The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2116 Biquan

Chapter 2116 Biquan
Miaoxin saw that the mysterious beast had decided to go, so she didn't want to stop her anymore, so she had to give a few words. After the mysterious beast promised one by one, she jumped down, and a huge splash flashed by. Disappeared in the blue water of the pool.

The mysterious beast sneaked under the blue pool for a long time, which made Li Xiaogang and Miao Xin very anxious. Although it took a long time, the mysterious beast gained a lot, but it brought us very exciting news.

"Brother Xuan, are you saying that we can only find the hanging cave by removing the ice layer?" Miao Xin's first reaction was shock. Down.

"At first, I also had this doubt, thinking that there was no such possibility. After all, these ice layers seemed to have been formed for thousands of years. So I went to the bottom of the water to check." The moisture was evaporated by skill, and he continued: "But I found that the bottom of the Bichi water is closely connected with this ice layer, and combined with the environment where the supreme real person lived before, we can boldly guess that these ice layers are just thousands of years of snow. The formed ice layer, and the hanging hole, maybe it's just under the ice layer!"

"That's right! We have surveyed almost all of the thousands of miles here, and there are almost no signs of any living things, and even the same white snow. We can only guess that the hanging hole is underground!" Miao Xin also supported the idea of ​​the mysterious beast.

"That's why the supreme real person lives only in a mezzanine, so it's so warm like spring and can grow plants!" Li Xiaogang also understood.However, Li Xiaogang fell into deep thought again. Seeing that he was thinking, Miao Xin didn't disturb him, and said softly to the mysterious beast: "The history of these ice layers is longer than that of ordinary ice layers, and there is no impurity in the middle. It is impossible for the fire of the world to melt it."

The mysterious beast was about to say something, but Li Xiaogang interrupted the conversation between the two of them: "If this mysterious ice is broken, it seems that we will have to gather all the strength of the three of us. Moreover, we may be about to destroy the home of the Supreme Master." .”

"Well, melting some thick ice is a difficult and complicated process after all. No one can predict how much movement it will cause, and we don't know how dangerous it will be. Then Brother Xuan, I think you should Capture that Supreme Daoist, whether he is willing or not, we must act!" Miao Xin instructed, and glanced at Li Xiaogang.Li Xiaogang didn't say a word, it seemed that he also agreed with Miao Xin's idea.

The mysterious beast nodded, and immediately flew up. His beasts were highly cultivated and good at flying, and brought the supreme real person over in a short while.When Li Xiaogang saw the sad and astonished face of Supreme Master, he knew that he must have been forcibly brought here by a mysterious beast, so he told him the reason of the matter straight to the point.

Unexpectedly, the Supreme Master didn't react too much, but said in a low voice: "If you are like this, you will either force me to die or force me to return to the fairy world."

Miao Xin smiled: "I don't think so, you still have a third choice!"

Supreme Master raised his brows and eyes, and there was a faint hope in his eyes, but it was extinguished in an instant, and he smiled wryly: "Young lady, why bother to tease me, I am already pitiful enough! Forget it, I will kill myself here, It’s also better than going back to the place where the strong prey on the weak and be bullied and ridiculed by others.” The implication is that Li Xiaogang and the others have killed the only remaining belief in life.

"Do you know who I am?" Unexpectedly, Miao Xin was not discouraged, instead she looked straight at the Supreme Master and said sincerely.

"I think you are young. Although you have an extraordinary appearance, you should be a rising star. I may not be able to guess it." Seeing Miao Xin's seriousness, the Supreme Master looked at her appearance carefully. He had guessed Miao Xin a long time ago. Xin is definitely not from an ordinary family background, but he has lofty aspirations and is close to detachment, but he is not interested in flattery.

"She is the Empress of the Goddess, Empress Miaoxin." Xuan Beast answered for Miaoxin from the side.

As expected, Supreme Master's expression changed instantly, he stared blankly at Miao Xin for a while, and said in disbelief, "Are you the descendant of Nuwa?" Obviously he didn't expect to meet the descendant of Goddess here.

In the fairy world, the Goddess is their spiritual leader, and she is an unattainable figure at all, let alone such a chance to speak face to face.Of course, the same is true for her descendants.

Miao Xin nodded with a slight smile, showing even more demeanor.

Dao Gao slapped himself on the face a few times before he really realized that it was not a dream, but it was real. After staying for a while, he quickly knelt down and was about to kowtow.

Miao Xin made a face, and the mysterious beast immediately went to support him, and said: "Here, there are only you and me, so there is no need to be formal."

Zhi Gao Daoist knew that this was what Miao Xin meant, so he had no choice but to straighten up and thank him.

Li Xiaogang thought to himself, he did not expect that in the fairy world, the concept of human dignity is stronger than that of modern people, and the role of spiritual leaders will be so great, no wonder Miaoxinmen can sit firmly in the fairy world for so many years, and Yagu After the real person came to power, there was such a big difference.

Miao Xin saw that the Supreme Master's mood calmed down a little bit, so she continued the previous topic: "The third possibility I mentioned is that you can cultivate in this green pool. The water here is warm and the surrounding is very suitable. You can definitely do it here. Practice, maybe you can recover your skills and return to the fairy world in the future!"

