The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2144 Questioning My Dad

Chapter 2144 Questioning My Dad

Time flies, the sun and the moon flies.

In a blink of an eye, 18 years have passed. Li Xiaogang looks at the coastline in the distance. His appearance has not changed at all, and he is still young and strong. At his strength and level, the only thing he worries about is his children. Although this planet has Blessed with unique innate resources, but far away from the universe after all, he, Long Ling'er and others can live here in peace, but if the children are here forever, it would be too ordinary.

The outside world is even more exciting, the vast universe outside, and the earth, are extremely exciting.

While Li Xiaogang was thinking, Long Ling'er came to him anxiously, and said worriedly: "Honey, that brat sneaked off to the earth."

Long Ling'er's appearance has not changed at all, she is still stunning, Li Xiaogang put his arms around Long Ling'er's slender waist, and said with a smile: "That kid is full of curiosity when he hears about the earth, he should go out and see the world Now, it’s good to go out and practice for a while, with his current strength, there won’t be any danger.”

"However, I'm still very worried. Xiaobai has been living with us and knows nothing about the earth. I'm afraid he will suffer." Long Ling'er is still very worried. Maybe every mother is like this. Smart and talented, but she's still worried.

"It's okay, Xiaobai has a lot of treasures on him. If his life is in danger, I will sense it, and on earth, no one can take my son's life." Although Li Xiaogang has been away from the earth for many years, he still understands the basic situation , plus his own understanding of his son, and the treasure in his son, it is enough to save his life.

The Xiaobai they were talking about was the son Long Linger gave birth to 18 years ago, named Li Bai.

At this time, in the Huaxia of the earth, a strong young man suddenly appeared on the road.

"Haha, is this the earth? It's so beautiful. These iron shells should be the cars that Dad mentioned." Li Bai looked at everything around him curiously, which was really novel to him.

"There are so many people, so happy."

"These buildings are the high-rise buildings that my mother said, they are so beautiful."

"I can see so many beauties. Although she is not as beautiful as that ghost girl Bingbing, she is still very good. It's so fun."

Li Bai was standing on the street, which was completely different from the place where he grew up. There were so many people, so many strange buildings, and such strange things.

Although the place where he and his parents live is much more beautiful than the earth, the environment is much better, and it is very quiet, but for him, it is not as beautiful as the earth, it is simply heaven.

For Li Bai, the earth is much more interesting than the place where he lived since he was a child. He is full of curiosity about everything around him. He used to only hear about the earth from his mothers. Now that he has finally arrived on the earth, he is very excited.

"Hey, bumpkin, I've never been in a city, I've never seen a car, you peasant." An ear-piercing voice came from the side, and a handsome fat man in a suit taunted Li Bai.

Li Bai is indeed dressed like a local farmer. Because of Li Xiaogang, he inherited his father's excellent peasant blood, and his face has the unique perseverance of a farmer. Of course, in the eyes of some superior urbanites, this has become a soil Rustic.

Moreover, he stood on the side of the road, looking around like a curious baby, full of curiosity, and he really looked like a bumpkin who just entered the city.

Li Bai turned his head and took a look at this strangely dressed fat man, at least it looked weird to him, because he had never seen it before, and his face changed slightly: "My father was originally a farmer, and I am also a farmer, why do you look down on farmers?"

Li Bai is right, his father is a farmer, and he is also the strongest farmer in history, so he is extremely proud.

The fat man saw that Li Bai was so arrogant, and he was still staring at him with big eyes. A farmer dared to talk to him like that, so he couldn't help but look a little embarrassed, and said angrily: "Farmers should farm in the mountains and take good care of their own pigs and horses." Cattle and sheep, why come to the city to wander around, they smell like horse dung."

At this time, many people gathered around, some looked at Li Bai with disgust, and some sympathized with this farmer brother, but seeing that the fat man seemed to be a person of some status, they were very knowledgeable and didn't interrupt, so as not to cause trouble .

"Hey, what you are saying is not right. Li Xiaogang was also a farmer more than a hundred years ago. Without him, would China be as rich and powerful as it is now? The fruits, vegetables and rice we eat now are not from the farms now, and there are no farmers to manage them. Farm, fat man, you will starve to death." A young woman stood up from the crowd and cursed at the fat man in a suit.

The fat man glanced at the woman and smiled disdainfully, and said: "It's just a farmer, and it's been more than 100 years, who knows if it's true or not, the history is all blown out, I don't believe that a farmer is really that powerful, and I I buy everything I eat with money, and the peasants are not always so poor.”

The woman was furious when she heard the words, and rushed up to hit the man in the suit, but was stopped by Li Bai.

