The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2135 Pulling Others into the Water

Chapter 2135 Pulling Others into the Water

"Boss, I've heard about your reputation for a long time! I've always wanted to visit you, but I can't find you even if you're a godlike dragon!" Feng Laoxian straightened up slowly, nodding and bowing.

Magic Stone sneered: "I also really want to meet you, the second master of Miaoxin Sect!"

Feng Laoxian was startled, what a slick man he is, of course he immediately understood that the magic stone must be coming for the Miaoxin Gate, obviously, the Miaoxin Gate is just an empty shell, and the one who holds the power now is Miaoxin Those gang of righteous masters, and a demon king like Demon Stone has never appeared before. Could it be that he came for these gang of righteous masters?Feng Laoxian made a judgment immediately.

He thought, instead of being forced to do it, he might as well take the initiative to do it, maybe he can get his life back!

"Boss, you really flattered me! How can I become the second master of Miaoxinmen? No one will admit that I am the second master! Besides, now that the Miaoxin Gate has been taken away by others, I am simply a stray dog, and will not take me in anywhere, how miserable it is beyond words!" Feng Laoxian pitifully Xi said.

It's really amazing, with just a few words, he completely wiped out his relationship with Miaoxinmen.

For the words of Feng Laoxian who Gu Ying felt sorry for himself, Moshi did not buy it at all. Feng Laoxian was not as good as a dog in front of him. This person is poor in cultivation and wretched. The condition of the door is familiar, and it seems to be useful.

"Who do you think is in the hands of the Miaoxin Gate? What is the current situation of the Miaoxin Gate? Tell me how much you know!" Demon Stone asked forcefully.

Fairy Feng rolled his eyes and thought, it seems that if he wants to sign up, he still has to say half of it and keep the other half. If he has no use value, his life will come to an end.

So, in a short while, I have already prepared an argument in my heart: "I heard that there are several people in Miaoxinmen who are very powerful. One is Miaoxin, who is said to be after Nuwa, and the other three are from Yi Tianyu. One is a mysterious beast, one is a white fish spirit, and the other has an unknown origin."

"What do you mean by unknown origin?" Moshi continued to ask, in fact, whether it was Miaoxin, or the mysterious beast, Baiwa, he didn't pay much attention to it at all, especially the mysterious beast, after such a blow from him, I'm not sure if I'll die, but it's impossible to get back to the way it was before, and that white baby is also a waste at present.

The point is that this person of unknown origin seems to be a key person.In fact, he was talking about Li Xiaogang, because he found that when he fought against Miao Xin directly, he didn't think she had much advantage, but once he united with this inexplicable person, his strength doubled immediately, and he subconsciously thought that Li Xiaogang was a little mysterious.

However, after all, they only fought for a short time, and many considerations of Magic Stone are just speculation and experience.

"Um, it is said that this person of unknown origin is called Li Xiaogang, and it is said that he is a disciple brought back by a mysterious beast from Yi Tianyu." Feng Laoxian saw that the magic stone was so eager to know, and he had no time to think about it, so he replied casually.

In fact, he doesn't know anything about Miaoxinmen's current affairs at all. However, he is very familiar with Mount Jihong, and he only occasionally learned about it from some inner disciples who remained there, and then added his own guesses. It was made up indiscriminately, but no matter how perfect the lie is, it is still a lie and cannot stand scrutiny. Therefore, before the magic stone asked a few more words, Feng Laoxian showed his flaws. There were fine beads of sweat on his face.

"You kid, you're playing tricks on me!" Moshi roared. Seeing that Old Fairy Feng was behaving abnormally, and his preface and words didn't match up, he actually described Bai Wa as a young and strong man, so he knew that he was not at all. Just talking nonsense.In fact, it is also the fault of Old Immortal Feng, how did he know that before him, Demon Stone had already fought against Bai Wa.

Seeing that he was pierced by the magic stone, Old Fairy Feng felt bad. At this moment, a gust of wind flashed by, but his legs felt severe pain.He subconsciously landed on his knees, hugged his legs and wailed vigorously.

"How dare you lie to me, your legs are useless!" Moshi glared fiercely at Feng Laoxian, who was writhing in pain, and said, "If you dare to lie to me again, I will make you immortal forever!" !"

Although Feng Laoxian's legs were in severe pain, his head was very clear, knowing that the magic stone was indeed a ruthless master, without any warning in advance, he did it as soon as he said it, it seemed that he had to be more careful.

After all, he is a cultivator, and the physical pain is only temporary. The legs are gone, and he can use other tools to replace them in the future, but he did hear that the magic stone feeds on the primordial spirit. Even if he could not be reincarnated forever, the account wind old fairy could still figure it out. However, he kept wondering how did the magic stone know that he was telling a lie?It seems that he doesn't know nothing about the fairy world.Therefore, he secretly told himself to be more careful.

