The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2124 Dilemma

Chapter 2124 Dilemma
If he is really sucked dry, then life is really worse than death. It’s fine if he is defeated, and he has added practice for nothing. Information is given to them so that they may be on their guard.

Therefore, Bai Wa decided to deal with him, first pretending to be soft, and then waiting for opportunities.

"How is it? Have you thought it through?" Seeing Bai Wa frowning secretly, as if in deep thought, Mo Shi asked.

Bai Wa laughed and said: "You already know everything I know from my brain, I have no other choice, I, Bai Wa, am not a pedantic person after all, this reason is still clear!"

Only then did Mo Shi feel relieved, but Bai Wa's eyes turned, she didn't look like a dull person, and she was afraid of being deceived by him, and after careful consideration, she came up with a little loophole: "Since you are aiming at improving Why don’t you ask me how to improve my practice by two levels? I don’t think you care at all!”

Bai Wa's mind was spinning too fast, and she had already thought up her speech: "You don't ask me, I'm going to say, your aptitude is beyond doubt, otherwise Nuwa Butian wouldn't choose you, but after all I It's a monster, how could it be possible to attract people to practice like you, to add skills to yourself?"

Moshi smiled slyly: "I can't see that you are quite ambitious, thinking about how to gain benefits before working. I have already told you the secret of my housekeeping. You still don't believe me?"

Bai Wa snorted coldly: "It's well known that your ability is so strong, what's the secret?"

Seeing that Bai Wa had passed the test, and there was no flaw in his answer, the magic stone was relieved: "Don't worry about it, I will naturally have a way to help you change your essence, and then you will be like me, making hundreds of millions of dollars a day." layer!"

Bai Wa secretly thought it was funny, after she was used up, how could she be replaced by bone marrow, maybe there would be no scum left after being eaten, but at present, she had to go along with the flow, she had to let him trust herself first, before she could have a chance Find more opportunities to escape.Thinking of escaping, Bai Wa only knew that they rushed all the way to Yi Tianhai, but where they were locked up, because it was too fast at that time, he only knew that it was a closed area, and he didn't have time to see it clearly, let alone escape, but look at the light here It wasn't very dim, and there was still a little bit of water, so it shouldn't be very deep, but even so, the magic stone stayed with him every step of the way. It seemed that Li Xiaogang and the others were going to try their luck, and see if they could think of it here.

There are also a few people standing on Yi Tianhai, but Li Xiaogang, Miao Xin and Xuanshou have rushed over, except for Luo Duan and the others who did not come, there is another familiar figure, needless to say, of course It is the Nine Kun beasts that came from the inquiry.

Of course, at the same time, he also told Li Xiaogang and the others about the abnormal celestial phenomenon that appeared before, which also made them more convinced of the fact that the magic stone had awakened.

But now everyone is facing a new problem, which is also a problem that has been considered before, that is, Bai Wa is still in the hands of the magic stone!Judging from the aura I feel so far, the demonic nature is rampant here. Although there is no fighting phenomenon, the smell of blood is full, which makes people feel sick for a while!

There are also many scenes of prosperity in the past, and the creatures on the bottom of the sea basically rarely show up, and it seems that they have already expected the danger, let alone Li Xiaogang and other advanced people?Similarly, the arrival of several people is also felt in the magic stone not deep, now is the moment when the arrow is on the string, and it depends on who makes the first move.

"I don't think it's an option to just wait like this! Let's just unite and catch him off guard!" Seeing that everyone was silent, Jiukun Beast spoke first, obviously due to lack of practice and the worst patience.

The mysterious beast glared at him: "I know how to act recklessly, just like your ancestors! Now that Baiwa is in his hands, we can't act rashly!"

Jiukun Beast seemed aggrieved: "But waiting here is not an option. Since we already know the location of the magic stone, we might as well preemptively strike him. Maybe we can catch him off guard!"

Li Xiaogang interjected: "Since we have already felt the magic stone, I believe he also feels us. Now neither of us has the upper hand, and there is no preemptive strike, but Baiwa is still in his hands, so we even disadvantaged."

Jiukun Beast's practice is low, so of course he can't put himself in this level, so he can't help but nod!
"Are we just deadlocked like this?" Miao Xin said suddenly.

Li Xiaogang knew that she would not ask such a question for no reason, and there must be something else to say.

Sure enough, Miao Xin searched Yi Tianhai's surroundings again, and then slowly said: "Yi Tianhai is not deep, but the area is very wide, even if we join forces, we may not be able to find it." Go to Demon Stone and the others. I think the target of Demon Stone is me in the end, so I might as well show my cards to him and meet him!"

Hearing what Miao Xin said, Xuan Beast was of course the first to stand up and object: "This is absolutely impossible. If you make a mistake, all our efforts will be in vain. If you fall into his hands again, won't you Ending up with Bai Wa? In the end, it is controlled by others, which is counterproductive."

Li Xiaogang also shook his head frequently, apparently disapproving of Miao Xin's risk-taking.

Miao Xin smiled instead: "Is that why you don't like me so much?"

