Chapter 2121
This Jihong Mountain is cloudy, with at least two-thirds of rainy days in a year, surrounded by clouds and mist, like a fairyland. Such tranquility.

Moreover, Miao Xin was afraid that Luo Duan would be alone in Lan Ruo Mountain, so she specially asked Bai Wa to pick him up from Lan Ruo Mountain. The mountain folks are very hot, but Bai Wa treats him very well, and often teaches him some shortcut exercises in his free time, which makes his practice more refined.

Today, the wind is blowing, sometimes cold and sometimes warm, some abnormalities, Bai Wa has been busy with trivial matters all day long, and neglected to cultivate, it is rare for Luo Duan to take the initiative to patrol today, and he will not bother him anymore, so he will not worry about these things anymore, it is rare to feel at ease today Practice.

No, just as Luo Duan went out, he wanted to find a place to recall the exercises that Bai Wa had just taught him. Suddenly, a thick black mist gradually dispersed in the sky with the cold wind. Luo Duan was a little puzzled. The mountains are already lush with trees, and the fog is even more foggy on rainy days, but the appearance of this black fog is indeed a bit evil.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the villagers thought it was bad weather, and they all hid at home early.

Luo Duan was thinking about returning, when suddenly he saw a black figure rising into the sky from the mist, although it was only for a moment, Luo Duan captured it clearly.He just turned around to call Bai Wa, but the black shadow was already standing in front of him.

I saw that this person only showed half of his face, but the other side was tightly covered, which looked very strange. He was wearing a black robe, with a shiny black jade hanging on his chest. Thin and long, it looks like a tree facing the wind.

But he didn't seem to see Luo Duan, or maybe he didn't pay attention to him at all. He only heard his long cry, and the black light flashed like ink.

In just a split second, the ink-like black light suddenly spun like a windmill, and suddenly turned into a circle of light, tightly surrounding Luo Duan.

This circle of light flickered, and the black light was shining, as if to blind people's eyes. Luo Duan wanted to open his mouth to shout, but it was too late. Before Luo Duan could shout, the black figure flipped up in the air. Shrinking and shrinking, Luo Duan seemed to be squeezed to death at the scene immediately.

I only heard a series of urgent sounds of "Papapapa...", and suddenly, a series of white star dots flew towards and smashed directly into the black circle of light, as if to stop it from shrinking and shrinking.

I don't know when, I saw a cold-faced girl standing in front of the black figure, Luo Duan took advantage of his consciousness to realize in a blur that it was Bai Wa who arrived in time, and saved himself from death.

But the white star point only served to dissolve the black circle of light, but the magic energy in the circle of light was so heavy that it rotated rapidly and began to absorb Luo Duan's yang energy.

Luo Duan only felt that he was short of energy and blood, and that he was on the verge of falling, and he was about to fall down.Bai Wa obviously noticed this, and was not in a hurry to ask about the origin of the man in black. He just heard him reprimand, and a series of brighter and bigger white dots came out, restraining the black circle of light from rotating. Luo Duan's dizziness suddenly eased a lot, and people also followed the situation, and quickly swung his sword to slash, a gap suddenly appeared in the black circle of light, Luo Duan took advantage of the situation and ran to Bai Wa, his face was full of shock.

The black shadow let out a "Yi", apparently he did not expect the humble Luo Duan to escape from his grinding wheel, but he quickly realized that most of this was due to Bai Wa, so he turned his eyes away Come to Bai Wa.

He only heard a "low" chuckle inwardly, and said: "I know that this Miaoxinmen has cultivated many talents over the years, so it turns out that there are two babies after a long time!"

Luo Duan was so angry that he didn't realize how powerful the man in black was, and thought he was passive because of a sneak attack, so he looked dissatisfied: "Hmph, I don't think you are much older than me , You were attacking me by surprise just now, if you have the ability, you can do it again." After that, he gave Bai Wa a grateful look, thinking, now that the two of them are fighting together, the man in black must not be the opponent.

However, it doesn't matter if you don't look at it, when you look at it, Luo Duan finds that Bai Wa has changed from her usual hippie look, but has a solemn expression, which is obviously very serious.

He is different from Luo Duan, in terms of actual combat experience, he is much higher than Luo Duan. This black shadow man has an unusual background, and his practice is even more unusual. What's more terrible is that he can't tell the depth of his skills at all.It seems that today's battle is really uncertain.

"I've been sleeping for so many years, and today is the first time I've seen anyone, so I'll just play with you guys!" The black shadow man laughed arrogantly, and suddenly hundreds of pitch-black cold stars shot out, coming right at him.

Bai Wa was horrified, this move was exactly the same as her own, but the cold stars it issued were all caused by condensed magic power, which was more sinister and terrifying than her own.

Bai Wa didn't dare to be negligent, so she quickly grabbed Luo Duan who was standing aside and dodged quickly. Of course, hundreds of black stars flew into the air, and instantly turned into raging black fire, falling into the bushes behind, and the bushes didn't even have time to make a sound , turn into ashes.

