Chapter 2145
Li Bai didn't pursue this issue much, and the two met once, but Mu Xiaoting seemed to be very interested in Li Bai, and said excitedly: "Li Bai, can I call you Xiaobai? His name is Li Bai?"

"No, only my relatives can call me Xiaobai. In ancient times, that was Li Taibai, the fairy of poetry. We belong to the same family." Li Bai smiled. The reason why he is full of curiosity about the earth is because he has understood the civilization of the earth since he was a child. The earth data I have mastered are much more detailed than those in textbooks.

Therefore, he is quite familiar with the historical figures of the earth, much more carefully than ordinary earthlings, such as the cultivators on the earth, and the invasion of the earth by aliens, these are all told to him by his parents since he was a child story.

"Then you can treat me as your relative, anyway, I will call you Xiaobai." Mu Xiaoting snorted coquettishly.

"Call me Brother Bai, or I'll beat you up. By the way, I'm going to the best university. Do you know which university it is?" Li Bai stared at Mu Xiaoting and asked, but he knew that everyone on earth should study , and heard from his mother that reading is fun, so he is going to read and play first.

Mu Xiaoting was slightly puzzled, this big man's question is so strange, to go to the best university, and don't even know the name of the university?
"The best university in China right now is of course Qinglong University. I am a student of Qinglong University, but there are still a few days before school starts. What is your major?" Mu Xiaoting said in surprise.

"Qinglong University, that's him. Then I will go to school in a few days, I think it will be fun." Li Bai was excited. He had inquired about it before coming here, and he still knew some basic knowledge about the earth.

"Oh, by the way, I still have things to do, so I won't talk to you, goodbye." Li Bai left directly, he still had a lot of things to do.

The first thing is to get an ID card, otherwise, not to mention going to school, the identity will be a problem, and the other is to get some money. He knows that he must have money on earth, otherwise it will be difficult to move a single step.

The first thing is to get an ID card, but it is not difficult for him. He pulled a beautiful woman from the side, smiled and said, "Sister, can I see your ID card?"

The beauty was stunned for a moment, but when she saw that Li Bai was a tall and handsome guy, she blushed slightly, and then she said in surprise: "Brother, you came from an alien, the ID card has been eliminated long ago, and now it's all about retinal scans." Confirm your identity, all identity information is stored in Huaxia Brain, you don't know it?"

"Well, I'm sorry, I lost my memory." Li Bai quickly flashed away. Although he knew the earth well, he didn't know the changes that took place over the past 100 years.

It turns out that there is no such thing as an ID card anymore. Retina scans and Huaxia Zhinao seem to have to do something.

Intellectual brain system, this is too familiar to him, the planet he and his parents live on is entirely dependent on the intellectual brain system, and Song Shuang's mother is a super hacker, he can only try to hack into this Huaxia intelligent brain .

However, a medium is needed to contact the Huaxia Intellectual Brain System, but the Intellectual Brain System should control the entire Huaxia Network, just like a network with countless tentacles, each of which can be connected to the Huaxia Intellectual Brain.

As soon as he thought of it, Li Bai looked at the cash machine of Hua Xia Bank in the distance, and walked over. For him, it should be enough.

After the person in front left, Li Bai came to the ATM, but the ATM made a beep and issued a voice prompt: "Scan the retina, identity verification."

Li Bai ignored him, took out a blue chip from the Qiankun ring, sent it directly to the only channel of the cash machine, and then began to receive the information sent back by the blue chip.

This is called mother-child crystal, which was developed by Song Shuang's mother on the planet. It is a method of invading the brain system. As long as one chip enters the brain system, countless information can be sent back to another chip.

"Fortunately, he stole a lot of things in one go, otherwise it would be troublesome." Li Bai said happily. Before he left, he stole a lot of things. They were about the earth and some smart planets, and they were all placed in the Qiankun Ring , there is always a time when it comes in handy.

"The identity entry is successful, the retina is confirmed, the identity is confirmed, Chinese descent, name Li Bai, male, blood type B, current year, birthplace of Xingfu Village Farm." Zhinao's cold voice came out, reporting Li Bai's identity.

These are just the information that Li Bai successfully implanted into his brain, and this is enough.

Once the identity is settled, the next thing is money, but he has long been prepared.

Before leaving, I stole some earth coins from my father, not only RMB, but also US dollars, but now there is a problem, the money is more than 100 years ago, and now it has become an antique.

According to the information obtained from Huaxia Intellectual Brain just now, the renminbi and US dollars are outdated, and now the earth currency is commonly used, and his renminbi and US dollars are only of collection value.

