The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2134 The Enemy Meets

Chapter 2134 The Enemy Meets
If a stone in her heart finally fell to the ground, but the words of the magic stone hit her heart, this is really a golden opportunity. She wanted to eradicate that Feng Laoxian and others countless times, and now it is not bad to borrow a knife to kill people.

"I only know that person is called Feng Laoxian, who is the logistics manager of Miaoxin Sect." Ruo Liu said timidly.

"Just him?" Mo Shi didn't quite believe it. This person might not be able to help much, and he seemed to be a cell phone pawn.

Ruo Liu heard the disappointment of the magic stone, and hurriedly added: "Don't underestimate this old fairy Feng, he was the second in command of the Miaoxin Sect, the only disciple of the master Yagu at that time, and he was in the Miaoxin Sect. If you want the wind to win the wind, you want the rain to win the rain, not to mention how rampant it is, it has great power!"

At this time, Feng Laoxian, who was still hiding away and enjoying himself peacefully, did not expect at all that his good days were coming to an end, to be exact, his life was also coming to an end.

Demon Stone nodded thoughtfully, and said, "So that's the case, maybe it's really useful, so I'll catch it first and then talk about it."

After speaking, a gust of black wind flashed by, and the man disappeared at the entrance of the cave.Just after the magic stone left, a cruel smile flashed on the corner of Ruo Liu's mouth, but at this moment, her desire swelled up again, and she had a wild idea that now she had a unparalleled backer like the magic stone, It is true that one person is under one person and above ten thousand people, and people like Feng Laoxian can be solved with just a few words.But she has more worries, what should she do if one day the magic stone gets tired of playing with her? At this time, should she make more plans for herself?

Desire is a terrible thing.

At this time, Ruo Liu, who was waiting alone, had a bold idea-to occupy the Miaoxin Gate and become the master of the Miaoxin Gate.It is easy to generate evil thoughts, but it is very difficult to disappear. Once she has this idea, Ruo Liu becomes determined. Unintentionally, she regards Miao Xin and others who came from behind as imaginary enemies, fakes.In fact, how did she know that Miao Xin is actually the real owner, and the real impostor is herself.

After about a while, a black shadow flashed by the entrance of the cave, and the tall figure of the magic stone appeared in front of Ruo Liu's eyes, and there was a shy person in his hand, Ruo Liu knew without looking, it must be Feng Laoxian.

Feng Laoxian, who was still in shock, saw a cold and beautiful woman standing in front of him, but he felt familiar, but there was a magic stone watching over here, so he didn't dare to look at it, so he quickly lowered his head, begging for mercy , It seems that I haven't figured out why I was arrested.

"Old Immortal Feng, why don't you know the old acquaintance?" Ruo Liu said coldly.

Feng Laoxian was shocked, it seemed that this woman not only looked familiar, but even her voice was so familiar, could it be someone she knew?Thinking of this, he finally raised his eyes to look at Ruo Liu's icy face, and recognized it for a long time. Suddenly, he saw a happy expression on his face, and said in surprise: "Ruo Liu? It's you? Why are you here too!"

At first, Feng Laoxian thought that Ruoliu was also captured, but then the conversation between Moshi and Ruoliu gradually made him feel a little bad.

"I've captured this man, you need to understand your business first, he will be mine after a while." Just listen to the magic stone with a sinister smile.

Ruo Liu kissed the magic stone affectionately, feeling unspeakably happy in her heart, obviously she had no scruples about the presence of outsiders.

Ruo Liu has always been half-pushed and half-successful, and this is the first time for such a bold and unrestrained active performance. No matter what, winning the beauty's heart makes Moshi unspeakably happy. Of course, this also indicates that Feng Laoxian has taken another step towards death. .

Feng Laoxian heard the wrong voice, restrained his joy, hurriedly crawled to Ruoliu's legs, and begged for mercy: "Ruoliu, he wants to kill me, you have to help me, you must help me, I think it's strange to know each other before. For the sake of it, you can't start with me!"

Ruo Liu Xing stared, kicked Old Fairy Feng far away, and said angrily: "It's okay if you don't mention it, but since you mentioned it, I will settle the old score with you! Do you say it yourself, or I will settle it for you Forget it?" Ruo Liu sat down on the couch, and resumed his leisurely expression, while Mo Shi stood aside coldly, looking like he was waiting for a good show.

"Well, it was all a misunderstanding before. The death of your parents has nothing to do with me. It was all Yu Niang's idea. She wanted to keep you forever, so she killed your parents! It doesn't matter..." Old Fairy Feng burst into tears from his nose, extremely embarrassed.

"Hmph, you're self-conscious and recruited so quickly! You don't even think about it. As the logistics manager, you turn a blind eye to such things? If you stopped me a little at that time, my parents I won't die!" Ruo Liu became excited again when she mentioned her parents.

"Oh, there are so many logistical matters, how can I take care of them one by one, besides, I found out later, and indeed punished Yuniang, but the thing has already happened, people can't be resurrected after death, and it's too late to stop it!" Old Fairy Feng sighed.