As the severe pain in the leg gradually disappeared, Feng Laoxian raised his pale face, slowly supported his body with his arms, and pitifully begged: "What I said is indeed the truth , Some parts are indeed what I heard from others, so there may be discrepancies, but I really didn’t mean to lie to you, Demon King, you just spare my life, I promise to go up the mountain of swords and go down into the sea of ​​fire, as long as you can use it, I am willing Go do it!"

"What else can you do now?" Moshi sneered contemptuously, Feng Laoxian is simply a flattering and flattering swindler, and he is simply bluffing and deceiving, Moshi is not willing to believe him anymore.

Seeing the indifference of the magic stone, Old Fairy Feng knew that his use value was almost gone, and it seemed that he was not far from death.He rolled his eyes, and suddenly said something that shocked Mo Shi.

"It's fair to say that the Miaoxin Gate has a natural vision recently, and something big may happen. I have a companion who knows that there is a secret passage in the Miaoxin Gate. We can enter Jihong Mountain through the secret passage to investigate. What do you think?" Feng Laoxian said cautiously.

"You still know a secret passage? Why haven't you heard of it before?" Magic Stone seemed a little interested.

"To be honest, I haven't entered this secret path before, but I overheard it from the elders of Miaoxinmen." Feng Laoxian saw that the face of the magic stone was a little gloomy, and quickly changed the subject, saying, "However, with the addition of another companion, we will definitely be able to find the secret path, and that companion was there at the time!"

Moshi's complexion did improve slightly, and he said coldly, "What's your companion's name?"

"His name is Old Man Zhongshan. He used to be the deputy sect master of Miaoxin Sect. He was also involved in the discussion at that time. He should know about the secret way." Feng Laoxian must say.

"I'll give you three days to finish this matter!" Magic Stone ordered.

If Old Immortal Feng met with amnesty, he immediately shouted thanks, subconsciously wanted to get up, and even forgot that his legs were disabled, how could he stand up.After working hard for a long time to no avail, I had no choice but to lie on the ground pitifully again, very embarrassed.

His embarrassing situation actually made Moshi laugh out loud "haha", just as the laughter died down, a black light suddenly entered Feng Laoxian's legs.

Feng Laoxian only felt that the pain in his leg disappeared suddenly, and his whole body became more relaxed. Only then did he realize that it was the magic stone that untied his leg injury. Surprised, he tried to stand up, and it succeeded, of course. There was a flattering sound of thanks.

Ruo Liu, who was waiting quietly, became more and more restless in her heart. She was not worried about what happened to the magic stone, but worried that the magic stone obeyed Feng Laoxian's words and asked him to run away again. Once he left, according to this person's cunning Xinxing, it will be troublesome to catch it back when the time comes.The most important thing is that this person will be a big hidden danger and unfavorable factor to me in dealing with things in the future.However, her worries were obviously unnecessary.

Only listening to the magic stone, he said in a colder voice: "Don't laugh too early, this leg can only be good for three days, if you don't come to report on time in three days, not only your leg will be crippled, but your whole body will also rot. If you fall, even your primordial spirit won't be able to get out."

Feng Laoxian's smile had to froze on his face, it was not a smile, and it was not a smile.

In fact, he has only one point of confidence in this secret way, let alone whether the secret way is true or not, the key is that the old men on the mountain are the most difficult to handle.

This old guy has always been known for being tricky and weird, and it has always been difficult to understand his temper. Besides, after being frightened by Miao Xin and Master Yunju last time, he has long since found a place with decent aura and hid. How dare you show up.

This time, if he was allowed to go out of the mountain and return to the Miaoxin Gate with himself to find a place that is not known to be true or not, he would probably not be willing to die. This is really a big headache.

"Don't you hurry up? Up to now, you only have two and a half days." Seeing that the old fairy Feng was still thinking, Moshi said impatiently.Ruo Liu kept flirting at him from the sidelines, and he became lustful again, which really made him itch.

"To complete this matter, I still need the help of you, the Demon King, to make it happen." Feng Laoxian raised his head and said boldly.I thought to myself that I was gambling anyway, and I would die horizontally, and I would die vertically, so I might as well be bold once, maybe I can win one back.

Unexpectedly, Moshi did not get angry, but became interested: "What else do you need my help for?"

"My companion has a weird personality. I'm afraid he won't want to be with me. I need magic stones to help me!" Feng Laoxian was really cruel. With a stubborn character, perhaps death would be even worse.

"I just like characters with strange personalities, so they are challenging. Where is the other person? I will teach him a lesson, and he will know what it means to have a personality!" Magic Stone said maliciously.

This person is really more perverted than real Yagu, Feng Laoxian cursed secretly in his heart.However, there was no reaction on the surface, just a flattering smile, and told the magic stone the characteristics of the old men in the mountains and the general direction of their cultivation.

With a roar from the magic stone, the man left the cave and galloped away into the distance.At this moment, only Ruoliu and Feng Laoxian were left in the cave.

(End of this chapter)

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