The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2143 The Grand Wedding

Chapter 2143 The Grand Wedding

Li Xiaogang looked up at his watch. It was less than an hour before he left to marry the bride. At this time, his father, Uncle Li, also walked over.Li Xiaogang didn't recognize him at first glance, this old man who was usually suosobaba turned out to be completely new, his whole body was red, his hair was neatly combed, his white hair was also dyed into black hair, and he had a cheerful spirit, not to mention Impressive, all of a sudden it looks like a teenager.

"Dad, people didn't know, they thought we were brothers!" Li Xiaogang joked.

"You child, why can't you speak so much, brothers? You have passed through your generation too quickly!" Uncle Li stared, but he was not really angry, but still happy in his heart.

"I'm just enjoying my mouth! You are my father, and this is a fact that even God can't change." Li Xiaogang smiled innocently, as if he had returned to his innocence as a child.

The two of them were idle and had nothing to do. Both of them were dressed in red. They stood at the entrance of the village and exchanged pleasantries for a while. If there were people from the village who passed by, the man would give a cigarette, and the woman would give a pack of candy.

"According to your order, I still have to wait for your mother here. Hey, what are you talking about? We spend together every day. Is it possible that we have to carry eight sedan chairs here today?" Uncle Li waited for a long time without seeing anyone. , said impatiently.But still eagerly looking into the distance.

According to Li Xiaogang's plan, Cuilian also stayed in a hotel in Dubai one day in advance to receive VIP services, makeup and styling there.

"Tch, you haven't seen my mother for a day, and you're panicking?" Li Xiaogang became glib again.

"I said, why are you like the roundworm in my stomach? You can guess what I think? I was thinking, your mother forgot to tell me where my shredded tobacco was when she left, so I didn't smoke for a day .” Of course, Uncle Li was embarrassed to admit it.However, the couples in this village get along day and night, and they miss each other even if they don't see each other for a day.

"Whether I'm a roundworm in your stomach or not, anyway, you've hit the mark, and I really carried them over in eight palanquins!" Li Xiaogang pretended to be mysterious and whispered.

"What? You used sedan chairs to carry them here today? Then how long will it take to carry them from Diba to our Kaoshantun? I heard that it is still a foreign country!" Uncle Li's eyes almost popped out.

"My dear father, I'm not so stupid, of course they flew over first, and then took the sedan chair." Li Xiaogang shook his head, it seemed that his father was so happy that he was confused.Uncle Li nodded straight after saying a word, and laughed at himself being stupid, and two chrysanthemums appeared on his face.

At this time, there was a rush of helicopters and planes, which were used by the military, and Li Xiaogang knew at a glance that Zhu Xi should be bringing a group of people over.Sure enough, the plane hovered in Kaoshantun for a long time before finding a place to raise wheat and landed.

Li Xiaogang told Uncle Li to still stand at the entrance of the village, and ran over here by himself.

As soon as the cabin door opened, three familiar figures alighted from the plane, but they were Zhu Xi, Lin Chaoran and Li Wenqing.Of course, there was another uninvited guest, who turned out to be Starley.

"Li Xiaogang, I haven't seen you for a long time. The old man became the bridegroom again, and he still looks brand new! Recently, what new business are you doing? Can you share with us?" Zhu Xi patted Li Xiaogang on the shoulder.Of course he didn't know what Li Xiaogang was doing these days, he just thought he was busy with some big business that should not be rumored.

"Hehe, I'm exhausted. I'm about to quit the arena. The Star Li next to you is a unparalleled talent. You need to dig more." Li Xiaogang immediately changed the subject.Zhu Xi and Lin Chaoran actually brought Sdali over here, so it goes without saying that the planetary business must be doing very well.

"What you said is that we have contacted the planet Naji many times, and their technology has been widely used in our military, technology, medicine, and even agriculture. However, Dr. Staley is not something ordinary people can hire. He You can come here today because of your face!" Lin Chaoran added.

