Chapter 2156 Maid
"Idiot." Li Bai said helplessly, it was obvious that this enchanting woman was not an ordinary person, the poor idiot was still thinking about things with his lower body.

"What did you say, bring it back to me." The policeman yelled directly at the few policemen behind him, but when he looked back, they all fell to the ground.

"Mr. Police, I'm so sorry. It seems that you have no chance to make me comfortable." The enchanting woman stretched out her tongue and licked her lips, and broke the policeman's neck.

"Little handsome guy, let's talk." The woman Taohua stared at Li Bai and said very charmingly.

"I'm not interested in old women, you can go." Li Bai said indifferently.

"Little bastard, who do you think is an old woman?" The woman's face changed, she was only 23 years old, how could she become an old woman, this little bastard is too bad at talking.

"Is there anyone else here?" Li Bai asked with a smile.

"Little bastard, you killed Hei Jiu, right?" The woman took a deep breath, she was really annoyed by Li Bai's old woman's voice, but he calmed down quickly after being on the knife's edge for a long time.

"You mean the one who plays with throwing knives? Is he your man?" Li Bai laughed, unexpectedly there was another accomplice, it seemed that he had stabbed a hornet's nest.

"He is not my mother's man, but if you kill him, we Hei Lang will not let you go." The woman stared at Li Bai and said coldly.

"Would it make my death easier if I don't resist?" Li Bai asked.

"For the sake of being so handsome, my sister can let you die comfortably." The woman opened her chest a little more, and there was a deep groove in it that made people think about it, which stimulated the hormones too much.

"I'm really not interested in old women, so don't bother. What's so good about a pile of pork belly? Besides, you have a strange smell. Is it body odor?" Li Bai swept his nose with his hands, but it was actually this woman. of perfume.

"You little bastard only has body odor, go to hell." The woman was really angry, what is a pile of pork belly, what is an old woman, and body odor, this bastard is too bastard.

Unable to bear it any longer, she started directly, and the woman's slender palm directly grabbed Li Bai's neck.

Li Bai's face changed slightly, and this woman actually felt a bit of cold air, this is real cold air, a layer of sharp ice ridges condensed on her fingers, it seems that she is similar to that black nine, they are all human beings with energy, But for Li Bai, this kind of energy is indeed pitifully weak.

The most important thing for a killer is the state of mind. This woman became so angry after Li Bai said a few words, and her attack has been messed up.

Li Bai swayed slightly, avoiding the woman's palm, and then rushed forward, punching the woman's 36D chest.

Who stipulated that a woman's chest cannot be hit in a fight, he has always paid attention to going straight to the vital point, although he is not afraid of a frontal attack, but if the fight can be resolved as soon as possible, why delay it.

Sure enough, when the woman saw Li Bai punching her plump breasts, she was in a panic. She cursed the little rascal in her heart, and stabbed Li Bai's fist with her palm upward.

Chi Chi!

Li Bai looked at the fist, and saw that the ice edge was blocked by him, but there was also a trace of fine ice on his hand, which was bitingly cold.

The silver star light shone slightly, and the ice on the fist disappeared without a trace.

"Try my teasing leg." Li Bai smiled, and kicked his right leg directly between the woman's legs. Who said that the bottom of a man is the key, but the bottom of a woman is still the key.

"Little rascal, I want you to die." The woman managed to block Li Bai's round of attacks, and couldn't help cursing in her heart. She has killed countless people, and she has never encountered such indiscriminate moves.

Li Bai's face was indifferent, he could do it however he felt comfortable, he could beat him no matter how obscene, between his legs, the part of the moon, was the place where he attacked the most intensively, as well as the buttocks and a series of embarrassing places.

Anyway, with his body, the woman's ice edge is useless to him, so he has nothing to worry about.

The more the woman fought, the more frightened he was. The air of ice chips he was so proud of was useless, and this kid was too powerful in combat. How shameless.

On the rooftop not far away, two men stared at the battle between Li Bai and the woman.

"Go, this kid is a little bit capable."

Li Bai punched the woman's plump chest and knocked her back. The hand felt good and soft. With a movement of his figure, he charged forward again.

Boom! !
Two gunshots came out, and Li Bai stopped abruptly, looking towards the source of the gunshots.

There were two figures one behind the other, and the bald man in front was holding a pitch-black pistol in his hand.

Li Bai was slightly taken aback. He thought he couldn't match the speed of the bullet, but it was not difficult to dodge it with his strength, but it was obvious that the pistol in the bald man's hand was unusual. It was much faster than ordinary pistols, and it also carried Has a strange energy.

"Boy, are you good at fighting?" The bald man walked over with a sneer.

"Fifth Sister, how are you?" The man behind helped the enchanting woman up.

"Give him to me, and I will torture this little bastard to death." The woman stared at Li Bai viciously, whether it was Li Bai calling her an old woman with pork belly, body odor, or Li Bai beating her moon, he almost collapsed. He has reason to play Li Bai absolutely to death.

