The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2136 Changling Pill

Chapter 2136 Changling Pill

At this moment, Feng Laoxian's expression is obviously not the same as the previous Wei Nuo Nuo, he stared at Ruo Liu with disdain, his eyes full of hatred.

Ruo Liu was frightened by his staring, backed away again and again, and said tremblingly: "You, what do you want to do? If you dare to mistreat me, I will tell the Demon King and let him kill you immediately!"

Old Immortal Feng sneered and said, "He won't kill me now, just like he won't kill you now. When he gets tired of playing with you, you will die worse than me! So , I won't do anything to you at all, and I don't like a woman like you who only uses skin and flesh to express her value. I just warn you, if you dare to speak ill of me in front of that devil, I will let you see Hades ahead of time."

In fact, Feng Laoxian just threatened Ruoliu.Moshi's IQ is higher than that of ordinary people, and he is also moody. How could Feng Laoxian have the guts to instruct him to do anything, let alone let his concubine meet the King of Hades in advance.

But Ruoliu is a woman after all, after being frightened by him, how can she think so much, besides, she will jump over the wall when she is in a hurry. Now that the two of them are in the same room, she is really afraid that Old Fairy Feng will do something crazy things come.

Seeing that Ruoliu was indeed frightened, Old Fairy Feng was afraid that the magic stone would notice something strange when he came back, so he calmed down and said, "After all, we all came out of the Miaoxin Gate, if you can help me save my life now , I guarantee that I will give you whatever you want. This demon king is just a monster, he has no humanity at all, and it is impossible for you to pin your future on him."

The sincerity of Feng Laoxian's words really moved Ruo Liu's heart for a moment.After all, Feng Laoxian used to be Ruoliu's boss, and she was born in a poor family. She just had a momentary resentment towards Feng Laoxian when she was desperate. up.

"You just want me to tell the Demon King not to kill you?" Ruo Liu hesitated for a moment, then let go.

It really is the benevolence of women.Feng Laoxian sneered in his heart.

"That's not true. In fact, I'm still thinking about you. Miao Xin Sect went through the Yi Tianyu disaster last time, and there are not many casualties left. If we can unite and start again in the name of Miao Xin Sect Maybe it can turn the situation around!" Feng Laoxian said hypocritically, and began to plan a bright future for Ruoliu.

Ruo Liu couldn't say that he wasn't tempted, but she knew who this old fairy Feng was, better than anyone else.

"Since that's the case, why are you dragging all the old men into the water?" Ruo Liu hesitated.After being frightened, she still saw Feng Laoxian's face clearly in time.

Feng Laoxian had expected that Ruoliu would ask such a question, so he took out an excuse that he had made up a long time ago: "I am doing it for his own good, there are only a few people left in Miaoxinmen, isn't the magic stone going to find him sooner or later?" Besides, he was the first person to discover the appearance of the descendant of the Goddess. The goal is simply too big. I think I confessed him early, at least I can fight side by side with him, saving him from suffering twice !"

It is really a word that can say life and death, and the lotus was born in the mouth of Feng Laoxian, so he took all the compassion to himself.

But these words were all reasonable, and every sentence hit Ruo Liu's mind. Her vision was low, and she was really a little entangled, with unspeakable contradictions.However, she doesn't care about other things, this devil is a devil, and she feels the same about his inhumanity.

"Then, let's talk about it. If you really have a way, I can think about it." Ruo Liu said slowly.But he thought, it doesn't matter to listen to what this old fairy Feng said for now, it's just listening anyway, as to whether to follow what he said, it's still up to him.

"I just want you to help me extend my relationship with the devil for a few days!" Feng Laoxian said decisively, and subconsciously looked outside again, afraid that the devil would come back at this time.

"Well, I'm afraid it won't work. Then why would the Demon King listen to me?" Ruo Liu shook her head hurriedly. Don't look at her being favored now. As the saying goes, accompanying a king is like accompanying a tiger. Died.

"This is Changling Pill. After you take it, you can join the ranks of cultivators." Feng Laoxian took out another white pill from his bosom, handed it to Ruoliu, and said, "This Changling pill The pills were rewarded to me by Immortal Yagu back then, and there are only two pills in total, which shows that they are precious. As long as a person with spiritual practice takes one pill, it can increase his lifespan a year ago and keep his face forever. Ordinary people who take it , Even if there is no spiritual root, you can directly step into the realm of cultivating immortals, and at the same time, it can also promote the longevity of your appearance. However, for this Changling pill, cultivators can only take one pill in 1000 years, so there is only one left. "According to Feng Laoxian's prediction just now, less than three and a half days minus the round-trip distance is really too little, and the chance of victory is very small. Instead of dying, it is better to give it a go.

Ruo Liu saw the silver light hidden in the white pill, emitting a seductive sweet light.For a woman to keep her face forever, the temptation is too great. Not only that, but she can also avoid the pain of washing her tendons and pulling out her marrow, and directly step into the ranks of immortal cultivators. This temptation is too great.However, how much can you believe Feng Laoxian's words?Ruo Liu couldn't help retreating again.

