The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2157 Heavenly Dragon Formation

Chapter 2157 Heavenly Dragon Formation

Li Bai went back outside and pulled Feng Yunxi, who was looking around at the door, into the room.

"Hey, what about those three people? What did you do to them?" Feng Yunxi asked curiously while holding Li Bai's arm.

"They ran away, let me go first." Li Bai was speechless, this girl was beautiful because she was clingy, she annoyed him.

"I won't let it go, I haven't seen you for two days, you pervert go around and mess around, how did you know that Mu Xiaoting, and that goblin Su Daji, did you touch him?" Feng Yunxi murmured asked with red lips.

"I've known Miss Xiaoting for a long time. What does it have to do with you? Su Daji also provoked me by himself. What can I do? Besides, I have nothing to do with her." Li Bai fell on the sofa. Why is this woman so troublesome? , It seems that he has to think again. Seeing that Dad has so many mothers who get along so happily, why can't the women on this earth not do it? Aren't mothers also from the earth? It's annoying.

Feng Yunxi was full of disbelief, and she was even more worried when Li Bai said that Mu Xiaoting had known her for a long time, and Mu Xiaoting took her clothes just now, didn't she say that the woman spent the night here, which made her even more angry.

"Did that woman spend the night here yesterday, what happened to you and him, how could you do this, people have touched it for you, you and that woman stayed overnight, you heartless man, you are not responsible for me, are you? The more Feng Yunxi said, the more wronged she became, tears fell down, and Li Bai felt helpless, how could this woman force the other to cry.

When he was a child, his younger sisters often used crying to cure him, but now he is blinded when he sees a beautiful woman crying. Are women really made of water?

"Nothing, I'm still a full-fledged virgin, if you don't believe me, come and try it, can you go home?" Li Bai is about to drive someone away, this is his own place, he can't drive people away yet.

"I'm not leaving, I'm going to sleep here today." Feng Yunxi was lying on the bed, he knew that Mu Xiaoting slept here yesterday, so of course she also wanted to sleep here in order not to lose.

"Then do whatever you want, I'll go out for a stroll." Li Bai saw that the girl would not leave, so he had no choice but he had to go out to do something.

The sudden disappearance of those policemen might be very bad for him. The policemen killed by Icethorn before were all taken into the ring space by him. If anyone knew, they might find him here.

Do you want to move, but if you move, he has paid half a year's rent here, so it's not a bad loss.

"Forget it, just wait, anyway, he didn't kill him, so there shouldn't be any trouble." Li Bai gritted his teeth, he could only bet that no one knew about these guys before they came.

"There are still more than 2 yuan, what can I do, what business is the most profitable, farmer? Dad is already the strongest farmer, I have to start from other aspects, and it is not realistic in this city , you can't farm the land." Li Bai thought in his heart, but he couldn't make up his mind for a while, so he could only think slowly.

Unintentionally came to Antique Street again, Li Bai looked at Antique Street, it seemed that something was wrong, why was there no one on the street, could it be that they didn't do business anymore, even Old Man Feng's antique shop he visited last time The door was closed, but there seemed to be someone inside.

Li Bai went to the door and knocked, but there was no response, but he sensed that there were people inside, Old Man Feng and Fang Yuncheng were also inside, but he didn't intend to open the door.

The two old men seemed to be struggling too. Old man Chen seemed to sit up and open the door, but was stopped by Fang Yuncheng.

Li Bai knew that they were afraid, afraid of themselves, or afraid of someone.

It's not that there is no one on this street, but everyone is hiding in the house. It seems that someone is targeting him.

"Boy, I've been waiting for you for a long time, hehe." Zhao San with a mustache appeared behind Li Bai, and countless figures rushed out from the antique street, surrounding Li Bai in the middle.

Li Bai chuckled, it turned out to be this guy, it seemed that he had been waiting for him to come back a long time ago, and he was still not convinced by the last time he beat him up.

"Sure enough, it's still you, what do you mean by that?" Li Bai smiled lightly, it seems that he didn't hit the mustache hard enough last time.

"What do you mean, haha, boy, you really think you can step on my Mr. Zhao, what are you, dare to touch me, Mr. Zhao. Labor and management have been in this street for 30 years. At that time, you didn't know where you were. Eating poop, dare to let me go, what are you, let you know the fate of offending me, Zhao San today." Zhao San stared at Li Bai proudly, today he is well prepared, he has already made eyeliner, as soon as Li Bai appears , just block the Antique Street and let Li Bai in, and then no one will know what happened here.

As for the businessmen in Antique Street, he is not afraid at all, as long as this kid is dealt with, Zhao San has never been afraid of anyone in this street, and he will still be the emperor of this street in the future.

"Are you sure you can beat me with these trash?" Li Bai pointed to the dozens of people surrounding him. Doesn't this idiot know that the number is not the key to winning or losing?

"You don't know you're about to die, just don't cry later, hum." A man in tights came out from behind Zhao San and stared at Li Bai disdainfully.

