Chapter 2119
What's even more miraculous is that they are very well-behaved in Li Xiaogang's hands, as if they were alive, and the petals opened a few more times, exuding a faint fragrance, which smells refreshing.

Li Xiaogang secretly sighed, it is really a god, if it is an ordinary person, just by smelling it, his practice can increase for several years.It's a pity, for him, it's just more comfortable in the senses.

"It seems to belong to my mother. It seems to be called Crystal White Lotus. It is a kind of fairy grass with high spirits. One female and one male, the female has yellow pistils, and the male has red pistils." Unexpectedly, Miao Xin suddenly said affirmatively from the side, looking very real thing.

"Gao Ling Xiancao, is it edible?" Li Xiaogang asked in surprise. After a closer look, it really is a yellow stamen and a red stamen. If you don't look carefully, it's really hard to find.

The smell of this white lotus is already refreshing. If you eat it, it must be of great benefit to your practice, but suddenly he was confused again. The goddess has never been here before, so how could there be two snow lotuses left behind?Li Xiaogang seemed to feel that they had fallen into a strange circle, almost getting close to the correct answer, but they couldn't find it.

"I don't know about that. Anyway, I feel very familiar with them as soon as I see them, as if they belong to me." Miao Xin looked at the two white lotuses kindly, and took them from Li Xiaogang's hand with a smile.

Sure enough, the two white lotus flowers were beating slightly in Miao Xin's hands, as if they were very familiar with Miao Xin.With a thought in her heart, Miao Xin subconsciously put the white lotus with yellow stamens into her mouth, and handed the one with red stamens to Li Xiaogang.The white lotus melted in the mouth, and entered the body in just a second.

Li Xiaogang opened his eyes wide in surprise: "You just ate it like this?"

Miao Xin smiled: "It's okay, you can eat it too, trust me!"

Li Xiaogang didn't hesitate either, seeing the crystal white lotus as if beckoning to him, he simply took it with one hand, like Miao Xin, put it in his mouth, and the crystal white lotus turned into a burst of red light and flew into him in an instant in the mouth.

Both of them felt a wave of heat rushing through their bodies, and they thought it was Jing Bailian who had played a role.Both of them felt that the pores and acupoints of their bodies had been fully opened, and they were very refreshed. They both sat cross-legged on the ground, their eyes met, and their palms met.

A strange thing happened. The two of them connected with each other in an instant, and completed the last bit of energy conversion. The palms of the two faced each other, and the surrounding colorful lights lingered, illuminating half of the sky here.

Opening his eyes, Miao Xin and Li Xiaogang saw the same thing in each other's eyes, which was the full power of Nuwa Yuanshen.There is no haze in my heart, only sunshine.

The two of them couldn't help but be overjoyed when they saw the success.Li Xiaogang put Miaoxin's jade hand in his palm, at this time, the sky was bright again, and as soon as he stretched out his hand, he saw a red blood vein along Li Xiaogang's pulse and blood vessels until it spread to Miaoxin's body.

Miao Xin only felt a warm current spread all over her body, warm and comfortable, while Li Xiaogang also felt a cool and refreshing flow into her body. This process felt very long, but in fact it was very short. After a while, the red blood No, it seems to have disappeared into the bodies of the two of them again.

As soon as Miao Xin raised her hand, the sky lit up again in an instant, and she was completely able to mobilize all celestial phenomena.

In fact, this crystal white lotus did play a big role. Originally, Miao Xin and Li Xiaogang had already opened up their hearts, connected with each other, and reached the conditions for fully carrying out the final energy conversion. After completing the transformation, and under the cooperation of both of them, the skill has increased by one step. This is the so-called principle that one plus one is greater than three.

Li Xiaogang is also very happy, now, the energy exchange has been completely completed.He believed that no matter what situation he encountered, he and Miao Xin were unstoppable, and no one could disobey them.

"But now I feel that the most important thing is to find Luo Wu and Yunxia. Since they have appeared here before, we will definitely be able to find them again." Miao Xin recovered from the excitement, and said that although the mission of energy conversion has been completed, But she always felt that she should find Luo Wu and Yun Xia, after all, they had appeared here, perhaps to give Yun Ju and Luo Duan an explanation in their hearts.

Li Xiaogang nodded, Miao Xin's thoughts were also his thoughts, logically speaking, they should help Master Yunju to fulfill this unfulfilled wish, at least tell Luo Wu who his biological father is, not to mention the goddess' treasure Jing How could Bai Lian be here? He had an intuition that this matter was also related to Luo Wu.

"But where can we find them? Our surroundings are both real and illusory, and we can't use conventional search methods to find them!" What Miao Xin said was true.