At this moment, Bai Wa's face was bloodless, his heart sank suddenly, but his face turned even paler. He was not shocked by how powerful this move was, but panicked at the superb imitation ability of the man in black, his own It took hundreds of years of hard training with the Goddess to be so pure, but the man in black learned it all in a short time, and he still has the drive to excel.

"You, what's your background?" Luo Duan asked loudly while hiding behind Bai Wa.

Although the man in black didn't talk to him, Bai Wa was taken aback. Thinking back to his words "I've been sleeping for so many years", could it be that he was transformed by a magic stone? Bai Wa took a deep breath. His whole body froze instantly.

"Who the hell are you?" Bai Wa's expression froze, and she asked in a cold voice.

The man in black sneered, and pulled the black cloth, revealing the tightly covered half of his face.Bai Wa had never seen such a terrifying face.

One half is as old as bark, the other half is handsome as a young man, no matter which side it is, it looks so thrilling against the backdrop of the other half.No matter who it is, as long as they have seen this face once, not only will they never forget it forever, but they will never want to take a second look.

"Ah..." Luo Duan cried out involuntarily.The man in black obviously also saw the surprised and disgusted expressions of Bai Wa and Luo Duan, especially Luo Duan's astonishment seemed to prick his nerves. His pupils shrank slightly, as if in extreme pain. The same old withered hand waved lightly in front of his face, and the black face scarf once again tightly covered the horrified half of his face.

"Tell me, where are the descendants of Nuwa! I can make your death easier." The man in black seemed to have regained his cold calm.

"Daughter, a descendant of Nuwa? Which one are you talking about? Maybe she is long gone!" Bai Wa replied subconsciously, but she secretly affirmed her own thoughts in her heart, he is the magic stone!The day has finally arrived.

Moreover, Miao Xin and Li Xiaogang are not here, life and death must be uncertain today, Bai Wa has already made preparations to sacrifice, but Luo Duan, whether he can escape really depends on his fate.

"Haha, it's impossible, it's impossible!" Moshi couldn't help but grinned, as if he had heard some funny story.When Demon Stone was conscious, he always thought that Nuwa's descendants were also immortal like him. Of course, he never thought that Nuwa made the sacrifice of sacrificing herself and multiplying her offspring just to deal with her.

"Yes, although she is dead, she still has descendants!" Bai Wa replied as if something had happened, and he actually had the heart of death, his expression has returned to normal.

"She still has descendants? Could it be you?" The man in black suppressed his smile, his face full of disbelief.

He knew that Nuwa wanted to let go of the connection with him, but he didn't expect that Nuwa not only sacrificed herself, but also made such a large-scale sacrifice from generation to generation. This really surprised him, and it was the only thing he didn't expect. a little bit.

However, when he thought that Nuwa would curse himself even if he died, and let him sleep for many years, his hatred that had been simmering for many years became even stronger.
"What virtue and ability do I have, I'm just a servant, but since you have let the horse come here, kill or cut as you please!" Bai Wa showed no fear.Bai Wa has followed the Goddess for many years, and of course she also worshiped Nuwa. When he knew the story of the magic stone, he believed in his heart that the magic stone was the culprit who "killed" Nuwa indirectly. Fan.

"Why, why can't she let me survive!" The man in black ignored Bai Wa, and just muttered to himself, as if caught in his own imagination.

"Why? You are simply a parasite that lives on others. You are born to eat to strengthen yourself. If you are left behind, you will be the disaster of the fairy world!" Bai Wa said unceremoniously, wondering if he could disturb his mind by luck, and take the lead first Give him a demon.

But the magic stone was not fooled at all, he sneered and said: "I am a devil, my existence is the result of my own efforts, why do you say that I am a parasite, the winner is king, the loser is bandit, the fittest Survival is the same in the fairy world, since you refuse to recruit, you should die!"

"Luo Duan, find a chance to escape later! Tell Miao Xin and the others what happened today!" Bai Wa gave orders in a low voice, but the magic stone was so sensitive, of course he listened to it verbatim.

"Anyone who has anything to do with Nuwa deserves to die!" The man in black growled, and before he could finish his wild voice, he was already flying, turning around in the air, and the transformation was so graceful and amazing that it dazzled people.

Bai Wa didn't dare to show weakness, she turned into a long rainbow, catching up head-on, the two of them were fighting in the air, only to see the black mist, black and white intersecting, strange light flashing, flickering and dark, it was really fierce.

Suddenly, the magic stone flew over the top of Baiwa's head, and then turned back. Unexpectedly, the eagle swept over, and a thick black whirlwind whizzed over, like a black python.

Bai Wa's speed was not slow either, seeing the magic stone turning back, she also turned around immediately, at the same time a golden light was blown out of her sleeve, she shouted sharply, the golden light was as fast as thunder.Those who support farmers here are all die-hard fans. Welcome everyone to join the group and chat on [-].

(End of this chapter)

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