The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2117 Melting Ice

Chapter 2117 Melting Ice
The mysterious beast did not show any weakness either, it had already turned into a huge beast body, huge red gold fire dragons spewed out from the seven holes, and swooped down with long tongues of flame.The ignition point of these flames is extremely low, and they will ignite when they encounter objects, and they spread rapidly. The two forces converge and instantly turn into a sea of ​​flames.The ice layer in the crackling mottled began to break, and soon turned into a vast ocean.

But the flame was not extinguished by the water, but became more and more intense. As the water vapor rose into the sky, the water surface also began to drop, and the world under the ice layer was also looming.When the real fire encountered the ice layer, it had already ignited the freezing point.

Under the transpiration of thousands of miles of water vapor, the clouds gradually thinned, and the sun seemed to break through the dark clouds, revealing a glimmer of light. It seemed that the weather had changed, and the hailstones would no longer come down.Li Xiaogang and Miao Xin smiled similarly, within half an hour, the Ten Thousand Years Black Ice would collapse and the fire would be extinguished.By then, the great work will be considered half done.

It is said that water and fire are incompatible, but looking down, the dazzling fire snakes are galloping along with the white ice water. This scene is very spectacular.At the beginning, it was galloping like tens of thousands of giant beasts, and then slowly slowed down until the black rock formations were exposed, and the fire and water color dissipated.

As the water and fire dissipated, it was as if nothing had happened here, just ordinary mountains.

Li Xiaogang and Miao Xin jumped down and came to the middle of the mountains.Apart from stones, this mountain has no life, except for the warm steam left by the large-scale transpiration just now, there is no sign of any living things.

Li Xiaogang laughed loudly in the air and said, "We finally succeeded."

Miao Xin also breathed a sigh of relief, and murmured: "Thank God for allowing us to pass this level, then this hanging hole must be close at hand."

When Li Xiaogang heard the word Xuandong, he let go of his wonderful heart and looked around. There was indeed a cave shaped like a flying swallow on the mountainside not far away. Clearly, but this cave was born halfway up the mountain, and the entrance of the cave was surrounded by clouds and fog, which really made people curious.Moreover, if you search the whole mountain, you can see big rocks as far as you can see, and this is the only place where you can avoid them.

"The so-called hanging cave is really worthy of the name." Miao Xin sighed.Although I have seen too many strange things recently, I still couldn't help admiring when I suddenly saw such a mysterious cave.

"I'll go up and have a look first."

As Li Xiaogang said, he used a method to hang himself.But the strange thing is that when approaching the entrance of the cave, there are ghostly and fox calls faintly in the cave, even in broad daylight, it is very eerie and frightening.

Li Xiaogang waited and watched for a while, then jumped down, and suddenly said: "Before this place became a snow mountain, it used to be a vibrant peak forest. The weather has changed, and this place must have suffered a lot of life. Whether it is life or death, it will be destroyed Buried under this ten-thousand-year-old black ice, it will be hard for them not to be able to rebirth." The mysterious beast also jumped down, and a burst of flames spewed out towards the entrance of the cave, and when the cave was quiet, the three of them entered the hanging cave.

Even though the entrance of the hanging cave is not big, once you enter it, it is quite unique.At a glance, it looks bottomless, but the climate is more humid and pleasant than the outside, and there is a faint light not far away, which shows that the ventilation is very good.The walls of the cave are solid, smooth and dry.Occasionally, the sound of ticking water can be heard.It is indeed a good place for self-cultivation.

The sound of running water is getting closer, the light is getting thicker and thicker, and it turns a corner. There is a small stream not far from the entrance of the cave. There is a wonderful strange light below.Looking again, there are even animals such as deer and rabbits scrambling to run and jump.It's really a wonderful scene in the world, pure and picturesque.

It turned out that the two ends of the hanging cave were connected. After careful calculation, the two of them walked for nearly an hour to reach this end without stopping for a moment. It was indeed a rare and huge cave.

Seeing that she was about to walk out of the hanging cave, Miaoxin saw the beautiful scenery by the stream, which was comparable to her hometown in Xianshan, so her playful nature was activated, and she was about to rush out of the cave, but was held back by Li Xiaogang.

Miao Xin didn't expect Li Xiaogang to use such a strong force to hold her back, and she said coquettishly, "What are you doing? You gave me a big shock!"

Li Xiaogang stared at this beautiful scenery, but he turned a blind eye to it, and there was no sign of admiration in his eyes.Said: "We have entered this hanging hole, and we can never get out again."

"What?" Miao Xin was startled.She tried to stretch her hand out of the hole to pick a maple leaf outside the hole, but before she touched the maple leaf, her fingers touched an invisible cold door in the void.

Miao Xin didn't know that it was Li Xiaogang's pull that pulled her back from the gate of hell.If this invisible door is pushed open, it will be an abyss beyond redemption, and there will be no self at all.

She withdrew her jade hand and said in shock: "How could this be?"

