The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2142 The Grand Wedding

Chapter 2142 The Grand Wedding

"Father, mother, have you ever had a wedding?" Li Xiaogang asked suddenly.

"At that time, it would be nice to have enough food and clothing. How about holding a wedding? Get a marriage certificate and treat everyone to a meal, isn't it enough to live?" Cuilian said aside.

"Then let's do it together! Make it a rural one." Li Xiaogang said with a smile.


"What did you say?"

Li Xiaogang's words really caused an uproar.

"I mean, we didn't come to our house to hold a wedding when we got married, and neither did your parents, so let's make up one, which can be regarded as a happy event. What do you think?" The more Li Xiaogang talked, the more excited he was, but Uncle Li and Cui Lian heard it, but felt more and more outrageous.However, Gao Yuanyuan and the others became interested. When they got married, they had never held a decent wedding, let alone a rural wedding in the countryside. They just felt fresh and waited for Li Xiaogang to talk about it.

Uncle Li quickly waved his hand: "My son, your mother and I are getting old, and we can't toss together with you young people. Both your daughter-in-law and your mother are very satisfied. We are not old antiques if we make up a wedding for them. I don't have an opinion either."

Cuilian also shook her head again and again: "I'm old too, I can't mess around with you guys."

"Father, mother, you just listen to me this time! My son will make you look good for a while, so it's settled!" Li Xiaogang said, with no doubts in his tone.Cuilian didn't say anything, she seemed to acquiesce, but Uncle Li still disagreed.

"Well, I don't agree. Wouldn't it be a joke for an old couple who have been married for decades to get married again?" Uncle Li stiffened his neck and came forward stubbornly.

"Father, it is because mother has been with you for decades that you should give him a decent wedding. At that time, he was poor and had no choice. But now that conditions are available, if you don't want to make up for it again because of face, wouldn't you be sorry for mother? Serving you for so many years?" Li Xiaogang looked at Uncle Li, then at Cuilian, and asked them the question.

This sentence hit Uncle Li's vitals, and he really fell silent.Li Xiaogang winked at Gao Yuanyuan again.Gao Yuanyuan knew that persuading Uncle Li was the key, so she also stepped forward and persuaded: "Father, it doesn't matter whether a woman can eat well and dress well in her life, the key is whether this man takes her seriously. Now Li Xiaogang If you have this heart, you can push the boat along the way, and you don’t need to worry about it, so Mom won’t spend her whole life with you in vain.”

Hearing Gao Yuanyuan's words, Uncle Li knew that he couldn't beat them, so he simply stomped his feet and said, "Just do whatever you want, I'm going to recruit guests."

Li Xiaogang knew that Uncle Li agreed with what he said, and several people burst into laughter after Uncle Li left.

"You children, I really don't know what to do!" Cuilian blushed and followed Uncle Li.

"I can tell that Mom is happy." Hu Rong whispered in Gao Yuanyuan's ear.

"That is, what woman doesn't want to marry herself in a beautiful way? I just don't know if you, a pregnant woman, can wear a beautiful wedding dress." Gao Yuanyuan shaved Hu Rong's nose.

"Hmph, what a big belly woman, it's convenient to bring the child to marry, just put it in the stomach. Unlike you, you still have to hug." Hu Rong pouted. After becoming a mother, she became a lot more childish.

"My wives are all in first-class figures. If the wedding dress can't be worn, it can only be this wedding dress. Don't worry, leave all these to me, and you can marry happily!" Li Xiaogang said cheerfully, after going through such a There are so many hardships in life and death, even watching his women bickering is a kind of happiness.

"By the way, Xiao Gang, the child hasn't been named yet? I have to wait for you to come back to give me a name." Gao Yuanyuan said again.

"I've thought about it a long time ago. I'll call it Zhang Ennan. My nickname is Nannan." Li Xiaogang said without thinking.

"Ennan? Is there any meaning?" Gao Yuanyuan asked again.

"Nanfei means, I hope he can spread his wings and fly southward like a wild goose. This kindness is his seniority, so it will naturally come along." Li Xiaogang said.

"Ennan, Ennan..." Gao Yuanyuan murmured, "As long as it's your name, I like it."

"The wedding will be held in three days. I have already booked the Seven Star Hotel in Dubai. Then you will take a special plane from there to get married. Hu Dinghai and the others will come and send you there," Li Xiaogang said.

"Then do you want to invite the master to treat them? You have to tell them in advance." Gao Yuanyuan was still careful.

"Not only that, I also want to invite wealthy customers and politicians from all over the world to come to our backing village, maybe it will bring more opportunities to our backing village. I will ask Sun Gan and others to list all the celebrities from all over the place later. Report it to me, and then write an invitation card!" Li Xiaogang said.

"Haha, maybe Kaoshantun will really become the second Huaxi Village!" Chang Xuefei also clapped her hands and laughed.

"I think Sun Gan, Huang Zeyou, including Dr. Shen, can help, but you are all big men after all, and you are not good at organizing weddings. I know a wedding company that is okay, or should I leave it to them? Hu Rong said, stroking her belly gently.However, what she said was okay, it must be very powerful.

