The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2155 1 ​​pile of 5 pork belly

Chapter 2155 A pile of pork belly
Li Bai didn't move much. When the attack was approaching, he shook his hands slightly, squatted down, and turned a big spiral windmill around.

The two guys were thrown out directly, but soon stood up again and attacked Li Bai again.

Li Bai's complexion changed slightly, and he said with a smile: "If you still come, then I won't be polite."

With a flicker of his figure, he bowed left and right, easily dodged the attacks of the two, and slapped him directly with two slaps.

clap clap!

There were two crisp sounds, and there were two more palm prints on their faces.

The two wisely did not rush up again, but retreated in fear, and stood behind Wu Feng with their heads down.

Li Bai clapped his hands, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, stared at Wu Feng with a half-smile, and said, "Are you still here?"

"You..." Wu Feng's face changed drastically, he never thought that this would be the case, Dong Cheng and Xiao Meng are both senior students of the Martial Arts Club, they are so vulnerable in front of this guy.

The surrounding crowd didn't realize this unacceptable result until the end of the game. This result was too shocking and unacceptable. Who is this freshman?

Nie Hong was tortured in the basketball game. He thought that Wu Feng, one of the top ten generals, would be able to deal with him when he came, but he didn't expect that Dong Cheng and Xiao Meng, two very powerful thugs in their eyes, were still completely abused. And it was still a resounding slap in the face.

Just when everyone thought it was over, a slender figure rushed out from the crowd, grabbed the arm of the host Li Bai, and said, "Brother Li Bai, you are beating someone again, let me see who are you beating?"

"That's that? Feng Yunxi, who is ranked third among the top ten beauties? What's going on?" Countless people were surprised. This guy who just finished Wu Feng's two battles has turned the world upside down again. The top ten beauties of Huaxia College Feng Yunxi, who is not ranked third, is so close to him, what is going on.

Just when Li Bai smiled wryly, another figure appeared in front of him, it was Mu Xiaoting, staring at Feng Yunxi and Li Bai thoughtfully.

"Senior sister, it's all a misunderstanding. I have nothing to do with her." Li Bai wanted to pull his hand out of Feng Yunxi's arm, but was held tightly by the girl.

"Crazy woman, let go first." Li Bai smiled wryly, this is too ridiculous, why did they touch each other.

"What's the situation? Mu Xiaoting is here too. Look at that look of jealousy. Who the hell is this bastard who is so ruthless? My goddess, why did she fall in love with such an ugly man?" A certain nympho man scolded.

"Mu Xiaoting, who ranks fifth among Huaxia College's top ten beauties, is also here. Is it absolutely impossible that both Mu Xiaoting and Feng Yunxi like this ugly man?"

"Does it look good? Get out of here." Mu Xiaoting said coldly to the crowd around her with a cold face. The surrounding air instantly dropped a few degrees, but the goddess is just as beautiful when she gets angry.

After a pause, the group of people dispersed a bit, but they still didn't leave. There's no reason to miss such a beautiful plot, of course they can't leave.

"Hey, what's the relationship between you and brother Li Bai?" Feng Yunxi stared at Mu Xiaoting dissatisfied, and anger arose between the two beauties.

"It's none of your business, can you let go of his hand?" Mu Xiaoting stared at Feng Yunxi, and looked at Li Bai with resentful eyes. She just spent the night at his house last night. Why did Feng Yunxi have it today? what relationship.

"I won't let it go. It's none of your business. Who are you, brother Li Bai?" Feng Yunxi was also puzzled, why he didn't see Li Bai for a day, and then a woman appeared to snatch him for him.

Seeing the two beauties fighting each other, Li Bai was speechless. He lowered his head and didn't know what he was thinking, and he didn't know what to do.

A group of people are hiding in the distance. This picture is so beautiful that I dare not look at it. Unexpectedly, the master who was so domineering just now lowered his head, like a child who has done something wrong, between the two beauties.

The most shocking thing was Mu Xiaoting and Feng Yunxi, the two school beauties who openly competed against each other for this freshman, which was really shocking.

"Tsk tsk, first-hand information, first touching Su Daji, then beating Wang Chong, then abusing Wu Feng, and now being scrambled for by the two school beauties, the absolute man of the hour, it seems that there will be one more man of the year in China, and it looks like It's interesting to be at odds with the top ten generals." The glasses popped out of nowhere, and he took out his mobile phone from his pocket and started calling: "Hey, President, I want a raise."

"Then you two quarrel first, I'll leave first." Li Bai rushed out of the crowd, he really didn't know how to deal with this situation, so he had to get out of the way.

"Don't run, bastard." Mu Xiaoting and Feng Yunxi also followed, but obviously they couldn't catch up with Li Bai.

The main character is gone, and a group of spectators can only leave slowly, but today's excitement is very enjoyable, and there will be big news tomorrow.

Wu Feng looked at the crowd that had already dispersed, but he didn't realize it. Originally, he didn't know how to end it, but such a dramatic scene happened. But this time he fell, just like Wang Chong. .

