Chapter 2123
Luo Duan was confused at the side: "You called him brother just now! What kind of relatives did you send?"

Miao Xin smiled sweetly and said: "Now I am with him, I am in you, and you are in me. I don't call him brother, so why should I call him father?"

The words made several people laugh, but everyone was silent again by coincidence. There was less Baiwa here, but it seemed that there was a lot less excitement, which lifted everyone's hearts that had just calmed down.

After getting along with each other in the past few days, everyone has deeply fallen in love with this lively, cheerful and righteous little devil, and now his life and death are uncertain, which has to make everyone's hearts tugged.

"Brother Xuan, tell me what you think. In order to save Bai Wa, let alone Yi Tianyu, I, Li Xiaogang, would not hesitate to go to the mountains of swords and fires again." Li Xiaogang said suddenly, whether it was out of morality or out of He can't let go of his emotions, even though his merits and virtues are complete now, he has long regarded Bai Wa as a brother in need who lives and dies together!Besides, that magic stone is so rampant, Li Xiaogang has already secretly got rid of him.

"After the magic stone wakes up, it must be full of demonic nature. It wants to avenge the descendants of Empress Nuwa, so it rushes to the Miaoxin Gate!" The mysterious beast stewed for a while, glanced at everyone, and continued: "He came to Miaoxinmen so recklessly, he must want to catch us all! Obviously he has enough chances to do so, so there is no need for him to hide his whereabouts from us."

"So, the reason why he didn't say it was because he thought we knew where he was?" Luo Duan asked back, obviously even he could hear the voice of the mysterious beast.

The mysterious beast nodded, and said: "If we follow this inference, he can only be near Yi Tianyu."

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's hurry there!" Luo Duanhou said anxiously. Although Bai Wa looked younger than him, she was his playmate and master.

"You?" Li Xiaogang had a look of disbelief.

"That's right! Although I am the worst in cultivation, one more person is more powerful!" Luo Duan patted his chest.

"Luo Duan, I don't think you should go." Miao Xin hesitated to speak.From her return to the present, she has been hesitating whether to explain the truth to Luo Duan, and when to say it.

Although Luo Duan is a disciple taught by Master Yunju himself, after all, his spiritual roots are mediocre, and his practice time is too short. Going like him is almost like sending him to death.

"But... I really want to go... I know that my practice is too poor, and I can't calm down even if I stay here alone." Luo Duan was still itchy in his heart. He grew up in Lan Ruo Mountain, Novelty about any place.

But Miao Xin seemed to have made up her mind, and Xin Dao's departure was more or less auspicious. If anything happened, the secret of Luo Duan's life experience would rot in her stomach. It was too unfair to Luo Duan , simply take advantage of this moment to showdown with him.

Who knows, just as she was about to speak, perhaps because she had the same idea, Li Xiaogang took a step ahead of her: "Luo Xiaoxian, we met your parents during this trip!" He also knew that Miao Xin had the same intention, and Miao Xin felt warm. On the surface, Li Xiaogang seemed careless, but in fact his thoughts were so delicate.

Luo Wu really had a look of disbelief: "Didn't my parents die a long time ago?"

Miao Xin sighed, and told them everything they had seen and heard, including Luo Duan's life experience, and what Luo Wu and Yun Xia wanted to bring to him. Almost word for word.

Luo Duan was completely dumbfounded: "Reverend Yunju is my grandfather? It's been so many years, so why doesn't he recognize me?"

Miao Xin smiled: "Of course Master Yunju has his own difficulties and his unspeakable secrets. After all, he has fulfilled his obligation in raising you up, which also shows his love for you." On the contrary, Miao But Xin only concealed the love history of Master Yunju back then, perhaps out of respect for the deceased, or out of respect for Master Yunju.

Unexpectedly, Luo Duan was very calm: "I don't blame grandpa or my parents. They have their own choices, so why should I interfere? Besides, my parents had already left when I was born, so what can I do?" ?In the world of cultivating immortals, everyone has their own pursuits. These emotional entanglements can only be let go, otherwise they will become demons. At first, I thought I had no relatives, but now that I know that I still have grandpa and parents, And they have always cared about me, I am already very content, and of course I don’t complain about anything.”

What he said made everyone look at Luo Duan with admiration. It turns out that he has such a broad mind at a young age, which must determine that his future practice will be limitless.

Now that Luo Duan already knew his life experience, Miao Xin also breathed a long sigh of relief: "It's good for you to think like this, and I have also completed a big task, but it's not that we underestimate you, but that you really want to go." It’s useless, why bother to die in vain?”

Luo Duan nodded, as if he had matured a lot in an instant, and said: "You are right, my most important task now is to improve my practice, and the Miaoxin Gate also needs someone to guard it, and I am willing to stay."

