Chapter 2122
Moshi saw that his moves were not flattering, and secretly sighed in his heart for Baiwa's speed.

However, he didn't put Bai Wa in his eyes at all, he just thought that he was too underestimating the enemy. He turned back in the middle, swung his body, and with a thought, a big black windmill circled around from nowhere. At the same time, his mouth was wide open. Opened, a black water snake stabbed straight at Bai Wa.Now a black python and a black snake are in front of each other, they are already menacing, they surrounded Bai Wa in the blink of an eye.

"Little guy, it's your time of death!" Moshi flashed lightly again, and said with a sinister smile, the laughter was so loud that it resounded through the sky.In the blink of an eye, he jumped five feet away, as if he was waiting to see some good show.

"It's not so easy to kill me!" Bai Wa sneered.I saw his figure move slightly, the strong wind howled, and a white, shining cold light shot out from his eyes, breaking through the black python's abdomen, but directly attacking the magic stone.

Magic Stone didn't expect it, so he had to dodge sideways.Moshi was terrified, only then did he realize that he had really invited Bai Wa, seeing the cold light coming towards him, but he had no time to dodge, he only felt a tightness in his chest, and the cold light hit the black jade directly on his chest.

Don't underestimate this black jade, this is the magical weapon of the magic stone, this black jade is his body, although it didn't cause any major damage, it really made the three souls of the magic stone go to the six souls, and it was quite frightening .

The magic stone was furious, and immediately turned and stood on his head, quickly collecting energy, and the stars around him gradually shrank, and they converged into a dark red and black light circle.He only heard him wave his long arm, and he was furious, the black circle of light changed from red to purple black, swirled out, and actually caught Bai Wa in it.

Bai Wa was terrified, it seemed that the magic stone had started to hurt the killer, he quickly flew into the air, trying to jump out of the ring, but unexpectedly the ring was chasing after him, and the speed was getting faster and faster, and even killed Bai Wa. Put them all into it, the purple-red black ring shrinks smaller and smaller, it is tightly bound to the body, and it will not be pulled off.

Bai Wa seemed to be locked up, unable to move at all, a burst of severe pain hit his chest, his face also began to turn blue and purple, as if he was about to faint.

Bai Wa screamed in her heart that it was not good, but in her heart she was worried that the magic stone would kill Luo Duan in pain. Unexpectedly, when she was distracted, the ring on her body took the upper hand and tightened a little bit. Bai Wa yelled, He had completely lost his intuition, and was beaten into his original shape abruptly, falling from the sky.Being forced into the original form like this, at least hundreds of years of practice are gone.

"So it's a white fish!" The magic stone flew over, caught Bai Wa, closed the circle of light, looked at the little white fish in his hand, and said with a sinister smile.

As the sun rises, the golden sun breaks through the clouds and mist in the mountains, and pieces are scattered away with the morning wind. A woman in pink, with long hair flowing, and a slim but plump figure, is sitting cross-legged, exhaling. Inhaling Qi, the surroundings are like a rain of flowers, fluttering and falling.And beside her, there was an ordinary-looking man sitting face to face. With a blink of an eye, half a day had passed, and the woman opened her bright eyes.

Immediately, the man felt the induction as well, opened his eyes, and said with a smile, "Miao Xin, it seems that our energy conversion was very successful this time. The two of us adjust our breath together, and we can actually gain twice as much."

This is Li Xiaogang and Miao Xin. They were surprised to find that since the energy exchange was completed, once two people meditate at the same time, it is equivalent to twice the usual practice. In other words, as long as two people practice at the same time, they can gain twice the amount of practice results.This has to make the two of them very surprised and pleasantly surprised, and maybe there will be more wonderful gains in the follow-up.

Along the way, Miao Xin and Li Xiaogang didn't stop, they wanted to reach the Miao Xin Gate as quickly as possible, but they didn't expect that an occasional pause would lead them to such a huge discovery.

Suddenly, the figure of a black-robed scholar came into their sight, it was a mysterious beast.

"Brother Xuan, you took care of us all the way, it was really hard work!" Miao Xin smiled at the mysterious beast.

"Be polite, this is my mission, I really can't stand you being so polite again." Xuan Beast responded humbly.

However, he did not enter the hanging cave with Miao Xin, but was stationed outside. In order to reduce the fatigue and consumption of Li Xiaogang and Miao Xin along the way, he specially served as a flying tool for a while, completely put down his figure, and was willing to be a Miao Xin is very grateful for the role of logistics.

However, seeing Miao Xin and Li Xiaogang's success now, Xuan Beast is really happy from the bottom of his heart, and feels that even going through fire and water is worth it.

"We've arrived at Mount Jihong, I don't know what's going on with Bai Wa and the others!" Miao Xin looked into the distance and said to herself.

"Since we are so concerned, let's go." Li Xiaogang stretched his waist, and stood up energetically.

It was too late and then it was too fast, and we arrived at Jihong Mountain in a blink of an eye.But as soon as the three of them arrived, they felt that Jihong Mountain was not quite right. What made them unbelievable was that Jihong Mountain was filled with a dim black mist, and there was no one inside and outside the mountain. The demonic energy emitted made this mighty mountain even gloomy.

"Traces of a fight just happened here." Li Xiaogang quickly made a judgment.As he spoke, he pointed to the large area of ​​scorched black below.