Li Xiaogang has a serious face: "This joke is too late, if we are not [-]% sure, we can't do it. From a small point of view, this is related to your personal safety, but from a large point of view, it is related to the turmoil in the fairy world! Magic Stone It is very possible to use your name to find an excellent excuse for him to dominate the fairy world."

Miao Xin also became serious, but her resolute expression did not change at all: "Bai Wa went for me. From the perspective of benevolence and righteousness, I should stand up bravely and bear the brunt. From the perspective of benevolence and righteousness, the magic stone will not be removed for a day It is always a big hidden danger that the immortal world cannot survive for a day. He has not been born for tens of thousands of years. None of us know what he wants or what his strength is. The most direct and fastest way now is to directly Go to him instead of hiding behind and watching you all die in vain. I have worked so hard, it is time for me to make a difference and show my value!"

Li Xiaogang saw that Miao Xin was speaking clearly and logically, and couldn't find anything to refute her for a while, so he could only sigh: "Even so, you and I are one body now, you can't leave me and act alone!"

Xuan Beast also hurriedly said: "That's right, Bai Wa and I were instructed by the Goddess to come to help you, so you can't just leave us alone!"

Miao Xin not only smiled, but also blamed her face: "Could it be that I am a reckless person in your eyes? At such a critical moment, you must be indispensable. I mean, I will take the lead first. Why do you make me feel as if I am going to fight?" It’s as if you’re going to die, it’s really giving up other people’s aspirations and destroying your own prestige!”

Only then did Li Xiaogang and Xuanshou understand that Miao Xin had already made up her mind, so they waited quietly for her to speak.

Miao Xin restrained her smile, but lowered her voice and started ventriloquism.Li Xiaogang and Xuanshou naturally knew that the matter was a secret, so they simply listened attentively, while Jiukunshou knew that he had no right to participate in front of many seniors, but fortunately he had a good temper and self-knowledge, and felt that there was nothing to do, so he was honest In fact, he wandered around and patrolled, although this action didn't make any sense.

However, Miao Xin talked for a long time, and finally ended. The three of them looked relieved and slightly relaxed. It seemed that Miao Xin's idea had been approved by the two of them.

"Looking at it this way, there is indeed no flaw. You shout to lure the magic stone out, and I will wait in the sky at the same time. If there is any trouble, I will come to help you immediately. Li Xiaogang immediately found the place where the magic stone appeared, and rescued Bai Wa."

++ Xuan Beast nodded, and went through the hypothetical process in his mind again, and found that there seemed to be nothing wrong with it. Miao Xin just acted as a bait for a while, and according to her strength, she could resist the magic stone for a while. It was also enough that help came.

Li Xiaogang also thinks that although this is a stupid method, it is the only way at present, but he is still a little worried because he has always been cautious: "This time the magic stone is coming menacingly, I think he has some great skills, or he has I am absolutely sure, after so many years, what kind of supernatural ability has he developed? Doesn’t the goddess have this in her memory? And there are so many sky-replenishing stones, but he is the only one who has self-awareness. I am afraid that if he Is there any supernatural power against the sky, so how about it, Brother Xuan, let you save Bai Wa, I will wait and see outside, after all, I am one with Miao Xin, if there is any accident, I may let you know sooner. And you are born If you know water, you may find Baiwa faster."

Xuan Beast slapped his head: "I only thought that after you rescued Bai Wa, you might be more likely to succeed in stealing from behind, but I didn't expect this level. I think that's the way to do it!"

However, they said that several people followed the plan, but Li Xiaogang and Xuan Beast jumped up and took their positions one after another. Miao Xin also stretched out her robes, and a silver light floated across, leaping above the sea level, floating above the sea.At the same time, put your palms together and start doing it.

As Miao Xin muttered words, a ray of shining silver light flew out from her hand. When the silver light met the sea surface, a fist-sized water hole appeared from the point of contact as if a signal had been received.

Miao Xin closed her lips, with a dignified expression, concentrated her attention, and increased the injection of mana, and the water hole also moved accordingly, getting bigger and bigger, and making the sound of rushing water.

Afterwards, Miao Xin continued to increase her mana, and the water hole became bigger and bigger, almost like a big well, and the reflected silver-white and blue-colored slurry bubbled out.

However, the sky is bulging, the star waves are circulating, the sky is uncertain, and the movement is not less than that day when the magic stone wakes up.Miao Xin seemed to be the only one standing between the heaven and the earth. Under the strong wind, she stood upright without any fear. When she looked up, there were purple-blue clouds rolling around her head in the sky. Miao Xin had stopped casting spells. , beautiful and slightly condensed, a pair of bright eyes staring closely at the water.Those who support farmers here are all die-hard fans. Welcome everyone to join the group and chat on [-].

Sure enough, this situation only lasted for a while, and a huge water splash emerged from the other end of the water surface. The water splash became bigger and bigger, and a black figure suddenly appeared quickly. Captured, the corners of her mouth slightly raised, and she said loudly: "You still came out after all. Since you have been thinking about it for so many years, why don't you come out and take a look?"

(End of this chapter)

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