The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2125 tit for tat

Chapter 2125 tit for tat
Before she finished speaking, a black shadow drifted past and landed in front of Miao Xin——it was the magic stone himself.He was still dressed in black, half of his face was still covered, but his expression was more ferocious, his eyes were fixed on Miao Xin, his eyes were full of greed, as if he was looking at a plate of delicious food.

"Yes, after so many years of reincarnation, your appearance still hasn't changed. It seems that the grievance between us is really over!" Demon Stone said in a hoarse voice.

Miao Xin sneered, the person had already flown out of the sea, and was already on guard against the magic stone's tricks, but she still said in a not very loud but loud voice: "I think you should stop putting gold on your face! I When did you have any grievances with you! I think you are purely wishful thinking. What qualifications do you have to compare with my ancestor Nuwa? You are a shameless thief. You not only failed my ancestors' trust in you, but also stole her Your energy is stored on her secretly, you parasite, today is your death day!"

"So, you are not the reincarnation of Nuwa?" Unexpectedly, Demon Stone looked puzzled.

Listening to his question, Miao Xin felt her heart pounding. It stands to reason that Moshi should know that Nuwa sacrificed herself to breed offspring in order to get rid of his connection with him.But Demon Stone didn't even seem to know anything about it. Could it be that he had lost his memory after sleeping for too long?
Just thinking like this, Moshi suddenly went berserk, his face gradually became gloomy, and there were waves on the sea!

Miao Xin was suspicious and unwilling, but she didn't care whether he was mad or not, and asked directly: "Have you forgotten what happened back then? You are just a sky-replenishing stone, but you are ambitious to cultivate to become a fairy... "

Before Miao Xin finished speaking, the magic stone yelled like crazy: "Don't talk about benevolence and morality with me! I obviously have exquisite roots, but she just asked me to be a lifeless sky-replenishing stone. Don't you think so?" Cruel? Hmph, don't play tricks to distract me, I think you are deliberately not admitting it, to cover up the mistakes you have made to us spirit stones with exquisite roots!"

Miaoxin finally understands that in order to stabilize Moshi's desire to rebel, Nuwa actually fabricated a lie about reincarnation, which makes Moshi fearful and dare not act recklessly!But now, it is meaningless to go back to these histories, so he simply resorted to tricks and said, "If I hadn't found you out, where would you have mind and spiritual roots? It’s too selfish, even if you have selfish intentions, it shouldn’t be based on stealing other people’s practice, I’m all about making up for the sky, but you are plotting against me behind your back for your little self-interest, it’s simply taking advantage of others.”

"Have you scolded enough!" Moshi roared loudly, seeming to be extremely angry: "Don't be hypocritical here, the winner is always the king and the loser is the bandit. If you die at your hands, there is nothing to say, and the friend above, you have seen enough of the excitement, you should come down and show your face!" After saying that, he smiled sinisterly and looked up.

At this moment, a vigorous figure passed by, and Li Xiaogang was already standing there with a smile on his face.Originally, he was still thinking about how to approach them quietly without attracting the magic stone's attention, but now it seems that he has saved this thought.

"You are Li Xiaogang? That mortal?" Li Xiaogang was startled as soon as the magic stone opened his mouth. Did you pay attention?" After speaking, she exchanged a glance with Miao Xin, and her eyes were also full of doubts. At this moment, they only thought of two possibilities. The first is that the magic stone obtained it by extreme means. Bai Wa's memory is lost, and the other is Bai Wa's rebellion. Of course, no matter which one it is, the situation is not very good. Demon Stone already knows himself and the enemy, so he must have made full preparations.

Another point is that the mysterious beast has already gone to search for Bai Wa, and he even thought of the worst plan, that is, all of this is a trap, so will the mysterious beast encounter accidents?Li Xiaogang and Miao Xin didn't dare to think about it, what they need to face now is a life-and-death battle with the magic stone, and they can't care about anything else!

Of course, the truth is not as bad as Li Xiaogang thought. After a lot of trouble, the mysterious beast found Bai Wa very smoothly. Impressed by Baiwa's practice, he rushed out to fight.

The moment the mysterious beast found Bai Wa was of course full of pleasant surprises, but when he got closer, he found that Bai Wa was pale and depressed, and had lost his former liveliness and vitality, so he couldn't help asking in amazement: "What did he do to you?" ?”

Bai Wa's head was kept lowered, and she couldn't use any spiritual power anymore, so she didn't hear who was talking to him at all, she just drooped her head and replied weakly: "What else do you want to know, you should know I know everything, I agree to everything, so don't press me any more!"

When Xuan Beast heard this, his expression froze for an instant, and he put on a dignified look, and said angrily, "Bai Wa! What did you do? What did you say to him?"

Bai Wa realized that it wasn't the magic stone who was talking to him, so she raised her head and saw that it was a mysterious beast, she was overjoyed and said, "Brother Xuan! It's you! Could it be that you have already beaten that demon away?"

The mysterious beast just stood there, as if unwilling to take a step forward, and said coldly: "I think this big brother can be avoided! I don't have a brother like you who sells friends and seeks glory! Besides, this devil was killed Don't you think it's a pity to get rid of it?"