"There is too much yang energy here, of course it's okay for you people, but now I only have the strength to linger, how can I stay here!" The Supreme Master shook his head.

"But I have locked one party with my true energy and neutralized his yang energy. For you, it is a temporary place to live." Miao Xin exhaled like blue.

Only then did Zhi Gao realize that he had been by the Bichi for a long time, but his body didn't feel uncomfortable at all. It turned out that Miao Xin quietly put a "golden bell cover" on it.

"Of course it's good! This is a good place for cultivation. The only shortcoming is the excess of yang energy. Now it's very suitable to be neutralized by such a method, but I don't know how long this will last." When the Supreme Master heard what Miao Xin said, he became happy , but at the same time there are other worries.

Li Xiaogang was also infected when he saw that the Supreme Master was so optimistic, and interjected: "No one knows whether it will be good or bad under the melting ice of ten thousand years, but no matter what, the three of us in the area of ​​Bichi have joined forces. It is locked with true qi, the outside world can't come in to interfere, and the yang qi here is also neutralized by Miao Xin, I think unless Nuwa is alive, no one can break through it."

Only then did Master Zhi Gao feel relieved, and the fanaticism that only a cultivator would have appeared on his face, and he felt unspeakable gratitude in his heart.

"Supreme Supreme Master, no matter how loud the noise is from our side, just stay put. We have sealed it with zhenqi here, and no one can break it!" Miao Xin repeated with a smile.

A flash of lightning flashed across, and there was a thunderclap in the sky, and the void suddenly became overcast, even under the ice layer, it was a bit dark, leaving only a few glistening fires.Li Xiaogang was startled, feeling vaguely something was wrong in his heart, he pulled the Supreme Master over and asked, "Does this kind of weather often happen here?"

The real person Zhi Gao also seemed to be frightened, and said in a panic: "It's terrible, as long as this kind of weather appears, the ice cubes will fall endlessly, and it is impossible to stop within ten days and half a month."

Miao Xin said angrily: "Is this the so-called natural disaster? God keeps embarrassing us like this again and again, let's go back!"

Li Xiaogang knew that what Miao Xin said was angry, so he didn't provoke her any more.After calming down for a while, he said, "The Supreme Master, according to your guess, how long will it take for this ice cube to land?"

The supreme real person thought for a while, and replied: "This is just a sign, and it will take another day for the ice to fall. It's already freezing here, and I don't think it's strange that there is some ice and snow, so I don't pay much attention to it." .”

Li Xiaogang nodded, turned his face to Miao Xin and said with a smile: "In this way, we still have time to act, God is not kind to us."

Only then did Miao Xin relax her brows. Seeing Li Xiaogang so calm and calm when he was in trouble, she grew a little more fond of him.

So the three of them left the Supreme Master and flew towards the land of ice and snow.Suddenly, there was another thunderclap, this time even more dull than last time.There was a huge echo around the three people in the sky, and the hurricane also started, and the flying snow dispersed, and this piece of pure land suddenly became a vast expanse of whiteness.I thought this was a quiet place for cultivation, but once there is any movement, the earth will shake and the mountains will shake, and the sky and the earth will become chaotic. It is strange that there are no human traces, and it seems that even birds and animals cannot survive.

After a while, the few people moved away from Bichi, even if they activated their mana, they couldn't see them anymore.Seeing this, Li Xiaogang said to Miao Xin again: "It's not too late, we have to make a quick decision."

But Li Xiaogang said again: "Miao Xin, brother Xuan, although I am not a wizard or Taoist priest, I still understand the principle that the destiny cannot be violated. If we melt this ten thousand year-old black ice today, it will be equivalent to changing the appearance of the sky. As for God Whether it is punishment or punishment, we must accept it calmly. Whether it is bad or good, it depends on our good fortune."

The mysterious beast laughed wildly, and said: "My mysterious beast only believes in Empress Nuwa. Since I am here today, facing the immortal calamity, everything has its own destiny, so why think too much, let's do it!" With a look of determination and no fear at all, Li Xiaogang also made up his mind and concentrated his energy.

At this time, the sky was flickering and dark, and I saw Miao Xin in the center, Li Xiaogang and Xuan Beast were on the left and right, and they had already begun to attack the ice layer, and each began to exert all their strengths and housekeeping skills.

At this time, the clouds in the sky began to move, and the accumulation of changes became thicker and thicker.As a backdrop, the ground also trembled. Seeing that the matter could not be delayed any longer, Li Xiaogang yelled, jumped and rolled, and stood on the tallest and thickest somersault cloud in the dense fog in the sky. With a thought, he called out a purple light, The purple light changed from weak to strong, just like a volcano erupting, forming a billowing lava, erupting thinly, pouring down from the sky, forming a powerful fire-breathing column.

Miao Xin saw a fiery red light tumbling down from the thick cloud, and as it fell, the momentum became more and more violent, and the area of ​​the fire became larger and larger, so she didn't dare to be negligent, so she quickly leaped into the sky, turned on the cloud, Xiumu stared, and a stream of white air spewed out from Sakura's mouth, which flowed continuously and merged with Li Xiaogang's hot stream, making the flames even brighter.

(End of this chapter)

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