This Li Xiaogang understands that the Najib planet is a first-class planet after all, and its development level is many times higher than that of the earth. What's more, they are actually the first docking station of our country's combat power. This is really great for the country. With such a great opportunity, even country M may only be able to catch up with us.In the eyes of people on Earth, a character like Stali is naturally unattainable, as can be seen from the respect Zhu Xi and Lin Chaoran have for him.

"They are serious. But, Xiao Gang, I did come to see you. I heard that you have a wedding, and I am happy for you. This is a wedding gift for you." After finishing speaking, he took out a silver pen from his pocket The small red box was given to Li Xiaogang.

This was a wedding gift, of course Li Xiaogang couldn't refuse it, so he had no choice but to accept it.Holding it in the palm of your hand, this box is very delicate, with a square of five centimeters, but it is carved with more than a thousand flowers, lifelike and very delicate.

"This box is filled with the most precious rare earth on our Najib planet, which is called xylon. This kind of rare earth on our Najib planet only has a total of more than a hundred kilograms. You can make necklaces or jewelry. Wearing it on your body can prolong your life and cure hundreds of thousands of people. Diseases, especially for women, can maintain the permanent elasticity of the skin." Si Dali explained, and took a deep look at Li Xiaogang.

"This is simply too precious. I thank you on behalf of my family. How about this, before the bride arrives, I will take you to your seat first." Li Xiaogang said with a smile.

"I won't go there. I'm an alien, and it's really not suitable for me to appear in such a public place. I came here just to express my blessings in person." Starley shook his head.

"It turns out that's the case, and you're right. Although we know each other well, once caught by some media, it may cause some uproar. It may attract international attention and cause trouble for diplomacy. That's not good." Li Xiaogang nodded again and again, but he was also deeply moved. It was really rare for Sida Li to take such a big risk to see him.

At this time, more and more people gathered around, and cars and various planes came one after another. After bidding farewell to Li Xiaogang, Sida Li took a military plane and returned the same way.

"Master Xi, Lin Standing Committee, it's a great honor for you to take time out of your busy schedules to attend our wedding. However, I would like to take this opportunity to ask you one more thing." Li Xiaogang said after Si Dali left.

"If you need help, just say it, let's not talk about it." Zhu Xi said generously, especially after witnessing Sida Li's friendship with Li Xiaogang, Zhu Xi felt that it was inevitable to win over Li Xiaogang.

"After getting married this time, I am going to take my family to leave here and live a life in a paradise. From now on, this world will probably never see Li Xiaogang again." Li Xiaogang said directly.

Zhu Xi and Lin Chaoran did not expect Li Xiaogang to say this.They were stunned for a while before reacting.

Seeing that Li Xiaogang's expression was firm and he had made up his mind to go, Master Xi could only smile bluntly: "You are still young, the pillar of the country, it is too early to retire and return home so early."

"After all, I am not a mortal. I am afraid that if I stay here for a long time, I will disturb the social order." Li Xiaogang joked.His tone remained firm.

The atmosphere suddenly became a little awkward.

However, Lin Chaoran hurried over to smooth things over: "I said Li Xiaogang, Zhu Xigang has designed a great future for you, and you are going to sneak away. I think you really can't be entrusted with important tasks."

Zhuxi thought about it for a while, and knew that Li Xiaogang is a fierce tiger. As the saying goes, a twisted melon is not sweet, as long as Zhang is not willing to do something, he really can't force it, so he went along with it: "Chao Ran is right, I am planning for you. If you have a splendid career, maybe you can go on an official career! In this case, if you want to come again in the future, you can come to me again."

Of course, Li Xiaogang thanked him against his will, no matter what, he was indeed very happy that his wish was fulfilled.

At this time, someone came to announce that the bride's sedan chair had arrived, so Li Xiaogang had no choice but to ask the two beautiful hostesses beside him to lead the master and the others to their seats.

Arriving at the entrance of the village, Li Xiaogang watched the six red sedan chairs approaching from a distance, very dazzling.The red ribbons and ribbons on the roof of the sedan chair fluttered in the wind, which was very festive.Coupled with the melodious music played by the suona team, it was even more lively. Boys and girls dressed in red Tang suits followed and trotted over, making a lot of noise and joy.

