorful lights. , the purple light stopped in a place far away.Li Xiaogang and Miao Xin hurriedly flew over.

"That's right, the place we're looking for is under the snow layer!" Li Xiaogang stood still, pointed down, and said with a smile.

Li Xiaogang sat cross-legged, with power in his palms, and was about to dig deep here, when suddenly, a round black shadow came from a distance, and this black shadow was cursing as he walked: "What are you doing? The meat is grilled well, why? I can't eat it!"

Hearing the sound of urgency, it sounded like a man.Li Xiaogang immediately paid full attention, his eyes fixed on the spherical figure that was getting closer and closer.

The figure gradually approached, and upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a snow-white, chubby big white bear.Seeing this, Li Xiaogang was startled. It was the first time Li Xiaogang saw White Bear speak human words.

When the white bear saw Li Xiaogang, his face turned pale with fright. He seemed to be taken aback too, and his first reaction was to get out of the way.Perhaps it was because he hadn't seen a living person for many years, but the sudden appearance of two people here really surprised him.

"I, Li Xiaogang, please forgive me for the offense." Li Xiaogang saw that Bai Xiong was not malicious, so he spoke first.

"Where did you come from?" Ice Bear seemed to be in shock. When he spoke, his frightened eyes wandered around, as if he was looking for an opportunity to escape.

"I came from the fairy world. I came here to find a place called Xuandong. If you know, please tell us, brother. We will leave as soon as we find the place. There is no malice." Li Xiaogang decided to tell the truth. Ice Bear, it seems difficult to meet another living creature.

"You really came from the fairy world?" The white bear said in surprise, but there was obviously hesitation in his tone.

Li Xiaogang was about to answer, but Miao Xin said: "Why don't you show your true colors to others, is there something hard to hide?" He put on a horse's feet, and wore a pair of animal leather boots, which were in the shape of human feet. Immediately afterwards, Miao Xin whispered in his ear: "Xiao Gang, he is not a white bear, he is a human being."

"White Bear" realized that he had been recognized by others, and he was about to run away. Hearing that he was pretending to be "Bear", Li Xiaogang had already started to be wary of him escaping. Qi, "White Bear" is not Li Xiaogang's opponent, but he was locked in a cloud of purple energy in an instant, and he couldn't move.

"White Bear" knew that he was completely in the hands of the two of them, so he hurriedly begged for mercy: "Brother, spare me, as long as you don't kill me, you can do anything!"

Li Xiaogang was secretly happy, this is what he wanted.When Yu Miaoxin approached him, the white bear had already plucked off its white fur, revealing its human face.

Miao Xin looked him up and down, and said: "I see you are also a disciple of cultivating immortals, why did you come to this desolate snow mountain?"

This person doesn't look very old, he looks middle-aged, his cheeks are thin, and his khaki face is bruised. It seems that he has stayed in the cold weather for a long time.

When he saw Miaoxin asking this question, he seemed to be touched, and lamented: "I am indeed a person from the fairy world, and I have fallen into such a fate. It is my greed and insufficiency, and I have to blame myself." But there was a little panic in his tone, and a little more Very close.

Li Xiaogang and Miaoxin looked at each other, and waited for the middle-aged man to finish speaking.

Unexpectedly, the middle-aged man shivered, put the white bear skin back on his body, and trembling his blue lips, said intermittently: "Two, two comrades, I, can we change, talk in another place?" ...It's, it's really cold in here."

It has only been a while since the middle-aged man took off his fur, and he can't stand the cold weather. It can be seen that his cultivation is not high, but such a low cultivation base can surpass this snow-capped mountain. It has to be said that it is hard to explain Ding's survival.

It's no wonder that he didn't dare to offend Li Xiaogang and Miao Xin, seeing these two people wearing single clothes, they didn't even change their expressions, even a fool can see that they are not waiting for nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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