The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2120 Farewell

Chapter 2120 Farewell
Seeing the sincerity of Li Xiaogang's question, and also hearing that they were entrusted by Master Yunju, Luo Wu stopped being so repulsive, and actually answered the two of them by saying: "Anyway, we can only live here alone forever, with you. It’s okay to talk about it!”

Although Li Xiaogang and Miao Xin were surprised, they didn't interrupt Luo Wu's words so that he could continue talking.

Sure enough, Luo Wu continued to say: "If you have met my master, you must know that I was too aggressive and determined to go my own way, so I wanted to take a shortcut and found the supreme real person in the fairy world at that time, and we came here together , but I was too confident. I didn't expect that I couldn't bear the yin and yang energy here, and I would kill myself. In desperation, I had to go to the doctor in a hurry. With all our strength, I found the place under the ice layer. Only then did I realize that there is a hole in the sky there.”

"Under the ice layer, although it takes people, it won't be wiped out!" Miao Xin asked again.

Yunxia smiled miserably, and Dai Luowu replied: "But we are not willing to stay here forever, so we left the Supreme Master and searched for a way out, but unexpectedly found a strange cave, where we lost our minds. I also mistakenly thought that I had returned to the fairyland, and it was too late when I walked in. After we came to this illusion, we really lost everything. When we return to ourselves, it always takes us to another time and space, I don’t know how many times, we have given up.” Li Xiaogang understands what she said, and that’s why he and Miao Xin pushed each other even though they saw them outside. The reason why no one can be seen after opening the door is because their stay is too short.

Li Xiaogang thought to himself, it seems that they have entered the world of time, space and spirit, and once they fall into it, it is really beyond redemption.People who enter the spirit world can't get out, and people who go out can't get in, but I'm afraid when I think about it, if they also entered this illusion before opening their hearts, they must be in the same miserable situation as Luo Wu and Yun Xia. up.

"Day after day, year after year, we have become lonely ghosts. Even the sun and the moon can't resist the magic power here, and we have become a decoration, let alone us?" Luo Wu sighed, obviously, time flies , has completely changed the two of them, except for their souls, they really have nothing left.

But the matter has come to this point, and it is useless to complain, Miaoxin saw that the memory Shi Yingying was shining, and the light began to fade, so she seized the time, and said straight to the point: "To be honest, your master Yunju Zhenren has passed away, so I tried everything possible to find it. You, I want to tell you that the real Yunju is actually your biological father!"

Hearing this, Luo Duan burst into tears as expected, and burst into tears, Yun Xia also sobbed beside her.

"Seniors, you two are saddened." Miao Xin sighed, she had expected such a situation, but seeing this tragedy in the world, her heart was still filled with uncontrollable sadness.

"Actually, I knew a long time ago that he is my father." Unexpectedly, after Luo Wu burst into tears, he said so.

"In that case, why didn't you recognize each other long ago?" Now it was Miao Xin's turn to look at Li Xiaogang.

"I know that he treats my mother like this, so I'm so angry that I have to fight for it. I have hatred in my heart, so I will be so rebellious." Luo Wu sighed, his tone was very sad, but no hatred could be heard. agree.

"No matter what, it's the grievances of the previous generation. I can't comment on who is right, but Master Yunju has been thinking about you all the time. He has passed away, so don't blame him anymore. Besides, he killed Luo Duan alone. Bringing up, even if there is no merit, there is no fault!" Miao Xin said aside.

"Hey, I don't have any hatred now. Looking back, I have brought the blame for this situation. Fortunately, our husband and wife can live together forever, and it doesn't make us too miserable!" Luo Wu smiled wryly, and looked at him again To Yunxia.

Yunxia also met Luo Wu's eyes, took her husband's hand, and said, "At least we will accompany forever, and it is considered peaceful and satisfying."

"You, what else do you want to say to Luo Duan?" Miao Xin asked again, time was running out, and the power of the memory stone was limited, so she had to hurry up.

Only Luo Wu sighed and did not speak, but Yun Xia sobbed and said: "I hope he is upright and cultivates hard, not like us, so ambitious, and you have to tell him that his parents have always missed him! However, Qian Don't tell him where we are, I don't want him to come to us and die in vain." Her voice was sad, with tears in every sentence.

"Don't worry! Reverend Yunju told the world back then that you died in the struggle of Reverend Yagu. We will find an opportunity to tell him the truth tactfully." Miao Xin was filled with emotions and was very excited. Mother, she also feels the same for Luo Duan, as if at this moment, she is Luo Duan.

This situation was really touching, and Li Xiaogang endured the pain in his heart. However, he suddenly remembered that he still had an unsolved mystery and time was running out, so he had to ask directly: "Senior, I saw two crystal white lotuses here, are they?" what happened?"

Luo Wu's tone became calm again: "The crystal white lotus was given to me by my father, as if it was given to him by the goddess. However, after coming to this illusion, the crystal white lotus seemed to have regained her sense of self, and she didn't listen to us at all. Commander, we have no choice but to leave it alone and let it self-destruct.”