While Li Xiaogang and others were on their way to Yi Tianyu non-stop, Bai Wa was enduring unbearable torture for ordinary people.

But no matter whether it was drawing the soul or refining the soul, he always kept silent, just making the magic stone helpless!Since he has not been alive for a long time, he is always used to using power, but who knows that this usual trick will not work at all in front of Bai Wa, which makes him extremely irritable.

According to his ruthless nature, he had long wanted to kill Hou Kuai, but he got an important message from Bai Wa's soul, that is, Miao Xin, the descendant of Nu Wa, had mixed up with a person from the lower realm, Of course, he also knew the purpose of Miao Xin and Li Xiaogang going to the Xuanbing Illusion at the same time, which made him a little more apprehensive, and he began to rethink his plan.Originally, according to his thinking, he was to kill Miao Xinmen and wipe them all out, but now it seems that he is glad that he did not meet them on a narrow road, and the original chance of winning has also been slightly discounted.

At this moment, Bai Wa had come to her senses, and saw a black figure standing in front of her. Needless to say, it must be the magic stone. Although he was in extreme pain, he still showed a look of contempt on his face.This couldn't help but make him even more furious, who was already furious.

Although Bai Wa's body and soul were greatly traumatized, her will became stronger. After all, the magic stone had already tried her best, and the only thing that could kill him was.

"What's wrong? Did you come up with another trick to torture me?" Bai Wa's eyes were full of contempt and unyielding.

Moshi hated him so much in his heart, he didn't expect this kid to look small, but his will is so strong, but he is still a bargaining chip to win, so he can't take his life rashly, snorted coldly: : "Don't think that I can't do anything to you. I just keep your little life for a while. You were just a little goblin by Nuwa's side. Why do you have to work for her like this? If I You have already found a bright road and left."

Unexpectedly, Bai Wa asked with great interest: "Tell me, what is the bright way for me to choose?"

Seeing that things had turned around, Moshi hurriedly approached and said, "To tell you the truth, I, Moshi, dare not say anything else, but there are countless ways to improve your practice. As long as you are willing to help me, I will guarantee that you will practice at least on this basis." Go up two floors!"

This condition is indeed tempting. Bai Wa's practice has already reached the peak, but the magic stone can even promise him to increase two more levels. Some people even stop at the bottleneck forever, until the life yuan is exhausted.

But Bai Wa seemed to be moved by this generous condition, and her expression became serious: "How can you let me raise two levels, I have stayed at this level for several years, and even the goddess said that I, Bai Wa, can only Having reached this level and this stage, what ability do you have for me to go further?"

The magic stone laughed and said, "What's the big deal? Goddesses are only descendants after all, and Nuwa is not as good as one generation after another. Besides, the way of immortality is impossible, and there is still the way of magic!"

Bai Fang didn't believe it: "I think you lied to me! You don't believe any nonsense!" But Bai Wa didn't believe that at all.

The magic stone thought, this white baby is a kind of soft eater, but he didn't expect to persuade him with a few words, and he was hooked. After a long time, it turned out that he didn't believe that he had this ability. In this case, he revealed it to him A little bit, it's better to adjust his appetite, so that he can be convinced. Thinking of this, Magic Stone said: "If you agree to help me deal with the descendants of the Goddess, you are also a family, so I'll just tell you. Since I had Fazi relies on Nuwa to practice, and have you ever thought about why other stones have no vitality, but it is me?"

As soon as Bai Wa heard it, in fact, the magic stone's tricks to destroy people's will really didn't apply to him. After all, he has an indestructible body.

Mo Shi also kept Bai Wa out of the idea of ​​assimilation. After all, he didn't have a reliable helper in the fairy world. Besides, Miao Xin is mixed with people from the lower world. The team is getting bigger and bigger, so he needs to find someone As a reminder, although Bai Wa looks childish, he actually has more ideas than the magic stone. He was raised by a goddess, how could he be so weak-willed, moved by some interests, and just follow the tricks, just like that, laughing at the devil in his heart Shi Gao practiced low IQ, while pretending to be greedy and envious: "Are you born like this?"

Moshi really became arrogant, thinking that it doesn't matter if you say these things, and maybe he is too confident that Baiwa can't escape from his own Wuzhishan, so he just let his mouth go: "I am born with a magical talent, I can Absorb what I want to absorb from other people's energy, and I don't know how much I can absorb, coupled with acquired practice, my aptitude has turned into independent ability!" Those who support farmers here are all iron fans Yes, everyone is welcome to join the group and chat on [-].

Bai Wa was horrified when she heard this, no wonder he was so confident, it turned out that he was like a container with a huge suction force, as long as he stuck to it, he might be squeezed dry, thinking about it, he was a little scared, thinking that the magic stone would still be of some use to him , and I will not pose a threat to him, so I save some strength for myself.

(End of this chapter)

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