"Hmph, put aside my parents' concerns beforehand, how should you explain Fu Rong's death?" Ruo Liu said angrily.

"Fu, Fu Rong? Hey, Fu Rong is committing suicide, and it's not like you don't know it." Feng Laoxian said evasively, and also stammered.

"You can lie to others, you can lie to me? Huh, you have found the wrong person! I will give you another chance, do you want to recruit or not?" Hearing the blatant lie of Feng Laoxian, her tone became more and more severe.

"I, it is said that I know that she failed to seduce Senior Brother Wan An, was humiliated, and then committed suicide!" Feng Laoxian stubbornly refused to admit that Furong and Ruoliu have been together for so many years, they are inseparable, how close is the relationship? He knew it well, so he made up his mind, no matter what, he couldn't admit to killing Furong single-handedly.

Ruo Liu was so angry that she trembled all over, she didn't expect her good sister to die tragically, but she was even splashed with a basin of sewage on her body.

In fact, although Furong's death has become a secret and cannot be spread indiscriminately, it has long been a secret among servants. Everyone knows that Feng Laoxian killed Furong. It's just publicity.

But Old Immortal Feng actually made up random things based on the fact that there was no physical evidence, which really made Ruoliu's heart shudder.

"Wang, this person is entrusted to you. I only have one request, which is to execute him. I don't want to ask any more questions." Ruo Liu said softly, without any emotion in her tone, but the more her voice Calm, but Feng Laoxian's heart became more and more frightened.

Old Immortal Feng turned pale with fright when he saw Demon Stone's horrifying, distorted face: "Grandma, I'll recruit, can I recruit? I did order Furong to be killed, but, but I was also Acting according to orders is also helpless! She was poisoned to death and did not suffer much pain!"

"Hmph, shut up! You liar!" Ruo Liu scolded coquettishly.Although she had heard so many people talking about Fu Rong's death, she had never seen Fu Rong's body, so she always had the illusion in her heart that Fu Rong was still alive.

But now, from the mouth of Feng Laoxian, a murderer, who personally admits that Ruo Liu is relieved, but also deeply desperate.

"But what about her corpse?" Ruo Liu was still unwilling, and seemed to want to get to the bottom of it.

"This... I don't know, leave it to Yuniang!" Feng Laoxian hesitated.

However, Feng Laoxian's anomaly never escaped Ruo Liu's eyes, her heart was filled with hatred, and she saw Feng Laoxian's every move.

"Hmph, you are so cautious, you will leave this kind of destruction of corpses to other people? No matter how dishonest you are, I will scrape you off one by one, and I will also destroy your primordial spirit. You will never be reborn." Ruo Liu said word by word, staring into Feng Laoxian's eyes.

"I did hand it over to Yuniang, but according to what she said, she seemed to have burned Fu Rong's body..." Finally, Old Fairy Feng said in a low voice, sneaking a pair of thief eyes at Ruoliu's reaction.

However, this was indeed Feng Laoxian's idea. At that time, he was eager to upgrade to the top of Miaoxinmen, and of course he wanted to remove all obstacles that blocked his progress. Therefore, as soon as Furong died, he immediately asked Yuniang to burn Furong's body Clean, and declared to the outside world that Fu Rong committed suicide for love.

Everyone knew that Fu Rong was having an affair with Senior Brother Wan An, so naturally, they turned the spearhead and attention to Senior Brother Wan An.

If it were not related to life and death today, this old fairy Feng would never say such dirty things anyway.

"You! You're shameless! You didn't even bury the bones for her! I'm going to kill you!" Ruo Liu was shaking with anger, her eyes were murderously red, as if all the blood had flowed to the top of her head.

But if Ruoliu gets angry again, she is a mortal without mana after all, so she can't do anything to Feng Laoxian, she just rushes up and slaps his old face left and right.

This bit of flesh and blood pain was like superficial to Feng Laoxian, but it was a great humiliation to be slapped so violently by a weak woman, so seeing his face red at this moment, he dared not speak out.

Ruo Liu vented for a long time, with her hands on her hips, her chest heaved and fluctuated in anger, but after all the anger was released, her expression relaxed a bit.

"Ruoliu, go to the side first, I have something to ask him." Demon Stone said suddenly.

Ruo Liu posted everything she should have posted, she said "yes" and stepped aside, and at the same time gave Feng Laoxian a hard look, as if to say, "You are dead now!" Where is Feng Laoxian? He dared to resist, but he didn't pay attention to Ruo Liu at all. He knew that being captured by the magic stone this time was not just a matter of understanding personal grievances. Therefore, his life was ultimately held by the magic stone In the hands of this big man.

So when he saw the magic stone approaching, Old Immortal Feng immediately changed into his usual flattering expression. According to his experience, as long as he is a big shot, there is no one who doesn't like flattering!Don't look at the mighty and ruthless appearance of this magic stone, according to Feng Laoxian's experience, the more ruthless the appearance of a person, the more likely he will be prone to this trick.Of course Ruo Liu knew about Old Immortal Feng like the back of his hand, so he had no choice but to look at him contemptuously, and slowly snorted from his nostrils.

(End of this chapter)

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