Chapter 2138
Fortunately, since Master Yagu died, no one visited this place because it was too remote and on the edge of Mount Jihong.So the two took the blood without any trouble.

Then according to the memories of the old people in the mountains, they found the secret path.Just when the two were complacent and thought they were not far from success, the blind cat happened to encounter a dead mouse, and it was so quickly sensed by Miao Xin.

However, I also blamed the two for being too negligent. At that time, the exit of the cave was set in the most secret place of Jihong Mountain, which was also the place where Miaoxin and others often stayed. Hey, but I also blamed them for being too behind. Such a coincidence.

So he simply used the invisibility method in an attempt to escape a level.Unexpectedly, Miao Xin had noticed them just as they left the cave.

Li Xiaogang saw that the two were dawdling, so he used a trick, the two of them were like oil on the soles of their feet, and they quickly slid in front of Miao Xin and the others, which made the two of them restless and astonished.

"Based on your practice, how did you break through our maze and find this place?" Miao Xin asked in surprise.Judging from the aura fluctuations of these two people, their practice is all inferior.

However, at that time, in order to avoid the invasion of magic stones, they had set up a maze of the highest level, making Jihong Mountain like a bunker, where even a bird could not fly in.

But how did the two get in here?Could it be that they have been hiding in Jihong Mountain?Of course, Miao Xin quickly ruled out this possibility. Even if they have been hiding in Jihong Mountain, it is impossible to find this place. With the practice of the few of them, how many living creatures are there in Jihong Mountain with a radius of hundreds of miles? They can all detect it, let alone two immortal cultivators who still have some skills!

"The old people of Zhongshan have met the master of Miaoxin sect!" The old people of Zhongshan suddenly remembered what they saw that day, and knelt down towards Miaoxin with a "plop", which made everyone stunned.

Immediately, Old Immortal Feng looked at Miao Xin, and saw that this woman was beautiful and luxurious, shining with pearls, she was not to be stared at, and she felt an inexplicable sense of awe.For some reason, even though he only heard about Miao Xin, but never saw it, but he believed in his heart that this is the Queen of Goddess. Seeing the reaction of the old people in Zhongshan, he also knelt down along with him.

Just like that, the two of them disarmed without firing a single shot. If Demon Stone knew about it, he would probably regret it.

These two people were actually sent by the magic stone to spy on the news.

This conclusion really made everyone feel surprised and funny.Surprisingly, Demon Stone's fear of them is obviously much greater than expected. It is ridiculous that Demon Stone entrusts such two people with such a heavy responsibility.

However, since they knew the hiding place of the magic stone, they didn't need to spend a lot of time thinking about how to deploy it. It was the best way to kill it directly.Now, the old man Zhongshan and the old fairy Feng have been imprisoned by them, and they can only wait for their punishment and resign themselves to their fate.

"Could it be that we just trust these two idiots so easily and just kill them?" Bai Wa asked.

"Why did you back off again after such a short while?" Xuan Wa seemed to have not recovered, with a look of high interest.

"I'm not retreating, I just think this matter is going surprisingly smoothly!" Bai Wa hastily defended.

"I think you are overly worried. I checked just now, and it is true that Feng Laoxian and Zhongshan old man have been seriously poisoned. Their lives are in danger, and they are dying. There is no reason to lie to us anymore!" Li Xiaogang Analysis said.But turning around, Miao Xin was still helpless and preoccupied.

Before Li Xiaogang could ask, Miao Xin had already spoken: "Although we know the location of the magic stone, it doesn't mean that we will definitely win the battle!"

"I said sister, although you have unique skills, but you lack confidence. You always boost others' ambitions and destroy your own prestige. According to your instructions, Xuanwa and I have also completed the Infinite Law, plus you and Xiaogang. Together, can the magic stone fly with its wings?" Seeing Miao Xin so discouraged, Bai Wa was a little annoyed.

For some reason, hearing what Bai Wa said, Miao Xin's brows seemed to wrinkle even tighter.

"Actually, there is one thing that I haven't said all this time." She said slowly, but took a deep breath, as if she had made up her mind.

Everyone looked at each other, not knowing what Miao Xin was going to say about something important, but seeing her serious face, they knew that it might be bad news.

"We all know that the magic stone's cultivation technique is very wicked and sinister. We have already experienced it in the last contest. But last time, he only played less than one-tenth of it!" Miao Xin said shortly. His words immediately caused an uproar.

one tenth?Although the Wuji method is exquisite and unparalleled, it is good at learning after all. To follow the way of harmony between heaven and earth, it must be matched with the pungent style of Li Xiaogang and Miao Xin to subdue it.

According to Moshi's performance last time, the few people are quite confident and even have a good strategy.But now he has only played one-tenth, or even less than that. This news caught several people by surprise.

"Why didn't you say this earlier?" Li Xiaogang looked annoyed.