"it is good."

The bald head said coldly, and then shot directly. He was sure to injure Li Bai but not let him die.

boom! !

Li Bai snorted and was shot in the thigh.

"Call work." The bald man put away the pistol, smiled and walked directly to Li Bai.

The bald man walked up to Li Bai and grabbed Li Bai's neck, but he missed.

Li Bai turned over, with silver light shining directly from his hands, and punched Baldhead's stomach, and then grabbed Baldhead's pistol and fell to the ground, the pistol became a spare part.

"Playing with guns? Are you hanging?" Li Bai slapped the bald man on the face. His thigh hurt. He could dodge, but he didn't. One was because it was too shocking, and the other was just wanting to try the power of this pistol. Sure enough, it still hurts, but it's nothing serious.

"Let go of third brother." An iron chain appeared in another man's hand, and rushed towards Li Bai like a poisonous snake.

"Let you be paralyzed, it hurts me to death." The silver light in Li Bai's hand instantly rose, and he grabbed the iron chain. He just wanted to try it, but unexpectedly it hurts. Who is to blame.

Grasping the iron chain in his hand, at the same time, the silver light flashed, and he rushed towards the man along the iron chain.

The terrifying high temperature directly burned the man's arm, and Li Bai's figure turned into a series of phantoms and rushed over.

A punch landed on the chained man's chest, ending the fight. With such low energy, it's not bad to be able to catch his punch.

"Brother Li Bai, are you okay?" Feng Yunxi kept hiding inside. She knew that Li Bai was very powerful, and these guys outside were also very powerful. If she went out by herself, she would definitely become Li Bai's burden. She was very smart.

"It's okay, I'll take care of it, you stay in the room first." Li Bai pushed Feng Yunxi into the room, closed the door, and looked at the three people who fell to the ground and lost their fighting power.

Feng Yunxi returned to the house obediently, and was very obedient at the critical moment, which reassured Li Bai a lot.

Li Bai walked up to the pale-faced Bing Leng woman, and said, "What organization are you from?"

"Little bastard, kill me, I won't tell you." The woman stared at Li Bai resentfully. Not a match for this guy.

"Kill you, but if you don't say anything, it may be very uncomfortable." Li Bai directly took the three of them into the Qiankun Ring.

His Qiankun Ring is not a simple storage, it is equivalent to a small space, even if people are inside, it will be fine.

The moment they entered the space, the three of them were shocked. Maybe they didn't expect what was going on, and they looked at Li Bai with nothing but fear.

This place seems to be a grassland. There is a huge castle in the center of the grassland. Above the grassland is a black hole and countless black vortexes.

"The two of them don't need to exist anymore." Li Bai sneered, and threw the bald man and the chained man directly into the black vortex above without even screaming.

"Where is this place?" The seductive woman looked around in a panic, even if he was a killer, there was nothing left but panic in this situation.

"Let me ask you again, who are you?" Li Bai stared at the seductive woman. Since he stabbed a hornet's nest, he must know how big the hornet's nest is, otherwise he would be very passive.

Intense horror flashed in the seductive woman's eyes, she stared at Li Bai in fear and said, "Hei Lang, we are all Hei Lang's killers, the ones you threw in just now were the third and fourth."

"Hei Lang, Killer Organization? Your purpose is to kill Su Meng, right? How much is the reward for this task, does it have to be completed, and what's your name?" Li Bai continued to ask.

"I don't know the remuneration. We are only responsible for killing people. When we go back to the organization, the commission will be given. I don't know my name. We are all killers trained since childhood. The code name is Black Five, and we are called Icethorn Rose." The woman said again , he was very scared, but he also had a feeling that Li Bai would not kill her.

"Bingthorn Rose, are you still innocent? If so, I won't kill you. Be a servant for me." Li Bai looked at her figure, although she was a killer, she couldn't bear it, And it's a pity that such a coquettish beauty was killed.

"I am, yes, but they will find me." Ice Spike worried, feeling a little thankful in his heart, although he used his body to seduce him, he still did.

"They can't find it. If you behave well, I can make you stronger. Otherwise, don't blame me for being ruthless. I will come to ask you about the black wolf from time to time. Stay here now, remember?" You must get close to that castle, or you will be killed without mercy." Li Bai said, it seems that it is not bad to have such a beautiful maid.

"Okay master brother, but can I change clothes?" Bingci looked at Li Bai coquettishly, and began to seduce Li Bai.

"Be careful, I'll go back and prepare clothes for you. There's everything here. You can call me if you have anything to do, and I'll hear it right away." Li Bai opened the icicle and took his hand, speechless.

What kind of world is this, the maid who was hired just now dared to tease him, he must be too bad-tempered.

He glanced at the ice spike again, and then left the space directly.

(End of this chapter)

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