The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2139 War Demon

Chapter 2139 War Demon

So, I just smiled, stroked her silky long hair gently, but didn't answer, looked at the sky again, and said, "Why haven't they come yet, it's getting late!"

Miao Xin knew that Li Xiaogang must have made up his mind to act like this, and she had nothing to worry about, but she secretly blamed herself for not being able to hold back, and mistakenly thought of Li Xiaogang, which made her appear to be doubly selfish and petty.Fortunately, he didn't seem to take it to heart, so he let him go.

At this moment, a few black spots appeared in the distance, and it was Bai Wa and Xuan Wa who came with two listless old guys.

After seeing each other for a day, the poison on the two of them deepened a bit. I saw their eyeballs turned yellow, their seals turned black, and they looked like dead people.

As soon as they saw Miao Xin and Li Xiaogang, they knelt down in unison, and then begged loudly for help.

"Just now I lost a little qi to you, enough to support you for more than ten days, isn't that enough?" Bai Waweng said.

"Contentment, contentment, it's just that we are very afraid. If our lives are not guaranteed, we are afraid that we will not remember the way!" Old Fairy Feng said shamelessly.

"This is easy to handle. Since you have a bad memory, I think it's better to send you to the west. Anyway, it is enough for one person to remember the way. It is also a burden for us to keep a person with a bad memory by our side." Xuanwa pretended to grin her teeth, with a hideous face explain.

These words frightened Old Immortal Feng almost to death, so of course he withdrew his cunning face and obediently obeyed.

At the same time, Moshi is still enjoying himself in peace, and he doesn't feel that a storm is coming.

Ruo Liu's clothes are half open, her breasts are slightly exposed, her face is flushed, and she is half leaning beside the magic stone. Her flushed face looks like she has drunk a lot of fine wine and is very intoxicated. The scent made Magic Stone even more intoxicated and carried away.

"Devil King, I've been staying here for the past few days, I'm so anxious!" Ruo Liu pretended not to care, and said coquettishly.

"What's the matter? Are you tired of looking at me every day?" Mo Shi showed a yin and yang face, although he was smiling, he was not less frightened.

Ruo Liuqiang concealed fear, but did not change his face, still looking directly at him, and said delicately: "That's not true, in fact, I am here every day, eating, drinking and being hurt, of course I am happy, but I am afraid that someone will carry the devil behind his back." Doing bad things, if you don’t notice, the Demon King, wouldn’t it be all my fault?”

"Oh, little thing, you are really well-intentioned. You are right. I have not cared about those people outside for many days. I really don't know what they are doing." Moshi was very happy, and squeezed Ruoliu's hand affectionately. Bright red face.

Ruo Liu was pinched severely, grinning in pain, but still didn't show it.In fact, she was happier than the magic stone in her heart. She had been looking forward to the feeling of being aloof by thousands of people when she went out and followed the magic stone.

At this time, she had already taken out the beautiful clothes she had prepared, picked out the most beautiful one to wear on her body, and waited for the magic stone to take her out.

However, she was not happy for a long time, just when she was about to set off with the magic stone, she found that the magic stone was standing at the entrance of the cave with a serious face, motionless, and his brows were tightly frowned, but it seemed that he had discovered something unusual matter.

Ruo Liu was about to speak, but Moshi stopped her, and said in a low voice, "Someone is coming towards us."

Ruo Liu opened her mouth slightly when she heard this, and she immediately became terrified, but after a while, she was relieved again: "Could it be that Feng Laoxian came back early after inquiring about the news?"

Demon Stone shook his head: "Not only them, but also four people, they feel very powerful, you should find a place to hide quickly, I'm afraid there will be a fierce battle later." Although his expression was serious, he suddenly smiled evilly, It was as if the hunter had smelled the prey, but it was full of greed.

It was only then that Ruo Liu became really scared. Although she swallowed the Changling Pill and stepped into the ranks of cultivating immortals, even though she was assisted by magic stones, she could only be regarded as the lowest level of cultivating immortals with that little knowledge.

Not to mention the formidable person who can stand up to the magic stone, even Feng Laoxian, who can kill himself with one finger.So, when she heard what the magic stone said, she wanted to escape in an instant, but when she thought about it, she was afraid that the magic stone was deliberately testing her heart, so she turned around and immediately rushed towards the magic stone, choked up and said, "I just die!" , also want to be with the Demon King!"

At such a critical moment, Moshi didn't have the heart to be with her children, but he pushed her away impatiently and said, "If you still want to survive, run away, if not, I may not be able to care about it later." you."

Seeing what the magic stone said, Ruoliu knew that he really let her go, and she was secretly happy. She had tried every means to escape, but she didn't expect it to be so easy. However, she was happy too early. A whirlwind came quickly.It's too late for everything!Ruo Liu saw that the situation was not good, so he had to hide secretly in the inner room and listen to the movement.

However, Mo Shi remained calm until six people appeared in the whirlwind.It was none other than Miaoxin and the other four, including Old Immortal Feng and Old Man Zhongshan.However, Feng and Laoxian were half kneeling there, obviously they were brought here along the way. Now, seeing the magic stone standing in front of them, they were so frightened that they couldn't stand up straight.