"What's the difference between saying it early and saying it later? This is my mother's memory, and I just found it, so I don't have to hold back." Miao Xin looked directly at Li Xiaogang with a calm expression, and she seemed a little bit surprised by Li Xiaogang's reaction. Annoyed.

Li Xiaogang suddenly laughed: "There is indeed no difference. I just think that if I say it earlier, maybe everyone is mentally prepared. At this time, everyone is really caught off guard, and it may affect their confidence."

"There's nothing controversial about this matter. It's not too late to say it now, but our actions shouldn't change!" Xuanwa actually stood up and became a peacemaker, changing the subject.

"Of course it doesn't matter. In order to hit the magic stone by surprise, we will set off tomorrow, you go back and get a good rest, and gather here at six o'clock tomorrow!" Miao Xin didn't pay attention to Xuan Wa's words, and said decisively.

"Then listen to you. I'll go back first, and I'll be here on time tomorrow." Li Xiaogang seemed a little tired, and he was about to leave after saying a word.

"Oh, that's good. You've worked hard these days." Miao Xin regained her smiling expression.

Li Xiaogang didn't say anything, he cupped his fists and left.Seeing Li Xiaogang's figure gradually disappearing from sight, Miao Xin suddenly restrained her smile.

"Sister Miaoxin, I don't know why, but I don't think he's too happy!" The careful Xuanwa discovered the flaw.

"Don't worry too much. Brother Xiao Gang fought side by side with us from the beginning to the end, how can you chew his tongue from behind?" Bai Wa scolded.

Miao Xin listened quietly to the argument between the two, but her face was expressionless, she didn't say a word, she just stared at the place where Li Xiaogang disappeared, her expression became more dignified.

Miao Xin's mind is unknown to others, but only Li Xiaogang understands it very well.Although the Immortal Realm is higher than the Human Realm, the mind of a human being is not much different from that of a God. He is such a smart person, not to mention he has an insight into the fickleness of the world, why Miao Xin was abnormal just now, he has indeed noticed something.

In fact, Miao Xin had been abnormal for a long time, but it didn't happen, today was completely a trigger.Li Xiaogang understands very well that after all, she is the only one in charge of the fairy world after the goddess.

But with Li Xiaogang, Miao Xin can only be compared with him, especially at this moment, the two of them work together to get rid of the devil, which will inevitably affect Miao Xin's prestige.

Therefore, in the past few days, as long as outsiders mentioned the fact that the two are invincible, Miao Xin always remained expressionless. After a long time, Li Xiaogang naturally noticed it.

Thinking of this, Li Xiaogang shook his head a little self-deprecatingly, blaming himself for being too caring.However, he also made up his mind to have a deep talk with Miao Xin before he left. He has no love for the fairy world, so he really can't pose any threat to her. Doing so may show that he is too petty, but he doesn't want the two of them to have a grudge, in case it affects Tomorrow's battle will not be worth the candle.

The next day, Li Xiaogang got up early and arrived at the meeting place on time.Unexpectedly, only Miao Xin was there.Li Xiaogang's heart skipped a beat, could it be that Miao Xin also expected his thoughts?
"Brother Xiaogang, you are here! I have told Baiwa and Xuanwa to go and bring Feng Laoxian to lead the way." Miao Xin smiled when she saw Li Xiaogang coming, and the forest immediately glowed.

Li Xiaogang said "oh", but didn't say anything else.There was some embarrassment in the silence.

However, it was Li Xiaogang who broke the silence: "Miao Xin, I don't know life or death in this battle. I won't say anything if I die. If I survive, I want to leave here as soon as possible. I can no longer help you with the reconstruction of the fairy world. "

"You, don't you want to stay longer?" Miao Xin was a little surprised to hear Li Xiaogang say that suddenly, but she didn't intend to keep her.

"I don't belong here at all. After completing my mission, I just want to go back to see my family sooner." Li Xiaogang said again.

"If you can get rid of the devil, half of the credit is due to you, and I will thank you very much." Miao Xin lowered her eyelids and said softly.

Li Xiaogang did not refuse, but nodded.

"Brother Xiaogang..." Suddenly, Miao Xin called out, but her expression was hesitant to speak.

"Don't say anything, I know your heart. Now I just want to be safe and go back to see my children and family with peace of mind. When the battle is over, it will be the day I return." Li Xiaogang said with a smile, looking deeply at He glanced at Miao Xin, as if he knew what she was going to say.

But Miao Xin's face flushed red: "I don't want to say anything else, I just blame my woman's heart, it's really hard to bear the title of Goddess, Brother Xiaogang, I will still treat you as a brother from now on, you won't Blame me again!"

Li Xiaogang stared at her clear eyes, as if she had become the innocent Mia again. In fact, he knew that a twenty-year-old girl was in charge of such a big fairy world, and the pressure could be imagined. It has nothing to do with him anymore, where does he really take Miaoxin's matter into his heart?
(End of this chapter)

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