The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2158 Abolish the Meridians

Chapter 2158 Abolish the Meridians
Lu Feng wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and stared at Li Bai in horror. Even though he already knew that Li Bai had good skills, this was too strong. Not only was he fast, but he also directly broke through dozens of people. The skills of Tianlongzhen are definitely masters of ancient martial arts.

Although the Heavenly Dragon Formation formed by dozens of people is not too strong, but Li Bai is obviously stronger. He glanced at Zhao San fiercely, thinking that such a powerful master, you still let me come, isn't this courting death?

A group of students is different, they can naturally see that Li Bai's age is about the same as them, even younger than them, and he possesses such powerful power, his eyes are full of fear and admiration, the worship of the strong, They even regarded Li Bai as a genius disciple from which ancient martial arts sect.

Li Bai walked up to Zhao San, stared at him with a pale face and trembling calves, and said with a smile: "I seem to have told you that I disappeared from the antique street. It seems that what you said was farting, right? Those who have been warned once, I generally will not warn again."

"Hero, I was wrong. I was blind and confused. Just treat me as an ass and forgive me this time. I, Zhao San, will never come to Antique Street again. I will do what I say." With a sound, he knelt down on the ground and lay down in front of Li Bai with tears in his eyes.

At this time, there were more antique street businessmen who were scared to hide in the house. Seeing that Mr. Zhao, who had oppressed them for many years, was turned into this appearance, they all felt refreshed.

"You deserve it, Zhao San, you bullied us before, you're unlucky now, it's so refreshing." A 30-year-old woman cursed, and at the same time kept looking at Li Bai with winking eyes.

"I'm so happy. I've long hoped that someone would teach Zhao San a lesson, and now there is someone, haha."

"Those people from the Tianlong Martial Arts School are nothing. They used to help Zhao San to bully us. They really deserve it."

Li Bai pulled Zhao San up, and slapped Zhao San several times, each time as if it was on Zhao San's heart, and said: "This is the price you should pay. Be a good person in the future, otherwise you will only be able to live forever." That's it, go away."

Zhao San was ashamed, he felt as if his body had been emptied, his whole body strength was gone, he would tremble as soon as he exerted himself, but he still trembled and left quickly, if he stayed any longer, he didn't know if he would survive .

Li Bai's slaps directly destroyed his eight meridians. In the future, as long as he used a little force, his whole body would tremble continuously. If there is no special method, everyone will be like this for a lifetime.

"As for you, you also need to be punished. Your Tianlong Martial Arts School is too unruly." Li Bai stared at Lu Feng, who was pale. Do less.

"What are you going to do? Let me tell you. I'm a teacher of Tianlong Martial Arts School. You'd better not mess around." There was a trace of blood on the corner of Lu Feng's mouth, and now hearing Li Bai's words, cold sweat broke out on his face.

"I don't know the reputation of the Tianlong Martial Arts School, but just because you and Zhao San are in the same ranks, it won't be very good. The martial arts school doesn't even have the most basic martial arts virtues. What's the use of the ancient martial arts you taught? It's your student, and when I go out in the future, I don't even have the most basic martial arts martial arts, what is it not a disaster?" Li Bai said angrily, what he said was the truth, although ancient Chinese martial arts have risen again, it seems that only ancient martial arts have risen. But Wude Wufeng has been forgotten.

In this way, it is better not to get up, which makes him unable to ignore it, staring at a group of students and said: "Ancient martial arts is to strengthen the body and protect yourself. It does not require you to be brave, but at least you can't bully the weak. What are you doing, bullying these helpless businessmen? What are you learning ancient martial arts for? If you don’t understand this, I can abolish your poor ancient martial arts.”

"But it's not your fault. Today I only lectured your instructors, but you should pay attention in the future. If you use ancient martial arts to bully others, maybe you don't have to take action, and others will take action to teach you."

Li Bai turned around and patted Lu Feng's chest and abdomen, saying: "Tianlong Martial Arts School, if you are not convinced, you can come to me. My name is Li Bai, a student of Huaxia College."

Li Bai crippled Lu Feng's meridians with one palm, then turned to the students and said, "Take your teacher and go, remember what I said."

A lean student walked up to Li Bai, bowed deeply and said, "Thank you."

Then all the students clasped their fists and bowed to Li Bai, thanked them all, and then left with Lu Feng, who was completely limp.

At this time, countless businessmen from Antique Street came out and applauded Li Bai, making him feel embarrassed.

"Brother Li Bai, you won't blame us for not coming out just now." Fang Yuncheng and old man Feng walked in front and smiled at Li Bai.

"It's okay, I understand." Li Bai said with a smile. They are all businessmen, and he doesn't need to care about anything. It is human nature to protect oneself, and he can understand it.

"You don't have to worry about it in the future. Zhao San really won't come to Antique Street this time. Don't worry, everyone." Li Bai said, actually a little embarrassed. Last time he promised that Zhao San would not come, but today he unexpectedly Come on, isn't this a slap in the face?