The scene in front of me is obviously close at hand, but now it seems that there are two worlds.

Li Xiaogang's heart is as tight as a needle.Ten thousand years of black ice, solid as a rock, countless souls died under it, how could there be such a world where flowers are fragrant and birds are singing, just listen to him thinking: "Maybe what you see is an illusion."

"Why do you say that?" Miao Xin was puzzled, the flowing stream on the opposite side, the running sika deer, everything was alive, how could it be an illusion?
"In front of me are my parents, and everything in my hometown, but how could my hometown appear here?" Li Xiaogang sighed, these were indeed his thoughts day and night.Now it appears in front of my eyes, it must be a mirage.

Miao Xin also understood, now that she thinks about it, she is really terrified.

But now that the two have arrived here, maybe this is the first hurdle that Xuandong confuses them, she thought about it, and then said to Li Xiaogang: "We still follow my mother's instructions and complete the energy exchange here as soon as possible. Go back as soon as possible, if the magic stone does not appear for a day, my heart will not be at peace."

Li Xiaogang was also deeply touched. He came to the Immortal Realm for two important things. One was to complete the energy exchange with Miao Xin and get the last fragment of Nuwa Yuanshen. In this way, I have completed all the missions and can plan my life well.

Thinking of everything in the illusion just now made him more homesick, but now is a critical period of practice, and he must not let these demons occupy his heart, so he quickly cleared his mind, He turned his gaze to the hanging hole again: "At the end of the hanging hole is our inner illusion, the depths of our thoughts, so, come in, let's practice quietly. It turns out that our hearts are not calm, so we see these things. It's a strange sight." Li Xiaogang said.

Miao Xin nodded and said: "If we walk out of the cave, we will walk out of ourselves, and then we will be in another realm."

"En." Li Xiaogang sat cross-legged on the spot, Miao Xin also slowly sat cross-legged, and the two practiced quietly.

However, it was said that Li Xiaogang had been here for 20 days, he and Miao Xin practiced devoutly, and did not leave the cave once.From the perspective of outsiders, although this is a hidden cave on the surface, it has condensed the cold air of the ice layer for thousands of years. There is no sound here, and the aura is extremely pure. All of Li Xiaogang's energies have merged with each other, and entered the body of the other party, turning into mutual practice.

But there is always a feeling of closeness, no reason can be found, no reason can be explained, although the energies have been exchanged with each other almost, but I always feel that I have not reached the highest level and have not fully matched.

"Li Xiaogang, is the No. 20 weight just a fiction, and it is impossible for anyone to reach it?" Miao Xin was a little discouraged. She went from the No. 15 weight to the [-]th weight very smoothly, but then she couldn't reach the second weight no matter how hard she tried. I think it's frustrating her a bit.

"After all, our energy exchange is a forced injection, and it may take a certain amount of time. It is normal to have setbacks in the middle." Li Xiaogang comforted her.

"Could it be that we made a mistake?" Miao Xin frowned and thought, and searched the goddess' memory again. According to common sense, since she and Li Xiaogang have original things in their bodies, this process should be very fast.At this time, she glanced sideways at the entrance of the cave, Dongfang slightly monologues, the sky is not yet bright, but her heart is even more confused.

Li Xiaogang saw Miaoxin's loss and helplessness. For the past few days, she had always given people confidence and strength, but today, it seemed that she was going to lose confidence completely.He furrowed his brows tightly, and began to recall the whole story. Why did he have to complete the energy exchange in the hanging cave?In terms of the quality of practice, maybe Lan Ruoshan has more aura than here!Although this is the handover of the most yin to the yang, but Li Xiaogang's practice in Miaoxin has been invincible in the fairy world, so even if it is the most yin to yang, it will not benefit their bodies.Although this question has not been answered, it has inspired Li Xiaogang.

"Miao Xin, have you found the answer in the goddess' memory?" Li Xiaogang asked, the answer was already in his heart, but he still wanted to get further verification.

Miao Xin shook her head helplessly, and said with a wry smile: "Maybe my mother doesn't know, maybe this memory is also passed down from the previous generation of Nuwa, so it's just a fragment."

What surprised Miao Xin was that Li Xiaogang did not appear discouraged, instead he straightened up and said cheerfully: "The reason why Goddess does not remember these things is because she only has a big self and no small self, so she is open We can’t see those mirages. The reason why we saw the mirage at the end of the Mirage Hanging Cave was because we thought about it day by day and dreamed about it at night. Moreover, we have different dreams in the same bed. We can’t even defeat ourselves. How can we achieve completeness? fit!"

"Um, same bed, different dreams..." Miao Xin blushed, secretly blaming Li Xiaogang for her inappropriate words.

But Li Xiaogang was reasoning excitedly, he didn't notice this, and continued: "So, wherever we fall, we get up, we simply open our hearts and go to this illusion together, defeating the demons is the key! There is something difficult to untie in our hearts today, we simply open our hearts and let everything go away."

(End of this chapter)

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