Li Xiaogang smiled: "The reason why it is both real and illusory is because the sun and the moon rise at the same time here, and there is confusion in time. If we are in the same time and space as them, it is not impossible to meet each other." Li Xiaogang found the truth of the matter. focus.

"But why are the two of them always together? If jet lag causes confusion, the two of them should be in different places!" Miao Xin asked again. She repeatedly thought about the appearance of Luo Wu and Yun Xia, but they could be intersected. After all, the time was too short, he only saw Luo Wu, the woman was just a profile, let alone the facial features.

Li Xiaogang's smile deepened, and he said: "They entered this illusion from the same time and space, so it is not difficult to explain that they have been in the same time and space all the time, otherwise we will use a stupid method and simply go back to the hanging cave ,Again?"

Miao Xin let out a "hmm", closed her eyes slightly, and the two returned to the hanging cave before entering the illusion.But after pushing open the invisible door and entering, Luo Wu and Yun Xia were the same as before, only appeared for a moment, and then disappeared again.

Tried this several times, but it still doesn't work.After several failures, Li Xiaogang shouted "I should have thought of it", and then said: "This time is beyond their control, maybe they only appeared for a second at this time, maybe even shorter, just happened to be seen by us .”

Miao Xin said dejectedly: "So, no matter how much you try, it won't work?"

"It seems that if we really want to find them, we have to run faster." Li Xiaogang said.However, if you compare speed, he can be faster than anyone else, but no matter how fast he is, he can't go faster than time and space. This is the natural law of heaven and earth, and no one can reverse it.

But Miao Xin was enlightened, she smiled strangely, and took down a piece of jade hanging from her chest.

Li Xiaogang smiled dumbly and said, "Do you want to write a chapter on this memory stone?"

Sure enough, Miao Xin nodded: "Since this memory stone can bring us my mother's memory beyond the barriers of time and space, we can certainly think boldly and pass our thinking to Luo Wu and Yunxia through it."

"So you wanted to arrange a conversation that travels through time and space!" Li Xiaogang really admired Miao Xin's unique thinking.This memory stone does have this function, and no one thought it would come in handy here.

The two of them slowly stepped into this mirage again, but this time, their expressions showed more confidence.This memory stone is the mother's fetish, Miao Xin has the will of the goddess, of course it can be used with ease.After she stood still, she put the memory stone into her palm and muttered something, a green light slowly appeared from the memory stone, like an invisible thread, connecting it with Miao Xin's mind.

"I heard them talking." Miao Xin turned to Li Xiaogang and said.

"Have you established contact with them? But I don't see any movement from you." Li Xiaogang felt very surprised, this is simply more powerful than the wireless network on the earth.

"It's not that I established a connection with them, it was the memory stone that established a connection with them. I just talked to them through the memory stone. It was just talking, but I couldn't see them." Miao Xin said again.She took Li Xiaogang's hand, and Li Xiaogang felt a sudden shock all over his body, and a green light came out from the memory stone, which also established a connection with Li Xiaogang's mind.

"That's good, you can also join our conversation, but you can only speak with your will." Miao Xin said, she became quiet again, and seemed to be sinking into it again.

According to Miao Xin's instructions, Li Xiaogang listened intently, and sure enough, one of the men said: "Who the hell are you? How do you know my name?"

The voice was full of surprise, but it was unusually calm, as if there was no sense of panic at the appearance of Miao Xin and Li Xiaogang.

"Husband, maybe your master sent them here to look for us." Another woman's soft voice appeared, which must be Yunxia.

The middle-aged man laughed at himself, and replied: "It's good if someone comes, at least we can relieve our boredom, but my master must hate me to death, how could he send someone to look for me?"

Li Xiaogang and Miao Xin listened to the conversation between the man and the woman, and after confirming that they were Luo Wu and Yun Xia, they continued: "We are indeed entrusted by Master Yun Ju and Luo Duan to come to you."

Hearing that the woman's calm voice changed, she was surprised and surprised: "Luo Wu, did you hear that? It's Master who came to look for us! Also, there's our Duaner, he should grow up by now. !"

But Luo Wu seemed to be very calm all the time, he didn't take up Yunxia's words, just kept silent for a while, and then replied: "Don't try in vain, even if you have great abilities, you can't save us, please tell me My master, I am very grateful to him, and at the same time, I am sorry for him, if there is an afterlife..." At this point, he stopped suddenly, and said sadly: "Maybe we have no afterlife, then please tell the master that we will live together forever. We will always remember him and thank him for his grace of rebirth."

"Why do you say that?" Li Xiaogang asked from the side.

(End of this chapter)

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