Miaoxin suddenly realized that the crystal white lotus in her memory was lost. Could it be that Master Yunju stole the crystal white lotus in order to make Luo Wu practice more diligently. No wonder he kept talking about being sorry for the goddess.

However, father and son are deeply in love, these are no longer important, it seems that Crystal White Lotus came to the illusion, which stimulated its own consciousness, just like the magic stone, it has its own consciousness.However, its servility may be relatively high, so, seeing Miao Xin and Li Xiaogang here, and also containing the will of a goddess, they still obediently threw themselves into the trap.

The light of the memory stone became weaker and weaker. The true spirit injected by Miaoxin at the beginning has almost disappeared, and the light has gradually turned gray. Li Xiaogang and Miaoxin looked at each other, and then said: "Senior, what did you say? We have made a note of it, and we will definitely pass on your words to Luo Duan, so we are leaving now, take care."

Luo Wu said "Okay" and stopped talking. He must have been lonely here for a long time, and he has completely lost the will to survive, so he can only fend for himself.Miao Xin closed the memory stone, and also cut off the spiritual connection with them.

The two completed the task, and without caring about their emotions, they left this strange place without further ado.Walking out of the mirage, Li Xiaogang and Miaoxin worked together to break through the hanging hole, and then they came out here and flew into the sky.

The two of them hadn't stood still when they saw the wind and clouds below, tens of thousands of white lights vying to gather together, and there was a vast ocean in an instant. Countless large snowflakes floated in the sky, covered the white ocean, and gradually condensed into a glacier.

The two looked at each other, and couldn't help being moved. No wonder this ice layer can stand for thousands of years. It seems that it has a lot to do with the strange climate here. Even though the two of them have already melted the ice layer, it was only an instant, and they could make a comeback again. If not They got out of the hanging hole in time, maybe they would really be covered by the snow sea that arrived in an instant, and if they figured it out at that time, it might take a lot of trouble and waste time.

The two stood in the air and looked down. The Wanli Glacier had stopped flowing, and the previous ice layer suddenly appeared again.

The two went to Bichi again, the real Zhi Gao heard thousands of horses roaring in the distance, as if the sky was collapsing, and was secretly panicking, suddenly saw two people coming from a distance, recognized that it was Li Xiaogang and Miao Xin, and then relaxed He took a deep breath, and hurried forward, his face full of joy: "Brother Li, this place is really as you said, after the balance of yin and yang, it is really an excellent place for cultivation." However, from the beginning to the end , but he didn't dare to look at Miaoxin directly, maybe he still equated her with the goddess.

Miao Xin was not surprised, she just smiled and didn't speak.Li Xiaogang is now evenly matched with Miao Xin, and he also feels that the supreme real person has greatly improved his practice compared to before. Although he has not recovered to the realm of a real person, it is not easy to improve so much in such a short period of time Yes, he knew that at this time the Supreme Master would definitely not want to go back to the Immortal Realm.

So, together with Miao Xin, they locked and reinforced the surroundings of Bike, and immediately, it was warm as spring, with a hundred flowers blooming, singing birds and singing, as if in a fairyland.Both spiritual power and firmness have increased by several points.

Miao Xin held back her breath, it was the first time she saw such a great power after the energy exchange, she didn't expect that such a beautiful scene could be transformed into such a beautiful scene without any effort, although she was calm on the surface, she was deeply moved in her heart.

Zhi Gao Daoist has long noticed that the two of them have immortal spirit in their chests, and knows that the two of them must have benefited a lot from this exploration, but practice is a personal matter, so he can't ask too much, just said: "Congratulations, look Get up and go one step further.”

Li Xiaogang didn't answer, knowing that it was time to say goodbye, he said: "We are here to say goodbye to the supreme real person. This effort and your help will have a great effect. However, here we can only guarantee a few hundred It will be stable within the year, once the spiritual power is exhausted, the yang energy from the outside world will still pour in, and it will depend on your good fortune. So, once your practice recovers, you should hurry back to the fairyland."

Zhi Gao Daoist nodded hurriedly, his eyes were full of gratitude, and he didn't know what to say.

Mount Jihong stood tall and majestic as before. Since Miaoxin left, Baiwa followed Li Xiaogang's suggestion and obtained Miaoxin's understanding and consent to dismiss all the inner disciples and outer disciples. Migrate here, do a good job of opening up, so that you can truly rule by doing nothing, and these disciples will be enriched in various sects, not only can eliminate their slander and hatred for Miaoxinmen, but also can use the energy of managing all disciples. Transfer to maintaining order in the fairy world.

The Miao Xin Sect is not in opposition to other departments, and it cannot be viewed from a normal perspective. Instead of wasting energy and developing it, it is better to let it go and put your energy into practice. The original intention of the heart.

No matter how many sects or sects there are in this fairy world, as long as there is order and justice, the goal will be achieved.

After the mountain people came in, they picked tea and planted medicine here, enriched their lives in sowing and harvesting, and enjoyed the tranquility of this paradise.

(End of this chapter)

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