The whole Guashantun was really boiling, and even the villagers from other villages trotted along to watch, wanting to see with their own eyes what kind of person was sitting in the sedan chair.

"They're here, they're here." At this moment, Uncle Li suddenly became excited.Li Xiaogang thought it was funny, his father had always been indifferent to the matter of getting married, and now his reaction was even stronger than his own.

The sedan chair didn't move fast, Li Xiaogang and Uncle Li looked at it for a long time before the sedan chair arrived at the entrance of the village.

"Father, my mother is in the first sedan chair, you go to her side and accompany her to the high platform." Li Xiaogang whispered, lest Uncle Li would forget about it.

Uncle Li hurriedly said yes, walked to the right side of the sedan chair, and followed the sedan chair to the high platform.Li Xiaogang also followed and walked to the right side of the second sedan chair.Also go to the high platform.

The sound of the suona and the trumpet became louder, and the blowing became more vigorous, as if welcoming the arrival of the most festive moment.

According to the prior arrangement, the sedan chair stopped under the high platform.The six red sedan chairs stopped there in unison, which was very spectacular.But at this moment, the auspicious time had come, the guests were seated one after another, and there was a crowd of people in the audience.At this moment, everyone was silent, as if staring at what kind of peerless treasure was inside the sedan chair.

At this time, Li Xia came over, just greeted the guests, and she began to perform the mission of the officiant.

"The wedding begins now. The groom is asked to lead the bride out of the red sedan chair." Li Xia stepped onto the stage and announced into the microphone.The warm applause came like a tide.

At this time, Uncle Li opened the sedan chair tremblingly. When he saw the person in the sedan chair, his crescent eyebrows were lightly swept away, his pair of red phoenix eyes were very lively, his face was pink and white, and he was wearing a neat red suit. The golden phoenix is ​​lifelike and very dazzling.The whole person is elegant, generous and radiant.I was really dumbfounded by Uncle Li. Could it be that I took the wrong sedan chair?

Just when Uncle Li was in a trance, the woman in the sedan chair said, "Father, why are you so dazed? Hurry up and drag me out, this sedan chair is suffocating me to death."

Hearing this familiar voice, Uncle Li finally realized that he had followed the wrong sedan chair. This elegant woman was Cuilian, especially in her eyebrows and eyes. The more she looked, the more she looked like Cuilian when she was younger. Very loving look.

Cuilian was originally a flower in the village when she was young, and she never wore makeup. After they cleaned it up with their skillful hands, Uncle Li couldn't recognize her for a while.

Uncle Li, who came back to his senses, quickly pulled Cuilian out and held her tightly in his hand, as if he was afraid that Cuilian would run away.

"Father, your palms are sweaty. I'm so hurt by you," Cuilian said in a low voice.

"Our peasants have energy, so it's easy to work!" Uncle Li smiled, but held Cuilian's hand even tighter.Cuilian smiled shyly and let him go.Under the guidance of Miss Etiquette, Uncle Li and Cuilian sat on the high platform first. After all, they were elders, so they were exempted from the etiquette of visiting the hall.He just bowed to the guests arm in arm, which was regarded as a salute.

Next came Li Xiaogang, who had already finished the ceremony when he saw his parents.Starting with Gao Yuanyuan, he brought out his wives one by one.Needless to say, the appearance is like a fairy, which caused an uproar at the scene.Their dresses are made of five colors and mixed with gold thread. Of course they are very eye-catching. Against the backdrop of the powder-snow-like faces, they are dazzling and dazzling. They are all envious of Li Xiaogang's beauty.

Li Xiaogang led his wives to the stage one by one, especially Hu Rong and Long Ling'er, who were inconveniently heavy and had an extra person to support them.Under Li Xia's guidance, they worshiped heaven and earth and their parents one by one.Uncle Li and Cuilian naturally laughed from ear to ear.

"Honey, my stomach hurts!" Hu Rong suddenly whispered to Li Xiaogang.