Li Bai looked at the man, his body was muscular, and he looked like a bodybuilder in tights, but he had already seen that this guy was a master of ancient martial arts, and almost 80.00% of this group of people knew ancient martial arts.

Zhao San's reliance seems to be the group of ancient martial arts masters brought by this muscular man. Li Bai also understands that if he only knows a little kung fu, Zhao San and these people are enough to beat him into a dog, but it's a pity Well, he doesn't just know a little ancient martial arts, and he knows more than just ancient martial arts.

Even compared to ancient martial arts, he has integrated all the essence of ancient Chinese martial arts, and he is not comparable to these half-baked ones. If Li Bai's ancient martial arts is the highest level, then these people's ancient martial arts may not even be considered the lowest level. Is there any comparison?

"May I ask you, muscular man, what are these guys with some kung fu doing? Does ancient Chinese martial arts seem to be very popular now?" Li Bai asked. He really didn't know about this. Has it become popular again?

"Idiot, brother Lu, let's do it, this guy is a bit strong, you go together." Zhao San said vigilantly, although he had these practitioners, he was still a little afraid of Li Bai beating him up that day. very strong.

"Don't worry, after taking your money, we certainly won't do it in vain, and this is not the first time. If our Tianwu school can't even handle this kid, it might as well go bankrupt." The muscular man 'Lu Feng' said, they are For the people of Tianlong Martial Arts School, he is the teacher, and the rest are students.

Just as Li Bai imagined, ancient martial arts has indeed become popular again, and some ancient martial arts families and ancient martial arts sects have flourished again decades ago.

So nowadays, ancient martial arts is nothing. Even Huaxia College has an ancient martial arts department, but Li Bai didn't pay attention.

Although sects and aristocratic families are still few, there are many martial arts schools. Almost every city has several ancient martial arts academies, and Huaxia Academy also has martial arts clubs. Nowadays, many young people also know ancient martial arts, but most of them are only half-baked. To learn ancient martial arts, you must at least be in the ancient martial arts academy, or the ancient martial arts sect.

Of course, not just anyone can enter the Ancient Martial Arts School, and those who are not talented enough will not accept it, so many people who like Ancient Martial Arts choose to enter the Ancient Martial Arts Academy instead.

Tianlong Martial Arts School can be ranked in the top ten of Ancient Martial Arts Academy even in Huaxia, but its reputation is very bad. For martial arts schools, of course, they will not let go of the opportunity of actual combat.

The easiest way to get an actual combat opportunity is of course to fight. Accepting the entrustment of some people who need to fight in the society can make money and improve the actual combat ability of the students. Why not do it.

"Well, you guys go up together, come on." Li Bai looked at these people, and sooner or later there would be a fight, so don't waste time.

As the school's coach, Lu Feng gave him a bit of wink. He had a faint feeling that Li Bai's strength was not weak, so he was not polite. He waved his hand and shouted directly: "Let's go together, Tianlong Formation."

Li Bai's face changed slightly, it's not bad, there is still a formation, this ancient martial arts has indeed revived, so it's also a good time to try this Heavenly Dragon Formation.

There are a total of 36 people, with Lu Feng as the core, forming a dragon, attacking and defending each other, it is actually decent.

Lu Feng was the leader, and rushed directly to Li Bai, with more than a dozen fists hitting Li Bai, it was indeed a bit strong.

But it also depends on who the target is. Li Bai just smiled slightly, and stepped slightly in frustration, avoiding the attack range of the dragon head directly, so-so.

But as soon as his body stopped, the attack like a dragon's claw enveloped him again, very ferocious.

Li Bai smiled helplessly, his figure flickered again, but fell into the place of the dragon's tail again, and the dragon's tail formed by more than a dozen people attacked him again. It has to be said that the Heavenly Dragon Formation is really strong this day.

If Li Bai wasn't fast enough, he would have been attacked, but it's a pity that he was so fast.

"It's quite fun. It seems that ancient martial arts have indeed become popular. Then the world will be more fun. Now it's my turn." Li Bai smiled, and his figure flickered, and he escaped from the tail-flicking attack of the dragon's tail and appeared near Loutong. .

With a loud shout, he said, "Since you are dragons, then look at my dragon-slaying cross palm."


Li Bai's whole body moved, and countless palm shadows appeared out of thin air, meeting the fists of the leader Lu Feng and a dozen students.

The fists and palms intersected, the shadows of palms fluttered, and there was a faint sound of dragon chant. It was much stronger than the Heavenly Dragon Formation formed by dozens of people like Lu Feng. It had its shape but lacked its spirit. Palm, but has both form and spirit, this is the real dragon-slaying palm.

Bang bang bang!Countless palm shadows formed a huge cross palm print and shattered Tianlong into pieces.

Lu Feng took the brunt of the blow and flew out directly, the Heavenly Dragon Formation was directly shattered, countless students were also directly blasted into the air, and after a short period of time in the air, they fell to the ground, and the Heavenly Dragon was slaughtered.

"How is it possible?" Zhao San was shocked again, he even forgot to run.

(End of this chapter)

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