Several people found the right direction, and quickly rushed to the place where the previous fight took place, but the place was already empty, leaving only an empty wasteland.

"It looks like it's still a fierce battle!" Xuan Beast, who is very experienced in actual combat, also said, with some dark clouds floating between his brows, looking very worried.

"Where's Bai Wa? There won't be any danger! Let's go and have a look!" Miao Xin said without delay.

"Wait, there are people nearby!" Li Xiaogang stopped Miao Xin suddenly, and with a thought, a blue light shot towards the nearby jungle.Hearing a "ah" from one person, he jumped out even rolling and crawling.

"Luo, Luo Duan?" The appearance of this person caused the three people at the scene to shout out at the same time. Of course, the surprise was greater than the surprise.

"Miaoxin!" Luo Duan saw the woman in pink in the center, who had gone through the test of life and death, and was about to run to embrace her, but before he got close, he felt that she was awe-inspiring, and seemed quite different , so he stopped in his tracks again, and said in amazement: "Miao Xin, you..."

Miao Xin interrupted him, looked him up and down, and saw that Luo Duan had panicked eyes, as if he had experienced something terrible, and hurriedly said: "I'll talk about my matter later, what happened here!"

Luo Duan was diverted from the topic, and he didn't care about Miao Xin's matters, so he turned to the other two and told the story in general.

It turned out that Luo Duan was not a fish that slipped through the net, and his life was hanging by a thread, but at the moment when the magic stone killed the killer in pain, he even let the net go, which allowed Luo Duan to escape, and was lucky to meet Li Xiaogang again here them.

The awakening of the magic stone was expected by several people, but also unexpected.They had expected that after completing the trip to the Xuanbing Illusionland, they would go to take care of the whereabouts of the magic stone. Who would have thought that the magic stone would wake up early, but Bai Wa was the first to suffer, which is really too unfortunate.

Especially when I heard that this fight happened not long ago, Miao Xin blamed herself and blamed herself for delaying too much on the road, which caused Bai Wa to be hurt for no reason. No one knows what kind of torture Bai Wa will suffer if she falls into his hands!

Li Xiaogang has seen Miaoxin's thoughts, but it is useless to blame himself now, the key is to find out the whereabouts of the magic stone, it is best to wipe it out in one fell swoop, and rescue Baiwa, this is what they have to do next.

"The magic stone let you go so easily before he left? Didn't he leave any clues?" Li Xiaogang asked, feeling that things were not as simple as they imagined.

Luo Duan shook his head, obviously he didn't expect that he could escape.

Especially when he witnessed the scene where Bai Wa was beaten back to his original form, he was really terrified, but even though he was afraid, he also understood that Bai Wa came forward, and on the one hand, he hoped that he could run as far as possible, but although he He was overwhelmed, but he couldn't be a bear, so he still chose to stay where he was, making the determination to die, but the magic stone finally let him go, and it still made him feel like he had saved his life.

"It's right that he didn't say anything." Xuan Beast said, he was at the side before but never said a word, so he was thinking about the whole process.

"Brother Xuan, what do you mean?" Li Xiaogang asked hurriedly.

Miao Xin and Luo Duan also looked at the mysterious beast at the same time. During this period, Luo Duan and Miao Xin's eyes met. Miao Xin just smiled at him generously, but Luo Duan was suddenly relieved, especially after experiencing life and death. There are also the teachings of the master, and I feel that I should be free and easy, and focus on practicing, but I should not be entangled in the private affairs of my children. However, Miaoxin has gone through untold hardships, just to get out of the disaster in the fairy world and save the common people. blaspheme her.Thinking of this, I calmed down.

Of course, Miao Xin did not expect such a big change in Luo Duan's heart. The matter of Luo Wu and Yun Xia was lingering in her mind. She just wanted to talk to Luo Duan. However, the most important thing at this time was to rescue Bai Wa as soon as possible.

Therefore, several people looked at the mysterious beast together, waiting to see how he analyzed it.

Unexpectedly, the mysterious beast said something that surprised everyone.

"What? You let us return to Yi Tianyu!" Li Xiaogang was the first to shout.But Miao Xin and Luo Duan went blank, they had never been to Yi Tianyu, they only found such a magical place from Li Xiaogang and the others, and although Miao Xin knew that there was such a place in her mother's memory, A place, but that is only conceptual, and there is no personal experience in itself.

Only Li Xiaogang, who fell there for no reason, always thought that he was unlucky to get home, so he bumped into a place where no one was there, and it was his nightmare.But now Xuan Beast said to let them go back again, which had to surprise Li Xiaogang.

"Don't be so overreacted!" Xuan Beast certainly understood what Li Xiaogang meant, not only Li Xiaogang, but even he was unwilling to go back.There, he was locked up for tens of thousands of years in the dark. If the goddess hadn't let him govern Yi Tianyu, he would have practiced with peace of mind, and he might have achieved a positive result early.

Miao Xin glared at Li Xiaogang, and said: "Brother, you are too impatient, let's listen to Brother Xuan first, and then, isn't Yi Tianyu's imprisonment already released? Can't you lock it in?"

Li Xiaogang glared back at him, and said: "I came to that place just to find you, and I almost died, and you are still making sarcastic remarks!" Those who support the peasants here are all die-hard fans, everyone is welcome to join Group nonsense chat [-].

(End of this chapter)

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