Li Bai looked around, but he didn't know where it was, so he could only go to the antique market. The RMB and US dollars on him now should be able to sell for a good price in the antique market.

When he invaded Huaxia Zhinao just now, he has obtained a lot of information, and he has a better understanding of the entire Huaxia today, as well as the entire city, and he has a general understanding of some iconic places.

Knowing the location of the antique market, Li Bai didn't stop there, and even went on foot, after all, he didn't have any money with him now.

But this is not a difficult task for him. Although his strength is far from Li Xiaogang's, he is still quite strong. Even if he rushes to the antique market on foot, it will not take long.

It happened to be after [-]:[-] pm in China time, and it was also when the antique market was about to be lively. Li Bai asked about the price. Although he brought tens of thousands of RMB, he should be able to exchange it for about [-] Earth coins.

But as far as he knows, going to college should cost about [-] earth coins, a little less.

Immediately, I found a place to set up a stall directly, so I should be able to sell more. If I can meet someone I like, maybe I can get more.

A few wads of RMB and US dollars are placed in front of him, ready to start selling.

"Hey, is this the RMB from a hundred years ago?" As soon as it was placed, a group of people came over and started asking.

Of course, there are people who know the goods in the antique market, and Li Bai's renminbi are all serial numbers, which is even more valuable for collection.

"Just look at it, it's absolutely genuine, RMB and US dollars from a hundred years ago." Li Bai laughed.

An old man with gray hair squatted down, picked up a stack of RMB and looked at it. People of his age should know about RMB.

"Old man, how is it? Do you like it?" Li Bai asked, how can I sell enough for my college tuition and living expenses, and I have to have some spare money, otherwise it will be difficult to get along.

"What price are you going to sell?" the old man asked, seeming to like it better.

"RMB 15, sell for [-]." Li Bai said.

"It's a bit expensive. Although these are serial numbers, after all, they are no longer in circulation and can only be collected. I also hope that these things can recall the past, and the collection value of banknotes is also limited. You see, I will pay 5 for the [-] RMB. How is it?" The old man asked the price in his heart, and then looked at Li Bai.

"[-]? Do you want another [-] US dollars?" Li Bai asked, [-] is a little less, but the old man is right, if it is a sculpture or something with symbolic meaning, it may be very valuable, banknotes If so, it really only has collection value.

"I don't want US dollars. Americans are not kind, so I like to collect Chinese things." The old man thought for a while, and then said: "But I can introduce you to a place where you can sell it for a good price. If it is [-] US dollars, you should be able to sell it." How about [-] to [-] earth coins?"

Li Bai thought for a while, forty to fifty thousand, that would add up to about [-] to [-], which was almost the same, and it was useless for him to keep the money.

"Okay, deal." Li Bai was also very free and easy.

At this moment, a man with a little mustache led a group of people to the back of today's Li Bai.

The man slapped Li Bai on the back, grabbed Li Bai's clothes, lifted him up, and said with a smile, "New here? Have you paid the venue fee?"

"What venue fee?" Li Bai opened the mustache's hand. He was very disgusted with others pulling his clothes, and the mustache looked very disdainful.

"Of course it's the site fee. This area is my site. If you want to do business in this area, of course you have to pay the site fee." Mustache laughed, then glanced at the money in front of Li Bai, and became a little confused .

"How much?" Li Bai didn't know that there was such a rule, but he heard from his father that there was an annoying creature on the earth called urban management, but he didn't know if there would be urban management after more than 100 years.

"Fifty thousand, I guarantee you a year without worry, or you'll get out." The mustache reached out to take the RMB in front of Li Bai, but Li Bai blocked it, saying, "You can't move."

The mustache turned cold, looked at Li Bai with disdain, and said, "I can't move? There is nothing in this antique street that my third master can't move."

"I don't care what you are. You just can't move my things. Unless you give me money, you can go back wherever you come from. As for the venue fee, don't even think about it. I won't give it to you." Li Bai Leng said, he has already confirmed that this mustache is similar to the urban management that his father said.

His money is used for schooling, so of course he can't give it to the third master, and no one can steal his things.

"You little bastard, you don't know your third master, right? Who gave you the guts to talk to me like that? Beat me like a dog. There are such ignorant things in Antique Street, idiot. "The third master with a mustache was full of anger, and he greeted, and the people behind immediately surrounded Li Bai.

"Little brother, bear with it. It's not worthwhile to fight with them, and you will suffer." The old man persuaded Li Bai that it is not a day or two for the third master to charge the so-called venue fee in Antique Street, although the businessmen are very Angry, but dare not speak out, no one in this area dares to provoke the third master.

(End of this chapter)

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