"Mu Xiaoting, Feng Yunxi, just two nympho!" Wu Feng sneered, and said to the person beside him, "Call Wang Chong, I want to see him."

As for Deng Xin, he glanced at the fleeing figure from a distance, and couldn't help laughing, this guy who was so rampant just now, can't do anything about it, it's too funny, but it can provoke a fight between the two school beauties , It's too good.

"I'm really curious about what kind of person you are, why both Mu Xiaoting and Feng Yunxi like you, do I still have a chance?" Deng Xin blushed slightly, and asked herself in her heart.

Li Bai rushed back home, the woman was a terrifying creature, and the smell of gunpowder was so terrifying, it made him helpless.

Just then, there was a knock on the door.

Li Bai's heart skipped a beat, he wouldn't have chased him home, he couldn't drive it, he definitely couldn't drive it, the two women were too scary, and he would be the one who would suffer.

"Li Bai, open the door for me." Feng Yunxi's voice was still full of coquettishness.

"If you don't open the door, I'll hit the door."

Li Bai could only open the door, looked at the two beauties outside, and said with a wry smile, "I said, two aunts, what are you doing, why don't you fight, I don't care about you."

"She's a lady, she doesn't know how to fight, unlike some women who are like shrews, hum." Feng Yunxi smiled charmingly, and glanced at Mu Xiaoting next to her.

Mu Xiaoting didn't speak, she walked into the room with her long legs, took out the clothes she changed yesterday, and said with a light smile: "The bed is very comfortable, last night was too crazy, I will take the clothes away first Come on, next time you come to my house."

Li Bai really wanted to die. When Mu Xiaoting said that, didn't she just say that she spent the night here yesterday? Feng Yunxi's pretty face became very angry, and she stared at Li Bai.

After finishing speaking, Mu Xiaoting walked directly in front of Li Bai and said in a low voice, "I know you, you are not interested in some immature women, I'll go first."

Staring at the figure that Mu Xiaoting had already left, Li Bai was also stunned. This is really too lethal, and it is simply too lethal to Feng Yunxi. Although Feng Yunxi's chest is indeed not as big as Mu Xiaoting's, it is not impossible Fully grown.

"Ah, who is underdeveloped? Where is this girl underdeveloped? You are all silicone, so what are you proud of? This girl will definitely be bigger than you in the future." Feng Yunxi's face flushed with anger, and soon her breasts will be bigger. What are you proud of.

He lowered his head and looked at his chest, it was indeed not as big as Fanmu Xiaoting, he stomped his feet involuntarily, glared at Li Bai and said: "It's small, it's not small at all, big breasts are amazing, oh, I'm so pissed off. "

Li Bai could only smile helplessly, you are indeed not as big as others, who can blame this.

"Rogue, you're still young, isn't it funny? Sooner or later, I'll be older than that woman one day, and I'm still ranked third, and she laughs at me when she's only fifth, ugly girl." Feng Yunxi scolded, very cute and savage, just like Li Bai I don't know what to say.

Just when Feng Yunxi's pretty face was flushed with anger, there was another knock on the door.

Li Bai was slightly puzzled, did Mu Xiaoting come back?It doesn't seem to be, there are several people's footprints.

She winked at Mu Xiaoting, and then opened the door.

The door opened, and a few policemen stood outside the door with slightly joking expressions.

"Who are you looking for?" Li Bai blocked the door.

"Someone called the police. You have committed the crime of intentional wounding. Please go back to the police station with us to investigate." The leader of the bearded policeman said to Li Bai.

"Intentionally hurt people?" Li Bai was slightly taken aback. Could it be Wu Feng or Wang Chong?That would be considered a fight at best, it was far from intentionally hurting someone.

"Yes, you don't even know if you offended anyone, just go back to us obediently," said the male policeman.

"That's fine, I'll go with you after I prepare." Li Bai said.

"There's no need to prepare, she's going too, we suspect she's an accomplice." The policeman pointed frivolously at Feng Yunxi in the room.

Li Bai's expression changed. He knew that this must be Wu Feng or Wang Chong's method.

"This won't work," Li Bai said.

"No, it's not up to you." The man directly took out his pistol and pointed it at Li Bai's head, and said coldly, "Can we do it now?"

"I can go with you, don't touch her." Li Bai stared at the man with the gun. He had heard his father say that the hot weapons on the earth are very powerful. He was not sure if he could avoid it, or even if he couldn't. Can he resist.

The man with the gun smiled disdainfully, pulled the safety catch, and said coldly, "You have no right to say such things."

"You are not qualified either." An abrupt voice came from behind several police officers.

A seductive woman in black leather walked up to the policeman, stared at the armed policeman and said, "Mr. Police, can I do you a favor?"

"Beauty, you are so attractive." The policeman with a gun stared at the woman's enchanting face, his eyes straightened.

"Really, there are more attractive ones, do you want to see them?" The woman smiled coquettishly, pulled the collar on her chest a little, and raised her long legs to rub against the policeman's legs.

"That's an honor. I'll make you happy when I'm done." The policeman looked at Li Bai again, and said coldly, "Walk for me, kid."

(End of this chapter)

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