The mysterious beast's cynicism naturally made the second monk Bai Wazhang puzzled, but he frowned and thought about it, and of course he quickly found out the reason for the mysterious beast's misunderstanding.

So, he quickly explained: "Brother Xuan, things are not as you imagined, all this is a misunderstanding! Come here and listen to my explanation!"

Unexpectedly, Xuan Beast was in a fit of anger, and he didn't think that there was a possibility of misunderstanding, so he blurted out angrily: "I don't know if you let me go there is fraudulent! You are not sorry for me by doing this, I think you have to explain, or find Miao Xin and Li Xiaogang!"

Bai Wa was so choked that she couldn't say anything, she couldn't explain it, only heard him smile wryly: "I have worked so hard to think about everyone, but I ended up with this kind of ending, it's really worse than death!"

Xuan Beast's heart moved, he was in the dark, and Bai Wa was in the light, so he clearly saw the painful expression on Bai Wa's face, and then saw him snuggling on the ground, very embarrassed, as if he really had a problem and couldn't speak, and Some couldn't bear it, but the facts were in front of him, it was Bai Wa who said what he said just now, and he had to have doubts about Bai Wa.

It was about Miaoxin, Li Xiaogang's life and death, and the fate of the fairy world, so he had to be cautious, even if he was facing his brother whom he cared very much.

Although Bai Wa couldn't see Xuan Beast's expression, it could be seen that he was hesitant and silent all the time, knowing that Xuan Beast was not decisive by nature and must be in extreme conflict, so she sighed and said, "Brother Xuan, I can't bear it either." I'm embarrassing you, I'm currently locked up in practice, even if I'm a useless person, I don't expect you to take me out, I just want you to bring them a message, I don't know the other skills of this demon, but there is a trick to attract people to practice, I have to guard against it! "

Seeing Bai Wa's seriousness and sincerity, Xuan Beast also doubted his own judgment, and approached a little closer, asking Chi: "Brother Bai, do you really have something to hide? Just say it! Yes! Didn't that guy use some extraordinary means to make you have to recruit?"

Bai Wa shook her head, and was about to say something, when suddenly there was a loud noise above her head, as if the sky would collapse, it seemed that Miao Xin and the magic stone had already begun to attract vibrations, and the huge turbulence of the sea directly caused more shocks on the bottom of the sea. The big shock seemed to shake the bottom of the sea, causing the cave in the bottom of the sea to vibrate violently, as if it would collapse at any time!
Bai Wa's complexion changed, knowing that this is the most shocking duel in the fairy world, and the influence is beyond their imagination. If they don't leave, it may be affected in an instant. At present, it is only wise to leave Yi Tianhai He subconsciously shouted loudly: "Brother Xuan, I don't have time to explain, you hurry up and remember to tell them what I said!"

Although the surrounding area was extremely shaken, and the stones on the top of the cave fell one after another and made loud noises, but every word Bai Wa said was heard by the mysterious beast.He quickly made a decision, without thinking about anything else, rushed forward, was about to pick up Bai Wa, and ran out of the cave without saying a word.

But unexpectedly, Bai Wa used all her strength to break free from the mysterious beast, and said, "Brother Xuan, I am worthless, just let me be here!"

Xuan Beast's whole body was shaken, looking into Bai Wa's desperate eyes, he knew that he had actually thought of committing suicide, he knew in his heart that he had misunderstood him, and all doubts were cleared away, but he whispered in Bai Wa's ears with a small voice. Softly said: "You are my mysterious beast's eternal brother, this is definitely the most straightforward decision I have ever made in my life!"

As he spoke, he couldn't help but pick up Bai Wa, broke through the cave, broke through the sea surface, and flew away from the shaking area just now.

As soon as it got out of the sea, it flew towards a relatively peaceful area of ​​the beach, where the Nine Trapped Beasts were stopping to look from a distance.As soon as Xuanshou and Baiwa settled down, they heard a rumble in the distance. Looking from a distance, they could only see the colorful sky in the sky, especially a blood-red glow that smudged the entire sky like splashed ink. Trembling, black smoke lingers on the sea, purple, silver and black can be seen in the haze, which is very spectacular.

Bai Wa was still in shock, he thought he was going to be buried in the bottom of the sea, but he was rescued by the mysterious beast. Seeing the mysterious beast again, his gaze was already attracted by the distance, and he couldn't help but look towards the mysterious beast.

The decisive battle is a gradual process, especially the Xian family, usually they will not use their housekeeping skills at the beginning, so as not to cause a waste of vitality, but this time is a strong duel after all, and any mistake may cause loss of name , so no matter it was Demon Stone, Miao Xin, or Li Xiaogang, they all held back their energy, for fear that the opponent would gain the upper hand first, and Yi's duel would be the ground shaking, the huge rock cracking, and the beasts howling, all in one instant.Those who support farmers here are all die-hard fans. Welcome everyone to join the group and chat on [-].

But Moshi saw the opportunity and always wanted to get close to Miaoxin and absorb her soul, but Li Xiaogang was always standing in front of her, restraining his energy, so he had to resist and fight back instead of actively attacking. when.

So he focused his firepower on confronting Li Xiaogang again, each move became more intense, and he had the momentum to put Li Xiaogang to death, trying to get rid of Li Xiaogang first and then deal with Miaoxin.

(End of this chapter)

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