The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2141 Farewell

Chapter 2141 Farewell
Li Xiaogang knew that she was telling the truth, but the mission had been completed, and his thoughts had completely returned to his family and children.

"Your Majesty, I hope you can save me."

While Li Xiaogang was discussing with Miaoxin about leaving the Immortal World, suddenly a delicate female voice came, followed by a graceful figure of a young girl appeared in front of everyone.

It was Ruo Liu.

In fact, before Li Xiaogang and Miao Xin saw the magic stone, they already noticed that someone was hiding in the inner room, but seeing that it was a junior with such weak spiritual power fluctuations, they didn't want to impose embarrassment.However, they were a little surprised how there was such a low-level person hidden in the magic stone's cave.

"Who are you, how do you know me?" Miao Xin walked in front of Ruo Liu.Ruo Liu has always relied on her beauty, but when she stood in front of Miao Xin, she knew what a beautiful country is. She even felt a little inferior, but she admired it from the bottom of her heart.

Ruo Liu did exactly what she said, but omitted the part where she hated Miao Xin Men.In fact, she was originally a child of a poor family, with a kind nature, especially after going through so many ups and downs, and her enemies have already received retribution. She is very grateful that she can survive now, and there is no such thing as wolfish ambition. Just looking for a place to meditate.

"I happen to be short of a maid by my side, and you happen to be someone who came from Miao Xin's sect, so we are destined, so you can stay by my side." Miao Xin looked at Ruo Liu lightly, seeing that she was graceful, Like a thoughtful and simple person, he made a decision.

Of course Ruo Liu is overjoyed, being able to serve as a maid under the Goddess is simply a great blessing, not to mention that he has a bright future in the future, and it must be progressing smoothly.Of course, after a while of thanks, he stepped aside.

"Brother Xiaogang, are you familiar with the road in the world this time?" Miao Xin turned her face and asked again, seeing Li Xiaogang was deep in thought, thinking that he must be returning to his heart like an arrow.

Her question just hit Li Xiaogang's heart.

Li Xiaogang nodded: "Naturally, it's just that I have a sensor board when I come here, will I also use the sensor board when I leave?"

Miao Xin shook her head: "Other people may need to pick a good time to go back with the induction disk, and you don't need it. Don't forget, when my mother was wandering around the world, there was no help from other things. I just want to send you Just go somewhere."

Afterwards, Miao Xin told Bai Wa to take Xuan Wa and Ruo Liu to leave first, and she took Li Xiaogang back to Yi Tianyu.

"What? Could it be that all the mysteries are in Yi Tianyu?" Li Xiaogang asked doubtfully.

"Exactly, there is a complex strange formation here, which can directly reach any place you want in the world." After finishing speaking, Miao Xin led Li Xiaogang to a very quiet and hidden place.Miao Xin chanted the mantra lightly, and the mountain full of trees opened a gap that only one person could enter.

"It's here, you go in. There is a red gossip area inside, you just need to connect your spiritual power to the center of the gossip area, and remember the direction you want to go, and you can achieve your goal." Miao Xin said softly .

"Okay then, let's leave it alone." Li Xiaogang finished speaking and was about to go in.

"Brother Xiaogang, I don't know us..." Miao Xin hesitated to speak, her eyes were full of reluctance, and there seemed to be tears.

"If there is fate, we will meet again. You go back." After Li Xiaogang finished speaking, he strode in.

Miao Xin had no choice but to swallow her reluctant words, and quietly watched Li Xiaogang step into the mountain.The moment Li Xiao just entered the mountain, the split tree-lined mountain merged into one again, looking exactly the same as before.Miao Xin still stood there quietly.

At this time, a red light flashed past, followed by another purple light, and the mountain shook and became calm again.Miao Xin knew that Li Xiaogang had succeeded, so she turned and left.

So far, the fairy world has returned to order, and she still has a lot to do.This eradication of demons is only the beginning.

Besides, this spiritual formation is exquisite and incomparable. In almost an instant, Li Xiaogang has arrived on the earth, but he has not arrived at the base, but returned to his long-awaited hometown.

It seems that at the critical moment, he was still thinking about his long-lost hometown and parents, which made him the first stop at his hometown, but it was not the base.However, as soon as I came back, I saw that the village gate was very lively, as if some happy event had happened.

Li Xiaogang walked over quietly, and he heard his father shouting loudly from a long distance: "Fellow folks, my old Li's grandson is full of moon wine, what a happy event! Today I invite the folks to drink at home, eat it and drink it for three days , we are running a running water banquet, folks, let go of your stomach to eat, and take care of your fullness!"

Li Xiaogang's heart tightened, could it be that his son was born?Calculated by myself in the fairy world, it is only a few months, how can it be so fast?Could it be that the hours in the fairy world and the human world are different, which leads to the failure of the time progress, maybe it is because the fairy world passes slowly.

Li Xiaogang was so happy that he didn't have time to think about it. He just let himself go faster, wanting to see his family and his son whom he had never met before.Maybe all the people in the backing village gathered at Li's house, so he didn't meet anyone he was familiar with along the way.