"Trash, I should have known earlier. But this is good, so I won't bother to find you!" Demon Stone cast a contemptuous glance at the two of them, and cursed.

"Although they are trash, we have to thank them, otherwise it would be really difficult to find this place." Bai Wa said from the side.

However, Mo Shi shifted his gaze to Bai Wa. After all, Bai Wa's appearance has changed too much. He recognized it for a long time, but he just felt familiar.However, he could tell at a glance that Xuanwa was actually a little mysterious beast, but he just stared at him closely, maybe he didn't expect that the descendants of the mysterious beast were still young, but their aura fluctuated, and their cultivation was very good.

"Don't you recognize me? You were the one who abolished my cultivation at the beginning." Seeing the magic stone staring at Xuan Wa with malicious intent, Bai Wa also said coldly.

"Oh, so you are that bastard Baiyu, why? You are afraid of being recognized, so you deliberately changed your appearance? Why did I come here so aggressively today? It turns out that you are all debt collectors. That's good, let me solve them one by one." It’s you!” Magic Stone laughed wildly.

"Who will solve who? It's not certain? I've come to a conclusion so early?" Miao Xin said.

"Miao Xin, don't talk nonsense with him anymore, let's fight quickly!" Li Xiaogang cut off Miao Xin's words.

"Wait! I've always wanted to know the origin of you kid? Why haven't you heard of someone like you in the fairy world? I think you are young, so it's best not to get involved in our affairs. When the time comes, you will die in vain. Don't blame the seniors for not reminding you. You!" The magic stone started a countermeasure.

"It's easy for me not to intervene. I heard that your magic pill is good, so why don't you just give it to me." Li Xiaogang laughed, which made the magic stone so angry that he suddenly wanted to kill him.

But he was also afraid of the other three men who were coming aggressively. In order to relieve their anger, they even flew up their palms. Feng Laoxian and Zhongshan Laoren died under his palm without a sound, and even the Yuanshen was completely destroyed.

At this time, a long howl came, shaking everyone's eardrums with pain.It was Xuan Wa who came galloping with Bai Wa on his back.It turned out that this infinite method needs to be transformed into a prototype by a mysterious beast before it can be implemented. Bai Wa and Xuan Wa knew that this battle was imminent, so they quietly retreated. He left and waited and watched.

In a moment, Xuanwa soared into the sky, went straight into the sky, and disappeared again.

"Hmph, no matter what you guys are doing, there is only one ending today, and that is death!" Demon Stone said in a dark voice.As soon as he finished speaking, a gust of black wind flew from behind him. At this moment, his long hair was fluttering, and his whole body radiated different colors of black, red, purple, etc., which condensed into two thick strands, and stabbed straight at Miaoxin and Li Xiaogang. Come.

Miao Xin and Li Xiaogang had been prepared for a long time, when they saw the light flying towards them, they had already flashed out of the cave and hung in mid-air, but they still quietly did not make a move.

The magic stone didn't know that they still didn't do anything, relying on their perverted practice, they didn't care about 21, and increased their strength, the thick and thick rays of light formed by the collection of seven-colored different lights became thicker and more menacing, rushing towards the two sides. People attacked.

High above the sky, a mist suddenly rose all over the sky, filling the entire valley in an instant.Suddenly, a silver light flew out from the mist, struck like lightning, and actually firmly intercepted the two thick colorful lights,

Demon Stone was a little surprised, and stopped exerting force.Looking carefully, the silver light became clearer and clearer, it was actually the body of a mysterious beast, and on top of that body, there was another person closing his eyes, of course it was Bai Wa.

Before the magic stone had time to figure out what kind of trick they were playing, Xuanwa swung her silver tail, counting and then the silver light roared past, gathered into a silver whip and swept the magic stone down!

Demon Stone snorted coldly, caught a glimpse of the galloping silver whip, waved his arms, and stepped on another cloud.Seeing this, Xuanwa slammed, swung her giant tail slightly, and with Baiwa's continuous force, swept the world like a gust of wind, and was indomitable, forming a huge vortex to hit the magic stone.

"Evil animal, I killed your father, and I will kill you in the same way. You can't survive today!" Xuanwa's successive attacks were obviously unexpected by the magic stone. These moves are very subtle and coherent, It also happens only in one thought.

Under the fury of Demon Stone, he clasped his hands together and softly recited a spell he had never heard before.Miao Xin, who was hiding aside, was shocked when she heard it. From the memory of the goddess, she knew that this was the magic stone's trump card, the Beast Curse, a spell that no beast could escape. After all, it was also transformed by a spirit snake, so I was very afraid of this spell.

She had told several people about this before leaving, after all, only Li Xiaogang could resist.But just before he acted, the spell had suddenly dropped blue lightning from the sky, piercing through Xuanwa's head, and in an instant, billions of bloody points burst out from that huge silver body, and it roared up to the sky, The voice was terrible.

(End of this chapter)

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