Although they all knew about Li Xiaogang's great abilities, it took three days to prepare for a grand wedding, and the time was still very short.After all, Hu Rong is a figure in the society who wants to get wind and rain, so she still can't help but want to help.

But Li Xiaogang shook his head and said: "I owe you this wedding, of course I will handle it, so don't worry about it!" Hearing what Li Xiaogang said, Hu Rong couldn't say anything, as long as he went, but, Thinking of being able to be a happy bride in three days, they were really overjoyed.

"Then I'll go first, here you first help your parents to make arrangements, once the full moon wine is finished, I'll send someone to pick you up to the hotel." Li Xiaogang made another arrangement like this, and he disappeared immediately.

However, fortunately, they have long been used to Li Xiaogang's skills, so they are not surprised, so they followed Li Xiaogang's instructions and helped Uncle Li and the others to arrange the full moon wine.

Sure enough, Li Xiaogang immediately went back to the base to look for his brothers.Since everyone had learned the news in advance, several people met for a long time and exchanged pleasantries. Everyone was very happy that Li Xiaogang came back alive.

Of course, knowing that Li Xiaogang was going to hold a grand wedding, it was like a festival, and he was ready to divide the work, so he immediately got busy.Li Xiaogang is very experienced because he has organized a wedding for Huang Zeyou before.All processes are basically determined.

In order to distinguish it from ordinary weddings, Li Xiaogang was very considerate and hired more than a dozen boys and girls to act as bridesmaids and best men. Of course, the dress was specially customized by the most famous design company in the world. This time, Li Xiaogang was not as good as last time. The stars and moon wear a lot of gorgeous things to decorate. After all, being too ostentatious will lose the meaning of the wedding. On the contrary, they have designed a Chinese and Western cheongsam.

Li Xiaogang has five wives. Of course, he designed five different colors. Of course, the base tone is mainly luxurious crimson purple, scarlet, golden yellow, sterling silver, and sapphire blue. .

Moreover, Li Xiaogang carefully designed the shawl. The first one is that it is winter and the weather is colder. The second is that it can cover part of Hu Rong and Long Linger's stomachs, which is not at all graceful and luxurious.As for the servants, Li Xiaogang also provided a lot of servants, and it saved a lot of worry to walk around separately.

As for the miscellaneous things like make-up and photography, Shen Qihong, Liu Xuehai, Hu Dinghai, etc., also invited a few wedding companies to work together, and all the supplies needed by the bride had to be transported to Dubai. A lot of energy to go.

As for his parents, Li Xiaogang knew that they didn't like to be fancy, so he just made them a red Chinese tunic suit and a red skirt with gold trim according to their wishes.

After all, mothers are getting older, and their bodies don't need to be young. Chinese tunic suits and skirts can not only conceal their figures, but they also love to bring out their solemnity and generosity.

After all, according to Li Xiaogang's design, he led five wives to walk behind his parents, and the parents' clothes should of course be prudent.Of course, Li Xiaogang only chose the most traditional suit, although it is also expensive.

The wedding is going to be held one day, but Li Xiaogang finds that there is one most important thing that he hasn't considered yet.That is, who to invite to host, this is a big problem.Among the people I know, of course, Zhuxi is the most prestigious.But to say it rashly, is it suspected of flattery?
After thinking about it, Li Xiaogang still thought of his sister, Li Xia.Isn't this the best officiant?Find the person closest to you, no one will have anything to say now.Thinking of this, Li Xiaogang hurriedly contacted Li Xia and told her his thoughts.

Needless to say, Li Xia is just such a younger brother, so of course she fully supports her, especially being able to be the officiant for her parents.

However, she naturally had to follow Li Xiaogang's requirements to be familiar with the wedding procedures by heart.Especially in the rural hometown of Kaoshantun, it will naturally be vigorous and vigorous, and we must not lose our sense of proportion.

The next day is the wedding day.

Li Xiaogang woke up early.After taking the plane, we arrived at Kaoshantun.The village in Kaoshantun has long been filled with all kinds of high-end private cars parked in a long row. Of course, there are also a few private planes parked on the wheat field, which looks harmonious.

Li Xiaogang thought it was funny, but also happy and kind.

Kaoshantun is so lively today, it is estimated that the Chinese New Year has been nothing more than this for many years, today I really want to let the villagers have a good time.My precious son hasn't finished eating the running water feast yet, and he's going to eat his wedding wine again.

It’s not that it’s as simple as just eating and drinking, but that when Li Xiaogang got married, most people in the village called back their children and relatives who were away from home, and their marriage also made the villagers reunite, which was really not easy.

Today is sunny and sunny, Li Xiaogang has already planned the day, and placed all the wedding wine in the most spacious place in the center of the village, there are probably hundreds of tables.

Drinks and food are all provided to Longquan, so the grade is naturally not low.A gorgeous three-meter-high platform was built in the front, which happened to be the place to salute.The six tables under the high platform are the main tables, which are respectively given to the master, social dignitaries, Li Xiaogang's close relatives, Gao Yuanyuan's natal family, and the prestige old people in the village.

(End of this chapter)

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