"Yes, Lao Li's family got a grandson today, and I also successfully completed the task. We are happy." This is his mother's voice, Li Xiaogang thought as he walked.

"Uncle Li, what do you want your grandson to do in the future! Your son is so good, your grandson must be even better!" another old man joked.

"What are you doing? Let him farm the land honestly. His father farmed the land, and his father also farmed the land. He must also farm the land. As the saying goes, does the son inherit the father's business!" Uncle Li left his mouth and smiled. Dao looked very happy, and the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes became deeper with his smile.

"What about your son? After so many days, why haven't I seen Xiao Gang? Are you busy with state affairs again?" Suddenly, an old lady asked again, and everyone looked around.

Although Li Xiaogang could hear clearly, that was the reason for his outstanding hearing, but in fact he was still far away, and no one could see him at all.

"My son is busy. Hey, don't care about him. He's busy with his work. I can't take care of him now." Uncle Li said helplessly, his joy seemed to be mixed with bitterness, but he was teasing his baby with a smile in his hand. little baby.

"It's reasonable to say that you forget your father, but the newborn son can't take care of it, but it's a bit unreasonable." The old lady said not very angry.

In fact, Uncle Li wrongly blamed Li Xiaogang, but Gao Yuanyuan and the others never told him about Li Xiaogang’s departure from Earth, and of course they didn’t say anything about saving the fairy world.

Gao Yuanyuan and Hu Rong stood aside, looking at each other, and had no choice but to let Li Xiaogang be wronged.

At this moment, a loud voice suddenly sounded: "Who says I can't take care of my son and father, I not only want to take care of them, but also both of them."

"Ah, it's Xiaogang!" Cuilian, who was quietly wiping tears aside, with tears still hanging on her face, suddenly exclaimed in joy, her cloudy eyes searching around.

"Mom, I'm here!" At this moment, Li Xiaogang's figure suddenly flashed out of the crowd, as if he had jumped out of nowhere.It turned out that Li Xiaogang couldn't wait to come over, so he used his magic power and teleported behind the villagers. Everyone was chatting lively, and Li Xiaogang was very careful, so of course everyone didn't see him.

Gao Yuanyuan, Hu Rong and the wives were of course even more pleasantly surprised.The worries of many days also fell to the ground immediately, but after all, Gao Yuanyuan was afraid that Li Xiaogang would slip up, so she hurried up one step first, and said coquettishly: "Look at you, I came here only now, the base can be left to others Well."

Years of tacit understanding between husband and wife, does Li Xiaogang not know that Gao Yuanyuan is a white lie?Then she followed her words and said, "Aren't I here now? No matter how important things are, it's not as important as having a son! Haha, bring your son here quickly."

When Uncle Li saw Xiao Gang arriving, he naturally stopped complaining in his heart, and everyone is happy now.

"Folks, the running water table has started. It's noon, everyone, go eat quickly." At this moment, a young man wearing a big apron sprang out from the side and shouted loudly, who looked like he was helping to cook. little cook.

Needless to say, everyone worked for noon and talked for a while. They are all peasants, and they have to eat when it is time to eat.They just exchanged a few words with Li Xiaogang one by one, and went to eat in the back.

While greeting them, Li Xiaogang hugged the child in his arms. Although this boy was only full moon, but his brows and eyes were just like him. The feeling of happiness surging in his chest was really indescribable. He kissed the child lightly, and then Then she said to Gao Yuanyuan, "Thank you so much."

"Thank you? It is my happiness to have a child for you. After all, I have to be grateful to you. By the way, sister Hu Rong is also happy, and Ling'er. They have a little less time than me, but they are also It's about to give birth." Gao Yuanyuan smiled shyly, her face full of happiness.After giving birth, she has become a little plump, but she has added a bit of charm, exuding the fragrance of milk all over her body, and her charm has not diminished at all.

"Really?" Li Xiaogang couldn't close his mouth any longer.Taking a closer look, Hu Rong and Long Ling'er's stomachs were swollen high, and with the support of Mikiko and the others, they looked like they were about to give birth.

Li Xiaogang was overjoyed, looked around again, and whispered to Gao Yuanyuan, "Why did the banquet end here?"

"This is my idea. Xiao Gang, it's not easy for you to come back this time. The villagers need to take care of you more, go for a walk, and talk to them. We must not forget our roots!" The sharp-eared Uncle Li heard him, and saw him at the side, took out a dry pipe, and knocked it on the ground.

"Father, you are right in thinking. I originally wanted to bring the villagers to the city to enjoy the blessings and eat some rare things." Li Xiaogang smiled, and walked in front of Uncle Li and Cuilian. They hadn't seen each other for a long time, and they had aged a lot, but The spirit has changed, and it still looks healthy.

"Son, you are rooted here, so you have to think about it all the time. It's delicious and delicious, and you can go there anytime. But according to the custom, you should do it at home, so I will I'll make the decision for you!" said Uncle Li.

Li Xiaogang nodded, but a bold idea suddenly formed in his mind, maybe it was Uncle Li who inspired him.

(End of this chapter)

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