Li Xiaogang's expression changed, he was both surprised and happy: "Honey, you're not going to give birth!"

"Husband, my stomach hurts a bit, as if the little guy is about to come out!" Long Ling'er also frowned.

But the wedding was only halfway through, which stumped Li Xiaogang.But Li Xia saw the clue, and played a role in the person next to her, and went down first with Hu Rong and Long Ling'er.

"Guests, today is really a happy day. The little guy is restless and honest in the bride's belly. He may have to come out early. Be safe, everyone, eat and drink first. In another month, the full moon wine Let's eat together again." Li Xia said humorously, and the people below burst into laughter again.

However, Li Xiaogang couldn't go on with the next show after such a commotion, but he didn't care about the ceremony, he handed over the scene to his family, and followed Hu Rong and Long Ling'er to the hospital .

In a hurry, a month has passed.At this time, Li Xiaogang is the father of two boys and one girl.Hu Rong gave birth to a daughter, and Long Ling'er gave birth to a boy. Unlike what Li Xia said, they didn't hold the full moon wine in the mountains, but they migrated to a place more than a billion light years away from the earth.

Surrounded by the sea on three sides, the four seasons are humid and cool, and the melons and fruits are fragrant. It is really a holy place.There is also a row of high-end villas lined up by the sea, which seem to be newly built.

There are two people sitting side by side by the beach, they seem to be waiting for the sunrise, they are very intimate, like a couple.

"Husband, you don't want to stay in so many good places on earth, why do you have to stay in this uninhabited place!" It turned out that this woman was Gao Yuanyuan.

Then this man is of course Li Xiaogang.

"Don't look at this place. This is a treasure land that I specially asked Sida Li to help me find. In this universe, there is only this place." Li Xiaogang said with a smile. It turns out that Sida Li gave Li Xiaogang his birthday The gift was not a rare earth, but Li Xiaogang had long wanted to create his own side and share the rest of his life with his family, so he had the heart to ask Starley to help him find a suitable place to live in the universe and built a complete living facility.

To be on the safe side, in the name of visiting Li Xiaogang, Sida Li compressed the orientation of the universe and detailed information into a small memory, put it in a box, and gave it to Li Xiaogang as a wedding gift.

It seemed that only Starley could find him in the whole world.

"However, my sisters and I like this place very much. It is quiet, humid, and spring-like all the year round. It is really a rare treasure. Oh, since we got married, you have never taken me to see the sunrise!" Gao Yuanyuan took a deep breath A mouthful of fresh air, happy to say.

"Yes, I wanted to bring Xuefei and Meijizi here, but they insisted on helping Hu Rong and Long Ling'er take care of their children. I'm afraid they won't be too busy, so we are left to sneak in." Li Xiaogang looked from a distance , the sun has not yet come out, the sea is blue, but it is also very beautiful.

"By the way, Ennan is going to breastfeed, I have to feed him quickly." Suddenly, Gao Yuanyuan looked at her watch and said hastily.

"Then you go back first, I'll wait for the sunrise here, and I'll go find you later." Li Xiaogang kissed Gao Yuanyuan's forehead.

"Then you wait here for the sunrise, and I'll cook breakfast for you after I've fed the children! When the time comes, I'll let my sister Mikiko come over and call you." Gao Yuanyuan gave him a gentle smile, and left, leaving Li Xiaogang alone.

At this time, a ray of morning sun just came out, reflecting on the sea surface, sparkling, and also reflecting on Gao Yuanyuan's soft and beautiful back, very beautiful.Li Xiaogang closed his eyes, quietly enjoying this quiet moment, the sun reflected on the sea surface, and also shone on his heart.

At this moment, although he is sitting by the sea alone, he is unprecedentedly satisfied and happy.He knows that his life has just begun, and he has just begun to understand the true meaning of happiness.

At this time, Li Xiaogang suddenly thought of a sentence:
From today on, I will be a happy person. From today on, I would like to face the sea and enjoy the warmth of spring and the blossoming of flowers.

(End of this chapter)

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