But at this moment, there was only a rustling sound, and it seemed that the magic stone was coming back.Feng Laoxian and Ruo Liu looked at each other, their faces turned pale, and they fell into silence again.

Seeing that Ruo Liu didn't take it for a long time, Old Immortal Feng was about to take back the Changling Pill, but Ruo Liu quickly took the pill from Old Immortal Feng and put it in his pocket.

Not long after, after a black whirlwind, I saw the magic stone carrying a person, and it really came back.I saw this person was wearing a small black robe, covering his thin body. Although he had passed out, it was obvious that it was not the old man from Zhongshan, but who was it?

Old Fairy Feng was shocked, thinking that he was killed, but he didn't dare to ask questions, so he had to wait for the magic stone to speak first.However, he was quite disturbed. If the old people in Zhongshan died, then he must be out of business. He just eavesdropped on the passage, and just remembered the term. How could he know anything else!

At this moment, the old man from Zhongshan who was wrapped under the black robe just groaned in pain, as if he woke up.

"Hmph, it seems that this old man is really tough, and he dared to fight with me. If it was not useful to keep you, I would have crushed you long ago!" Demon Stone said arrogantly, his face was full of disdain, He stared coldly at the man lying quietly on the ground.

Unexpectedly, the old people in Zhongshan seem to have heard what the magic stone said, but they only groaned, and there was no more sound.

"Devil King, time is running out, you won't really cripple him, will you!" Feng Laoxian saw the right moment and hurriedly asked.It seemed that it was exactly as I expected, the old man Zhongshan was indeed more stubborn than himself, seeing that he was covered in injuries, he might have fought a battle with this magic stone, unlike himself, knowing that the opponent was strong at the time, he immediately disarmed and surrendered.

"He's not dead yet, it's just that I shot too hard. He may have to slow down for a while. He's not as good as you. If he doesn't report within three days, he won't end up much better than you!" Demon Stone sneered.

Raising his right hand, a strand of black thread came out from his hand, and instantly sank into the noses of the old men on the mountain.It seems that Moshi also thinks it is a waste of time to help the old men on the mountain to wake up.

The old people of Zhongshan inhaled the black air, and they didn't know what it was, but the effect was so obvious. The old people of Zhongshan immediately opened their eyes, but their brows were tightly wrinkled, their mouths were slightly opened, and their faces were full of pain.

"This, what is this, it smells so bad!" The old man Zhongshan sat up and vomited as soon as he finished speaking.

"Haha, this is the filthy air that your grandfather has treasured for many years, and other people can't enjoy it!" Magic Stone laughed, as naughty as a child.

Feng Laoxian secretly thought it was ridiculous, but when he thought of falling into the hands of such a perverted person, he would have more nightmares in the future, but he couldn't laugh at all.

The old people of Zhongshan were about to have a fit, but they just stared at each other. Thinking of what happened before, they just suppressed the atmosphere in their stomachs.But he caught a glimpse of Feng Laoxian who was standing blankly by the side, but he understood instantly, and immediately bombarded him wildly.

"You old traitor, you must be the one who dragged me into the water! I don't know any secret way! You are just framing me!" The old man Zhongshan blushed, but his face turned darker.

"We only have two and a half days. If you want to spend your time scolding me, you can continue to scold me!" Facing the scolding of the elders in the mountains, Feng Laoxian was surprisingly calm.

"This..." Elder Zhongshan was also confused by Fairy Feng, who didn't know what kind of medicine they were selling in the gourd.

"Devil King, we are leaving now, but in these three days..." Feng Laoxian ignored the questions of the old people in Zhongshan, just clasped his fists and begged the Demon Stone, and at the same time, he took a deep look at Ruoliu.Ruo Liu quickly lowered her beautiful eyelids, but her heart beat violently.

"What? Do you think the time is too short?" Demon Stone raised his eyebrows.

"These three days are indeed a bit short. I also wanted to get things done, so I said that..." Feng Laoxian hurriedly replied, but he was secretly anxious, thinking that if Ruo Liu took things and didn't do things, then I really want to admit it.

"Are you going to play some tricks again? I don't think you are worth much anymore, I have kept you for too long!" The demon king grinned ferociously, and seemed about to have another attack.

Feng Laoxian was confused for a while, and only thought of pulling the old people from Zhongshan to be a backer, but he didn't expect that since the old people from Zhongshan, he has no use value at this time, and he has really become a backer.

"Devil King, may I say a few words?" Unexpectedly, when Old Fairy Feng was complaining, Ruo Liu would actually save his life.

"Eh? Are you going to intercede for this person? Don't you hate him to the bone?" Mo Shi turned around, looked at Ruo Liu, and asked strangely.

At this time, a ray of light just hit the terrifying yin and yang face of the demon stone, making it look more ferocious and terrifying. Ruo Liu hastily turned his eyes away from looking at him, but he firmly decided to leave the demon and devote himself to cultivation. Only in this way can I have the opportunity to enter the fairy world and truly become the master here!
(End of this chapter)

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