The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2159 A Woman Without Vision

Chapter 2159 A Woman Without Vision
Entering the room, the two sat on the sofa, and Li Bai poured Su Hongming a glass of water, saying that he was an elder.

"Come on, what's the matter?" Li Bai spoke first, the old guy kept looking at him, making him uncomfortable, so he had to stop him, otherwise the old guy didn't know when he was going to see it.

Su Hongming's expression changed, he also knew that he was a bit reckless, he just wanted to see what was different about this young man, worthy of his daughter's respect, but he didn't see it now, he just felt like a somewhat arrogant college student , As for the skill, he couldn't tell.

"You and Su Meng are classmates, so I'll just call you Li Bai. The first thing I want to thank you for coming today is to ask you something, which is also about Su Meng." Su Hongming said, his composure towards Li Bai was rather I really admire who he is, one of the few entrepreneurs in China, worth billions, such a big storm, such a young and promising talent, I have never seen it before, but the arrogance of Li Bai seems to be stronger than anyone else.

He didn't understand this point. Even if he didn't have such arrogance himself, he couldn't understand this young man. This kind of arrogance seemed to be innate rather than acquired, which made him a little puzzled.

"Actually, Su Meng and I are just classmates. To tell you the truth, there was a little misunderstanding between us on the first day. Now we can't even count as face friends. It is human nature to save her yesterday. Thank you." If you don’t, I don’t need it, I just saved her out of self-preservation.” Li Bai watched the program on TV boredly, meaning that I might not help you.

Su Hongming also understood what Li Bai meant, but since he came, he was naturally somewhat sure.

"To tell you the truth, I have no other choice. The business is a bit big, and I offended people who shouldn't be offended. Although I can resist in business, I can't protect my daughter. You should know what the assassination was yesterday. Are you a human?" Su Hongming looked at Li Bai, he knew that Li Bai was a master of ancient martial arts, or he guessed that Li Bai must be a disciple of some ancient martial arts school or family, otherwise it would be impossible to be so powerful.

"Black Wolf Killer Group, you should just tell me what you want me to do." Li Bai said, he already had a vague guess, but he couldn't say it himself, otherwise it would be worthless.

"I want to ask you to protect Xiaomeng. If you weren't present yesterday, Xiaomeng might have died. I really appreciate you for being able to take action, but I'm also sorry. The person who made you offend Heilang, Heilang is The International Assassin Group, they should be hired to kill my daughter, if there is no expert to protect, I am really worried." Su Hongming said that her relationship with her daughter is not good, but Su Meng is his only daughter. Wrong, he didn't want a white-haired person to send a black-haired person.

"As for revenge, as long as I can take it out, I will not refuse. Xiaomeng's mother died when he was ten years old. I haven't fulfilled the responsibility of a father these years. I just want to give him the best. Good ignorance conditions, but ignores what she really wants, because of her mother's death, she still hates me, but I can't let her have trouble." Su Hongming's face was heavy, although his vision was successful, but for Family, but he is a failure, he is not a good husband, nor a good father, he blames himself, but there is nothing he can do, but he must not let his daughter have an accident.

"It has nothing to do with me, but the Heilang people have already set their sights on me, but it's okay, as long as they dare to come, I can let them stay forever. As for protecting Su Daji... Su Meng's matter, as long as I You can rest assured that Hei Lang's people won't be able to kill her." Li Bai picked his nose, but in fact he was just doing it casually, or he was a little cautious, after all, she is a beautiful woman, and if she was killed by some Hei Lang's It would be a pity if the killer was killed.

Although it's not his yet, but no matter who it is, killing such a delicate beauty is too unconscionable, and no one will try it.

"That's good, that's good. As an incompetent father, I still want to thank you. There are 1000 million in this card. Although I know you don't care, please accept it. This is my heart." Su Hongming Pass a card to Li Bai, although it is not much in his opinion, but 1000 million is a huge sum of money for many people.

Li Bai's heart skipped a beat, who said he doesn't care, it's not easy to do without money, and everything is easy if he has money, but he still can't show it, it's okay to pretend to be noble.

"This is not so good. Su Meng and I are also classmates. I guarantee that she will be fine at school. You can rest assured about that." Li Bai didn't reach out to pick up the card, but he already felt that it belonged to him .

Sure enough, Su Hongming is also a smart person, and he put the card directly on the coffee table in front of him. He is a businessman, and he understands the principle of taking whatever you want. Of course, as long as you don't refuse the money, why don't you feel embarrassed not to take it in the future?

"The little girl, I'm begging you. It's getting late, so I'll leave first." Su Hongming stood up and said goodbye directly. If Li Bai returned, wouldn't it be a waste of success, not to mention it's getting late now.