He was surprised when someone mentioned his father's name, but there was another thing that surprised him even more, that is, both of them mentioned more than 100 years ago, he grabbed the woman in surprise and asked, "Well, more than 100 years have passed now? "

"Handsome guy, it's okay, this kind of scum should be taught a lesson, don't stop me." The woman wanted to shake off Li Bai's hand, but she didn't shake it off for a moment, she only felt that Li Bai's strength was great.

"No, I don't object to you beating him up, but let me get back to my question first, my dad... Has it really been 100 years since Li Xiaogang was here?" He is Li Xiaogang's son, others will definitely think he is crazy.

The woman looked at Li Bai with a little doubt, thinking that this is nonsense. Is it necessary to ask this question that everyone on earth knows, but seeing Li Bai's sincere eyes, she nodded and said: "Yes, it has been more than 100 years, this earthling You know everything, right?"

Li Bai was shocked. It turns out that there is a time dimension problem. He and his parents live in the universe. However, in 18 years, the earth has passed more than 100 years. This is too surprising.

But how the time dimension is calculated, he doesn't know, maybe Dad will be more clear.

Li Bai looked at the fat man again, his eyes were very unfriendly, he dared to question his father, I would be unfilial if I didn't teach you a lesson.

"Thank you, but it's better for me to teach this fat man a lesson." Li Bai stopped the woman behind him, then slapped the fat man's fat face directly, and said angrily: "Look down on the peasant brother? How dare you question him? You know him Who is it? He is the pride of farmers and mine, if you dare to question him again, I will kill you."

A meal of big-eared melon seeds hit the fat man's face, making his already fat face swollen again.

A group of onlookers were stunned. This farmer brother was so simple and honest just now, how could he become so irritable all of a sudden? The big-eared melon seeds hurt even just looking at them.

"Oh, I beat someone to death, call the police, you bastard dared to hit me, oh my face, who will call the police for me." I raised my palm.

"If you play well, this kind of person should be taught a lesson."

"That's right, without Li Xiaogang, how could China's agriculture be so developed now, and this fat man looks like an ignorant person. The current farmers are much richer than us. The farm is like a small villa, not to mention how comfortable it is."

A group of people condemned the fat man, but the woman next to him grabbed Li Bai and rushed out of the crowd. Although it was right to teach the fat man a lesson, it was too much to beat him like this. The fat man's face was red and swollen and ugly, and his teeth were knocked out After taking two, it looks almost like a pig's head.

"Hey, you are too ruthless, the police will arrest you when they come." The young woman dragged Li Bai to run for a while, then stopped and looked at Li Bai and said.

"It's the first time to hit someone, so it's confiscated." Li Bai said helplessly, it was indeed his first time to hit someone, and it felt quite good, and the fat man mentioned his father, so of course he should be beaten.

The woman rolled her eyes at Li Bai, what kind of answer is this? I didn't get it the first time I slapped him, but you can get it after a few more slaps. This big guy is really a bit funny.

"My name is Mu Xiaoting, what's your name?" Mu Xiaoting stretched out her fair little hand and said to Li Bai.

Li Bai smiled, reached out to hold Mu Xiaoting's soft and boneless little hand and said, "My name is Li Bai, and my father is a farmer."

At this time, Li Bai also started talking about Mu Xiaoting carefully. This girl has pretty eyes, delicate features, standard willow-leaf eyebrows, and a small cherry mouth.

The figure is also very good, with a full chest, a waist like a willow branch, long white and slender legs, without a trace of fat, and a very small buttocks.

Of course, these are all external. Li Bai likes Li Bai because she can take the initiative to stand up and speak for her father. Moreover, Mu Xiaoting has an air of temperament, she is not an ordinary girl like Xiaojiabiyu.

"Hey, why are you looking at me like that and being fascinated by me?" Mu Xiaoting slapped Li Bai's chest. Although she often felt men's gazes, Li Bai was a little different.

It seems to be purely appreciating beautiful things, making people feel no discomfort at all, but very happy.

In fact, Mu Xiaoting is also observing Li Bai. This peasant brother is very special, with thick but not dense sword eyebrows, deep eye sockets, and black eyes. At first glance, it seems a bit rustic, but if you look closely, you will find that this face has A unique charm, a kind of uninhibited and arrogant temperament.

The more Mu Xiaoting looked at it, the more familiar this face became, she lowered her head and thought about it carefully.

"I found that you look like a person." Mu Xiaoting said suddenly.

"Like who?"

"Li Xiaogang."

"Of course, he is my father, of course I resemble him." Li Bai smiled directly, but Mu Xiaoting gave him a blank look: "Just brag, it's been more than 100 years, and Li Xiaogang's son will be seven years old if he doesn't talk about it." How can you be as young as you at 80 years old?"

"Hey, what I said is true, why don't you believe it?" Li Bai was annoyed, but in return Mu Xiaoting rolled her eyes, thinking that it would be a ghost to believe you.

(End of this chapter)

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