"Well, thank you little brother. In order to thank little brother Li Bai, let me make a decision. In the future, everyone's business will be better. Let the little brother protect us. Everyone has seen the ability of the little brother. Give the little brother a little bit every month." Qian, it can be regarded as hiring a super bodyguard, what do you think." Old man Feng said.

Suddenly, there was a burst of discussion among the crowd, but many people still agreed. Today's ancient Chinese martial arts are popular again. Of course, the law and order is much worse. Of course, this can't be helped. In terms of overall quality, the Chinese people have become stronger. Of course There will be more fights.

Being able to invite a powerful ancient martial arts master like Li Bai to protect them, even if they paid a little money, they felt that they could afford it. It was much better than Zhao San exploiting them before.

Li Bai shook his head and said with a smile: "Everyone is too polite. I don't have much time, so I don't need it. It's not easy for everyone to earn money. What's the matter with me? Then I'm not the same as Zhao San." Well, but if someone like Zhao San comes again, I will help you drive them away."

"How can this be done? If you help us, of course we can't let you do it in vain, so we are also uneasy. Don't think our antique street is not good, but we are not poor people, and the profit of antiques is also very high. We can still afford this amount of money." Old man Feng said again, he might not know that his granddaughter is already having an affair with him, and he won't know how he will feel when he finds out.

"That's right, we can't let our little brother do nothing for nothing, why don't we have to express it, my daughter is not married yet, little brother Li Bai, you still have a family, my daughter is very good." A middle-aged woman Smiling to Li Bai, it would be great if he could turn this powerful little brother into his son-in-law.

"What are you talking about? Isn't your daughter still in junior high school? Little brother, what do you think of me? I'm still single. It seems that God arranged for me to wait for you." The beautiful woman in her 30s just now Staring at Li Baijiao, she said with a smile, she wished she could lie directly on Li Bai's body. If she can fight like this, she must be very strong in that aspect, she thought to herself.

"Don't have a fever, little brother is so good, don't spoil her, I think my daughter is not bad, little brother, please think about it."

A group of people began to introduce their daughters or themselves to Li Bai one by one. They felt sorry for our classmate Li Bai, who only had a wry smile on his face. Even if I could be a little more, you guys are too enthusiastic.

"Well, Mr. Feng, I'm leaving first." Li Bai was so frightened that he ran away quickly. These people were really much stronger than him, and they couldn't do without running.

Li Bai had just rushed out of the Antique Street, just in time to bump into Feng Yunxi, and unexpectedly bumped into Feng Yunxi again here.

"Damn rascal, why are you running?" Feng Yunxi glared at Li Bai, does this bastard really want to hide from her?

"Um, no, I'm going home first, you can ask your grandpa." Li Bai hurried away, it was too scary, it was really scary.

Li Bai had just returned home, and it was past nine o'clock, but it seemed to be still early for bed. He had just turned on the satellite TV, and there was a knock on the door, and he couldn't help being annoyed. Could it be that girl Feng Yunxi came again, so he couldn't stop for a while.

I looked through the door and found that it was not. There was a middle-aged man in a suit standing at the door, and behind him were two muscular men who looked like bodyguards.

Opening the door, Li Bai stared at the middle-aged man and said, "Who are you looking for?"

"Your name is Li Bai, right? I wonder if we can talk about things." The middle-aged man stared at Li Bai, and he was observing Li Bai.

"What are you talking about, don't bother me if you have nothing to do, I'm going to close the door and fart." Li Bai said, I don't care who you are, why so many people are looking for him, first Feng Yunxi and Mu Xiaoting, then the police, and then Someone who has something to do with the black wolf.

Then he could still fight when he went out, too many things happened in these few hours, he was very impatient.

Seeing Li Bai's bad tone, the two bodyguards behind the middle-aged man seemed a little displeased, but they were stopped by the middle-aged man. He stared at Li Bai and said, "My name is Su Hongming, and I am Su Meng's father, because I know that Su Meng When she was assassinated, you saved her, and you are also classmates, so I want to ask you something."

Li Bai's face changed, it turned out that it was Su Daji's father who came, maybe it has something to do with Su Daji not coming to class today.

"Then come in, these two people don't need to come in, I don't welcome muscular men here." Li Bai smiled, two muscular men are dragging me, who will give you a big plate.

There was anger in the eyes of the two. Although they didn't want to go in at first, they undoubtedly provoked them by saying this and looked down on them. This kid is really rampant. He actually said that they are muscular men, which is really kind.

"Okay, they won't come in, you guys are outside, Adong and Atian." Su Hongming glanced at the two of them, thinking that Li Bai really doesn't give him face at all, and it depends on the owner if he beats the dog. But this also made him have a deeper impression of Li Bai.

(End of this chapter)

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