After Su Hongming left, Li Bai hurriedly put the card on the coffee table into the space ring. If you have money, you can do everything easily. Before you didn't have money, you really didn't know where to start.

Silent night, the next day.

In the third class of pharmacy, Su Daji came to class. When she saw Li Bai, she smiled and was full of admiration, and said, "Brother Superman, I haven't seen you all day yesterday. I miss you so much. Do you miss me?"

"No." Li Bai said directly without changing his face.

"It's okay, you will miss me from now on. I heard that you taught Wang Chong and Wu Feng a lesson yesterday. It's really great." Su Meng looked at Li Bai.

"It's just a lesson. You don't know that you weren't here yesterday. I'm much more comfortable. You stay away from me. There are so many people, so behave yourself." Li Bai pulled his hand out of Su Daji's arms, although it was indeed very soft. , but he was still a little unaccustomed to it.

"I don't, do you dislike him, but it's okay, he will treat you well, you must not know how much he missed you yesterday, and wished he could come to class right away, and finally came out today." Su Daji hugged Li Bai's arm again, It gave him a bad feeling.

He really couldn't imagine that if Su Daji and Feng Yunxi met together, it would definitely be sparks hitting the earth, and the two goblins would like to eat him, and even fight.

As for the class, I don't know what the teacher said. Pharmacy is all about the dosage of various medicines. Li Bai didn't care.

As the son of Li Xiaogang who has the divine power of Nuwa, Li Bai's talent is not weak, whether it is ancient martial arts, cultivation, or learning.

He has also been very interested in pharmacology since he was born. He should be interested in thousands of Chinese medicines in China, not only Chinese medicines, but also elixir and spiritual herbs in the cultivation world. He is very interested.

He is also very interested in alchemy, but with his current strength, talking about alchemy is too far away, so he can only delve into the medicinal herbs in the history of China.

So he came to Huaxia College and also entered pharmacy, wanting to know what is the difference between pharmacy now.

However, in the past two days, he hasn't heard any particularly useful knowledge. If Su Daji hadn't been harassing him, he would have fallen asleep on the table long ago.

Li Bai could only look at Deng Xin behind him, and said, "Sister, you go ahead, I'll sleep, this woman is too annoying."

Regardless of Deng Xin's agreement or not, Li Bai directly pulled Deng Xin up, sat on her seat, lay down and began to sleep, Su Meng's chest was heaving in anger, this bastard just didn't want to sit with her .

"Xiaomeng, I think Li Bai must have not slept well last night, so you can let him sleep." Deng Xin understandingly pulled Su Meng to sit in Li Bai's seat. In fact, she was here originally, but Li Bai came to snatch her seat that day, and seeing Su Meng and Li Bai playing pranks again, there was nothing he could do.

"This bastard, I'm so mad, Xinxin, tell me what happened yesterday, I heard that you were with this bastard." Su Meng asked Deng Xin, pulling her.

"Well, it's really nothing. I took Li Bai to join the club yesterday, and then something happened. He was just trying to help me. Li Bai is still a very good person." Deng Xin explained what happened yesterday, let Su Daji had a great time listening to it.

She knew that this guy was a master of ancient martial arts. The killers who appeared that day were so powerful that they were all beaten away by Li Bai. Wu Feng and Wang Chong are nothing. I am afraid that only the top three of the top ten generals can compete with Li Bai.

"By the way, Wu Feng and Wang Chong should take revenge, right? Why is there no movement, but that fellow Wu Feng annoys me, so he won't come to pester me now, thanks to the rascal Li Bai." Su Daji looked at Li Bai who was sleeping on the table, he looked very handsome while sleeping.

"No, but there is something I told you that you will definitely be angry." Deng Xin bit her lip, she thought it would be better to tell Su Daji in advance.

"What is it, is it about this bastard?" Su Daji glanced at Li Bai, she had a very bad feeling.

Deng Xin nodded and asked, "You like Li Bai, right?"

"Tch, who would like this bastard, I don't like him." Su Daji denied it directly, but Deng Xin could tell that although Su Daji was talking about bastards and hooligans, she obviously had a crush on Li Bai.

"You're right if you don't like him. Yesterday, two girls were jealous of him. Many people saw it." Deng Xin observed Su Meng's expression. Sure enough, after she finished speaking, Su Daji's pretty face changed, and she tried her best. He stared at Li Bai who was sleeping soundly on the table.

"Would it be? If two blind women are jealous of him, I think they must be blind. This kind of unattractive, bastard, rogue pervert will be jealous. They must be blind." Su Daji spat with disdain on her pretty face, but she panicked in her heart. Although she did not admit that she liked Li Bai, it was in front of Deng Xin.

(End of this chapter)

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